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Probe Page 98

by Douglas E Roff

  In her married life with Paulo, that kind of intimacy was wholly absent. It wasn’t in the nature of Gens males to sit and chat with their mate. What would they chat about? After all, roles were all pre-set and well defined. What else did a male or female want or need except bearing children, preferable males?

  Bella wasn’t unaware that much of her feelings and emotions were the direct result of remaining in human form without transforming to natural state. She felt the strange tug of an existence that didn’t include living in the wild, quick separations from children or pack life. She wanted more, and something much more fulfilling.

  Bella wasn’t one to avoid the topic of sex particularly because she and Paulo normally resided in human form; sex, nonetheless, followed traditional Gens formulas. It was relatively quick and unsatisfying and was the domain of male pleasure and dominance.

  Bella had never experienced an orgasm; she didn’t even know what it was. As a human, the Gens were subject to all the same emotions, frailties and excesses as humans. They, as a matter of culture and socialization, tried to avoid most human tendencies considering them both weak and useless. Bella came to believe that while there was some merit to discipline and adherence to the “old ways”, not everything human should be rejected.

  Bella longed to have Paulo hold her, kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was. She wanted to be loved and respected too, but she wanted that emotional safe harbor that her husband should represent. He didn’t. She raised the children in silence and he ran the family business.

  When Bella learned how she could produce her own orgasms without the help of her husband, she took to practicing this new art form whenever she could. In secret, and never discussing it with Paulo or her family. This would’ve been considered a perversion brought on by too much contact with the Prey. She would be forbidden to engage in these sins and would thereafter be carefully watched.

  As the weeks and months rolled on, Bella became very fond of Octavio and began wondering what it would be like to enjoy coupling with a human male. Most Gens females would consider this behavior abhorrent; and although more and more transformed males took human females as mates, it still wasn’t considered normal. Coupling with human females was deviancy; the Gens form of “adult entertainment” largely centered around this conduct.

  Casual male and female coupling with humans, dating, was on the rise, though permanent mating was still considered taboo. But, while a taboo, it wasn’t prohibited.

  The time that Octavio spent with Bella after the kids were asleep was precious to Octavio too. He had become very fond of Bella and though she sometimes didn’t understand his human jokes, his sense of humor, and gentle ribbing, she was a quick study. Soon she had developed her own sense of humor which Octavio found captivating. Bella smiled, smiled a lot and could now laugh at her daughters’ silly little girls jokes.

  Bella was happier than she had ever been, living in captivity among the humans. She began to wonder what her life might be like if things resolved, and she had to return to her old life. She began to talk to Octavio about her feelings, and emotions, and confide more and more in him. She felt happy in his company and she looked forward to his daily visits. Is this what life is like for the human female?

  One night, after the kids were in bed, Octavio and Bella were sitting on the sofa watching TV a discrete distance apart. Bella moved over close to him, put her arm around him and nestled her head against his shoulder. Octavio was surprised but wanted the same closeness as Bella. He didn’t resist her warmth or company.

  “Octavio, can I ask you for a favor. Something I have been thinking about but afraid to do. It would be a big favor and I hope you would help me with it.”

  “Anything, Bella. Anything at all.”

  “Would you kiss me. Hold me and pretend, just for now, that you love me and want to hold me too. I’ve never had these feeling and emotions as I have had being here with you. I don’t know what it’s like to be held and loved. Maybe just this once?”

  Octavio needed no encouragement. He had these same thoughts and emotions and had become very attached to a family that wasn’t his own. There were no rules to obey here; no one had considered that a Gens and a human might find mutual attraction in each other’s arms. There being no rule against it, he brought Bella close to him, holding her tight and smiling tenderly. Then he kissed her.

  It began there in that place and that time. But it didn’t end there.

  When Octavio reached his quarters that night, there was an envelope placed on his desk. It was from the pharmacy tech.

  It read:


  Someone in the Lab here made a terrible mistake for the last two months. The last formula of blood we gave to Bella and her girls, and to Helena and her kids, was mixed up somehow with plain water and apple juice. They did not receive any blood in their formula. That was well over two months ago. I just discovered the error today while mixing up a fresh new batch. Glad to see someone caught this screw up.

  Thought you should know.


  Octavio sat on his bed, knowing that no blood had been given to the two families. He also understood the implications of this news, just not what the wider consequences might be. He would speak to Bella and Helena privately in the morning. How could this be?

  Octavio wondered how this news might change his life. It was his duty to call Edward St. James, Uncle Edward, with this incredible, improbable, information.

  Octavio was uncertain what his priorities needed to be. This wasn’t war. And Bella wasn’t a combatant. He would talk it over with her in the morning and then decide what to do next.

  Damn. Damn, damn, damn.

  Chapter 53

  Adam was back in London speaking to his father in South Dakota, “Is this about them or our new guests?”

  Edward said, “The new guests, primarily. But the old guests, the ones Misti brought back from the Grand Canyon, have also begun telling us more of what they know and inside scoop on the Libraries and the thinking of the Collective. Seems they have finally reconciled themselves to a long stay in our guest quarters.”

  “I heard that you have decided to keep them transformed as proto humans and not allow them to transform back?”

  “Correct,” said Edward.


  Edward said, “That has more to do with prison management, and security than anything else. They’re extremely vicious in natural state, and much harder to control. They’re single mindedly ready to kill us. Not going to give them a chance to do that.”

  “Are you still testing them?”

  “We are. Still taking blood, urine and tissue samples in both states, although we’ve suspended transforming them for now. Based on what Alana shared with us about the Serum project and my recent trip to South Dakota, I think we now have the means to catch up and fight back on several fronts.”

  How so?”

  “First, we have what the Black Shirts have, and we have the funding to do what we want. The Black Shirts have the means and the will, but no cash. The Gens Collective still has cash but I’m not sure about their will. But, they fail at the means, capacity tests; they don’t have the formulas. Thanks to Alana, if we act fast and judiciously, we might be able to come to terms with the Collective and head off any unpleasantness. Besides, I’m still wrapping my head around the formula for making the Collective sterile. It’s huge, not because we might use it but because we can threaten to end the existence of their species. After all, that’s what they’re threatening to do with us.”

  “So, what about your trip to Casky? You seem animated over whatever you are seeing there.”

  “So, when we kidnapped the wives and family of Paulo and Enzo, we took them to the base in South Dakota. At first, they were far from happy and were less than delighted to cooperate initially. But I told them they could cooperate, or they could each occupy a cell in solitary confinement. Or we could house them all togethe
r as family units. Up to them.”


  “They elected to cooperate and stay together. So that’s what we did. Then we chatted about transformation and none wanted to do that. Except one.”


  “Jason, Paulo’s son transforms every year. Training of some sort and they usually go to a Preserve for that. But the girls don’t. Neither do the wives. If fact all the kids in each family were born human; but only Jason had ever transformed. Ever. Enzo said he does, but in fact he probably doesn’t. His wife thought he was up to no good, probably with a human or Gens female on the side. She wasn’t happy about it; but she also didn’t seem to care. Had she expressed reservations, she would’ve been accused of human behavior. Gens males often fool around in natural state. Nothing odd about that. So much for the Gens myth of lifetime pair bonding.”

  Edward paused.

  “But here’s the kicker. When we left them together in human state, only Jason transformed. The women and other children didn’t. They stayed in human form. Seems there was a screw up in providing the wives and children with blood; they accidently got the vials mixed up and got apple juice and a vitamin supplement instead.”

  “That’s odd.”

  “Odd isn’t the word for it. An epiphany perhaps. I think they didn’t transform because they can’t. At least not without a little help from some other magic formula. When I questioned them about it, they eventually admitted that this problem was far more widespread than leadership wanted to admit. As many as a quarter of the Gens transformed population worldwide can no longer transform. This included Tomas di Gensarii.”

  “What the…”

  “Agreed. Paulo’s wife was pretty sure that the Serum project was designed for the purposes stated, war, but also to cover up this bombshell of a problem. If they lost the ability to transform, they lost the ability to be Gens. For all intents and purposes, they were functionally human. But under Collective law, a Gens who cannot transform back to natural state for any reason must be put to death. That’s in the Code of Strictures, their Bible.”

  “That’s incredible. What does it mean though, for us?”

  “Well, for one thing, if we can verify any of this conjecture for the Collective leadership, we might have a card to play.

  “There’s more?”

  “There is. When Gens are in proto human form and maintain the ability of transform back, they cannot procreate with humans. But Gens who can no longer transform, and remain in human form, can mate with humans. In essence, they can blend in and over time become part of our world.”

  “How is this even possible?”

  “I have no idea, but I do have a theory. It’s epigenetics. They have adapted to our world, and without transformation to retain Gens physical characteristic, this is a natural occurrence. Think tadpole to frog. It’s a one-way street.”

  “What do we know about the process of adaptation. I mean, how long do they have to be in human form to adapt and lose their Gens identity?”

  “From what I gather, anywhere from five to ten years. Many Gens living in first world countries are deathly afraid of the Black Shirt Movement. They’re convinced that the Black Shirts will round them up and kill them as abominations. This includes some of the leadership of the Collective. These Gens are really nothing more than a new genetic component of homo sapiens. And they’re scared to death that the Black Shirts will come to power. So unknown to many, Paulo was researching the transformation process, but not really for an attack on humanity. It was to save his own ass and those of his family.”

  “And if this ever came to light,” said Adam. “It would rock their world and could easily set off a civil war.”

  Edward thought for a moment, then said, “Let’s withhold judgment on that for the moment. I’m not so sure this is what it means. In fact, it may mean just the opposite. It depends on who you think this infuriates the most. I think the proto humans will elect to stay proto humans. They have long since given up the natural state Gens identity. The hardcore Gens will be in a pickle. They probably won’t kill their own kind, but if the war begins, they will be casualties along with humanity. I think the Collective leadership knows this and will be willing to deal. Deal with us. What choice do they have?”

  “But with the Serum project, especially the accidental discovery of the formula that transform humans to Gens, wouldn’t they be back in business. Back in the business of being Gens?”

  “Maybe, but maybe not. Paulo’s wife, who has really come around in terms of her attitude toward us, is now thinking we should deal with each other and figure something out. Add to that that she has no idea that the Black Shirts have the magic formula. But remember, that’s pure self-interest. She might be less inclined toward us if she knew she had a way out of her predicament. So, we don’t say a word about the formula and see how Paulo acts when we break the news to him.”

  “We’re going to do that?”

  “I think we have to,” Edward said. “If we had their help, we might just be able to stop the Black Shirts and their plans for humanity. It seems the only thing in their way is money. If some in the Collective come up with the cash for the Black Shirts, we just might have a war, and a pandemic on our hands. Not good.”

  Chapter 54

  Edward appeared in the makeshift stockade deeper in the bowels of the underground facility bright and early the following morning. The captives had been tagged on the Island at capture as to weaponry, location and identifying tats. Demitri in particular wanted to see, and study any body art each displayed, and was particularly interested in the perceived high value ‘red tag’ captures from the helicopters. The pilots were interrogated, and quickly separated from the others and Demitri and Pyotr were up early reviewing the data logs and photography. They agreed to wait for Edward and his team to arrive before moving into the interrogation rooms for an up close and personal chat with their new honored guests.

  “I see you have been at this a while today,” remarked Edward as he walked, and took a chair opposite the Asinamayovs.

  “You can see that, can you? Remarkable.”

  “Nope. But our video surveillance is excellent, and the video is time stamped. You’re quite the early bird I see.”

  “Force of habit. I prefer not to waste the day.”

  “Then we best get to it. And for your information, I prefer not to waste the day either. So, tell me something I want to know, or you’ll be on the next transport out. Then, you can tell Paulo that our deal is off. If you dissemble with me now, and I find out later, I will kill you at my first opportunity. Are we clear?”

  “You talk a lot.”

  “Edward pulled out a gun, a .45, and put it to Demitri’s head.

  “I find you and your kind to be liars and cowards. Believe me when I say I would like nothing more than to adorn my walls with what passes for your brains. I will sit back down, then you need to start talking. If I don’t like what I hear, you and your son will depart immediately. So, you now have thirty seconds to start telling me something valuable or I see no need to accommodate a bunch of useless Black Shirts, and a few mutts from the Collective.”

  “There were sixteen passengers on the two helicopters, plus the two pilots in each vehicle.”

  Edward cocked his weapon.

  “But there are really only four important individuals, perhaps six, from what I can tell. The rest are either not valuable or of limited value. Can’t tell at this juncture.”

  At that moment, Adam and Rod entered the room. Misti, Cindy, Rafi and Francois were watching via closed circuit in the main control room along with select members of Team Suarez. Edward had spent a few minutes with Rafi and Francois, asking them to be in on the interrogation, but to save their questions for their briefing later in the morning. They would all be busy today, and for the next few days, so there was little time for normal formalities.

  Edward returned his gaze back to Demitri. “How?”

“Body art, manner of speech and degree of arrogance. Our species is hierarchical, and that hierarchy is reflected not with titles, but by subtle nuances in speech, behavior and mannerisms. I could rank each captive from first to last in in dominance in less than an hour. But there’s one guy, number 267, who has no body art and who seems to consider himself above the rest.”

  “Who is he?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “Then guess. Who do you think he is?”

  “I have no idea. That’s what ‘I don’t know’ means.”

  Adam watched as Edward’s ire began to chain react toward explosion. He had seen his father in action many times; this particular response was classic Edward and predictable. Adam leaned over to his father as he rose and whispered something in his ear.

  “Benson! Can you come in please?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Edward turned to Pyotr. “Please escort this young man into interrogation Room 2. Rod, I’d like you to join the young man and await my instructions. Actually, Adam will explain it in his way out.”

  If Demitri Asinamayov felt anything other than contempt for these humans, it wasn’t evident. He felt a small pang of concern when his son left, otherwise his stoic Russian demeanor was all that was evident.

  Edward handed Demitri a yellow pad and a pencil.

  “Start with number 1 and work your way to the end. Write everything down you deem noteworthy on the pad. You have three hours. I’ll be back.”

  “I wish to see the wives and the children. I need to report back to Paulo and Enzo when I leave. I demand to see them! Immediately!”

  “You are not in a position to demand anything, Demitri. In fact, I may shoot you myself in the next few hours and send your son back to your Collective in your place. Cooperate, or I will assume this is just another artifice concocted by Paulo.”


  Edward headed directly to a small conference room to confer with Misti and Cindy. They were joined by Bella and Helena, and by Octavio and Danny Diaz. Rafi and Francois were still up in the control room, watching each of the interrogations on closed circuit monitors.


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