Cupid Cures: Small Town Western Contemporary (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 5)

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Cupid Cures: Small Town Western Contemporary (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 5) Page 9

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Tempe Tangier intrigued him more than anyone he ever dated. Yet they weren't really even dating. All they were doing was working together. Would she go out with him once this was over? Would she agree to let him see her again?

  "I think so," she said, her voice soothing, her breath whispery.

  "No one has ever created such heat like you. No one has made me want to fight heaven and earth to be with you," he promised as he walked backwards to the bed.

  A shiver went through her.

  "Are you cold? Let me warm you." He pulled her down with him to the bed.

  "Not cold. Hot with need for you," she panted, her fingertips running down his chest, his stomach, to his manhood. As she wrapped her hand around him, he groaned the sound echoing in the room. Full to bursting with need for her as she massaged him until his blood throbbed with heat.

  "Let me fix that for you because I ache with want for you," he said as he gripped her head, holding her mouth hostage, his fingers tangling in her hair, not letting her escape his kiss.

  Then he slid his hands down her neck to her shoulders and further until he reached her chest. Cupping her pale globes, he released her lips from his and bent down to lift the weight of her breast to his lips.

  Gently, he pulled on her nipple, sucking as much of her into his mouth as he could, as she bucked wildly against him, her moans loud in the room. As her hands moved to his head, trapping him against her breasts, trying to give him more access to her body, her breathing ragged and harsh.

  With a gentle stroke he trailed his hand down her body, skimming over her flat stomach, down until his caress touched her intimate folds, and she whimpered his name.


  Plucking his lips from her nipple, he stared as desire filled her eyes, and she gazed at him with longing.

  "Your skin feels like silk or satin," he said as he delved inside her center. Slowly, he stroked her, watching her face change. Gripping the quilt in her fists, his fingers teased her until she squirmed and moaned.

  Tightening around him, she screamed, shuddering as her passion-filled eyes stared straight into his soul. Touching him like no one had ever done before.

  Quickly he reached into the night stand and pulled out a condom. With a rip he opened the package and sheathed himself with the rubber. Smiling, he parted her legs with his.

  Astonished, they fit perfectly together, her breasts against his chest, her hips supporting him, his shaft nestled between the juncture of her thighs, right where he belonged. Unable to hold back any longer, he entered her in a single swift movement.

  "You feel great," she murmured. "Filling me up."

  "Tempe," he groaned in the semi-dark room.

  Staring into her eyes, he believed they were joined as one as he moved inside her, stroking her, loving her. Clutching his back, she clung to him as together they rode the waves of passion, holding onto one another.

  This woman had taken on the challenges of a father who devastated the family fortune, become a vet, and this afternoon faced a roomful of unhappy ranchers. She'd beaten them all and had no idea of how strong and capable she was. A compressing spiral of need consumed him, and as much as he wished he could last longer, he couldn't.

  "Kyle," Tempe cried as she convulsed with pleasure.

  With a guttural cry, he slammed into her body, shuddering his release. No matter what happened in their future, he would always remember tonight.

  Rolling them to their sides, tucking her tight against his body, his heart was pounding, his pulse racing. Glancing up at him, her eyes were half lidded, spent from their lovemaking and he reached down and kissed her on the lips.

  "What a wonderful way to end a crappy day," she said. "For just a few moments, you made me forget everything."

  "You're welcome," he said and wondered how did he continue to live his life without her by his side.

  The thought surprised him and he quickly pushed it away. Soon this epidemic would be behind them and she would be on her way. But would she go out with him when this was over? Could they become more than just coworkers? Could they become lovers and friends?

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, the calls began. Ranchers who had listened to their warnings grasped the risks involved if one of their cows became ill. Suddenly they were booked for most of the day.

  Packing their bags, she looked over at him, warmth filling her. The thought crossed her mind of spending the rest of her life by his side and then the logical part of her, reminded her of her past.

  How the press would make his life miserable if they learned the truth about who she was. As much as she wanted to be with Kyle, it could never happen. Staying with him would put him at risk.

  Over the years she'd mastered how to put her emotions away, pushing aside her feelings she locked them away. This was a brief moment in time, nothing more. Like a monkey on her back, the past would never allow this relationship to be anything else, ever.

  "Come on," he said grabbing her hand. "Let's go."

  "Yes, we've got a busy day," she said. "If this keeps up, I may have to call for back up."

  "Let's see as many ranches as we can," he said, reaching down and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "Tonight when we return home, I'll give you another lesson in lovemaking."

  A sigh escaped her. Life with this man would be fun and interesting and that frightened her. Already she could tell her heart was quickly becoming involved and she was falling in love with the handsome charmer. For his own protection, she couldn't stay.

  "Did I pass last night?" she asked teasing him.

  "Absolutely, you received an A, but I think there is always room for improvement. So tonight we'll work a little harder at getting your grade up," he said. "You're such a smart student and have the ability to make an A plus."

  Shaking her head she laughed. "You are a goofus, charm boy. Now let's go to work. We have an epidemic to bring under control."

  For the next four hours, they worked tirelessly checking cattle, drawing blood and giving the ranchers advice on how to keep the possible infection from spreading. Their biggest concerns were the two ranches next to old man Smith's randy bull, that they knew had the disease.

  That would be their last stop of the day. Where they would inform him, the results of the tests and the need to euthanize the diseased animal.

  No, Mr. Smith wouldn't be happy, they both recognized he would be upset, but unfortunately that was unavoidable.

  At the Callahan ranch, they worked together. Kyle talking to the rancher while Tempe took the blood from the animal.

  Poking the animal gently with a cattle prod, to get the heifer moving into the chute, where Tempe could draw the necessary blood work. All part of the testing exam needed to determine whether the cow had Brucellosis.

  "How many calves has she aborted?" Kyle asked taking notes.

  "Two in the last six months. This animal is not eating like she should or putting on weight," the rancher informed them.

  "Come on, girl," she said, pushing her, avoiding standing directly behind the cow. Stepping into a hole, her ankle buckled and she felt herself falling.

  Trying to regain her balance, she fell forward at the same time she saw the animals hoof coming towards her chest. Turning to the side to avoid almost certain death, the kick hit her just below her breasts.

  Like a knife plunging into her, knocking the breath from her as the sharp claw propelled her backwards.

  With a wham, she landed on her back and gasped, fearing she would never suck air again.

  "Tempe," Kyle screamed. Immediately, he was by her side. "Where are you hurt?"

  Everything moved in slow motion as she watched the old man, shove the animal with the cattle prod propelling her into the squeeze chute and locking it behind her.

  "Is she all right?" he asked, standing over her, gazing at her with a worried expression on his face.

  She couldn't talk. She couldn't draw air into her lungs. Her chest burned and radiated with agony and she
wheezed, panic seizing her.

  "Relax," Kyle said in his doctor's voice. "Relax. That heifer knocked the air out of you. Slowly try to take a deep breath."

  Pain spasmed through her ribcage and she moaned, but did feel her lungs filling once again. A searing ache emanated through her chest area and she couldn't move. Not yet. Not until this throbbing eased just a little.

  "Let me look where she kicked you," Kyle said.

  Barely able to breathe as she focused on trying to ease the , she couldn't stop him, if she wanted to.

  He pulled her polo shirt out of her jeans and then lifted it up keeping her bra covered. At this moment searing, anguish radiated from her ribs and she honestly didn't care that the old man was getting an eye full. Right now, she hurt too bad to think of modesty.

  Bending over, the older man's grimace was enough to let her know the sight wasn't pretty. "Oh my."

  "Shit," he said. "The claw got you good. Looks like it's already starting to bruise."

  "I..m...all right," she said with a wheeze.

  "Like hell you are," he said. "Let me check your ribs."

  When he placed his hand on her ribcage even though he was gentle, she screamed as he touched the area of the kick.

  "That's it," he said. "I'm taking you to the ER."

  No, she didn't want to go to the hospital. Whenever her records were checked she had an irrational fear that somehow they would learn her past. Find out her real identity and notify the press.

  "No. Take the heifer's blood," she said with a moan.

  "No," he said.

  "Damn it I'm not leaving until you take her blood. Give me a moment and I'll get up and do it myself. We didn't come all this way out here for me to be kicked for nothing," Tempe demanded.

  Right now they needed to learn if they had another case and didn't have time to come back out here and do this again. There were other cattle waiting.

  His mouth thinned and he gritted his teeth. "Has anyone ever told you how stubborn you are?"

  "No," she said, her voice barely a whisper. Her stubbornness was probably why she was still alive and not sniveling away in a corner somewhere. "Just take the blood."

  The owner who had been standing off to the side, glanced at Kyle. "She's right. Take what you need and then I'll put this heifer in a separate pasture away from the other animals. The sooner you collect the blood, the sooner you can take Dr. Tangier to see a doctor."

  "Were there any others you had concerns about?" Tempe said, trying to sit, grimacing from the throbbing torment.

  There was no time for an injury. No time for emergency room visits and yet all she could think about was a possible cracked rib or pierced lung.

  "No, she's the only one I know of. Miss Tangier, I'm really sorry she got you with her hoof."

  "One of the many dangers of this job," Tempe gasped as pain pounded through her. While she didn't want to seek medical help, maybe it was a good idea to be examined. As a vet even she knew the dangers of an injury like this.

  In less than five minutes, he had the specimen from the animal. Labeling the test tube with the ranch name and the identification number of the heifer, he carefully packed the sample away.

  Sitting on the ground not far away, her breathing labored, Tempe realized she had to go to the ER.

  "Let me help you up," he said, reaching down as he and the old man tried to lift her to her feet instead of pulling her.

  For a moment she thought she would pass out from the palpitating ache. Taking small shallow breaths, she gazed at the owner, her vision blurry.

  "Just as soon as we know the results, I'll either come out to see or call you to tell you what we found. In the meantime, don't let any animal near her. Even a dog is susceptible to this infection. No animals, no one," she instructed.

  "Thanks," the rancher said. "Go get those ribs checked out."

  "I think I'll be okay," she said. "Give me a little time to rest."

  With every breath, her lungs tightened, like a knife stabbing her in the chest.

  "We're going to the ER," Kyle commanded, placing his arm around her and helping her walk across the land to the car. Leaning her head on his shoulder, depending on him for help, knowing this was not how she planned on spending her day with him, she sighed.

  "Why did I have to trip," she said. "I'm such a klutz."

  "Accidents occur," he said. "Thank goodness you weren't alone."

  "That would have been bad," she said, trying to keep the groan from out of her voice.

  As they reached the car, he carefully sat her inside and pulled the seat belt across her chest, tears welled up at the touch of the strap. No matter what, she needed to go to the emergency room.

  "Maybe you're right. Maybe we should go to the hospital."

  A scowl crossed his face as he stared out the windshield.. "No choice. We're headed there now."

  Kyle watched as they wheeled her back into the ER. The small hospital was quiet and unless another emergency walked in, he doubted she would be in there long.

  Sinking down into one of the chairs, he placed his elbows on his knees and his head in the palm of his hands. What a scary day.

  In veterinary school they warned about getting kicked in the chest. A hard enough kick, landing in the right place on your chest could stop your heart. When he saw her falling, terror exploded through him and he couldn't reach her fast enough. Terrified when that hoof landed on her chest and sent her flying back.

  Thank goodness the rancher had settled the heifer down and pushed her completely into the chute, while he focused on Tempe.

  Rubbing his palms across his face, he contemplated what happened and his chest ached at the thought of her being seriously hurt. No question she would be sore, bruised and in pain for several days, but what if she'd broken her ribs. What if she punctured a lung.

  As a vet, he understood the possibilities of what she could of injured. Fear spread through him and he jumped up out of his seat and began to pace the floor.

  That was Tempe back in the examining room. With a determined stride he went over to the check in desk. "Is there anyway I can go back and be with Miss Tangier?"

  "Are you family?" he swallowed the urge to lie on the tip of his tongue. "No."

  "Sorry sir, you'll need to wait. Give me a few minutes and I'll go talk to her, " she said and went back to her work.

  Tempe waited in the exam room, hurting, frightened, all alone. A woman he had come to know, since the night he danced around the Cupid statue. A woman that he'd seen that heifer knock senseless sending terror gripping his heart.

  Like a slap to his face, he stopped and gazed at the swinging doors where they rolled her through.

  A warm sensation flowed through his veins and he closed his eyes at the sudden realization. "Oh my," he said out loud in the empty waiting room. "Oh my."

  Just the thought of her warmed his chest and filled him with hope, with promise and something he hadn't experienced in a long long time. He'd fallen in love with Scott Gaston's daughter. He'd fallen in love with the caring woman. He'd fallen in love with a woman he considered his equal. A strong woman with an intelligent, sharp mind now held his heart hostage.

  And now he was uneasy about her health.

  No, he didn't mean to fall in love. In fact, he had not been searching for someone - but Tempe was the smartest, stubbornness, person he knew and she made him happy. Made him a better vet, a better lover, even a better man.

  Pacing the small area, he halted in front of the front desk. "Have you checked on her?"

  "Not yet," the woman said, glancing at him like he was becoming a burden.

  Taking a deep breath, he gave her his best smile, leaned down close to her and said, "I'm sure working at a hospital, you're very busy. No, we aren't related yet, but she's my fiancé and I'm concerned about her. Could you let me go back there for a moment to reassure me she's doing fine?."

  "Are you trying to get me fired?"

  "Never," he said. 'But if they did, you would h
ave a job at my clinic. All I need is five minutes with her."

  The need to see her beautiful face, check and see she was really going to be okay overwhelmed him and if this clerk didn't let him go back, he'd force his way to Tempe.

  With a frown, the girl glanced at her watch. "It's now three forty-five. You've got until three fifty one and if you're not back out here, I'm calling security."

  Kyle smiled and started running towards the door. "Thank you," he called. "Yes, you have a job if you need it."

  Pushing through the doors, he soon found her lying in a bed, her eyes shut.

  Just seeing her confirmed everything his heart had been telling him. For a moment, his throat clogged with the awareness he loved this woman. Loved her smile, her sense of right and wrong and her belief in the rules, though he hoped to soften her stand on that a little.

  "Hey, you doing all right?" he asked, worried she lay so still and lifeless.

  "No, it hurts to breathe," she said. "I'm so stupid. I got careless and in a matter of seconds, that cow let me know she was none too happy with me."

  "We all make mistakes," he said, picking up her hand. "Has the doctor been in yet?"

  Her color was pale, her face drawn and she appeared to still have a lot of discomfort.

  "Oh yes, now they're getting ready to take me to X-ray."

  "They let you come back?"

  "Bribed the lady up front. She only gave me five minutes."

  "Still using that charm," she said with a smile that turned into a grimace.

  How had the word charm become such an endearment, but it had and warmth rushed through him. What could he say, she was right, he used his charm to get to her. All he wanted was Tempe.

  There was so much he needed to say to her, but this was not the most romantic place in the world to confess his feelings. Now was not the time to share with her that he loved her.

  "Tempe, I'm aching for you, but if I'm not back by three fifty one, she'll call security."

  Reaching down he kissed her on the temple. "Tell them to give you a shot of morphine. You need it."


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