Dragonlord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Dragonlord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 11

by Delta James

  Bridget watched with wonder as her lover from the last night, the one who had taken her to heights of passion she had never known before, turned from man to dragon. She took a step back and shook her head. She had known the truth and even seen the transformation, but still the reality of the great beast before her was somewhat terrifying. She steeled herself and worried that she would be unable to crawl up onto his back. When he approached her and leaned his head into hers, she knew the truth. Even though the pupils had changed shape, it was Gideon’s eyes that stared back at her. Taking a deep breath, she ran her hand up his face and down along his neck, using his proffered leg to climb aboard. She grasped the thick skin of his neck and felt him trot and then run as his wings began to beat a steady tempo, as the earth fell away and she took to the skies for the first time.

  She wanted to savor the experience. It was terrifying yet exhilarating at the same time. The fear quickly left her, and she was able to embrace the joy of being among the clouds. At first, she worried about looking down, but quickly realized that the dizzying height didn’t bother her in the least. Gideon flew with a graceful strength that was mesmerizing and arousing. She laughed with abandon and caught his eye as he glanced back and saw her embrace the heavens. Bridget threw her arms wide as if to hug the sky.

  Gideon began to do more than just fly in a straight line at the same speed. Wanting to share her experience, he began to soar through the atmosphere as if they were dancing. He swooped down to fly so close to the sea that he could reach down with his claws and flick water up at her, making her giggle in a way she hadn’t since she was a child.

  A child. Ciara. Her daughter. She needed to tell Gideon about Ciara. Surely he wouldn’t expect her to leave her behind. Even if Gideon accepted that Ciara would be with them at Tintagel, how would Ruari respond? Would he accept that his brother’s child would be raised not just in another pack, but by a dragon? Bridget pushed such thoughts aside as she embraced the happiness and rightness of this moment.

  As the sun began its decline on the horizon, she realized Gideon was skimming closer to the earth. When he let out a mighty roar, she assumed they must now be over his territory. They flew low enough that she could see people look up and recognizing their lord, send up a cheer of greeting. He circled a large castle that was partly in ruins on what had once been a headland, but which time, sea, and erosion had made an island. She could see evidence of a massive construction project underway. Gideon landed in a cleared space just outside what she assumed was the main keep.

  Bridget slid from his back and watched him shift from dragon to man. He withdrew clothes from the carpetbag and was quickly dressed. He joined her and lifted her up, tossing her so that he had his arms locked under her rump and she towered over him. Leaning on his shoulders, she leaned down and kissed him.

  He set her down. “You seemed to enjoy your first flight.”

  “Gideon, it was incredible. Nothing could have prepared me for that. It was as if we danced not only with air currents, but with time itself.”

  He nodded. “It is easy to lose yourself when you are amongst the clouds. And if you want, meurgerys, we can fly locked together in an intimate embrace.”

  Bridget was startled when there was a discreet clearing of a man’s throat behind them.

  “Cadan,” Gideon said as he turned Bridget around, “may I introduce you to Bridget, your lady and my mate. Bridget, this is Cadan.”

  “Our beta, right? And you are mated to Demelza and have two young sons?”

  “Yes, Milady,” Cadan answered, impressed that Gideon had spoken of him and his family to his mate.

  “Please call me Bridget. Gideon told me that repairs to our home were underway, but I had no idea as to the scope of the work.” Looking beyond him to the other workers, she spied a lovely woman standing amongst them with a bouquet of daffodils and heather. “And you must be Demelza,” she said, starting toward her.

  “I am, Milady. We are so glad you are home.”

  Linking her arm through Demelza’s, Bridget took the bouquet and started toward the castle. “Why don’t we let them talk strategies and battlements and you and I can discuss the more important things like where we will sleep and eat.”

  Demelza laughed and strolled away with her new mistress. Bridget was delighted when the people from the village and surrounding area began arriving and built a large bonfire. She laughed when Gideon lit the stacked wood on fire with a simple puff of fire. The food and fellowship reminded her of all the good times she had enjoyed at Dundalk. She was humbled by the warm and welcoming attitude of the people of Tintagel. They seemed to hold her mate in high regard and were genuinely happy that she had joined them.

  Gideon was attentive, relaxed, and loving. He ensured that all of her needs were met, and she often found his hand resting on the inside of her thigh or the fullness of her buttocks. Gideon seemed pleased with the progress that had been made on the castle.

  “Any signs of trouble?” asked Cadan.

  “For the time being the wolves seem to be keeping the peace, but there is trouble between the wolf factions.”

  Bridget nodded. “Edwyn of Chepstow seems to have been trying to divide Britannia into half. From what they...”

  “They?” asked Cadan.

  “Yes, Alaric of Calon Onest in Wales, Gareth of Ravenscar in Northern England, and Ruari of Dundalk, my former liege lord, in Eire. Their intelligence suggests that Simon of York would have ruled the north. Neither Gareth nor Alaric were convinced that the plan was hatched by either of them or that their deaths will stop whoever is behind it.”

  “How did your former pack become involved?” inquired Cadan.

  “Ruari was beta to Gareth for years. When his brother, my former mate died, Ruari came home and took on the mantle of alpha. The three packs are closely allied as Ruari is mated to the sister of Alaric’s mate, Alaric and Gareth are brothers, and Gareth’s mate is a close friend to both Rowan and Arielle. When Edwyn moved against Gareth, he and the Ruling Council found there was a powerful alliance to be contended with.”

  “That was the battle I saw coming home?” asked Gideon.

  “Yes. Both Edwyn and Simon were killed.” She turned to Cadan. “I saw fishing boats at the village piers. Gideon says that you have heard rumors of trouble from the Old Continent. Have your fishermen heard anything?”

  “They are simple fishermen.”

  Bridget laughed. “Don’t you believe it. My father was a fisherman. He always knew things before those in the high keep. They may know things and may even know things they don’t know they know.”

  Cadan grinned. “You mate has a keen mind that exceeds her beauty.”

  Gideon agreed. “That she does as well as a passionate and responsive nature. She may well have a point. Talk to the fishermen and see what they know. Ask them to keep their eyes and ears open. Tell them there will be a reward for information that proves useful.”

  “Yes, Gideon. I’ll start spreading the word.”

  Bridget leaned back against Gideon. “Thank you for that.”

  “For what?”

  “Including me.”

  “You have insight into the inner workings of wolves that we simply don’t have. You sounded as though you respected this alliance.”

  “I do. They are all good, strong, capable alphas. If there is only one dragon, do you think it might be advantageous to ally yourself...”

  “Ourselves,” he said, interrupting her.

  “Ourselves,” she said with a smile. “I’m not sure I will be of much use to you. You might want to leave out the fact that you have turned a she-wolf. Born she-wolves are still not plentiful and some packs do not want to turn humans as they believe humans are inferior.”

  Gideon shook his head. “If you’re trying to ensure the continuation of your species, what does it matter. And if you are able to transform your mate to one of your own kind, why would the circumstances of her birth matter?”

  “You’d be surprised. I am.
.. was she-wolf born but was the daughter of a fisherman. There were those, mostly outside my pack, who felt my mate and chosen beneath his station... my own father among them.” Bridget finished the last with a laugh.

  Gideon leaned close, nuzzling her neck. “They were wrong.”

  Bridget felt herself blushing and felt she was far too mature to do so.

  “He’s right, Milady, any man would be lucky to be called to you,” assured Cadan.

  “I fear that you are as gallant as my mate, but I thank you for that.”

  “I assure you, there is no one here who doesn’t understand why Gideon went to find you. We have waited a long time for his return, but he has waited even longer for you.”

  Gideon stood and extended his hand to her. “Come, mate, let’s join the others and dance around our bonfire.”

  Bridget laughed, took his hand, and joined the rest of their people enjoying their musicians, dancing under the stars. As Bridget became better acquainted with her new mate over the course of the evening, she found herself looking forward to being in Cornwall with him among their people. It was oddly comforting that she found herself so easily accepting her new circumstances. There seemed to be less of a line drawn between those here at the castle and those of the village or farms. She particularly enjoyed watching Gideon interact with the children. She would have thought that being in the company of a dragon would have been intimidating for them. Instead they were perfectly at home with him and he seemed to dote on them. Perhaps the idea of a stepchild wouldn’t be abhorrent to him.

  As they headed to their room, Demelza pulled her aside.

  “We tried to get your room ready for you and laid out some nightclothes for you, although if Gideon is anything like Cadan, you will have little need for them.”

  Bridget laughed. “Not so far. I started my journey with three pairs of breeches, two corsets, and several shirts. I still have the shirts, but I’m down to one each of the corsets and breeches. I’m sure the room will be fine. I appreciate the trouble you went to.”

  She entered the room and smiled. While not as opulent as her chambers at Dundalk, there was a simple rustic elegance to the room that was pleasing and comforting. She tested the bed; it was large and seemed most comfortable. She walked to the lead-glass window and looked out to the commanding view of the ocean. The moon cast its light down on the dark sea, creating a shining silver pathway that seemed to lead from the shoreline directly to the night orb nestled in the starlit sky.

  Gideon joined her at the window, drawing her body back into his. Bridget allowed herself the luxury of melting into him. It surprised her that she felt as comfortable with Gideon as she did.

  “What are you thinking?” he whispered.

  “That you make me happy, but there are things about me you need to know.”

  “If you are content and happy, nothing else matters.”

  “That isn’t true.”

  “Tell me what it is.”

  “I can’t,” she said.

  “You can; it’s easy; just tell me,” he purred.

  Easy? Nothing about any of this was easy. She could accept that she was fast becoming a dragon. She could even accept that she was Gideon’s true heart and was falling in love with him. Thoughts of all the ramifications and what negative actions could come of revealing Ciara’s existence ran through her mind. Would Gideon accept that she had a child with her previous mate? If he did, how would she explain to Ruari that she was no longer wolf and that his brother’s only child, a coveted born she-wolf, would now be raised outside of a wolf pack? What would she do if Gideon insisted on turning Ciara from wolf to dragon? How did she feel about Ciara being turned? Did she have a right to take her away from her heritage?

  She didn’t want to think about it. All she wanted was to lose herself in Gideon’s lovemaking.

  “Tomorrow, as the sun rises, you will take your vows to me and embrace your new life as a dragon. We will celebrate with our people and then when the sun sets, we will breed, and I will plant my seed in you.”

  Bridget turned in his arms. “What? That’s a little fast for me. I’m just now getting used to the idea that you changed me from wolf to dragon. In essence, you took away my pack, my life, my whole world. With no time to get used to that, you tell me we are to be joined and you want to get me pregnant...”

  Gideon chuckled. “It’s not as though you are an untried girl. You have had a previous mate and I have waited a very long time for you.”

  “What if I don’t want to be mated to you?” she asked, becoming a bit annoyed at Gideon’s willingness to disrupt her life without even asking her.

  “Don’t be foolish. You are my true heart... and I am yours. Our tradition is the drakaina spends the night before she takes her vows in solitude, preparing to join her life to her mate’s. Some choose a ritual bath, which I can have prepared for you. Some in contemplative prayer, and still others choose to take one last solo flight in the night sky.”

  “Can drakaina not fly whenever they choose?”

  Gideon grinned. “Can she-wolves go wherever they choose, whenever they choose?”

  “They can,” she said a bit defensively.

  “Without finding themselves face down over someone’s knee getting her bottom spanked?” When Bridget was silent, he continued, “It is the same with drakaina. Dragons are as protective of our females as wolves.”

  “Not exactly the way to convince me that I want to join my life with yours.”

  He took her face in his hands and gently kissed her forehead. “I fear, my true heart, that you have no choice in the matter. As with wolves, once a dragon has identified a drakaina as his true heart, she has little choice in the matter.”

  “At least with wolves, she is given the opportunity to run and retain her freedom.”

  Gideon laughed. “Only until he runs her to ground and then he can claim her any way he likes.”

  “You seem to know an awful lot about wolves.”

  “It is best to know as much as you can about an adversary.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that I was once an enemy?”

  “No. Because now you are dragon.” Gideon pulled her close and kissed her with a depth of feeling she had never felt before. “I will leave you but would ask that you not try to fly for the first time tonight.”

  “Ask or command?”

  “Whichever makes it easier for you to comply,” he said with a grin before giving her a final, gentle kiss that seemed almost too fragile for a dragon. “Behave yourself. I would hate to have to rewarm your backside before we have our first coupling as a mated pair. And in case I didn’t mention it, dragon breeding is not gentle, and is best not done when the drakaina’s bottom is already sore from being disciplined for her foolishness.”

  Gideon left and she turned back to contemplate the night and all of the unanswered questions that plagued her. Did she want to love Gideon? Did she want to be his mate? Did he only want her because she was convenient, and he could reestablish a dragon dynasty? Would their sons turn other females without their consent?

  It was almost overwhelming. In the past, she would have shifted to her wolf self and gone out for a run. But she was no longer wolf. She looked down and saw several of Gideon’s men surrounding him and wishing him well for having found his true heart and taking her to mate. She might no longer be wolf, but she was dragon. Gideon said the ability to fly was instinctive.

  Bridget quietly left their room and ventured back outside. Gideon and his comrades were obviously drinking and celebrating. She slipped out of the castle and made her way down to the beach and away from sight. Her goal was to see if she could call forth her dragon. If she succeeded, she would take her first, and perhaps only, solo flight. As long as she stayed out of the moonlight and didn’t cast her silhouette, she could feel what it was to fly under her own power.

  Finding a small hidden cove at the base of the island, she stopped and stilled her mind. She called to her dragon the way she had always d
one with her wolf and was surprised when a champagne-colored dragon appeared in her mind’s eye. She relinquished her humanity and felt the powerful creature come forth. It took every bit of will not to roar in triumph as she felt her body smoothly shift from human to dragon. As when her wolf was in control, she felt as though all of her senses were sharpened and more in tune with her natural surroundings.

  Bridget began to move and could feel the enormous power under her control. She felt her wings unfurl; as she began to lope, she beat them in rhythm to her gait. She felt giddy as first her front feet and then her rear lifted off from the earth beneath her. She flapped her wings more strongly and felt as the tip of her tail made its last contact with the sand and she flew out over the waves.

  The longer she remained aloft, the more powerful and confident she became. Gideon had been right; she felt as if she had been dragon her whole life. She skimmed over the waves until she was certain she couldn’t be seen from the castle and then headed northwest, gaining elevation and catching the air currents as she learned to navigate this new mode of travel. The feeling of freedom was intoxicating. She gained a bit of altitude and banked away from Tintagel as she had seen Gideon do.

  Bridget was so enamored of her new abilities that she didn’t recognize how far she had gone until she began to feel fatigued. She noticed the sun was beginning to climb over the far horizon as she flew along the western coast of Eire. Instinctively she had headed back to her homeland, but not to Dundalk. The reported home of the lost human village still called to her. She was quickly tiring. Gideon had said landing could be difficult, so she flew close to the surface of the water and allowed her dragon to recede. As her body changed back to its human form, she dove under the waves and then came up for air as she turned and swam to shore.

  Chapter Ten

  Gideon squinted as the sun rose over the eastern horizon. He’d had way too much to drink last night. Not only had it been a very long time since he had imbibed, but he had been home with his people and happy to have found Bridget and brought her home. He had also known that without sufficient drink, he would have given in to his baser nature and bred her last night. He knew she was frightened of what she didn’t know, and he needed to get her to share whatever it was she was keeping from him. He also knew that once she felt their child move in her belly, everything else would become secondary to her love for him and the child. And he was quite certain that his true heart loved him. She had to; if she didn’t, she would hate him for forcing the transformation on her... and she didn’t.


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