He Sphinx I'm Sexy (1Night Stand) (1Night Stand Series)

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He Sphinx I'm Sexy (1Night Stand) (1Night Stand Series) Page 1

by D. L. Jackson

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  He Sphinx I’m Sexy

  Copyright © 2016 by D.L. Jackson

  ISBN: 978-1-68361-155-4

  Cover Art by Ravenborn Covers

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three


  He Sphinx I’m Sexy

  One night. One party of a lifetime. One deadly secret that could end it all.

  All hybrids must die.

  Not your average alien visitor, Lucas Saar has lived on earth for years, and there is only one reason he relocated to the green planet, to hunt down hybrids. These half-Terran, half-Saarian men and women could expose the existence of his world and his people, something that must never happen. He’s never failed a mission until Alaska, a year before, and now he’s determined to get back in his leader’s good graces by taking down a woman he’s tracked halfway across the globe.

  When he discovers his target has signed up for the same dating service he tried to use in Alaska, he decides to use it again as cover to get closer to his prey. After all, the archeologist isn’t hard to look at, and there is something about her he can’t resist. Too bad he has to kill her when the date is over.

  No more dating within my profession.

  Doctor Nadia Crane is in Egypt, guiding her final class through a dig. She’s had bad luck with men and worse with her health. After a recent physical, her physician has determined her cells are mutating and she could be dying. Nadia signs up for Madam Eve’s 1Night Stand service, in hopes she may experience one night of bliss before she dies. A prearranged evening might get her what she desires, except, Lucas Saar isn’t what she asked for on her application. He’s an archeologist, and exactly the kind of man she didn’t want to date. Worse, her gut is sending up all kinds of red flags.

  Now Doctor Nadia Crane isn’t sure if she should jump him or dump him. Only one night will tell.

  Dear Reader,

  When my 1Night Stand Novella, This Endris Night, came out, several readers wanted to know what happened to Lucas, my bad boy alien hunter.

  In He Sphinx I’m Sexy, I bring you the long awaited tale of Lucas Saar, and this time he meets his match in an Egyptian tomb.

  I’m hope you enjoy this latest addition in my doppelganger 1Night Stand stories.


  D. L. Jackson


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  Also by DL Jackson

  Carnal Desires

  Carnal Attraction

  Carnal Denial

  Cinderella Wore Combat Boots

  Seducing Liberty

  This Endris Night

  Her Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy

  Being Prince Charming

  Beauty and the Brigadier

  Rebel Souls

  Last Flight of the Ark

  Courtesan Boot Camp

  Prepper Romance

  Finding Mercy


  Slipping the Past

  The Willfully Wedded Virgin

  Moon Crazy


  Bringing Down Romeo

  Wedding Moon

  He Sphinx I’m Sexy


  DL Jackson

  Chapter One

  There were a thousand things Lucas Saar would like to be doing, and crawling around inside a dusty tomb, taking on the appearance of one of the sphinx statues guarding the entrance to the queen’s chamber, didn’t even qualify for the bottom item.

  He’d chased this woman for ten months. Finally, he had his chance, and he planned to kill her how? By hanging around the tomb until everyone left and then jumping on her in the form of a lion with breasts. He’d stooped lower than ever for this prey. Of course the breasts were real nice, and, in fact, he was a tit man, but somehow donning a pair didn’t have the same effect as admiring them on a woman.

  Twenty-one days before, he’d used his matter disrupter to dissolve the original statue so he could take its place, and since the carvings were a matching set, he’d had no choice but duplicate every detail. So, here he’d sat for three weeks, waiting for his chance to finally spring, his molecules moving so slow he didn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. The perfect statue.

  With boobs.

  The things he did for his world.

  He didn’t think he’d ever look at a D-cup the same way again. They were nice to look at, but the things they did to his back, especially when they took on the properties of stone. He’d grown a deep appreciation for small breasts, like the doctor’s.

  He should have picked Osiris. At least his masculinity would remain intact, even if the statue had a face only a mother could love. And it would’ve spared him the attention of every horny college boy who’d come along for the job—well, all but one man who wouldn’t approach him, or even enter the tomb. After he finished with Dr. Crane, he’d have to look a little closer at the one who avoided him. As for the others, they’d fondled, groped, and rubbed him when the doctor wasn’t looking.

  So much for professional ethics and conserving the integrity of the artifact. Oh how he’d wanted to kill, multiple times, but that would give him away, and he had a mission to accomplish. It didn’t include pimply-faced males with boners and too much testosterone for their own good. Or that old dude from the museum. Guy needed some serious therapy.

  If Lucas’s colleagues saw him, he’d never live down his gig as a sphinx. This had to end tonight, even if he’d grown rather fond of Nadia. He had the reputation of a badass, intergalactic hunter to uphold.

  The doctor and her students had two days left
on the dig. The university and hosting museum were throwing a big Christmas slash end of term party tonight to celebrate. Half the class had already left to get ready, but Dr. Nadia Crane wasn’t one of them. He’d eavesdropped on enough conversations to know she didn’t have a date. He’d no clue why. Even worse, the things whispered behind her back by the female students weren’t flattering. She didn’t strike him as a, how did they put it?

  A ho.

  The woman made gorgeous seem ugly, but she didn’t have a clue just how beautiful she was. Soft honey hair, green eyes like spring, and big fat lips that, every time he looked at them, made him second-guess his mission. A pity he had to kill her. He’d known he would have to do it from the moment her scent caught his attention. She smelled of a doppelganger female starting the shift, if his nose hadn’t lied. He didn’t have two days left to take her out. It had to be tonight, or she’d change and the world would know their secret.

  He’d seriously fucked up in Alaska with that model, and totally missed the target. One more screwup and his commander would pull him from the field and ground him to a desk.

  As the last student left, Lucas rolled his shoulder. Finally. He wouldn’t have much time before someone from the museum came to escort his target out of the tomb. The local government officials didn’t leave the American team unattended with their relics. So, it was now or never.

  Dr. Crane stopped sketching the hieroglyphs she’d immersed herself in and turned her face toward him. He froze.

  “Right. It didn’t move.” The laugh that came next told him her fight-or-flight had to be screaming, and she’d brushed it off. Which made him question if she could be intuitive, and if so, what other gifts did she possess, besides the obvious one to shift? Full-blooded doppelganger females were treasures who simply didn’t exist on Earth, and if she’d somehow slipped through the cracks, her parents had never registered her on his world or documented her birth on Earth in the archives. No matter from what angle he approached it, Dr. Crane was a hybrid, and she put his world and the people from his world living on this planet, at risk.

  Oh, she hadn’t imagined things, and as soon as he was certain they were alone, he’d pounce to finish the job he’d started months ago. Another minute should do it.

  She set her sketch pad down and walked over to him, running her hand along his back. Inside, he trembled. The overwhelming urge to purr struck, and it was all he could do to stop. Fuck! He so wasn’t purring.

  “What secrets do you protect?”

  Big ones.

  “You know, I want to go to the party, but he’ll be there. I even applied to this dating service, 1Night Stand. I still haven’t heard from Madame Eve, so I’m certain I’ve been rejected. Again. That would be my luck, you know. It’s pretty much been that way my entire life.”

  Interesting. Perhaps he’d hold his shape a bit longer.

  “I mean this is just between us girls right? You won’t tell anyone.” She gave a soft snort and tipped her face to the ceiling, closing her eyes. “Great, just great. I’ve completely lost my mind, having BFF chats with a sphinx. Father would be so proud.”

  Not exactly a girl, honey. And no, nobody will know what happened to you. It was the ugly side of what he did, and he had to make it look like an accident.

  “I already RSVP’d for the stupid party. What am I going to do? It’s not like the perfect date is just waiting outside for me.” She opened her eyes and sighed, sitting down on the steps next to him, rubbing her hand across his stony surface. The need to shake his hind leg in glee became almost unbearable. “I believed all his bullshit, you know.” She dragged a finger down his side. “He said he loved me. We dated for a year.” She turned toward him again. “Yeah, he loved me, but he failed to mention he also loved anything on campus in a skirt. I should have known better than to give him my cherry. I thought tonight I could pay him back, find some hot stud, parade him in front of his nose, and then take my date home and fuck him into exhaustion. That would’ve served the jackass right. If Madame Eve had responded, I could have.”

  Lucas perked up. I can be a rebound. Had anyone said he had to kill her tonight? Well, unless she started the shift, and then all bets were off. As her date, he could keep an eye on her. There would be a little bit more time, enough for her to get her revenge. No, she wouldn’t change tonight. But soon. Very soon.

  She sighed again. “He probably wouldn’t notice anyway. I’ll bet it was all some kind of game to him.”

  Now games, Lucas knew, and if anyone could show the bastard what he’d lost, it would be him. As she continued to talk, he decided to grant her last request, give her the night of her life, and show her first fling what he’d walked away from. If she’d only haul her ass out of the chamber and let him make her dreams come true.

  He knew Madame Eve, had even applied to her service to get close to prey before, but had never gotten a response from her either, so he’d chosen to crash her party in Alaska the year before and found himself chin deep in an ocean of shit. If Nadia hadn’t had a response from Eve yet, chances were she wasn’t getting one. But, reply or not, he could still fulfill her request. Certainly he met all her requirements? She’d said hot stud to fuck. He’d paid for the 1Night Stand in more than one way, and since he didn’t get a refund, it made sense to cash in on this opportunity.

  He could step in and pretend to be that date, and nobody would know. He’d also show her how a real man could worship her body. And then he’d kill her. He had no choice. He was a Tracker, and Trackers didn’t let hybrids escape—with the exception of the last one who’d saved his life, and that had damn near landed him a job back home, filing documents.

  “Well, I’m not supposed to be here after six, so I suppose I’ll see you in the morning.” She rose to her feet and started up the stairs. As she exited the chamber, Lucas visualized his human form. His body began to warm and, within seconds, tiny fractures covered the stone exterior. A couple of heartbeats later, the shell turned to dust, leaving him crouching on the pedestal in his true image. He hopped down, naked. A quick dust off, and he ran for the secret passage, hoping to intercept her before she exited the tomb. As she had to climb a ladder and crawl through a small tunnel and he didn’t, it should give him time to jump into his clothing, and he’d run head-on into her before she walked outside.

  Lucas skidded around a corner, pressed a block on the wall, and ran into the dark, using his enhanced vision to navigate the passage. He stopped in front of a wall, grabbed a bag he’d left there weeks before, dressed in record time, pushed another block, and the wall slid open. He stepped into the narrow passageway.

  His people had provided the blueprints for the temple thousands of years before, making sure they were designed as they had been on his world, making it easy for him to find hidden rooms and corridors. The sister to this temple sat in his home city of Saaria.

  As soon as the hidden door closed, Dr. Crane came around the corner and ran head-on into him. “Oh.” She staggered back. “I didn’t realize anyone else was….” Her mouth dropped open when she looked up into his eyes. “Here.”

  Lucas caught her arms, steadying her. He raised a brow and gave her his best panty-melting smile. Trackers were handpicked from youth. Only children who possessed certain attributes had the honor to train as one. They were intelligent, comely, and warriors—a lethal combination helping them to get closer to their prey. Whoo-hoo for genetics. “Dr. Crane.”

  “I fear you have me at a disadvantage.” She bit her lip but didn’t shrug out of his hold. “And you are?”

  What was the name of the professor replacing her, the one from Oxford? Ah, yes. “I’m Lucas Stone, Dr. Lucas Stone.” Having lived in the United Kingdom for the majority of his twenty years on Earth, it wasn’t hard to be convincing.

  “I didn’t think you were so….”


  “Young.” She frowned. “And arrogant. I didn’t get that from you in our correspondence.” She pulled away from him. “The
dig is closing early today. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to do whatever it was you were going to do.”

  “First off, that was a bad attempt at humor. I’m afraid I tend to lose the punch line a lot. I’m the classic example of stuffy old professor.” He grinned again and extended his hand. “Let’s try this again. Dr. Lucas Stone.”

  She laughed and grasped his hand. “Dr. Nadia Crane. You are definitely not old or stuffy. So nice to finally meet the man behind the emails, but I thought your first name was Melvin.” She scrunched up her nose and stared at him through her safety goggles.

  “It is. Lucas is my middle name, and, mind you, my preferred name. So, you don’t think I’m old or stuffy?” He continued to hold her hand and gaze.

  “Not by a long shot.” She blushed a deep red and tried to pull her fingers free. Lucas brought them to his lips for a kiss before she could extract them. “Um, well.” She tugged loose from his grip.

  “You’re not going to the party?” he asked.

  “Should I?”

  “Since your date is here, I think the answer is yes.”

  Just when she wanted a hot man to climb on and forget her woes, he appeared out of nowhere, and, though sorely tempted, she didn’t plan to make another mistake.

  No more dating within her profession. Even if he made it easy, and why the hell did she open her mouth when he asked her if she was going to the party? Her brains seemed to have gotten scrambled the moment she set eyes on him.

  Attractive had not been the first word to come to mind when she got a good look at him. Holy hotness. He more than fit all the requirements she’d listed on her application to the dating service. All except for one. He worked in the same field as she. Everything else, well, he had everything she’d asked for in spades.


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