Caught In The Act - An Erotic Short Story (Erotika For Women)

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Caught In The Act - An Erotic Short Story (Erotika For Women) Page 1

by James, Sophie

  Caught In The Act

  An Erotic Short Story

  By Sophie James

  Copyright 2013 Sophie James

  Also by Sophie James

  Personal Service – A frustrated housewife gets more than she bargained for with her weekly shopping delivery

  Chapter 1

  The shrill, rude alarm clock beeped incessantly in its effort to alert the snoring body under the covers that it was time to wake up. That it was time to wake up and get with the program. The big man gradually returned to the waking world and with a sharp, precise swing of the arm silenced the alarm clock until exactly the same time the next morning. Frank swung his legs out of bed with military precision and entered the small bathroom to perform his usual, strict morning routine. Everything he did was carefully planned and carried out to the letter. His mother and twenty years in the army had moulded him into the man he was today. The army had turned him into an efficient, disciplined man who thrived on routine and order in all aspects of his life which was something he was very thankful for. His mother, on the other hand, had unwittingly instilled in him a hatred of women which was something he had no opinion of. It was just the way he was and there was nothing he could do about it. Her cruelness and coldness toward him as a child and young man had caused him to view his mother and all women through a warped, distorted perspective. As far as he was concerned all women were bitches and deserved all they got. Frank turned on the powerful, hot shower and stepped in. The pressure of the water helped to wake him and prepare him for another day at the store. He had to have his wits about him at work, the security of the shoppers and the profits of his employers depended on him being alert and watchful.

  Karen turned the corner only to see the red double-decker bus pull away from the bus stop ahead. “Damn!” she exclaimed. “Can today get any worse?” The morning certainly had got off to a bad start. She had overslept due to her alarm clock not alarming her as was intended and things hadn’t improved when her car failed to jump to life. It had been causing her problems for a while now but she couldn’t afford to get it fixed so she had left it and hoped for the best. That had proved to be a bad decision but she had no choice. Money was tight and she had to prioritise. Now she would be late for work for the third time this month and her boss would be on her case all day. She walked slowly to the now empty bus shelter and tried to collect her thoughts. She had a busy day ahead of her and this was not the start she needed. Tomorrow, her younger brother was flying out to Afghanistan with the rest of his regiment and there was to be a big party this evening. With everything that had happened to her family recently she really wanted everything to go smoothly and for her brother to return safe and sound. Hopefully her luck would improve. It couldn’t get a lot worse!

  As he always did every morning Frank listened to the radio while he got himself dressed into the uniform the store gave him. The DJ was talking to some woman about the issue of female priests and how they are advancing the cause of equality in the modern world.

  “Fucking bullshit!” he swore. “Women are only necessary in the bedroom and the kitchen.”

  He smiled at this little outburst although deep inside him a small ball of rage was beginning to grow into something bigger and more potent. This glowing ember was constantly with him, nagging him, reminding him that he was incomplete. That he wasn’t a proper man. If he had been a real man he wouldn’t have let his fucking mother do the things she had done to him in the name of love.

  “Fucking bitch!” he muttered to himself. He turned the radio off with a decisive, firm slap and turned to check his appearance in the full length mirror as he always did. The uniform they gave him was adequate but it was nothing like his army uniform. When he wore that he felt strong and powerful, this poor substitute made him feel just adequate. He strode down the stairs and picked up the lunch he had prepared for himself the previous evening before grabbing his coat and keys and stepping out into the new morning ready to face the day ahead.

  Lunchtime finally came and Karen headed into town to pick up a few things for the party later that evening. She headed straight for the large department store as she could get everything she needed in one place. The store was busy with people trying to fit in a little retail therapy to make themselves feel better about their lives. Karen knew what she needed and headed straight for the menswear department. As soon as she saw it she knew it was perfect. She picked up the expensive wristwatch and casually slipped it into her large bag with the grace and sophistication of a seasoned cat burglar. She moved on and continued browsing the other items in the busy department.

  Frank’s day had been pretty ordinary so far. Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred to disrupt his regular patrols around the store’s busy aisles until he noticed the attractive, young woman hanging around the menswear department. He watched her intently as she picked up the cheap piece of costume jewellery and casually tried it on. It was a silver bracelet and was worth very little compared to the watch she had slipped into her oversize handbag just a few minutes before. She looked very confident and relaxed as she perused the trinkets on offer with no idea that she had been careless this time and that her actions had aroused suspicion in the store detective currently watching her every move. Frank had first become suspicious of the woman when she had spent a lot of time in one aisle looking as though she was lost. She also didn’t seem to fit in with the usual bunch of bored, lifeless shoppers that came in to the department store every day. He wasn’t sure but he suspected she was shoplifting so he had positioned himself so that he could see her but she could not see him. He had seen her pick up a rather expensive wristwatch, examine it closely and then drop it smoothly into her bag.

  He had been a store detective for a good few years now since retiring from the army and had seen just about everything there was to see. Just like all the others, she thought she was being very discrete and natural but she had been careless and now he had to approach her and ask her if she would kindly accompany him to the security office. That was the moment when they would do one of two things. They would either give themselves up and admit they had done it or they would run. He didn’t think she would run, she didn’t look the type and besides, the shoes she was wearing would make running extremely difficult. They were sexy red stilettos with very high heels. He thought she would probably burst into tears which was a shame because she was a very attractive woman with a great figure. “Probably not the best qualifications for being a shoplifter!” he thought to himself and smiled.

  He walked up behind her and examined her pert, shapely bottom and hips for a little longer than was necessary before tapping her on the shoulder and speaking the words that would end up ripping a gaping hole in her life.

  “Excuse me madam, I have reason to believe you have goods in your bag which you have not paid for.” he said as she turned round to face him. What struck him was just how beautiful and desirable she was. He had noticed that she was attractive when he first spotted her loitering in the menswear department but up close he realised that she oozed sexuality from every pore of her flawless complexion. She was the kind of woman who made other women instantly jealous despite them trying hard not to let it bother them. Men wanted her, they had to have her and if they did they would tell the world about their amazing fortune. Frank wanted her. He wanted her like no other woman he had ever encountered in the fifty two years he had been on the Earth. He had to have her, he would have her. She had eyes that made you forget everything and lips so red and full that Frank’s mind instantly registered an image of her pleasuring him with those very same lips. His e
yes instantly dropped to scan the large firm breasts hiding inside the tight, red t-shirt. He could make out the heavy curve of each breast and the small rise which gave away the hard nipples she undoubtedly possessed. She wasn’t aware of Frank’s eyes mentally undressing her though, she was trying to come to terms with the fact that she had been caught shop-lifting and the consequences this would have.

  She managed to regain her composure slightly and said “I…I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’ll put it back I promise. Please don’t report me to the police. I’ll lose my job and…and…” Tears began to well in her eyes and Frank realised she was about to burst into tears.

  “Come on” he said, “Let’s go to my office”

  Frank’s office was nothing more than a broom cupboard but he liked it and it made him feel important. The office was at the back of the store, down a flight of stairs and behind the storage area. As he led her towards his office his mind flashed back to the image of her plump, red lips encircling his hard, erect penis. He dwelled on the image for a few seconds and felt a stirring in his groin which excited him immensely.

  He opened the door and gestured for her to go in first. She hesitated but then stepped into the small room. There were no windows in Frank’s office and only the one door. It had been used for many things in the past but now it was where Frank held shoplifters while he waited for the police to turn up. That could take hours sometimes and once Frank had to lock a young lad in there while he assisted with sorting out some trouble with a drunk in the store.

  He told her to put her bag on the table and sit down. He could tell all too well that she did not have any pockets and thus nowhere to hide anything. She placed the bag on the corner of the table and sat down on the worn out chair with her hands between her knees. She looked so vulnerable to Frank, so small and powerless. She was in his power now, in his world and would have to do whatever he told her to do. He turned around and closed the door, locking it slowly. He was enjoying the feeling of power, it was turning him on and he did not want it to end.

  “What happens now?” she asked as he turned back to face her.

  “Well…now I call the police to tell them I’ve caught a shoplifter in my store. They come over, charge you and take you to the station” His eyes flitted from her breasts to her lips.

  “Have you ever been arrested before?”

  “No. This has never happened to me before.” She whispered as the tears in her throat made her voice break.

  “Why did you do it then?” he asked. “You don’t seem as though you need the money or anything like that”.

  “It’s for my brother, he’s being shipped over to Afghanistan next week and he’s always wanted an expensive wrist watch. I just wanted to get him something before he goes. I may never see him again.”

  At this the tears just flooded from her eyes and she let out a wail which was full of anguish and despair. Frank waited for her to calm down before speaking.

  “Look, I’ve been thinking.” He said “There’s been no real harm done today. Nobody knows what you’ve done apart from me and you and I really don’t want the hassle of waiting for the police to turn up.” He looked at her, so weak and powerless, unable to defend herself against his strength and manliness and he felt himself growing hard in his pants.

  “Perhaps we could make a deal here. I’m sure there’s something you’ve got that I want. In return, I turn a blind eye to what happened here. Hey, if you’re really good I’ll even let you keep the watch.”

  She looked at him, puzzled. “But I don’t have any money; if I did I would have bought the watch in the first place. I don’t have anything you…” and then she realised what Frank was talking about. She looked at him weighing up the situation and couldn’t help noticing the large bulge forming in his trousers.

  “What exactly did you have in mind?” she said as she fidgeted in her seat.

  “Well…” he said as he looked down to the ever-growing presence in his pants. She knew exactly then what he wanted and what she would have to do to get out of this mess. She had to decide now, she could give this guy a blow job – which wouldn’t take long looking at him – and walk away from this nightmare, hey, she might even get to keep the watch or she could refuse and face the police down at the station. You could bet this guy wouldn’t do me any favours with the law if I turn him down. It seemed like what her younger sister would call a ‘no-brainer’. This guy didn’t look too bad, he was a bit creepy perhaps but he seemed genuine, just horny. She should take it as a compliment, it wouldn’t be the first time a woman has fucked or sucked her way out of trouble would it and anyway who would know. He couldn’t go spreading it around could he; he’d get the sack or worse. It appeared to her that she had made up her mind.

  “Ok” she said “I’ll do it. As long as you promise to keep to your side of the bargain.” “Oh I will” he said but she realised there wasn’t much she could do if he didn’t. He had the power and he was using it. The only power she had was her sexuality and the fact that he wanted her badly.

  He slowly walked over to where she was sitting and stood close to her. He towered above her and this made him feel strong and vital. She reached out to his fly but he put his hand out to stop her.

  “Not yet” he said and fixed his gaze on her firm, full breasts.

  “Get them out first” he said. She thought about it for a second but realised that once again, she didn’t have a choice. She stood up and untucked her t-shirt before pulling it up slowly over her head. She suddenly felt naked and extremely vulnerable but she carried on and carefully folded her t-shirt before placing it on the desk. She knew he wanted her to go further and remove her bra but she tried to reach for his fly again in the vain hope that he would let her keep her bra on. He stopped her again and placed his large hand on the swell of her left breast and squeezed gently. Her bra was one of those that fastened at the front so she placed her hands either side of the clasp and released it. Frank was staring now and looked like he would burst soon with sexual tension. She looked him in the eye and opened her bra revealing her large smooth breasts. A small bead of sweat ran into the smooth, welcoming valley and out the other side heading for other unchartered lands. She shivered now as Frank’s tension seemed to reach new heights.

  She dropped her bra on to the floor and pushed her breasts out towards Frank. He reached out and held both of them, squeezing her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Frank lowered his hands and gestured towards his desperate penis. She reached down for the third time and slid his fly down as far as it would go. Frank moaned in anticipation of what was to come. She released the button of his trousers and let them fall to the floor. Frank’s penis had forced its way out of his underwear and was now standing erect pointing at her. He was a big man and his penis was in proportion to the rest of him. She lowered herself down onto her knees and faced Frank’s throbbing manhood. She didn’t know how much of him she would be able to take and this worried her. She started by taking Frank’s cock and licking the very tip. It felt hot in her hands and almost burnt her tongue as she explored the sensitive tip of his weapon. Frank groaned and shook noticeably as she continued teasing him. She hoped he would shoot his load before he made it into her mouth and filled her with his hot cum but somewhere inside her she was enjoying teasing him. She could feel Frank getting impatient now; he wanted to be inside her, to have his hot, throbbing penis sliding in and out of her mouth surrounded by those plump red lips. He wanted to cum in her mouth and he wanted her to swallow what he gave her. He wanted all of this and he wanted it now. He pushed his cock into her mouth and she relented, taking almost his entire length deep into her mouth. Her tongue held its place against his cock and her lips formed a tight seal around his hard length. He thrust into her mouth and she reciprocated taking him deeper each time. Soon he could get no deeper into her and she held him firm, stopping him from thrusting. He cooperated with her, wanting desperately to cum but also not wanting this ecstasy to en
d. She withdrew from him so that the tip of his cock was touching her plump red lips. She looked up at him and could see that he was enjoying what he was seeing. Her hand gripped him firmly and slid slowly up and down his length. Each time she changed direction she varied the pressure she applied and the speed. Her tongue darted across his tip at the same time and she could see this was exciting Frank still further; bringing him closer to the edge. She continued like this for a minute or two; teasing him; knowing that she could end this at any time but strangely she did not end it. She was enjoying it! She felt dirty and cheap but at the same time strangely empowered. From being at Frank’s mercy the balance of power had now turned. She was in control now. This big strong man was suddenly weak and defenceless. His lust and longing for her had robbed him of his virility.

  Frank’s breathing quickened and his body began to quiver and shake; his orgasm was very close now and inevitable. He pushed himself back into her hot, welcoming mouth and began to thrust again. Each thrust harder and more intense than the one before. She had to back away from him slightly as his penis was beginning to hurt her throat. She held him by his hips as the thrusts increased further until suddenly he came. Frank felt like he was going to explode; his orgasm had been building gradually for a long time and the release was beyond anything he had experienced before. The rush of ecstasy grew from deep within him and made his whole body shake. His semen felt like an unstoppable train as it coursed its way out of him and into her sensual mouth. She gagged as the hot fluid filled her mouth and for a few seconds she didn’t breathe; she couldn’t believe how much came out of him. She had no choice but to swallow and his semen felt hot as it made its way down through her chest. He pulled out of her and the semen shot across her face, neck and breasts forming globules linked with sticky fluid. He looked down at her, covered in his semen and grinned at her; the flow from his penis now subsiding. He grabbed her by her upper arm and pulled her to her feet. His hands held her breasts once again and he began to rub his hot semen across her breasts causing them to become slippery and sticky at the same time.


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