Sleeping With Santa

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Sleeping With Santa Page 11

by Debra Druzy

  “Mmm?” She stirred, lifting her head. “Nick?” she said dreamily.

  “Hey, sugar.” He braced his hands on the sides of the doorway in an effort to keep a safe distance. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “How are the roads?”

  “Better than they were. But it’s still flurrying. It’ll have to be done again.”


  “No...” He released one hand to cover a yawn. His other hand slid off the doorframe as he dared to inch into her private domain until he was standing at the foot of her bed. “Later. I’m gonna recuperate on the couch for a while.”

  “You can lie with me,” she offered, making room. She slid against the wall, pushing the teddy bear onto the floor.

  Straining to bend with his jutting erection, he retrieved her doll and tossed it at the foot of the bed.

  “I, uh, I really need to get some rest before I go back out there. I don’t think I can fall asleep without…” Without seducing you first. “I don’t think I can fall asleep with the light in this room.”

  She reached up and closed the curtains, solving the problem. “How’s that—better?”

  “Thanks, but I need real sleep. Alone sleep. No offense. Being next to you will keep me up.” In more ways than one.

  Her smile slipped away. “Are you sure?”

  He bent and kissed her forehead. If he lingered too long, he’d take her up on the offer and wind up taking things too far—or worse, venting about his ex-wife. “I’m sure.”


  Lily woke up sweating, feeling like she’d been sleeping on the sun. “Oh, no!”

  She kicked off the blankets and ran to the kitchen to make sure she didn’t leave the oven on all night as usual.

  It was off, but the fireplace was on.

  Nick reorganized living room, moving the couch to its original position as it had been during her childhood, where she could stand on the cushions and see out the window.

  Watching him sleeping there now reeled her back in time.

  The image of Daddy in that same spot, napping in front of a roaring fire, was a bittersweet memory she’d thought was lost in the crowded void of her mind. Her heart hurt at the evoked emotions.

  But things were better now that Nick was here.

  While her roommate slept, she cleared away the miscellaneous items stored in the spare room. Nick’s room.

  She found his red-checkered flannel shirt in the laundry room and sniffed the collar. It was a shame to wash it being how it smelled just like him. Curiosity had her slipping into it, just to see what it felt like over her t-shirt. How would it feel with nothing else?

  Maybe he’d let her borrow it sometime.

  The telephone rang and she muted it, refusing to answer the collection agencies’ calls. They’d get their money as soon as she closed on the sale.

  With a foot of snow on the ground, and more to come, there was no way she could go anywhere, never mind New York City. Especially with Nick’s big truck blocking her car. It was a good enough excuse to cancel the job interviews. Sure, working at a prestigious salon might be the way to a happily ever after, but after last night, everything changed.

  She had a boyfriend and a roommate wrapped up in one hot package, spread-eagle and snoring peacefully on the couch. His tight blue jeans accentuated his not-so-little soldier, making her practical panties moist.

  Go on. Touch it. You know you want to.

  Her palm hovered above his zipper in a stealthy attempt to size him up. Based on the plump bump between the inseam and button, he was longer than her pinkie and thumb at their furthest points. It was tough to determine the girth without wrapping her fingers around it. A sex pistol so big, backed by the magnitude of his body, could do some unintentional damage for sure. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt very much if she were on top where she’d be in control.

  Undersexed, she was overanalyzing everything.

  Needing to get her mind out of his pants, she quickly dressed in warm clothes and headed outside where the arctic blast soothed her feral fever. Icy flakes clung to her lashes before her body heat melted them like tears.

  She clomped through the snowdrift to find the shovel behind the house.

  An hour later, she was numb and exhausted from clearing the heavy, wet snow from the front steps and making a narrow path to get to their vehicles.


  She paused to catch her breath beside the buried mailbox, sweating despite the cold. The lopsided little house looked postcard-perfect beneath a pillow of snow. More than it ever did. Maybe it had something to do with Nick’s face peering through the frost-covered living room window, waving her inside.

  He leaned out the front door. “Lily! I’ll handle that. It’s freezing. Get in here.”

  She propped the shovel against the house and stomped the snow off her boots. “I can’t b-b-believe it’s still c-c-coming down.”

  “You’re letting out the heat.” Nick pulled her inside and shut the door.

  He began undressing her, beginning with the snowy hat, hanging it on the coat tree. Then the knit gloves. He unwound the scarf. Unzipped her coat and she shook it off shoulders, shivering uncontrollably. When he got down on his knees to untie her frozen laces, she held onto the top of his shaggy head to keep from falling over, as he pulled off each boot.

  “What’s on under here?” He tugged her pant leg.


  “Just checking.” He loosened the dangling drawstring and hiked down the damp layer.

  “And under here?” He grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt.

  “Thermal undershirt.” She lifted her arms so he could remove the bulky layer over her head, revealing the puckered-gray fabric that matched the bottoms, making her look like a skinny elephant.

  Then, without warning, he pressed her against the wall, kissing her hard on the mouth. Clinging to his sleeves as if her life depended upon it, she couldn’t protest even if she wanted to. He was strong and gentle at the same time, holding her in place, molding her body to his. She was melting all over again, with his hard, thick shaft pressed against her stomach.

  This is it!

  She wanted this. Wanted him. Even if it meant taking a little pain in the process. He was worth it.

  When he lifted her off the floor, cupping her bottom, she wrapped her legs around his waist and anchored her arms behind his neck. With their lips locked, he carried her to her room.

  In between breaths and kisses, he mumbled, “You worked hard today. Maybe you wanna go back to bed for a little while.”

  Here it is.

  Her stomach clenched. The moment she’d been fantasizing about. His ginormous joystick. How am I going to handle it? Will it fit? Will it hurt? Should she avoid the pain and just offer to go down on him before agreeing to go all the way?

  He dropped her backwards on the mattress with a bounce. “There’s cocoa for you.” He pointed to the mug on the nightstand. “I thought you could use it.”

  “Thanks.” He’d already warmed her enough, but to be polite, she sipped it anyway.

  “I’ll see you in a little while.” He backed out of her room.

  “What—why? You’re going out to plow? Now?” She glanced at the clock. It was after three. The snow stopped, and the fading sky was a dirty gray outside her window.

  “One of the town’s plows blew an engine.”

  “I don’t understand what that’s got to do with you. You work for the fire department.” She was just getting used to having him around and they were already on opposite schedules. Her hot and bothered libido wasn’t letting him go without a fight.

  “We’re in a state of emergency. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Would you lie with me for a little while first?”

  “I really oughta go…I wanna start before it gets dark.” He held the top of the doorframe, lingering like he didn’t want to leave. The hem of his shirt lifted, and Lily’s eyes followed the faint furry arrow that disappeared in th
e waistband of his jeans. “The sooner I go, the sooner I come back. Then I can lie with you all night long.”

  “Okay. Sure…later.”

  “Come on. Don’t be upset.”

  “I’m not. I just…” I just want you to make love to me. “I was just hoping for a moment…”

  “All right. Five minutes. Then I have to go before the chief sends the dogs to find me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Back in the saddle again, clearing a fresh batch of snow, Nick battled his guilty conscience for not telling Lily about his phone call with Tristan. Now that she was finally letting go of her inhibitions, he didn’t want any more setbacks.

  After making a second pass down Main Street, he stopped at the firehouse and poked his head in Maresca’s office. “How’s it going, Chief?”

  “Hey, Nick, come on in. I’m just going through some of these letters to Santa. Where ya been?” He eyed Nick curiously over a pile of papers.

  “Where else?” Nick nodded toward the snow-covered window. “Plowing.”

  “Better make sure you get some rest then.”

  “I did.”

  “Oh, really? I didn’t see you in the bunkroom.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s because I found a place yesterday.”

  “What’d ya get—an apartment?”

  “A room in a house.”

  Maresca shot him a quizzical look. “Mind telling me where?”

  There was no sense delaying the inevitable. Nick would have to deal with the repercussions once her inner circle knew he was living under her roof. “Um, over at Lily’s.”

  “Lily Lane?” Maresca straightened his spine. “Is that so?”

  “Yep.” He folded a piece of gum into his mouth, giving him something to do with his loose lips besides saying too much. “She’s got a spare room.” He glossed over the dirty details.

  “Ah…that’s right.” Maresca nodded, sitting back, drumming his hands on the armrest of his chair, pivoting from side-to-side. “Let me ask you a question—and I know it’s none of my business—but is this just a convenient living arrangement? Or is there something going on between you two?”

  Nick hesitated, uncertain what the better answer would be. “What do you mean?”

  “What do you think I mean?”

  “I like her, if that’s what you’re asking…” A calming wave of relief washed over him. “I like her a whole lot—a whole helluva lot.” He couldn’t think of enough ways to say it without admitting he was totally head-over-heels in-love with her. But she ought to be the first person to hear it before he announced it to the world.

  “That’s good to know, because I’d hate to think a decent guy like you would mess around with a good girl like her. She doesn’t need any more heartache in her life. She’s had plenty.”

  “She told me.”

  “You better not lead her on.” Maresca’s warning was as threatening as any father figure.

  “That’s not part of my plan.”

  “What is your plan then—if you don’t mind me asking, man-to-man.”

  “She’s good for me. And I’ll be good to her, don’t worry. I’d ask her to marry me right now if I thought she’d say yes. I’ve never met anyone like her.”

  “Hmm… If that’s the case, then I oughta give you something.” He dug a piece of paper from the drawer.

  “What’s this?”

  Maresca jutted his chin. “Read it.”

  Nick mumbled, “Emotionally available. What’s that supposed to mean? ‘Nick.’ Nick who?”

  “Who do you think?”

  “I dunno. You tell me.”

  “It’s Lily’s letter to Santa.”

  “How do you know? There’s no name.”

  “I know her handwriting, I’ve been reading them for years. Think you can handle it?”


  “I had a feeling you could. When I saw you at Brawny’s together, I had the inkling something might be up. It was strange to see your name on the letter, but I guess the girl knows what she wants.”

  He folded the small note in half and tucked it in his pocket. By the time he got home, the fire was out and the house was freezing again.

  “Hey, you,” her groggy voice whispered from the couch. “What time is it?”

  He hated that he woke her, because now he’d have to try extra hard not to make love to her. Try even harder not to tell her about his latest and greatest super Santa secret.

  “A little after one. What happened—why’d you let the fire go out?”

  “I don’t trust it burning while I’m asleep.”

  “It won’t hurt you if you care for it properly. People have done it for centuries.”

  He lit another log. It wasn’t as romantic as a real stack of firewood, but it was good enough for now.

  “Better than TV, dontcha think?” He joined her on the couch and pulled her head against his chest. “Tomorrow we’ll get that tree into some water.”

  “The stand and decorations are in the cellar. Let’s get ’em now!”

  It was the last thing he wanted to do, but her hopeful smile was so bright he couldn’t refuse. “Show me the way.”

  He went first down the concrete stairs while she pointed the flashlight, holding the belt loop on his jeans. The stink of mothballs and mildew worked wonders on killing his sex-drive.

  “Over there.” Lily pointed the light at a brown heap that looked like a cardboard snowman slumping in the corner. “I haven’t opened these since Mom died.”

  Nick hoped there was something worth salvaging in the corroded, moldy boxes.

  While he set up the tree, she examined the contents on the kitchen table.

  “Aww. I made this in kindergarten.” It was a decayed candy cane decorated with a pipe cleaner resembling a reindeer.

  “You know what…let’s put these outside. You’ll get new decorations.” He took the box away before she found something she really didn’t want—like roaches.

  “Wait.” She stuck her hand inside and pulled out pieces that looked like a cracked crystal snowflake on a silver ribbon. “Aww. This was my mother’s. It’s ruined. Everything is ruined.”

  He probed around to find something worth saving, but the sentimental objects were destroyed, dangerous shards of glass tinkled at the bottom.

  “Sorry, sugar, but you can’t keep this stuff.” He wedged himself between her and the shattered memories. After he discovered a rodent’s nest, he did the thing she didn’t have the heart to do—close the boxes and toss them in the trash. Then he washed his hands and grabbed her in a tight hug.

  “You’ll get new things. I promise.”

  “Yeah, sure. I know.” Droplets sparkled on her lashes.

  The oncoming tears stabbed his heart, so he pulled out a wad of cash and dropped a hundred dollar bill on the table. Then another. And another… “I don’t think we talked about your rate. Tell me when to stop...”

  “My rate? What? Stop it!” She slapped his fist full of money. “What are you doing? Put that away.”

  “You asked me to be your roommate, right?”

  “I did.”

  “Do you still want me here?”

  “I do.”

  “Well, I don’t expect to stay for free. And I’m gonna need some comforts of home—like a properly decorated Christmas tree.” Forking over more bills, he added, “How am I supposed to get into character for my big debut? We need lights. Tinsel. A wreath. Some fake snow. That green stuff to hang around. Stockings—one for you, one for me. What else? Oh, yeah, candy canes, of course.”

  “Huh?” She glanced at him as if she missed half of what he said, shaking her head in disbelief. “This is a thousand bucks. You carry this much cash in your pocket?”

  “I pulled some emergency money from the ATM,” he lied. There was about ten thousand stashed in his glove compartment. “How long does a grand get me?”

  “I dunno—ten weeks.”

  “You’re asking a hundred dollars a week t
o rent that room?”

  “Too much?” She bit her lip and wrung her fingers as if she’d never done this kind of negotiation before. No wonder she was selling her house for such a steal.

  “Not at all.”

  “I can’t cook, but I can do laundry.”

  “You mean wash it, or wear it?” he teased, tugging on the collar of his flannel shirt, which looked perfect on her.

  Color bloomed in her cheeks. “Sorry. I was chilly. You can have it back.” She started unbuttoning it.

  “No.” He didn’t want her taking it off, unless it meant seeing her naked. “You can wear it. But you can’t keep it. It’s my favorite. How about we share it?”

  She looked confused if not a little relieved. “Share a shirt? How?”

  “I’ll tell you all about. In bed. I’m exhausted. I need to lie down before I fall down.” He led her to his room where he stretched out on the mattress and patted the empty spot beside him.

  “I…uh…I dunno…” She shrank against the wall.

  “Come on, Lily, don’t get shy on me now. I’m not talking about going all the way. But I’m ready to figure out this chemistry between us. The living arrangement. That shirt…” He got up and closed the gap between them. “We’re better under one blanket together than alone in two separate rooms, dontcha think?” He took her by the hand and she didn’t resist. “We’ll even keep our clothes on, I promise.”

  She sat on the opposite end of the bed, hugging her knees like a shield against her chest.

  “You don’t have to be nervous.”

  She furrowed her brow. “I’m not.”

  “Are you sure you want me here? Because if you changed your mind, I can go—no hard feelings,” he lied. “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable in your own home.”

  “Of course I want you here. It’s just…I wasn’t expecting to sleep in the same bed.”

  “I get it, and I’m willing to wait, but doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about it twenty-four seven.”

  She gathered the shirt collar protectively and released an uneasy giggle.

  He grabbed the fabric from her fingers, pulled her closer until they were nose to nose. Lust swelled in her eyes with pupils like big black dots.


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