Fight (Velocity, #2) (Velocity Series)

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Fight (Velocity, #2) (Velocity Series) Page 8

by Molly McLain

  Me, too, but I didn’t think I was getting into anything I couldn’t handle on my own. “What kind of damage am I looking at?”

  “Breach of contract with ProFit means you forfeit not only the commission on the advertising from here forward, but retroactively, too. They haven’t paid you for any of that yet, right?”

  “It’s only been a couple of months.”

  “I was afraid of that.”

  I don’t really give a shit. “I just want out. I don’t care about the money.”

  “That’s good, because the fine print in your contract is that all payments will be divided proportionately between you, Ms. Romig, Ms. Morgan, and Mr. McGinnis, with you and Ms. Morgan only getting an additional twenty-five percent.”

  I remember that. Thought it sucked the way it was set up, especially the part about Liz getting such a big chunk on top of her typical cut directly from me.

  “And…” I urge my lawyer on.

  “The rest of the details include forfeiture of your final—and most substantial payment—if you don’t finish the campaign. Your share would then be split equally between the three remaining parties.”

  “What?” I don’t care if I never see it, but I sure as hell won’t let Liz get her filthy friggin’ hands on it.

  “You signed and initialed the document, Colton. Unless you want to refute that this is your signature, which I don’t think will work, seeing as I look at your abs on a billboard every day on my way to the office.”

  I scrub a hand down my face. “Is there any way to cut Liz out?” I can deal with Bria and Flint, if I have to.

  “I can look into it, but I’m not hopeful.”

  Shit. “Do that. Let me know what you find out.”

  “Will do. In the meantime, no more wild hairs up the ass, okay?”

  I roll my eyes and disconnect. A soft sniff behind me grabs my attention, and I turn to see Taylor leaning in the bathroom door. Her hair hangs in wet tendrils around her shoulders and she’s wrapped in a fluffy, white towel.

  “That was fast.” I grin, wondering if I should push my luck and try to talk her out of that towel for round two.

  “When do you have to leave?” she asks quietly and it’s then that I notice the sullen look in her eyes.

  “Probably sooner than later,” I admit, tapping my phone against my palm.

  She nods. “At least I got a full night with you this time.”

  An ache lodges in my chest and I honestly wish I could say fuck it all and stay here with her forever. But that’s not reality and, now more than ever, I need to fix this friggin’ mess I’ve gotten myself into.

  “I don’t have to leave right now—”

  “You should.” She forces a smile. “The longer you put it off, the worse things will get.”

  Just like my stupidity and the past two months did to us.

  “I wish I could take you with me.” I saunter across the room, still bare assed, and press my lips to her forehead. “Casey’s wedding seems so far away.”

  “Less than two weeks,” she murmurs, nuzzling into my chest. “And there’s always video chat.”

  “We haven’t done that in a long time.” My hands coast up and down her towel-covered back. “I’d like that.”

  “Me, too.” She exhales a soft breath against my skin, and I close my eyes and say a silent prayer of gratitude that she’s let me back in. Just the thought of being able to talk to her every day provides some relief.

  “What’s the rest of your day look like? Do you have class?”

  “I have a group meeting tonight. We’re working on a presentation for finals.”

  “So…can I talk you into hanging out with me until then?”

  She glances up and gives me a small grin. “Don’t get yourself in trouble on my account.”

  I laugh. A deep, honest rumble that fills my chest with warmth. “I’m already in trouble over you, Tee.” I place my hand against my heart and smile. “Right here.”

  Chapter Nine


  Tuesday morning arrives too quickly and, although he’d only spent one night, waking up without Colton by my side leaves me feeling more alone in Madison than ever. I’d been so gung-ho to make this fresh start that I never thought about how it’d feel to be so far away from home. At eighteen, leaving for college had been so easy. So exciting. But this…isn’t quite what I expected it’d be.

  Four hours into my five-hour shift at the coffee shop, I’m dragging. After my group meeting, I waited up for Colton’s flight to land and then we spent another two hours talking about how we’d wait until after Casey’s wedding to tell our family and friends about the change in our relationship. He didn’t like it, but I finally convinced him that Casey would be much happier with both of us if we treaded carefully on the subject at least until after she and Kevin are off on their honeymoon.

  By that time, Col should also have some of the drama settled, too, and I’ll feel much better about sharing the baby news. I’ll also be into my second trimester then, so telling others won’t be as risky either. The timing fits all around…but then again, I could be trying to convince myself that I’m not in the wrong for withholding something so important from him.

  Until then, there are lots of little things to take care of, including how Col and I are going to handle the coming months and what we’ll do if I get accepted to UW for the second semester…or even at all. How we’ll raise a baby together while I’m in school and he’s on the road…both of us away from our families and the support we’re both going to need. I know he won’t like it if I stay in the apartment with the baby, given Col’s insistence that Adam has motives other than being a supportive, albeit goofy, roommate. So, I’ll have to find another place to live. Unless I decide to stay with Colton in California, which isn’t something I’d ever really considered for myself.

  I sigh and move onto another mindless behind-the-counter task, grateful—and also annoyed—that not many people are in the mood for coffee on this humid July morning. I need to figure all of this out, but I’m too tired to start right now.

  The door chimes ring as I toss my washrag into the sink, and I glance up to see three tall—and familiar—men stroll in. They look oddly out of place in this hipster coffee shop with their jeans, T-shirts, and greasy work boots, but nonetheless, they’re here. For me.

  I smile the biggest smile I’ve had all day and rush around the counter with my arms spread wide. “Matty!” I gush like a kid as I launch myself at him without hesitation.

  He chuckles as he catches me, his big arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders. “To think I’d questioned whether or not you’d want to see us rednecks.”

  “Of course, I do!” I kiss him all over this face, then go for Shane, who’s standing back with an aw shit, I’m next, aren’t I? look on his face. I poke him in the stomach to show him who’s boss and he gives in, rocking me from side to side in unquestionably the longest hug he’s ever given me. His older brother, Garrett, blows me a sucky face kiss from behind Shane’s back and I giggle. Garrett and I aren’t as close as Shane and I, but we’ve always had a playful, prankster-type friendship. Usually Shane ends up being the brunt of our jokes because he’s such an easy target.

  “Hope it’s okay that we stopped by. We had to come down for a part for Garrett’s stock car,” Matt speaks up.

  “You know I’d be pissed if you didn’t let me know you were in town.” I slug him in the shoulder and take a moment to introduce the guys to my coworker, Sela, whose jaw, I’m pretty sure, is stuck to the floor. “How long are you here? I’m almost done with my shift.”

  Shane looks to Garrett, shrugs, then back to me. “I could go from lunch while we’re here.”

  “Perfect!” I fold my hands together in front of my chin, suddenly reenergized. “Why don’t I get you something to drink while you wait?”

  An hour later, I’m crammed in the backseat of Shane’s truck, between Matt and a bunch of racing gear I’m completely unfamiliar with, o
ther than I know it’s not Shane’s, because he doesn’t race anymore. He drives us to a pub and grill that’s more Maribel than Madison and I all too eagerly let myself drown in the temporarily feeling of being back home.

  Matty slings his arm around my shoulder when we slide into the same side of a booth, while Shane and Garrett take up the other bench. The waitress grabs our drink orders and we peruse the menu for a bit before Matt nudges gives me a squeeze.

  “Heard from Colton lately?”

  I nod and try not to blush at the recollection of the past couple of days. “Mmm-hmm. I talked to him earlier.”

  “So, you know the latest then.”

  “Bria’s baby isn’t his,” I say promptly.

  Shane grunts. “Thank Christ for that.”

  “Or so he says,” Matt adds, undeniable bitterness in his tone. “It’s hard to know what’s true and what isn’t with him anymore.”

  “Hey, now…” I bump a gentle shoulder into his bulky body. “You don’t know the whole story, so no passing unfair judgment, mister.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Says the girl who, not that long ago, was just as skeptical.”

  “We’ve worked that out.” Pushing a hand through my hair, I go for laid back, wishing I didn’t have to omit the most important details.

  “Have you now?” Matty grins, then shakes his head.


  “You know what,” he mutters when the waitress brings our drinks and grabs our orders. “You forgive that asshole way too easily,” he finishes when she walks away.

  I love him, and love forgives. Also, I’m hardly innocent in any of this. I’m carrying the biggest secret of all inside of me, as we speak. Sticking the straw in my water, I sigh. “Let’s not do this again, okay?”

  Matt rolls his eyes, and Shane clears his throat, obviously sensing the tension. “So, you’re singing at Casey’s wedding, huh?”

  “Yes, and I’m getting excited.” Nervous, but excited. I haven’t sung in church in years and then there’s the obvious issue with me and Col. “You’re both still ushers, right?”

  “Unfortunately,” Shane grunts. “You want to be my date?”

  “Really? I’d love to!”

  Matt makes a disapproving sound as he leans into the corner of the booth and the wall. “Be careful. Country Boy might kick your ass.”

  “Matt, seriously.” I shoot him a glare. “Enough with the shit already.”

  His eyes go wide. “Now you’re defending him? That’s new.”

  “He’s had a rough few months. There’s stuff going on behind the scenes you don’t have a clue about.” I don’t mean to sound bitchy, but enough is enough.

  “Oh, really? Like what?”

  My mouth snaps shut for a moment, then, “Stuff.”

  “Yeah? Like stuff that might’ve happened in, I don’t know, say, Las Vegas?” he asks with an accusatory tone and, this time, I can’t stop the heat that floods my cheeks.

  “You need to stop,” I tell him sharply, though my stomach is in knots. The truth is going to push him over the edge and I’m a little worried about what exactly that will look like.

  “Come on, man,” Shane speaks up, glancing at Matt. “We didn’t come here to start shit.”

  Matt shrugs. “I’m not the one who started it, now am I, Taylor?”

  “Okay, you know what?” I push my water away and slide out of the booth. “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore.”

  Shane mutters something to Matt that I can’t hear on my march out of the pub, but I do hear the heavy footsteps that quickly follow behind on the hardwood floor. I just pray it’s Shane and not Matt, because I’m not sure I have it in me to be civil right now.

  “Taylor, wait up.” Shane’s hand wraps around my upper arm as we reach the parking lot. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  “How can I not?” I spin around, my fingers pushed into my hair. “I love Matty to death, but this nonstop grief about me and Colton…” Shit. I break off, knowing I’ve already said too much.

  Shane’s gaze widens momentarily before he sucks in a breath and nods. “He’s jealous, Tee. Plain and simple.”

  “Well, he shouldn’t be,” I rasp, as hot tears fill my eyes. “Nothing about this has been easy.”

  He tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans and smiles sympathetically. “Did you think it would be?”

  “No, but…” My hair whirls around my face in the breeze and I come out with it, because if I don’t, I might explode. “Now I’m pregnant.”

  Shane’s jaw drops. “Are you shittin’ me?”

  I shake my head. “I haven’t told Colton yet.”

  “Holy fuck.”

  “Exactly.” Swiping at my damp cheeks, I suck in a deep breath. “This is such a screwed up mess.”

  “So, it’s, uh, you know…”

  I glance up at my stuttering, red-faced friend, and smile. “It’s his, yes.”

  “Holy fuck.”

  A man of many words, my buddy Shane. This time, my laugh is genuine. “Still want to take me to the wedding?”

  “Will he beat my ass?”

  “Actually, he’d probably appreciate it. We’re keeping things quiet right now.” Except, apparently, I’m not so good at keeping my mouth shut.”

  Shane nods. “Yeah, I get that. Though, it’s not like most of us didn’t see it coming.”

  “I know, but I’m still scared.” Mostly about Matt, right now. “I don’t know how we’re going to make this work, but at this point, we kind of have to.”

  “Tee…” He strolls closer and lifts my chin. “You two have made it this far, haven’t you?”

  “As friends. Without a baby,” I remind him. This is a whole new ball game, with extra drama added in.

  “Colton may come across as a selfish ass most of the time, but there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll do whatever it takes. For you, and only you.”

  “You’re going to make me cry again,” I whisper, and a small smile tugs at his lips. How did I get so lucky to have these guys in my life, Matt’s ornery attitude aside?

  “Probably just the hormones.” He winks a sky blue eye at me and I shove him away with a laugh.

  “This is so not funny.”

  “Actually, it kind of is. Col’s getting the blame for someone else’s kid and here you are, back home, sporting the real deal.”

  My hand instinctively goes to my stomach, which has just started to feel hard.

  “Why haven’t you told him?”

  “His career’s a mess right now. Agent issues, the other baby drama…” I shake my head. “And we’ve only just worked out this new version of us.”

  “You’re trying to protect him like you do best.”

  An older couple strolls past us, toward the entrance of the pub, and Shane steps back to grab the door.

  When we’re alone again, I pull in a deep breath. “Guess it’s a personality flaw.”

  “Or it makes Colton one lucky bastard.” Shane winks. “If you think about it, he’s done the same for you from time to time, too.”

  “I wish Matty would see that.”

  “It’s hard to admit seeing what’s right in front of your face if it’s not what you want to see in the first place.”

  He’s right, of course, and I knew this tension would get worse before it got better, but with everything else on my plate right now, I wish I could snap my fingers and make things with Matt and I normal again.

  “We should go back in,” I sigh. “As mad as I am at Matt, I’m also starving.”

  Shane offers me his arm. “Let me handle him today.”

  “That’s awfully chivalrous of you.”

  “I’m practicing for our date,” he jokes, and I lean into his shoulder with a soft laugh of my own.

  “Keep this conversation between us for now?”

  He nods. “My lips are sealed.”

  - - -


  “I fucked around with Bria one time and one time only,” Tre
y says, his silvery eyes more earnest than I’ve ever seen. “And that was last fall after our show in Portland. This bullshit she fed Tito about me drugging her?” The man’s hands tighten into fists as his expression goes hard. “I know you don’t have any reason to believe me, but it never happened.”

  Arms crossed over my chest, I stare him down while Tito and Dante look back and forth between us, sitting at a diner in downtown Pasadena. “You offered my girlfriend Ecstasy,” I remind him. “I caught you between her legs with a fucking hard on.”

  “Clothed,” he adds, as if it fucking matters. “And I’d just scored the E from a guy downstairs. Isn’t like I make a habit of carrying it around, just in case.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me.”

  “Hey, man, let’s not forget that your girl wasn’t exactly an unwilling partner.”

  I’m out of my seat and on him in a second. “What was that?” I sneer, the wooden chair clanking against the tiled floor as my fingers grip his throat.

  “You fucking heard me,” he practically spits in my face. “And maybe you should check your own shitty behavior before you judge mine.”

  “Can we focus on the real issue here?” Tito says, impatiently shoving his way between us. “I did sleep with Bria, so if she’s truly knocked up, I could be the one who’s legitimately fucked here. If y’all could put your own agendas aside for just a second, I’d appreciate it.”

  Trey grins as I let go and take a step back. He’s never going to be my favorite teammate, but I believe what he says is true.

  “I don’t think she’s pregnant.” Dante clears his throat. “You want my honest opinion, it’s all just a big set-up.”

  “But why?” I demand, flipping my chair upright again. “What’s the point? All they get out of me is an extra couple hundred grand when I walk away from the ProFit contract.”

  “For someone like Bria, that’s bank.” Dante lifts a hand. “Liz, on the other hand, I don’t know what the bitch has up her sleeve.”

  “It’s obviously something, given she’s brought McKinnon on, too.”

  Trey nods. “Even I hate that asshole.”


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