Mated to Three

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Mated to Three Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “She’s a wolf. She’s frightened. Her world has just turned upside down.” Draco ran fingers through his hair, remembering everything being heightened, intense, sexual. “She’s going to need us.”

  “Your pack needs to be kept at bay,” Alex said. “If they feel threatened they will kill her.”

  “Mischa knows not to say anything,” Reese said.

  Draco snorted. “You think that is going to keep her at bay, you don’t really know her. She’s been wanting to be your female for a long time. Now that Bethany is in the picture, she knows it’s not going to happen.”

  “I’ll handle it.”

  Reese’s eyes changed color, and Draco held his hands up. He wasn’t interested in starting a fight with his Alpha. All he wanted to do was make sense of everything that was happening.

  His woman, his mate was laying in his Alpha’s bed, and there were two other men with the need rushing through them.

  She screamed so suddenly that they all charged toward the door at the same time. Draco crushed through, and the others followed behind him. Rushing into the bedroom, he saw she was on her knees on the bed, holding her head.

  “I can hear everything. The scratches, the scurrying, the howling. All of it. I want it to stop.”

  Climbing on the bed, he covered her hands with his. He didn’t care if he upset the other two men. Bethany needed him.

  “Take a deep breath and focus. Look at me, Bethany, focus on this room.”

  “I can’t. It hurts.”

  He shouted her name and she gasped, looking up at him. “Focus on me. Listen to my voice. You’re safe now. You’re in Reese’s cabin. You can turn it off. Just turn it off. Forget about them and think of the silence.”

  She closed her eyes and slowly lowered her hands.

  Bethany gasped, opened her eyes, and threw her arms around him, dropping him to the bed. “It’s quiet. It’s so quiet.”

  Draco fell, wrapping his arms around her so that he didn’t hurt her.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “I couldn’t think. I didn’t understand what was happening, and I was so scared.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be afraid of now. We’ve got you.”


  She looked up.

  Alex and Reese were beside the bed.

  “What happened?” she asked. “I know something bad happened. Everything went so dark, and the pain was out of this world.”

  “I’m going to have to ask you to trust us,” Reese said.

  Draco ran his hands down her back. He always found her curves sexy. The wolf women were so slender. He’d fucked a couple of them, and their bodies were all hard edges, and no real meat on the bone. Bethany possessed some wonderful hips, and her tits were huge. He couldn’t wait to see them naked, swinging in front of his face as he ploughed into her tight cunt. His dick thickened, and his mouth watered for a taste.

  “What happened?”

  “You were attacked, Bethany,” Alex said.

  She sat up, straddling his dick. Draco was more than happy with the change of position. Cupping her hips, he tried his hardest not to thrust up against her. She felt so good.

  The only way it could be better was if they were both naked, and she was riding his dick.

  Bethany glanced down at her ruined clothes. Her flesh showing through. Draco stared into at her face and saw the faint traces of the claw marks across her face. The lines were faint, he wondered if it would stay like it.

  “I remember. It was a large wolf, black, evil. I tried to save that woman. She was a tourist, I think. She’d come to the shop. She didn’t make it, did she?”

  “No,” Alex said. “She was torn apart.”

  “Why am I not in the hospital? Why am I here?” She looked at all three of them. Draco understood her confusion. Any other day, he’d have been equally confused. He was so happy, ecstatic. This woman currently straddling his dick was his fated female. He no longer had to fuck random pack women to find that connection. This was his connection. The flame that would only keep on building as they grew old together.

  “You weren’t attacked by just a wolf, Bethany. You were attacked by a special kind of wolf,” Reese said. “This was a werewolf.”

  She jerked. “A werewolf? They don’t exist. That’s not funny.”

  “Show her,” Alex said.

  Silence fell between all of them.”

  “Draco,” Reese said. Draco looked toward his Alpha, still on his back, holding Bethany’s hips. “Keep hold of her.”

  Seconds later, his Alpha showed his wolf side, and Bethany gasped. He expected her to scream, to panic. She simply stared at Reese. He was a large wolf, grey with black highlights. Even Draco had to admire the beauty that was his Alpha.

  “You’re a wolf,” she said.

  “I’m a bear,” Alex said, shifting his skin so that a large brown bear stood in his place. She looked down at him.

  “I’m a wolf. I’m beta to Reese. I’m not turning, though. Wolves exist. We’re real. You were bitten, and instead of dying like humans do, you didn’t.”

  “You’re turning,” Reese said, standing before them as a human once again. “The bite. It infected your blood, and now you’re going to become a wolf, full form.”

  She shook her head, laughing. “This figures, doesn’t it!”

  Her laughing turned to tears, and any sex that he had on his mind disappeared. Draco was more interested in comforting his woman than he was in getting his rocks off.

  Chapter Four

  The following day Bethany stepped outside, and took a quick inhale of the great outdoors. She’d taken a shower, and spent the longest hour of her life staring in the mirror. Her body was the same. She still possessed the same curves, the same definition. Only now she had a lot of scars covering her body. They were faint, and it told her even more that what Reese, Alex, and Draco had said was in fact the truth.

  She had been attacked by a wolf, and now she was turning into one. Draco had helped her to focus and to cut off all the noises. Once she was able to do that, she could think. She could process, and she was damn happy about that.

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, and simply basked in the enjoyment of being alive.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Alex said, coming to stand behind her.

  He’s so big.

  She smiled. The voice inside her head was the brown wolf who liked to come and visit her. It was strange to have these kind of thoughts, but now that she knew who the voice was, she liked it.

  “Yes, I always thought so.”

  “How are you feeling today?”

  “I’m breathing. I’m alive, and right now I’m thinking that is a good thing.” She glanced behind her, noticing he stood close. “What’s happening with the café?”

  “It’s being shut for the next couple of days while my best waitress gets better.”

  “Best waitress? That’s bull. I was the worst one. I always got orders wrong.”

  “No you didn’t. You got one order wrong. Didn’t you ever think about that? The only order you got wrong was Reese.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “You never got his order wrong. It was his way of trying to keep you coming back to his table.”

  “Oh.” She frowned. Why would Reese want her to keep on coming back?

  “You don’t see it, do you?”

  “Of course she doesn’t. It’s why I wanted her,” Reese said, letting them know he was there.

  Looking toward the cabin, Reese was leaning on the wooden patio looking out toward them.

  “Morning, princess.”

  “You like me?”

  “A lot,” he said, shocking her.

  “He’s not the only one, babe,” Draco said, coming around the corner of the cabin. He was carrying an axe, and she frowned. “It’s getting cold. Someone has to chop wood.”

  “Or pretend to look better than everyone else,” Alex said.

  “Whatever. I look hot either way.�

  She looked at all three of them. They were all large, strong, determined men. “Morning,” she said. “I don’t mean to keep you from your work.”

  “It’s not work, babe,” Draco said. “Besides, Reese is the Alpha.”

  “Making you my minion,” Reese said.

  She smiled. “It’s still strange to think there are shifters, wolves, bears.”

  “Lions, leopards, you name it,” Alex said.

  Three men were staring at her as if they wanted to eat her up.

  They want us, Bethany.

  She shook her head.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex asked, touching her arm.

  “Nothing. Just a voice inside my head, talking nonsense.”

  It’s not nonsense. They want you, us.

  “Your wolf?” Draco asked.

  “I hope so. If not, I really need to go and see a doctor.”

  “You’d get admitted to a white room,” Reese said.

  “I figured.”

  “What’s your wolf saying?” Alex asked.

  “Why did you have to ask me that?”

  “I’m just curious.”

  “I don’t want to say.” Her cheeks started to heat.

  “You can trust us. We don’t laugh.” This came from Draco.

  “She, I think of her as a she, keeps saying that you want me. Not just any one of you, all of you. It’s crazy, I know—”

  Three voices silenced her.

  “It’s the truth.”

  She looked up, and sure enough she saw the hunger in all of their eyes.

  Told you.

  * * * *

  Bethany took his breath away. Reese stared down at her, and even as she blushed, squirmed, and looked ready to bolt, she didn’t. She told them what her wolf was saying, and then simply stood there looking amazed.

  “That can’t be possible. You’ve got women like Mischa, and others like her. She’s beautiful and sexy, and I’m not.”

  Alex moved forward.

  Reese’s wolf stayed at bay. This was how he knew that they had all mated to her. All three of them were destined to mate, breed, and love her. She was theirs to treasure.

  “You’re beautiful, sexy, amazing, Bethany. You’re what we want.” Alex cupped her face, tilting back her head. “We all think you’re amazing.”

  “Three men.”

  “Yes, and the bonus with us, you don’t have to pick which one you want the most. We’re all here for you,” Draco said.

  She took a deep breath looking toward him. “Why did you make a false order? I thought I was losing my mind.”

  “I liked watching you walk toward me. Your tits bounced, and your hips swung. It always turned me on.” She was a wolf now. He wasn’t going to take the time to pretend he was the man he actually wasn’t. “Then when you left, I got a good look at your full rounded ass. You never once questioned me, though. I should spank your ass for not having belief in yourself. I don’t like that, Bethany, and you will be punished accordingly.”

  He left the cabin, walking down the steps.

  She didn’t bolt or back away. Standing her ground, and he fucking loved that.

  “You’ll punish me?”

  “It’ll be a good punishment, I promise,” Draco said.

  Reese watched her lick her lips. Her cheeks were a nice shade of red.

  “You all want me?”

  “We all want you.” Reese stopped in front of her, reaching out to sink his fingers into her hair. She didn’t even try to move, simply stayed in one place. Titling her head back, he stared into her beautiful eyes. They were brown with flecks of amber from the wolf that was pacing inside her. “What are you thinking right now?”

  “That I’m going to wake up to this being a dream.”

  “What do you think of three men?” He wanted everything out in the open. There was not going to be much waiting around. They would all be able to keep her safe.

  “I don’t have a clue. I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be afraid,” he said, pressing his head to hers. Just touching her was magical to him. His wolf calmed right down and gave him time to think, to process.

  “I don’t know what is happening to me.”

  “We’re all going to take care of you, baby.”

  She rested her head against his chest, and he felt her finally relax. Her hands going behind him, holding tightly.

  The emotions, the turmoil, he couldn’t imagine being in her position right now. He’d have been terrified.

  Rubbing her back, he turned, staring at the other men. “We’ve got to help her come to terms with this. She’s a new wolf, and with it, her body is going to change.”

  Bethany pulled away. “I’m sorry for crying on you.”

  “Don’t be. I consider it an honor that you would use me to cry on.” She wiped the tears away, and he noticed that she also hid a yawn. “Go and get some sleep. We’ll take care of you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “That’s what a mate is for, to take care, and to make sure you’re well provided for.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to this.”

  She smiled at him, and walked past Alex and Draco heading inside.

  “Her body is getting stronger,” Alex said.

  “I hope it’s strong enough to survive the full moon.”

  “Is it possible for her to not change?” Draco asked. “Some wolves don’t change during pregnancy.”

  Reese let out a sigh. “I honestly don’t know. I’ve never heard of a human turning into a werewolf. This is supposed to be the work of fiction, not actual fact.” He rubbed at his head, feeling the start of a headache, which he rarely got being a wolf and all.

  “We’ll take it one day at a time.” Alex spoke up. “We can do this. Two Alphas, one Beta, we’ve got this covered. We’ve got this plenty covered.”

  He hoped so.

  Already he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her.

  * * * *

  Owning a café put Alex in charge of food. He liked being in the kitchen, organizing, making sure everything was done to perfection. There was no point only doing half-assed attempts at stuff. If you wanted a meagre result, then don’t put in the effort. It was as simple as that. He loved cooking, and Bethany was in for a treat.

  Alex had his chicken steaks already marinated, now he was doing his special seasoning breadcrumbs. To him, flavor started at the foundation of cooking. The more seasoning, the better.

  “I always thought guys who liked cooking were pussies,” Draco said, taking a seat at the counter and biting into an apple.

  “Then you’re an uncultured cub. There is nothing wrong in enjoying being in the kitchen.”


  “What the hell is meh?” Alex asked.

  “There’s always plenty of women in the pack willing to cook. Don’t see the reason for doing it when women are more than happy with doing it for me.”

  “You’re a lazy ass. Where’s Reese?”

  “Dealing with said pack. He’s gone back to make sure that Mischa isn’t being a bad wolf. Also, I think he’s gone to find some contacts, ask around.”

  “I’m not worried. I hear her heart beat, and it’s getting stronger by the day. I don’t think she’s going to struggle.”

  “What about turning?”

  Alex shrugged. “Not all shifters turn. She’s more than fine.” In fact, Alex had been sensing something deep within Bethany. She had power inside her. When he scented her, he was sure he smelled that of an Alpha in his midst. Of course, he wasn’t ready to tell Reese and Draco that yet. They would only tell him that a bear’s scent wasn’t as good as a wolf’s scent.

  He didn’t care. Reese and Draco would always be biased. He knew what he scented, and it wasn’t some timid little she-human. Bethany was an Alpha. The wolf inside her commanded presence.

  For a wolf, he rather liked her. His own bear wanted to go out and play with her, mate, and for them all to live happily ever after.
br />   “When Reese and Bethany were hugging outside, did you get any… feelings?” Draco asked.

  “Like what?”

  “Jealousy? Rage?”

  “No. I didn’t. Did you?”

  “No. Shouldn’t we have.”

  “We’re all supposed to be mating with her. I doubt we’ll have the natural responses that mated shifters have. We all want to be with her. It’s only natural.” He hummed to himself as he started to dip the chicken into flour, then egg, then his special seasoned crumbs. Each layer had his seasoning inside. “How are you handling it?”

  “I’m fine. I just want to protect her. Love her. Mate with her. You know, I watched her at the café. I always found her attractive. I love her tits. They’re so big, whereas all the pack females have small breasts. I like the thought of resting my head on them, kind of like a cushion. Saw it on a couple of erotic films, looked sexy as fuck.”

  “And now you want that?”

  “It’s not just now. I’ve always wanted it. I loved watching Bethany. The pack females, they’re not loving, or particularly caring. They love their mate, and their own kids, but it’s not the same. I witnessed her love firsthand. She always had a smile for everyone, a gentle touch, and she was just nice without expecting something in return.”

  Alex understood that.

  For a human, he’d thought Bethany was particularly kind, too kind for her own good. She never asked for anything, not even a pay raise. Her mother was similar, kind, thoughtful.

  “Did I sleep all morning?” Bethany asked, coming out of the bedroom. She wore a long grey shirt, and a pair of shorts. Her brown hair was mussed.

  “It’s seven,” Draco said, pulling out a chair at the counter.

  “Wow, you guys must think I’m a complete slob. Is there anything you need help with?”

  “I’ve got it all,” Alex said, drinking her all in. She truly was beautiful. There was color in her cheeks now, and he was relieved to see it. Focusing on her, he heard her heart beat. The strength in it surprising him. There was still scars on her face, but they had faded. He wondered what the scars looked like on her chest.

  With him staring, she reached up to touch her face. “Do I look terrible?”

  “You look beautiful,” Draco said.

  “I saw the scars. It’s not normal for someone to heal this fast is it?”


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