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Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1)

Page 20

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “Dawson? Ellie?” Sam cried, trying to get the two most important people in her life to respond to her, to tell her they were alright, they needed to be, she needed them.

  “Christ almighty that shit hurt, like a skanky bitch!” Dawson moaned, as he rolled off Ellie and turned to Sam, the source of the blood evident. He had taken a bullet for Ellie, he saved her.

  “Granny says it’s not okay to say the Lord’s name in vein, and you owe twenty-five cents to the swear jar, for all da bad words you said, mister! Huh, mama.”

  Sam and Dawson laughed together at the unscathed Ellie, who still had her sharp attention intact. “Can I just buy you an ice cream, extra sprinkles? Or am I in too much trouble, squirt?”

  Ellie considered his plea, while Sam the nurse went to work, inspecting his gunshot wound, a clean shot, in and out, to his left shoulder. He held his arm tight against his body, before he took to Sam’s lips, ensuring her he was okay. It worked, relief coursed through her body, and she began to really relax for the first time in months. She leaned into him, fully engaged in the kiss he was delivering, when Ellie cleared her throat, reminding them they had an audience and gunshot wound amongst them.

  Carigan tended to Ellie and gave her a quick once over before working on Dawson. She was perfectly fine, if not just a bit riled; Dawson had shielded her head, with his other arm, taking the full impact of the bullet and the floor. He tore many of his stitches from the injuries earlier in the day, hence the large amounts of blood everywhere else, he was kind of a wreck.

  Evie rushed to their side, once she found them, hugging each of them. Having known loss before, herself, she was relieved to find them all safe, and mostly in one piece. She helped Carigan wrap Dawson’s wounds and prep him for transport.

  She gave them an update on Granny Lou, who took a nasty hit to the head, in the kitchen, where she had been making coffee. Granny was less than pleasant about her circumstance and was fussing and fitting all over everyone in true Granny fashion, wanting her gun back.

  Rene had indeed already been in the house, waiting, Ellie had been left sleeping in Rene’s car, thanks to a little unneeded Children’s Tylenol, before waking and interrupting Rene’s revenge.

  “It’s over, thank God, it’s all over! I don’t know what I would have done if I lost the two of you!” Dawson said, full of emotion and relief. Both of his girls were back in his arms, right where they belonged.

  “You will never lost us, Dawson, we are peoples! Unless we are playing hide and seek, and then you will have to find us, and then we’ll be it, that is my very favorite game ever!” Ellie said, full of excitement, in true Ellie fashion!

  Laughter surrounded them, as Ellie’s innocence lightened the looming dark mood, despite what was going on around them. Dawson kissed Ellie on the head, loving all of her favorites, before kissing Sam once again, sparking more disgust from the little girl beside them.

  “Grroosss! Dawson only married peoples have kisses on the lips, you gonna marry my mama or what?” She delivered, hands on hips, and face puckered in disgust.

  “Yes, Elliot Louise Taylor! I am gonna marry your mama!” He replied, sure and confident as he turned his attention to Elliot, looking her in the eyes, but his words were directed at Sam. “So long as you are okay with it? I don’t want to go another day without both of you girls with me! I love your mama, and I love you too, squirt, very much!”

  “See! I told ya mama, he’s a fairy too, and he protects all the other fairies, and he’s a Taylor too!! Are we gonna get married, or what?”

  Dawson turned to Sam, laughing along with her at Ellie’s inquiry. “Ya, you wanna get married or what, Miss Taylor?” He coined.

  Sam, desperately wanting to marry this man and to be a family with him, didn’t want to give in too easy, it was apparently two against one at the moment, and she was certain it would be like this more often than not. She hesitated, crossed her arms and turned her head a time or two, as if she was thinking about it, letting them know that she was still in charge, despite being out numbered.

  “Ehh, well, I have nothing else going on, and you know I don’t date, so…why not, Mr. Tayler?” She replied as if she was settling and bored, which earned her another long kiss, that was of course, thoroughly grossing out the little one.


  Carigan and Evie carted Dawson to the ambulance, ready to transport him to the ER, Ellie and Sam piled in behind, not willing to be separated any time soon. On the gurney beside him, was Louise Shaw, pitching a fit, refusing to be loaded up in an ambulance herself, slapping the EMT’s hands every time he tried to load her up. Hardheaded Granny was going to be fine, the EMTs charged with her care, not so much. Evie convinced her to go, seeing that Ellie was watching from a few feet away, and she gave in, wanting to set a “good example”.

  As fate would have it, the two most unlucky and unlikely, in love, overcame their fractured hearts together, in unimaginable circumstances. Without looking for it, love found them. They had been rescued.

  “I love you, Sam.”

  “I love you too…”

  “And I love all of us, we Taylers stick together!”

  The End



  Colton Sparks was a man’s man, all alpha, puppies, and kittens, yes, puppies and kittens. He stood at the top of the hillside, scanning the beautiful venue before him. White chairs and arbor draped in beautiful cascading late summer blooms and vines, with tastefully woven burlap and lace ribbon entangled through the displays, made mostly of daisies, the bride’s favorite.

  Fire fighter, tough guy buy trade, Colton had a not so secret deep-rooted desire to have a family of his own. Tough, ruggedly handsome exterior, but a soft, kindhearted lover of all things living, Colton, although happy for his dear friends, found himself a bit envious of Sam and Dawson. He wanted what they had, and was losing faith in the idea that his happily ever after was out there waiting for him.

  It had been a year since tragedy and mayhem struck their small, close nit town, and a lot had happened in that year. He watched as Dawson tended to his six-month-old son, Gavin, who was a surprise to discover, just a few weeks after the chaos, when Sam found out she was three months pregnant. Dawson couldn’t have been happier, first the birth of his son, and then making Ellie officially his when the adoption was final, a few short months ago. Ellie was delighted, the best part for her was that she was still a Tayler. They were happy, the deepest kind of happy that you find in Hallmark made for TV movies; the sappy happy ending stuff.

  Colton wanted his own Hallmark moment, but at present, it only consisted of a few stray cats, two dogs, a flock of ducks and geese, and a goat…yes, a goat. He wanted real kids, not just the kind with a bell around its neck that ate trash and underwear off the clothesline. He dreamt about coming home to the love of his life, after a long shift at the station, and his happily ever after. Joy for his friends, disappointment for himself, he moved to the arbor, taking his place as Dawson’s co-best man—a title he shared with Blake; Dawson’s two best friends and honorary uncles to his children.

  The guests took their seats as the music changed, queuing the impending walk down the aisle. Evie walked the outside of the seating, headed to her spot as maid of honor, while talking to a stunning woman Colton hadn’t taken his eyes off all day. Megan, the new florist in town, was stunning, with long light auburn hair, golden eyes, legs for days, and regal features; she was gorgeous, and definitely not from around here. She looked like city girl money, not the small mountain town type. Who was this Megan Johnson and where had the good Lord been hiding her. Colton couldn’t wait to find out.

  Granny Lou walked Sam down the aisle where she traded her for the baby and Ellie. The ceremony was beautiful, as was the happy couple, a joyous occasion for all, as the love in the air was nearly contagious. The outdoor reception turned to party when all the children were dismissed for bed, and champagne flutes were replaced with beer steins and shot glasses. The dance f
loor was traced with lanterns for light and shifted from sweet ballads and soft rock, to down and dirty, shake what your mama gave you, dancing music, and some get loose and dance dirty slow songs.

  Colton and Dawson stood at the bar, waiting for a round of drinks when Sam walked up, Megan at her side. Sam wrapped herself around her man, leaving nothing to the imagination, earning her hoots and hollers from all around.

  “Get a room, nobody wants to see where little Tayler number three comes from!” Colton joked.

  “This is the life man, seriously, it doesn’t get any better,” Dawson said in all seriousness, full of confidence and love for his wife and the children she gave him.

  “I hear ya, I wish you two the best. You know I love you like family, and I just hope to have this someday too.”

  Megan lifter her gaze at his declaration, surprised to hear such desires from a man, especially one who looked like that; they didn’t think like that in her world, anyway. She was going to like McKenzie Ridge just fine, good people, and even better looking men.

  Noticing her friend watching Colton, Sam decided to give cupid a little push. “I’m sorry, Colton, I was so distracted by my sexy new husband, I forgot my manners!”

  “I like it when you forget your manners!” Dawson interrupted, while stealing another kiss.

  Never one to turn down some lip lock from her leading man, she accepted what he was offering, before finishing her introduction. “Have you met Megan Johnson yet? She’s pretty new to town, took over Blooming Grounds, the flower shop.”

  “I don’t believe I have, it would be hard to forget such a lovely face,” he said full of charm and debonair.

  “Well then, Colton Sparks, meet Megan Johnson. Megan, Colton.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Colton,” Megan said, extending her hand to shake his.

  As if on queue, the planets aligned and the universe tilted, the music shifted from upbeat country, to a slow, hold them close tune. He said a silent prayer, thanking the powers that be, from above.

  Holding her hand and raising it to his mouth where he swept her knuckles with his lips, he said, “The pleasure is all mine, Meagan, care to dance?”

  The End


  Stephanie St. Klaire debuted as an author in 2016 with her McKenzie Ridge Series. Rescued, released in March of 2016 as the first book in a five book series, launched her writing career. Stephanie is a Pacific Northwest native currently living in Oregon with her husband, five children, and two ferocious lap dogs.

  As a writer, Stephanie brings realistic circumstances to the pages, and fills them with real emotion, reactions, and outcomes. Her characters are passionate, have bold personalities, and full of life. She writes happily ever after’s, with plenty of twists, turns, drama, and of course, steamy romance.

  Stephanie has always been a story teller, with the gift of “gab”. With a life-long goal to be a writer, unfortunate circumstances with her health, finally afforded her the time to do so. Irony at its best, she began writing her first novel at an adverse time, to escape her circumstance and explore the stories in her imagination for relief. She is happy to share those stories with her readers, and bring a little fun, entertainment, and of course smexy characters to the pages.

  Follow Stephanie St. Klaire on Social media to learn more about her, and to keep up with her work.


  Instagram: Stephanie_St._Klaire

  Twitter: @StephStKlaire

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