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Probe Page 35

by Douglas E Roff

  “We’ll see what you say when I’m old and fat.”

  “I’ll still make crappy French toast for you. And I will still love you.”


  Adam said, “We have to talk about the field trip we’re taking. I think we should coordinate with Rod and Cindy ASAP and find out what they know and how they know it. We have a lot of prep ahead of us and we need to get going while ‘we’ still can. Time isn’t on your side.”

  “I was expecting some push back from you. Pregnancy and all that.”

  “Nope. I know you want to go and I want to go with you. And I want to go before the old man comes to his senses and forbids us both from going. Honestly, if I were him, I would never have approved either of us going out into the field. You must have something on him. Goats? Sheep?”

  “Temper tantrum, a little girl crying, and your old man is putty. He knows I need to do this. You don’t; you’ve already been there and done that. I haven’t. Besides, it’ll be a lot of fun.”

  “Yeah, ‘til one of us gets shot. Then we’ll see how much fun it really is.”

  “Where’s that French toast? We’re hungry.”


  “That’s no way to talk to your son.”

  “I know.”


  Breakfast was over, and Adam and Misti were sitting on the couch talking about nothing. The doorbell rang.

  “Who could that be this early? Better not be Dad with work.”

  The door swung open. Standing before him was his Mom. Misti quickly came to Adam’s side, as Adam wrapped his arm around her protectively.

  “Mom? What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”

  “May I come in?”

  “Of course. Please. Now what’s this all about? Pops OK?”

  “No, no, Pops is fine. Well, Pops is pretty unhappy with me right now. Slept in his Lab last night. He gave me a stern talking to when he got home from the party last night. I wouldn’t call it a discussion. He did all the talking; I did all the listening.”

  “You’re sure it’s Pops we’re talkin’ about, right?”

  “Your Pops doesn’t say much, but when he does, we should all pay attention. He pointed out a few spots where I could improve my behavior.”

  “Something like ‘I love you, but I don’t love your behavior right now.’”

  “Yeah. Vintage Pops. Well, I just wanted to come over here and …”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just tell me we’re alright.”

  “But I do. I owe you an apology and a very large ‘I’m so sorry’ for being so stupid - to you Misti. I am dreadfully sorry and wish I had never acted like such a fool. And I was horrid with Noki and Alana when I should’ve welcomed them as daughters. I was wrong, and I promise to be better in the future. I want to know everything the four of you have experienced, and what happened with Vera Capri. I understand everyone got on well with Hannah too.”

  “All good, all happy.”

  “Hannah still hates me, I suppose.”

  “No. I think all is forgiven and forgotten. She’s happy now. We all are. The only thing that matters now is what we do from here on out. The rest is now buried deep in the past.”

  “When did you grow up? Where was I?”

  “In my heart, Mom. Where you’ve always been.”

  Adam accepted that his mother had had a change of heart. And yet it seemed too easy, too insincere as when a child is forced to apologize for bad behavior. He hoped he was wrong. Time would tell; he was fine for the moment.




  Chapter 1

  “Hannah, I’m sorry that you’re upset, but you have to accept that the mission to Rome was a failure and, because of it, Adam and the rest of the group have gone back to Barrows Bay. I have no idea when they’ll be back and neither do you. Please recognise that as fact.”

  Vera wasn’t angry with Hannah, but she was very frustrated. Since the trip to Rome, and the subsequent implementation of Edward’s directives, Hannah had been in a funk and had become increasingly testy with everyone. Vera didn’t bear the brunt; neither did James or Raoul. But Hannah wasn’t herself and Vera thought it was time to shake things up, and get Hannah out and about, living life again. Hannah had been resistant, claiming it was no longer safe to even be away from the Manor.

  But Vera and the boys knew better. Hannah’s reunion with Adam, and the introduction of Misti into her life had brought her alive in ways she hadn’t fully anticipated. Hannah believed in Adam, and in his abilities without question. What he had accomplished with Vera was simply unbelievable. When Vera told Hannah her story, she was beyond shocked. It was a miracle.

  It didn’t mean Hannah loved Vera any less nor had it in any way changed how she felt about her lover. In fact, it had just the opposite effect; Hannah came to believe that Adam might, just might, now represent something new in the human evolutionary journey. She saw possibilities to move beyond the standard concepts of human understanding; this new experience might reveal entirely new possibilities for the world. The Gens Collective still loomed large, but she felt that somehow even this was all connected through Adam.

  Hannah wanted to continue her work, and she would do so without question, but she wanted also Adam back in her life in Britain. Unlike Noki, it didn’t matter one whit to her that Adam was married; she had already decided to ask Vera to marry her soon, given the events in Rome, and the threat posed by the Gens Collective. Hannah believed that, in this new Adamesque landscape, the institution of marriage would no longer be an impediment to forming new bonds and new relationships, be they psychic or physical. She was a well-educated, intelligent, forward thinking and modern woman and she wouldn’t let past cultural proscriptions and taboos prevent her from being a part of something new and incredible.

  Something evolutionary. It was time to rethink all old conventions, social, cultural and otherwise, in light of changed circumstances.

  She craved her old boyfriend as much as she craved her present lover. To her, neither excluded the possibility of the other. Her world view began to change the day she met Vera; all things were now possible, and all manner and roads to happiness were now on the table. Indeed, given her work, there was now little that could ever happen that would surprise her. She relished the future, conveniently forgetting the present. The past was an interesting backdrop to what might be.

  Vera, however, was just the opposite. She craved only two things: Hannah and a life lived out in the open and in the present. Vera had no grand designs, nor did she think about the implications of her recent experience. That Adam had freed her was remarkable and beyond her own ability to comprehend. But, like winning the lottery, it was something unexpected and fortuitous that had happened, and it was something she welcomed. But Vera saw no implications beyond her own future happiness.

  Wasn’t that what Adam told her? Wasn’t that the point of being freed?

  Adam was special, Vera understood that. Special in a new and non-threatening way. Vera accepted that Hannah had never entirely gotten over her ex-boyfriend, and still deeply desired him. But she also knew that Hannah would never possess him; Hannah, for her part, knew that too. And Vera never doubted for an instant how much Hannah loved her; Vera knew that Hannah understood that Vera, not Adam, was Hannah’s future.

  From the conventional outside, the web of relationships seemed wrong in every way and destined for jealousy, eventual pain, and heartache. But somehow, after the mind journey with Adam, Vera didn’t believe that would ever happen. He had touched her, invaded her mind, and explored her deepest and unplumbed places. He knew her, as she now knew him. There was only gentleness and kindness in his soul for both her and for Hannah. Vera would never be able to explain what she knew in words; it was enough for her to know Adam in a way that even Hannah couldn’t claim. If Adam returned, she would ask Hannah to join with Adam in that way. Then she
too would understand what Vera already knew and calmly accepted.

  But explaining this was impossible. Hannah needed to have the experience. Until then, Vera would insist that Hannah remain with her in the present.

  Hannah said, “OK, OK. You’re right of course. As usual. What do you have in mind?”

  “Oh goody. I have such wonderful plans; you’ll be happier than a bug in a bowl.”

  “A what?”

  “Never you mind about that. And no ‘subject changing’ either. Just listen. The boys and I have some ideas and we think you should listen with an open mind.”

  James and Raoul were standing just outside the large apartment while the girls talked. Vera had told them to be ready to come inside and support her efforts to blast Hannah out of her funk and into some exciting new adventures. The boys were integral to her process and she needed their presence and support. Hannah might not always listen to Vera, but she would listen to James. Much of the plan was his; he would have to do at least some of the talking.

  “So, James, I see the Odd Couple have been working you. Should I be concerned? You know how Edward feels about all this running around.”

  “I do. And I understand that we can’t do everything that Miss Vera, and her chief conspirator have in mind. Not proper and not safe. But that doesn’t mean they’re wrong about everything.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Right. In a nutshell, we think it’s about time to get out of here once in a while, meet our girls and meet our family. You know now that we’re not cousins; Raoul is my brother. The deception was solely Edward’s idea to protect us and our family from those who have placed a bounty on our heads.”

  “I do. Of course, I do. What does that matter?”

  “It matters because Raoul and I have a price on our heads, just like your friend Alana. Edward had to think long and hard about letting us protect you; he thought our past might catch up with us and put you in harm’s way. You know, make a bad thing even worse. In the beginning, I thought he was right.”

  “I didn’t,” said Raoul. “I would never let any harm come to either of you girls. You have my solemn oath on that bit.”

  Vera adored her man and gave him a peck on the cheek. She held his hand.

  “So, as I was saying, I didn’t think it mattered much what we all thought if his nibs, you know, Edward, didn’t agree. Miss Vera, Raoul and I sat down to discuss what we might do. What Edward might let us do, if he agreed to our plan.”

  “Where was I during these negotiations?”

  “Busy. Working. Finding new ways to avoid living in the present.”


  “Well, it’s true, Miss Hannah. I must agree with Miss Vera…”

  “And me…” said Raoul.

  “Yes, and you too Raoul. You haven’t been your proper self lately. Not since Rome. We worry about you. And not just Miss Vera; we all do. We never see you smile anymore and you seem all business all the time. It’s not like you. We miss the Miss Hannah we all came to know when you first got to London. Now you seem so … sad. And anxious.”

  “And so…”

  “And so, we decided to make a plan, and see if Dr. St. James would allow it. Or any of it. To our great surprise, he said yes.”

  “You have been busy little bees, haven’t you? Keeping secrets and the like. I should be very cross with you, all of you. Especially you James. I thought I knew you better.”

  James spoke up very firmly. “Now, don’t be that way with us, Miss Hannah. It isn’t like that at all. We, you know, we all care about you. Very deeply. And like I said, we worry. We want you to be happy again. We want our old Miss Hannah back again. We miss her. I miss her.”

  Hannah smiled. She was only playing with James and she could always mess with him. He was so serious and took everything Hannah said so literally. Hannah had to be careful at times with her playful American sense of humor. She knew how seriously James took his work; his advice had become essential to her thinking. Edward had warned her about getting too friendly with the team members; it might make things difficult to manage when things got tense.

  But Hannah knew better in this instance. James was so male, so serious and so British. His sense of duty, propriety and obligation would overcome all other obstacles. James had become her older brother and protector. He had long since ceased to be an employee, a bodyguard; in her mind, he was family. So was Raoul.

  “All righty then. I guess since his nibs has approved all this, it must be OK. Now what? Vacations to the south of France? Knitting classes in the evening? Cribbage?”

  Vera screamed her approval and gave Raoul the biggest kiss she could. It was like VE day after the end of the Second World War. Smiles were everywhere. Even on Hannah.

  “In that case, here’s what we have in mind. Vera? You’re up to bat. That’s the expression you Yanks use, is it not?”

  “It is. It’s so adorable how we’re ‘Yanks’. And I am so up to bat. You, Miss Hannah will get my full thank you a little later. But for now, here’s what Edward said we would be allowed to do.”

  Chapter 2

  “First,” Vera said. “Edward said we could go a local Pub with James and Raoul. If it was their local Pub and it was the one the whole Bentley family went to normally. Edward said if it was like that, and we could trust everyone there, it was OK with him just so long as James and Raoul trusted everyone there.”

  “And do you?”

  “Of course. Our family has been going to the Hogshead Inn for well over one hundred years. Known everyone there since I was knee high to a grasshopper.”

  “I’d like to have seen that. Go on.”

  Vera said, “Edward said it was high time we met the lads’ family, and that included the lads’ girlfriends. That, of course, would be Penny and Doris. Penny and Doris Pennington. They’re sisters! Isn’t it exciting? Two brothers dating two sisters. It’s a Hollywood movie. I can’t wait. I bet they’re lovely.”

  Hannah said, “But wait, there’s more?”

  “Alright, alright. Hold on to your knickers. Knickers, don’t you just love that word. Means…”

  “I know what it means, Vera. Don’t embarrass the boys. My knickers are on, firmly.”

  “I bet they aren’t. Not for long anyway!” Vera giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Miss Vera!” Raoul said. “Decorum, please.”

  “OK, OK, Mr. No Fun London. Anyway, moving right along. Edward said that the girls could come out to visit us here at the Manor and stay overnight.” Vera winked at the lads. “If you approved, of course. Which I know you will. I know because I know you wouldn’t be that mean.”

  “Not now. Maybe if you hadn’t said…”

  Vera interrupted, “Ignore her. She can be a prude.” Vera continued, “If Raoul and James gave them the 4-1-1 on security, and assuming they pass a background check. Which he said would be no problem, as they were vetted at the same time James and Raoul were vetted. That’s such an odd word ‘vet’. Don’t you think?”

  “I do. Go on, please. While we’re still young.”

  “OK, Miss Snippy. Well, and finally, Edward said we could tour the British Isles if we wanted in our spare time. You know, go off on adventures. See England, Wales, and Scotland. Maybe Ireland, if we’re very, very careful. But not Northern Ireland. Not yet.”

  Vera smiled and said, “I ‘ear the lads got themselves into a proper spot ‘o bother over there.” It was Vera’s best simulated accent. It wasn’t half bad.

  Vera continued, “But, no soccer games and no carousing. And I am required to behave myself. Don’t know what he meant by that.”

  “We do,” all three said in unison.

  “Just because I’m fun and you’re all very boring is no reason to gang up on me.”

  Hannah said, “Don’t be silly, Vera. We love you, and adore you, and our lives would be petty, small, and miserable without you around. Seriously.”

  She looked aro
und the room at all three of her friends. “And, seriously, I love you, and you, and you for doing this. Even if it was behind my back.”

  “Then you say yes? Yes?”

  “I say yes. Of course, yes. I couldn’t have three sad puppy dog faces around me. When do we start?”

  “You’re such a doll! We start this weekend. The Hogshead Inn, Friday at sevenish. Then back here for the weekend. Football on Saturday. And the girls are coming too. Can’t wait to find out all the dirt on our very handsome lads.”

  Hannah looked at James, “As the only grownup within miles, I expect you to take charge. No offense, Raoul, but I know how persuasive Vera can be and she’d have us lost somewhere in Northern Ireland if given half a chance. And she’d ignore Edward and make you take us to a football game. That we will never do. Not anytime soon anyway.”

  James smiled. He would do anything for his young charge, including manage his own brother. Hannah wasn’t a woman to be trifled with, and that was according to one of the few men on the planet who seriously scared James. If the elder Dr. St. James had a very high level of confidence in Miss Hannah, then so did he. There was something about her that made him slightly uneasy too; a quiet confidence that could turn suddenly into something very dark. He had seen her in a mood. He knew to give her a wide berth on those days.

  Miss Vera, on the other hand, was just exactly as she seemed; vulnerable, funny and girly in the nicest sense of the word. He doubted that Miss Vera had a mean bone in her body. And she seemed deeply in love with Miss Hannah. They were each enormously beautiful, and delightful to be around when all was normal. When they were together, thought James, Miss Vera had a softening and calming effect on Miss Hannah.

  On the other hand, Miss Hannah had been involved with the St. James boy. James wasn’t sure how he felt about him. He had done something wonderful, something amazing for Miss Vera. Raoul was certain he was someone unique and rare; Raoul had seen nothing but still had awe and admiration for Adam. Miss Vera had recovered and was even happier and saucier than she even had been before. And James wasn’t unmindful of Adam St. James, the man, and his somewhat fearsome reputation. He was, after all, the son of a very scary man, and married to a very scary woman if rumors be true.


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