One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance

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One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance Page 4

by Camilla Stevens

  The place had been booby trapped, and George had been, as usual, the lead to go in. It hadn’t been just George’s body parts that splattered Jake and the rest of his team. The sick bastard who was married to the woman had somehow learned of the operation and decided to send a message…and kill four of his own children while he was at it.

  It was Jake’s last mission. Therapy had been strongly suggested. He used his laptop instead, punching out his baggage a word at a time. Surprisingly, it worked fairly well. It didn’t hurt that it also made him very well off financially.

  “So that’s the story,” Jake said, staring into Natalie’s eyes.

  She reached her hand up to his face, dramatically pulled his head toward hers and kissed him hard on the mouth.



  Natalie couldn’t help it. Everything about him as he told his story made him so much more…human. Before this he had been some strange man that maybe she could get a nice rebound quickie with. Now he was a man with some depth to him.

  There was definitely more to the story, even beyond the ‘“I can’t give specifics.” She didn’t need details. She just wanted to be closer to him, feel him, the heat radiating off of his body.

  Her hand crept down his shirt to the hem. He followed her lead and reached down to grab the bottom, pulling it up over his stomach. Their lips broke apart as he lifted the shirt across his chest and over his head.

  Natalie pulled back to look at it. The part she had seen peeking underneath his arm sleeve had been the head of the mamba in an open-mouthed attack. The rippling of his shoulder muscle made it look as though the fangs peeking out were actually ready to strike. The body of the snake slithered across his chest and coiled on his right pectoral.

  “Whoever created it did a spectacular job,” she said with awe. “It looks so real.”

  She traced the serpent across his upper body, admiring the detail. Her eyes admired the firm roundness of his chest and shoulders as well. Everything about him was just so…masculine.

  “You say that like someone who would know,” he said, his words heavy with implication.

  The way she bit her lip and frowned gave her away.

  Jake chuckled. “Ok, let’s see it,” he pressured.

  Natalie’s own tattoo story wasn’t nearly as profound and she felt rather silly telling it. Not to mention, it was in a place that was far too close to revealing more of her body than she was ready to.

  “It’s stupid,” she said, hoping to lead him off the scent. “And it’s soooo cliché.”

  “Oh, no, no, no,” he said with mock seriousness. “I showed you mine, now you show me yours.”

  She hid her face into her arm and smiled, shaking her head.

  “Well I’m going to find it eventually,” he teased. “Hell, it might be fun playing find-the-tattoo with you.”

  That made her laugh, finally and she conceded. “Okay fine!”

  There was no top-secret mission to keep hidden from Jake, simply a megaton of embarrassment. She spilled the entire thing in two sentences.

  “When I graduated college my friends and I got drunk and ended up at a tattoo parlor. I wanted to celebrate finally ‘being free’ ” she raised two fingers to make quotes in the air, “and got two wings on my…back,” she spilled. “It’s a tramp stamp, okay?”

  Jake threw his head back and laughed.

  “I told you it was cliché!” Natalie protested. “We were 22 years old!

  “Unfortunately they look like angel wings. Then Victoria’s Secret came out with that whole Angel line and…now the whole thing just looks even more trampy. Have you ever just wanted to go back in time and slap some sense into the younger you?” She babbled on in a liquor infused ramble.

  Jake gave her a thoughtful look. There was still a trace of a smile on his face, but she immediately thought about what she had just said. Her hands flew to her mouth.

  “Oh Jake, I’m so sorr—”

  He pulled her hands away from her mouth and kissed her fiercely on the lips.


  Jake felt refreshed.

  Everything about this woman was refreshing. The silly tattoo story. The way she kept apologizing for things he had given himself a break for a long time ago. The way she kept denying what she so obviously wanted.

  She was fun.

  And he was having fun being with her.

  In that moment he wanted her to shut up and kiss him. She responded to his mouth hesitantly at first, surprised by the interruption. Then she brought her hands around his neck and pulled herself in closer.

  His tongue explored her lips, tasting the remnants of milk and whiskey. She was right, it tasted delicious; she tasted delicious. He wanted more.

  She opened the door by parting her lips and accepting him in. They tasted each other, her tongue darting into his mouth and his into hers accordingly. You let me taste yours, and I’ll let you taste mine.

  He no longer cared about the tattoo. At that moment, he knew he would eventually see it, and yes, he would have fun trying to find it.

  Natalie brought her body closer to his, pulling herself up onto his lap to straddle him. As she slid her open legs down around his groin, he felt himself responding. She pushed her pelvis into his to let him know she felt his desire…and wanted him just as bad.

  “I still haven’t seen your tattoo,” he mumbled underneath her lips.

  She pulled away and looked down at him. He watched while she came to some sort of internal decision as she held his face in her hands. She searched his eyes and a tiny, but sincere smile crept to her lips.

  “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom and you can find it,” she said, leaving no further doubt in either of their minds.

  He used his strength to pick her up and lift both of them off the sofa. She reached behind and grabbed the bottle of whiskey.

  “Just in case,” she said with a wink.

  She brought her lips down to his again as her legs wrapped around his waist and he carried her into the bedroom.



  Jake carried her past the threshold into the bedroom, letting go only momentarily to switch the light on. He walked her all the way in until his progress was halted by the edge of the bed.

  Natalie untangled her legs and slid them down his sides. As her body was lowered to the floor his hand ran under her sweatshirt. She tossed the bottle onto the bed then did the rest of the work pulling the top over her head.

  The buzz she was feeling from so much alcohol eased the nervousness that crept in. This was the first time she’d been with another man in over 2 years…being that she had actually been faithful to Malcolm. She shook her head, eliminating all thoughts of him from her mind.

  “What?” Jake asked, looking at her uncertainly.

  “Nothing,” she said, smiling. Tonight was about her…and Jake.

  She looked over his muscled torso, eyes lingering on the snake that wound its way around his shoulder. So. Fucking. Sexy.

  Natalie reached up behind her back and unhooked her bra. She bit her lip as it slipped down her shoulders and off her arms, falling to the floor by the bed.

  Jake came in closer to her until his chest was lightly brushing the tips of her nipples. They responded by hardening into firm peaks against his skin. She lifted her eyes from his chin as he looked down at her.

  “Lie down,” he said.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and fell back, her breasts bouncing merrily at the act. She looked up at him, nervousness overtaking the whiskey-induced confidence. He leaned down over her, his body resting on his hands.

  “Scoot back,” he instructed.

  She did as he said, snaking her way back toward the head of the bed. He crawled between her legs, following her every move with his. His eyes stayed on hers as he went. She reached the bump where the pillows rested under the neatly made bedspread and stopped.

  Jake rested on his knees as his hands slid up the fabric of he
r stretch pants. They stopped at the edge of her waistband, hooking the fingers into the elastic. He peeled them slowly down her hips as she lifted them to help him along. They were pulled inside-out as they trailed down her legs and off her feet.

  Natalie realized that she was spread-eagle with him between her legs and left with only her panties—white, bikini, completely non-sexy panties—and brought her arms across her chest self-consciously.

  Jake smiled at her shyness and and trailed a finger up one brown thigh to the underwear. Her skin prickled at the ticklish feeling of it and she squirmed.

  “Stop,” she said in mild protest. “It tickles.”

  He chuckled but stopped all the same. He let the finger creep under the elastic of the band where her inner thigh met the panties. He slid the finger back and forth, causing her to tense at the sensation of it as it glided over the lips underneath the fabric. She could feel the wetness developing as his fingers trailed a line up and down, deeper and deeper. His smile grew as she let out an inadvertent moan of pleasure.

  Finally he ceased and reached both hands up to grab the sides of her underwear. Already filled with heated anticipation, she eagerly helped him along, lifting her hips once again until the thoroughly soaked panties were completely down her thighs. He crawled backwards, taking the underwear with him as her legs came closer together to help remove the last obstruction from her body.

  She kept her legs together as he flung them in the air behind him. His fur-lined loafers had been lost somewhere between the den and the bedroom but he was still wearing his pants. She bent her knees closer to her, keeping her hands across her chest. It was his turn to get undressed.

  He obviously had other ideas. He sat on the bed and leaned on his right arm to the left of her. His hand slid down one leg, admiring the smooth skin with awe.

  “Are you just going to sit and look at me or are you going to take your pants off?” she finally asked.

  “Patience,” he said with mock sternness. “Haven’t you ever heard of foreplay? I guess it really was a bad break up.”

  Natalie gaped in outrage at that. She rose up on her elbows, prepared to get completely off the bed. “Why you—!”

  “Lie down,” he said in an authoritative tone. “I was just kidding. I promise it will be worth it,” he said, kissing her knee.

  She lay back down on the bed, mostly due to the effect the alcohol had on her ability to be outraged.

  He kissed his way down the outside of her thigh as his body slid down toward the bed. His hand hit the bottle of whiskey she had tossed on the bed earlier and he paused to look at it. Natalie watched as a gleam came to his eye and he grabbed it.

  “No more!” she protested. “I’ve had enough,”

  “Not like this you haven’t,” he said, pulling the cap off.

  He tipped the bottle gently over her right knee until the liquid poured in a tiny dribble down her thigh.

  Natalie spasmed and gasped at the same time. The stream changed direction, inward toward her pelvis.

  “You’ll get the bed wet!” she protested.

  He followed the stream with his lips, kissing up each drop of liquid.

  “Not to worry,” he said, his lips bending down to kiss another drop up. “There’s already going to be a wet spot…with any luck.” He pulled his lips away from her thigh and grinned down her, amused at his witty little comment.

  Natalie couldn’t help but smile. It was completely corny…but his lips. Good Lord, they were doing something to her. The hairs on his chin only added to the sensation, tickling the skin, before his lips followed to kiss it away. His mouth traced the whiskey trail down her inner thigh, closer and closer to….

  Oh my god!

  She gasped and arched her back as he pulled her legs fully apart. He sank his head between her thighs to where the whiskey ended. His tongue lapped up the tiny pool of liquid right above the start of where her lips parted. Natalie closed her eyes and squirmed underneath him.

  He pulled away just long enough to put the top back on the bottle and toss it aside. His head immediately went to work where it left off, his tongue tracing an invisible trail to where her inner most parts spread open.

  Dear god, she forgot how good it felt. She sighed as his tongue did the work of slipping through the folds to find the most perfect spot—right there! Her back arched more than before as she let out an intense moan. His lips surrounded the tiny nub, sucking gently as his tongue flicked rapidly over the top like the wings on a humming bird.

  “Oh god, Jake!” she groaned underneath his expert mouth. “Yes, that’s it….Oh my god! Yes!”

  Her hands fell to his head, pushing him closer to her center and at the same time pulling his hair away from her in overstimulated ecstasy.

  His hand slid down her inner thigh until they reached the opening just beneath his chin. Two fingers slid in the now slippery folds to the gateway and pushed through. He curled them upward, stroking the soft, velvety walls, hitting just the right spot to make her moans turn into screams. He continued stroking in and out while his tongue did a dance on her clitoris. Natalie convulsed over and over as lightning shot through her body from the thundercloud of pleasure where Jake was buried between her legs.

  By the time he came up for air, she was exhausted.


  God, she tasted delicious.

  Jake loved the feeling of a woman experiencing pleasure around him, and Natalie was so damned responsive to his touch. The feeling of her soft, warm thighs brushing and then clamping against the sides of his face had sent the blood racing to his dick.

  The smell and taste of her lingered on his lips, chin, and nose as he lifted his head to watch her in the final throes of the pleasure he had given her. He hated to waste a moment doing anything but bringing their bodies together, but he had to remove the final obstruction.

  He sat up to take off his pants. Natalie’s eyes fluttered open at his absence. As he brought the pants down and off his legs her eyes grew wide at some internal conflict.

  “Condom?” she asked, desperation in her voice.

  Good thought.

  One of the few valuable lessons he had actually taken away from his dad: always be prepared. Specifically when it came to producing heirs, or rather, preventing such an act.

  Jake reached over her, enjoying the view of her naked prone body, still glowing from her recent climax—and pulled open the drawer on the bedside table. His wallet was in there, with exactly one condom. It hadn’t been all that long since he replaced it after the prior one was used, but he was pretty sure it was still good. Better than nothing.

  “Someone was a boy scout,” she joked beside him.

  He winked down at her with a smile as he ripped it open.

  He got off the bed to make it easier to pull his briefs down. Her eyes lit up as his cock sprung free of the cotton. Jake was no porn star in the making, but he was pretty comfortable with his ability to hold his own. No complaints so far, and it looked as though tonight would be no exception.

  He placed the latex over the engorged head and rolled it down the long shaft. He was hard as a rock after viewing Natalie’s naked, eager figure beneath him and feeling her convulsions of pleasure. He couldn’t wait to see what she felt like wrapped around his dick. Just the thought made him quickly finish the business of wrapping himself so he could jump back on the bed and get between her spectacular legs again.

  He knelt between her and brought his body forward, crawling on both hands until he was positioned right above her. He looked down into her face, reading the hunger in her eyes. She was ready and so was he. He gently lowered himself on top of her and reached down to guide himself into the opening he had lubricated with his mouth and fingers.

  He slid into the soft, smooth blanket of warmth, eased by the wetness that helped him along. He felt her sigh against his neck as he entered her fully, resting only momentarily before pulling out again. He sank into her again, going deeper this time. Her legs moved up his sides un
til he was as deep as possible inside of her.

  She rocked her body underneath him as he worked himself into a steady rhythm of fucking her. As the momentum picked up, her fingers dug into his back. He spread his legs to brace himself as his speed picked up. Her hips rose to meet every thrust, crowning the moment with a moan as his penis triggered the right spot to make her body respond.

  “Oh god, Jake. Fuck me, fuck me,” she moaned beneath him, her fingernails digging crescents in his back.

  His only response was to groan and throw his head back, feeling every bit of pressure around his shaft as he slipped in and out of her. The smell and taste and feel of her was overwhelming his senses. Everything about this felt right and wonderful. He held on, waiting for her to reveal her climax before his own release.

  He was rewarded as he felt the soft embrace surrounding his cock convulse and vibrate in a shuddering orgasm. Her chest pressed hard into his as her back bent in an alarming arc. The fingers dug firmly into his back and the sound that escaped her lips pierced his ears.

  “Oh god, yes!” she screamed in a deafening yell, “Oh, Jake…oh Jake.” It withered into a sigh as she said his name over and over.

  His face fell into the pillow beside her as he finally released the dam of pleasure he had been holding in. His body shuddered and he groaned into the feathery softness as the latex barrier filled with his seed. He lay on top of her in recovery breathing as heavily as she was underneath him. Finally he rolled over and fell onto the pillow beside her.



  Natalie lay on the bed breathing heavily, her body still recovering. The orgasm had been wonderful. Feeling Jake’s body stimulate her to completion had been exhilarating. She was still in an elated daze as she stared up at the ceiling, basking in the glow of counting herself among the women who were completely satisfied at this very moment.

  Eventually reality spun its way back into her consciousness. The “rebound” had been spectacular, more than spectacular. They had both satisfied their needs. She had no illusions that this would be anything more than two people getting off. She was leaving in the morning and he was…going back to where ever he came from. As much as she would love to stay in this luxurious suite and sleep off the whiskey in his strong arms, she didn’t want to make things awkward.


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