Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Page 17

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “So this is possibly one of the people that Alex’s mentor spoke of.”

  “Indeed.” Then Allahandra said “Before we are to meet him I wished to ask of you a question.” Lily nodded for her to go on. “I too was once infatuated and seemed to love a Furion before, but I wish to know what it is like for you. Can you tell me? I promise this conversation will go no further.”

  Unsure of what to say in the suddenness of the question, Lily asked her own while trying to find the right words. “Why is it you ask?”

  Allahandra grinned brightly which made Lily retreat a step back from the rapidity of the expression. “Because there is much gossip spreading in my castle?”

  “What kind?” Her curiosity was piqued.

  “After hearing news of how gallantly Alex rescued the queen, in her most dire need,” Allahandra began speaking as an untried girl talking about a heroic man who made their hearts flutter with desire, but coming from her lips almost made Lily laugh. “the maidens and even many married women speak fondly of him.” A twitch of jealousy sprung inside Lily. “They speak of how wild and free he is. His rugged good looks that make other men green with envy always catches the attention of the ladies. They speak of him often and many cannot wait for his return for they are preparing themselves to be bold enough to speak with him. They wish to catch his fancy for many women would do anything to gain his attention.” That statement irked her and the queen continued until Lily had enough, it didn’t take long for the last sentence did it. “Some even wish to bed him, just to see what he’s really like under all those clothes.”

  “That’s enough.” Lily said coolly, trying not to punch the queen outright to make her stop. “Those brainless wenches know nothing of him. They wouldn’t be strong enough to keep up with him.” Lily quirked a half smile at an attempt of humor. Allahandra seemed to find it funny. “They merely see the outside and his deeds, but who he is, is actually a person unlike any other. His will hasn’t broken the first time and I know it never will. He could have any woman he wants, but he chose me. He saw my strength and values it. Plus he said he’d come back to me, though I know not why.”

  “Don’t forget you are one of the comeliest women even I have ever seen.”

  “There’s that too.” Lily laughed and the tension receded. Then she had a thought of her own. “Now it’s your turn to tell me what you find attractive of General Rakkian.”

  This brought Allahandra up short and the stunned expression made Lily peel out another series of musical laughs. It took near a minute for the queen to compose herself. As she began walking she said airily “I haven’t the faintest idea of what you are talking about.”

  “Come now,” Lily said, stepping in beside Allahandra. Shortening her strides for the queen wasn’t as tall or as fit. “when the scout first reported of the attack, our pack rushed you to the war room. While we waited for the generals and commanders to arrive, you were as anxious as a rabbit staring headlong at a wild and hungry dog. Your incessant tapping on the table still annoys me when I think back.” As they walked casually, Allahandra felt her face warm rapidly, but she was glad that her complexion didn’t allow her to visibly blush. “Your worries ended immediately as the general arrived. We could all see you are comforted by him.”

  “Who’s we?” The queen stopped, making sure they were alone.

  Lily grinned down at her and Allahandra had the same reaction she had earlier. “Why me, Alex, Marlin and even Shade could tell. We thought it best to keep silent about it.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Then her dark eyes widened at what she just admitted and her hands shot to her mouth when she openly confirmed her most valued secret. Then she cleared her throat and met Lily’s playful stare. “You need to give yourself more credit. You’re more proficient at girl-talk than you know.”

  “Really?” Allahandra nodded. “Can we do this again, I must admit it was very relaxing.” She truthfully admitted.

  “Sure thing, in fact how about we have more women join us for the midday meal tomorrow. I’ll introduce you to the other women I can speak openly with. Also I’ll arrange it so that we can begin washing the warrior off you and show that you are more feminine than you realize.

  Unlike Allahandra, Lily’s complexion cannot be hid when she blushes. In a quiet voice she said “By your will.”

  The queen smiled pleasantly before saying “We can spend a few more minutes before we go back to the main hall and meet this person Gerieg told to come to my home. Let us see if he can be of use as Gerieg said.”

  An hour and a half later Queen Allahandra sat regally in her throne of the main hall that was filled to capacity, waiting for the newcomer. News of the visitor spread rapidly and all wished to see who this mysterious person was. Many were here to find out just how her scouts were bypassed without being aware of this individual. Lily was among her advisors and personal guards that stood on the lower steps of the stage. Many were only murmuring and whispering so as the queen wouldn’t need to raise her voice to call the assembled to silence. As she waited in her soft and finely crafted wooden throne with gold trim, thoughts of her earlier conversation kept entering her mind. On several occasions she found her dark eyes wandering to her greatest general and companion. Knowing her duties she had to remain true and focused to the situation and wait for this person who was who he said he was. Yort reported he was an ally, but could get nothing more out of him.

  At the entrance to the castle she saw him. Though the hall was slightly shadowed, when he stood in the sunlight his clothes were so white that the hall immediately lit up. As he entered he was flanked by two level four warriors and a level five archer followed seven paces behind. As he entered the shadowy hall it darkened to what it once was. The gathered silenced and watched who it was and the man looked at each and every face he could find with a bland curiosity, but there seemed something more in his search.

  Suddenly Lily’s eyes widened as she saw exactly who it was and gasped. She immediately turned and ascended the steps and Allahandra leaned closer so she could whisper into her ear. Lily leaned in and quickly said “I know him from Ra’van. He’s Travis, one of Runkamon’s most valued advisors. I do not know much of him except that he is one to be cautious of.”

  “Are you sure?” The queen’s agents have told her much of the same.

  Lily nodded and Allahandra gestured for her to return to where she once stood. She did and grasped the pommels of her swords so that if he should be hostile in any way she’d do whatever it took to eliminate him.

  This man, Travis, walked unerringly to the white line that all stopped at, if they valued their lives, unless granted permission to approach Allahandra.

  Travis was an older man in his mid-sixties with short wavy gray hair. Despite the prominent wrinkles in his features, he was sharp and cunning. That couldn’t be disputed. His eyes were a brilliant blue and calculating his every surrounding. He didn’t seem surprised at anything nor did he seem fearful. What was more prominent of his appearance were what he was clad in for it was unmistakably an item. No longer in his youth, but not one who showed any signs of being slothful, Travis’s item was his clothes. Like Travis was compared to a sword, so too would be his item be to a tightly fitted sheathe. His item cloth was seemingly alive and clung to every contour of his body, like a second skin. It was the color of the purest white that none could achieve with any dye and the item encased his entire body, up to his neck.

  Lily watched as all kept their eyes upon him or could miss the silent exchange between him and the queen. The only one that looked prepared to slay him in an instant would be Rakkian for he held his large battleaxe at the ready.

  “Queen Allahandra, I am Travis.” His deep elderly voice said.

  “I am well aware of who you are and the reputation that precedes you.” She said as clearly as a wrung bell in the silence of the night. “Why have you come to my home and have cause to speak directly to me?”

  Travis gave a one sided smile. “Because mine t
rue king had me contacted to come here immediately and my knowledge and expertise is invaluable.”

  “True king? By that, do you mean Runkamon?” Allahandra raised one delicate eyebrow.

  “Nay,” Travis said with a short laugh. “I mean my king, Gerieg. I’ve served the false king only for mine king.”

  Then Allahandra asked a question none were ready to ask so quickly. “Then clarify something for me, if Gerieg is the real king and Runkamon is his son, does that make Alex his son as well or is Runkamon the father?”

  Travis went completely still, eyes wide and jaw agape. He looked at her like her questions were spoken by a god or something akin. When his thoughts became coherent and he could form words, tears of happiness streamed down his cheeks. “Pr…Prince Alex is alive? Really? Truly?”

  Allahandra blinked at this sudden change of character and she glanced at Lily who had paled and her usually rosy lips had gone white. Lily didn’t want to consider the person she cared for to be royalty for it would be her worst fear.

  Lily now knew she couldn’t have the man she liked like no other. This confirmation was a final, crushing blow to her unknowingly frail hope. As a prince they couldn’t be together. Not now, not ever. She gritted her teeth in anger for her loss was now complete. She came to a decision. Lily would wait for him to return so that she could release him of his bonds to her. She felt selfish for wanting him, now knowing royalty don’t intermingle with commoners.

  Feeling crushed, Lily chanced a glance at the queen and Allahandra was looking right at her. That wordless look said it all ‘We’ll talk later!’

  Allahandra could almost sense Lily’s heartbreak, but she looked back at the ancient advisor and asked innocently “So he is a prince?”

  “Indeed,” Travis said after wiping his eyes. A pleased grin spread across his face. “If Prince Alex is alive, I can now understand why mine king has finally begun to move after all these years.” Then his blue eyes moved around and he realized he was speaking to himself and others weren’t privy to all his secrets. He returned his gaze to the queen to answer her earlier question. “Nay, neither are his father. King Gerieg is his grandfather and Runkamon is his uncle. His father is Sheul, Runkamon’s murdered twin brother. If you wish to hear more of the Prince’s lineage we will speak in private for many secrets need to be kept.”

  “I understand the need for secrecy, but I trust my people.”

  “Then you need to open your eyes.” He said curtly. “As I entered I looked at every face gathered and two among this room is a spy for the false king.”

  Allahandra went rigid as the room erupted angirly. Rakkian took the initiative and raised his battleaxe and a brilliant white light instantly filled the room, temporarily blinding all. The hall was designed to make any on the stage’s voice louder, so that all could hear when a person spoke up. Rakkian ran up to the stage and protectively blocked Allahandra, her throne and also used the design of the hall to his advantage. He billowed “Close The Gate And Make Sure No One Can Escape… Up Or Down The Stairs! Everyone Else Silence! Remain Where You Are!” In conjunction with his immediate order, his axe-item blinded almost everyone to remain in place.

  Allahandra looked around and realized Travis had vanished and many people were having difficulties or accusing others of being spies. The elderly man in pure white should have been easy to spot as almost all of her warriors and people were dressed in dark colors.

  Within moments, Allahandra and her throne were blockaded by her personal guards and Lily was among them, both blades drawn. When Rakkian’s orders were fulfilled and the gathered silenced, the queen parted her protectors and stood proud. Many still rubbed their eyes from the burst of light, but they would all be able to hear her. “Form up into ten lines so we can prove or disprove that there are more traitors in my home. The three guards that brought Travis, find him! In the confusion he vanished.”

  “Be not afraid.” Echoed a voice that seemed to come from many directions. Lily knew it was Travis’s voice. “I will find your spies much more quickly.”

  People looked around for him, but he wasn’t found. Suddenly Lily saw a person drop in the crowd. Not one to wait, she plunged into the crowd and easily pushed her way to the collapsed person. A woman was unconscious and in a crumpled heap on the floor. It was a large blonde woman with a strange blue chain wrapped around her wrist. Then Travis’s voice echoed from many directions once again. “Lily, my dear, please take her to the line for me please. Her name is Evere and one of the spies sent by the king.”

  Not one to take chances, Lily grunted, slid her blades in her white sheathes and easily picked up the woman and threw her over her shoulder.

  As Lily reached the white line, Rakkian met her. He was a giant of a man with the skin of night and built as powerfully as a bull. His axe was ready for a confrontation should the woman be a threat. Lily gently laid her on the ground just as a commotion brought everyone’s attention to the center of the hall.

  A man was throwing a sling of curses and the hall parted from him. “Let me go! Who are you!” Only the man seemed to be fighting himself. He jerked violently, but he approached Lily, Rakkian and the sleeping woman. The man still fought and Lily realized both of the man’s arms were bent at awkward angles behind his back. The angels reminded her of her training in capturing an enemy barehanded. The angles of the arms were locked as if someone held him. Then Lily realized Travis’s ability as his echoing voice was clear. “Will some warriors please encircle us so that he does not escape.” As he said this Travis reappeared. His head and entire body was now covered by his item. His featureless face was masked.

  Rakkian didn’t take chances either as he ordered thirty warriors to surround them. Once they were stationed Travis released his hold and stepped away from the man. Many deadly items were pointed to each of them and neither moved, but the stout, middle aged man clearly said “I am no spy!”

  “You don’t even realize you are.” Travis retorted calmly, pulling his item from his face and laying it back as one would a hood or cloak.

  Allahandra called for order and said “Sir, you have caused panic and broken the order of my home. These two I’ve known for three years and have been proven they are no spies.”

  “That is where you would be quite mistaken, your majesty.” Travis stated casually. “If you will permit me but to explain?”

  “Be quick about it.”

  Travis bowed respectfully. “As you are all aware, there are some items that are called truth seekers. I myself was tested around midday today by them. Well in Ra’van, a child was blessed many years ago with an item that can both circumvent the items that find truth while also making the target believe whatever the young one wished. It wasn’t until the child reached maturity that the imprinting would last forever unless broken by a specifically worded phrase. In my position, as counselor and advisor to Runkamon, I was privy to many of his dastardly schemes. When I heard of his newest weapon I knew the many dangers it could inflict and possess. As such I was careful and bided my time until I could kill the young woman, in hopes that the weapon wouldn’t be used to completely force all lands to the king’s rule. Two and a half years ago, my chance was granted and I didn’t miss the opportunity. My hope was that with the death of the girl and the item that the retraining would be lifted, I was wrong.”

  “Do you at least know how to break the spell?” Allahandra asked.

  “Aye, I did learn the secret before felling the delusional pawn of the false king.” He then smiled at her. “Have any of your men simply do this, flick them on their forehead and simply say ‘I release you of your burden.’ and see what happens for yourself.”

  Rakkian turned around and Allahandra gave him permission. The head general passed the ring of guards and approached one of the men he’s served with. Shifting the burden of his axe to his other hand he flicked the man’s head with his gauntlet clad hand and said clearly “I release you of your burden.”

  Rakkian stepped back in surprise
as the man suddenly dropped to his knees. He knew there was trickery afoot. He jumped back incase there was a fight. The man shook his head to clear it. He then looked around like he didn’t know exactly where he was. He looked at all of the weapons pointed and was frightened, then he saw the advisor. “Lord Travis? What is the meaning of this? Where is the king? Where are we?”


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