Perceval, Spencer, 102
perukes, 129
Persephone, 15
Pesci, Joe, 79
Pet Shop Boys (band), 22
Peter, St., 350
Peter the Great, 106
petroleum, 110
pets, 85
Pez, 147
Philadelphia, 104
phobias, 320
photography, 96
Picard, Jean-Luc, 107
Picasso, Pablo, 316
pickles, 382
pigeons, 77
pigs, 82, 330, 362
pill (birth-control), 81
Pink Floyd (band), 2, 22, 26, 65, 329
piranhas, 82
pirates, 4, 79, 241, 334
pizza, 11, 83, 93, 140
Pizza Hut, 126
planets, 46
Planned Parenthood (group), 81
plantains, 94
plants, 368
plastics, 124
Playboy (magazine), 121
Player, Gary, 119
Pledge of Allegiance (US), 102
plumbers, 137
Pluto, 1
PNC Park, 130
poker, 123
politics, 102, 134, 364
Polk, James K., 88, 139, 348
polka, 31
pollex, 361
Pollock, Oliver, 109
pollution, 57
polo (horse), 36
Polo, Marco, 105
Popes, 9, 102, 350
Popeye, 80, 90
poppies (red), 117
Pop-Tarts, 126
population, 25, 308
Porter, Rufus, 138
postage stamps, 207
potatoes, 94, 119
pottery, 146
Pravda (newspaper), 366
pregnancy, 81
presidents, 27, 204, 231, 357
Presley, Elvis, 8, 20, 111, 273, 281, 360
Pretty Woman (movie), 253
Price, Vincent, 91
prices, 113
prime (number), 98
Prince (artist), 130
prison, 105
Procter & Gamble, 122
Pryor, Richard, 79
psychiatrists, 240
Pulitzer Prize, 365
Pulp Fiction (movie), 248
pumice, 122
punctate pruritus, 361
punctuation, 123
Pusey, Joshua, 11
pyramids, 259
Python, Monty, 310
Qntal (band), 8
Quaker Oats, 258
Québec, Canada, 100, 189
queens, 104
quidnunc, 361
Quisling, Vidkun, 22
rabbits, 287
radio, 122
Raging Bull (movie), 79
railroads, 16
rain, 224
rain forests, 94
Rand, Ayn, 87
rattlesnakes, 25
Reader’s Digest (magazine), 220
reading, 128
Reagan, Maureen, 111
Reagan, Nancy, 116
Reagan, Ronald 27, 119, 256–7, 321, 356
Redgrave (siblings), 30
recipes, 9
Red Baron, The, 360
red (color), 117
red cards (soccer), 117
red-light district, 117
Redford, Robert, 45, 157
religion, 261, 350
Return of Dr. X, The (movie), 79
Return of the Jedi (movie), 107
Reuben (sandwich), 307
Rhode Island, 35, 131
rice, 83
Rice, Anne, 31
Richard III, King, 355
Richard the Lionheart, 114
Richards, Keith, 32
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 41
Rin Tin Tin, 103
ringtones, 88
Ripley’s Believe It or Not, 90
Ritz, César, 22
rivers, 284
Robbins, Marty, 328
Roberts, Julia, 44
robotics, laws of, 274
Rodin, 98
Rogers, Roy, 252
Rolling Stone (magazine), 169
Rolling Stones (band), 121, 268
Romanov (siblings), 30
Rome (Ancient), 9, 88, 102, 129, 146, 350, 377
Romper Room (TV show), 111
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 78, 365
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 13, 78, 119, 151, 231, 291, 348
Roosevelt, Theodore, 78, 184, 256–7, 262, 340, 356–7
Roquefort (cheese), 124
Rose, Fred, 3
Rose, Pete, 32
Ross, Diana, 56
Rothschild, Lionel Nathan de, 102
Royal Academy of Music, 136
royalty, 104
rum, 119
Run-D.M.C. (band), 328
running, 14, 36
Russia, 83
Ruth, Babe, 2, 26, 130, 173, 256
Saab, 16
sackbut (instrument), 125
SAD (seasonal affective disorder), 15
safecracking, 168
saffron, 24
sailfish, 82
saints, 59
Sajak, Pat, 247
salaries, 137
salt, 150, 263
San Francisco, 10
San Quentin State Prison, 105
sand, 98
Sand, George, 145
Sanders, Colonel, 134
sandwiches, 132, 382
Sanger, Margaret, 81
Santana, Carlos, 347
Santa Claus, 211
sapphire (blue), 6
Sarandon, Susan, 44
sardines, 22
Sardinia, 22, 135
Sargasso Sea, 148
satellite (space), 93
Saturday Night Fever (soundtrack), 25
Saturn (rings), 1
sauerkraut, 83, 119, 127, 307
sausage, 83
saxophones, 125
scents, 303
schools, 5, 239, 325
Schulz, Charles, 90
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 340, 343
science, 29
Scorcese, Martin, 79
Scotland, 104, 125–6
sea slugs, 18
Seabiscuit (movie), 206
seagulls, 77
seal (elephant), 92
seasons, 371
seatbelts, 100
Seaver, Tom, 365
Secret Service, 348
Seinfeld, Jerry, 69
senses, 19
Sesame Street (TV show), 89
Seto Bridge, 100
sex (mating), 39
Shakespeare, William, 68, 103, 174, 325
shampoo, 129
Shanghai Maglev Train, 16
sharks, 18, 297
Shatner, William, 107
she (pronoun), 116
shoes, 96, 213
shopping, 108
shrew (mammal), 92
sick days, 137
siblings, 30
sideburns, 208
sign language, 88
Silent Spring (Carson), 86
silk, 1
Simmons, Gene, 5, 32, 87
Simone, Nina, 99
Simpsons, The (TV show), 89, 100, 349
Sinatra, Frank, 42, 99, 134, 246, 305
sins (seven deadly), 150
Sing Sing Prison, 105
Singin’ in the Rain (movie), 79
sisters, 154–5
Sistine Chapel, 98
sitcoms, 270
Sitting Bull, 118
size, 54
skin, 12
skin cancer, 86
Skywalker, Luke, 107
Slinkies (toy), 88
sloth (three-toed), 82
smallpox, 138
Smith, Edward, 105
smoking, 12
snakes, 92, 143, 297
Snickers bars, 147
Snider, Duke, 112
snowmobile, 360
soap, 122
soccer, 97
soda, 93
Solheim Cup (golf), 81
Solti, George (composer), 347
songwriters, 226
Sony, 34
soup, 9, 119
South Pole, 242
Soviet Union, 100
space, 1, 10, 93
space shuttle, 10
spaghetti, 83
Spahn, Warren, 112
Spain, 124
Spam (food), 382
Spanish Civil War, 127
Spanish-American War, 139
spanking, 89
species, 86
speed, 82
Spiderman, 90
spiders, 93, 279
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 240
Spock, Mr., 107
SpongeBob SquarePants (TV show), 349
sports, 14, 36, 97, 344
spring (season), 99
Springer, Jerry, 321
Springsteen, Bruce, 115, 256
squid, 83
squirrels, 312
St. John, 150
St. Lawrence River, 3
St. Patrick, 142
Stagecoach (movie), 31
Stalin, Joseph, 142, 300, 364
Stallone, Sylvester, 79
Stand by Me (movie), 31
Star Trek (TV show), 107
Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV show), 107
Star Wars (movies), 31, 107
Starbucks, 126
Starr, Ringo, 169
stars, 95
Statue of Liberty, 113
Steely Dan (band), 32
Stein, Gertrude, 91
Steinbeck, John, 103
Stengel, Casey, 111
Stevens, Ray, 98
Stewart, Rod, 209
Stigwood, Robert, 87
stilts, 109
Stinky Bomb, The (soap), 122
Stoker, Bram, 129, 293
Stokowski, Leopold, 136
Stonehenge, 153, 327
storks, 77
Strauss, Richard, 114
Stravinsky, Igor, 89
strawberries, 132
streets, 149
sugar, 83, 351
suicide rate, 131
Sullivan, Ed, 121
Sullivan, John L., 14
summer, 2, 325
sun, 86, 95, 130, 149
Super Bowl, 85, 140
Super Furry Animals (band), 8
Super Mario Bros (video game), 80
Superballs (toy), 97
Superman, 90
Supreme Court, 100
Surratt, Mary Jenkins, 115
Survivor (TV show), 230
Sutch, David “Screaming Lord,” 102
Swank, Hillary, 17
Sweden, 83, 106, 172
swimming, 14, 130
Switzerland, 102, 106
Sybil (Wilbur), 267
symbols, 109
T., Mr., 111
Taft, William Howard, 27, 182, 244, 257
Taj Mahal, 259
talents, 221
tambourine, 116
tank top, 381
tape measure, 109
tapeworms, 279
tapioca, 119
Tarantino, Quentin, 111
tattoos, 113, 140, 144
taxes, 12, 122
Taxi Driver (movie), 79
technology, 66, 156, 197
Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour (TV show), 136
teeth, 210, 351
Teetor, Ralph, 363
telegrams (singing), 88
telegraphs, 88
telephone book (first), 109
telephones, 88, 132
telethons, 220
television, 69
temperatures, 95, 237
Temple, Shirley, 246
tennis, 97, 116
termite mounds, 292
Tetris (video game), 80
Texas, 12, 123, 262, 357
text messages, 88
Thames (river), 15
Thanksgiving, 85
thermometers, 24
Theron, Charlize, 116
Thin Mints, 382
Thinker, The (Rodin), 98
Thompson, Hunter, 105
thumb, 361
tic-tac-toe, 80
tigers, 297
tinnitus, 363
Titanic, The, 116, 334, 339
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 365
toads, 143
Tokyo, Japan, 106
toilet paper, 86, 144
toilet training, 3
toilets, 21, 133, 229
Toklas, Alice B., 91
Tolstoy, 235
tomatoes, 94, 119, 126, 368
Tonight Show, The (TV show), 111
toothpaste, 210, 351
tornadoes, 131, 237, 296
Toronto Blue Jays, 6
Toronto, Canada, 189
Tour de France (bike race), 14
Tower of London, 133
Townshend, Pete, 26
toys, 80
Tracey Ullman Show, The (TV show), 100
Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players (band), 8
transportation, 16, 182
trash, 10
travel, 106
Travolta, John, 111
Treasury of Great Recipes, A (Price), 91
trees, 62
triangle (instrument), 125
triathlon (Ironman), 14
trigonometry, 127
Trimiar, Marion, 17
trombone, 125
Trotsky, Leon, 142, 364
Trudeau, Garry, 365
True Believer, The (Hoffer), 5
Truman, Harry S., 127, 134, 257
Trump (siblings), 30
Tryon, Ty, 136
Tudor (siblings), 30
turkeys, 1, 330, 369
turophiles, 124
turtles, 330
TV, 128
TV dinners, 119
Twain, Mark, 12, 73, 136, 170, 188, 293, 365
Twain, Shania, 360
Twilight Zone (TV show), 42
“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” (song), 89
twins, 81
Two Gentlemen of Verona, The (Shakespeare), 103
Tyler, John, 257, 357
typewriters, 109, 123
U2 (band), 130
UCLA, 130
UFOs, 272, 327
underwear, 52, 381
United Kingdom, 83, 94
United Nations, 102
University of Bologna, Italy, 106
UPS (United Parcel Service), 34
Ure, Midge, 100
U.S. Air Force, 277
U.S. Army, 144, 277
U.S. Bill of Rights, 195
U.S. Congress, 134, 195
U.S. Constitution, 195
U.S. currency, 228
U.S. firsts, 214
U.S. Forest Service, 299
U.S. Marines, 357
U.S. Navy, 144
U.S. Postal Service, 85
U.S. Treasury, 228
U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, 144
Valentine’s Day, 85
Valley Forge, 145
Van Buren, Martin, 291
Van Gogh, Vincent, 73
Van Halen (band), 87
Vatican City, 81, 106
vegetarians, 91, 140
Vespasian, Emperor, 21
Vichyssoise, 359
Victoria, Queen, 12, 81, 104, 186
video games, 80, 249
Vietnam, 356
Vila, Bob, 32
vinegar, 132
violins, 1, 125
Virginia, 134, 356
vision, 363
Vlad the Impaler, 350
Voiselle, Bill, 130
volcanoes, 242
Volkswagen Beetle, 120
Voltaire, 110
von Richthofen, Manfred, 360
Voyager 2 (spacecraft), 46
Wagner, Richard, 253
Wahlberg, Mark, 79
Wal-Mart, 108, 126, 332
Wales, 94, 106
Walker, Mary, 144
Walker, William, 102
Wallace, George, 145
walruses, 353
Wand, Hart A., 6
war, 139, 379
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 235
War of 1812, 3, 139, 379
washing machine, 11
Washington, George, 119, 134, 145, 266
waste (household), 86
water, 1, 48, 95
Waterloo, Battle of, 114
watermelon, 132
Wayne, John, 79, 206, 317
weapon (concealed), 79
weapons of mass destruction, 127
weather, 224, 237, 242
Webb, Matthew, 130
weddings, 85, 209
Weld, Tuesday, 354
Welles, Orson, 31
Wenceslas, Good King, 104
West, Mae, 28
West Point, 144
West Virginia (state), 78, 356
Western Union, 88
Westerns, 119
whales, blue, 18, 251, 265
What’s Love Got to Do with It (movie), 129
wheel (invention), 109
Wheel of Fortune (TV show), 247
“When I’m Sixty-four” (song), 136
When the Pawn (album), 98
White House, 88, 119, 134, 139, 184, 244, 299, 319, 348
White Sands National Monument, 263
White, Vanna, 247
Whitman, Walt, 240
wigs, 129
Wilder, Billy, 121
Williams, Robin, 246
Williams, Ted, 268
Wilson, Woodrow, 27, 184, 271, 281
wine, 1, 150, 269
winter, 15
Wisconsin, 131
Wish-Bone Salad Dressing, 359
witches, 327
Wizard of Oz, The (movie), 270
Wodehouse, P. G., 299
women, 93, 102, 116, 140, 151, 227, 319
Wonder, Stevie, 363
Wonder Woman, 90
wood, 86
Woods, Tiger, 61
woodworking, 274
words, 123, 233, 238, 275, 280, 290, 301, 361
work(ers), 137, 140
World Cup (soccer), 117
world leaders, 114
world records, 65, 219
World Series, 2
World War I, 41, 117, 133–4, 332, 379
World War II, 2, 3, 25, 64, 123, 127, 167, 332, 337–8, 358, 379
wrench, 11
wrestling, 146
Wrigley, William, Jr., 137, 147
Wright brothers, 91, 324, 375
X-men (comics), 117
Yale University, 239
Yamaguchi, Kristi, 14
Yamaha, 34
Yankee Stadium, 113
Yankees, New York, 14
YMCA, 331
Yogi Bear Show, The (TV show), 90
Young, Cy, 112
Young, Neil, 115
Zappa, Frank, 2
zero (number), 109
Zola, Émile, 133
Zombie, Rob, 20
zombie, 79
zoo, 113
Table of Contents
Title Page
Thank You!
BIG News
BIG Debuts
BIG Business
Eleanor Roosevelt
States of the Union
American Politics
On the Job
The Nation’s Locations
American Institutions
Black History
Living in America
Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Wise Up! Page 30