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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

Page 34

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Hearing this, Krum moved around and started gently prodding her ribcage. When he struck the right one she moaned from the pain. Krum locked eyes with Alex and simply said “Two fractures, but not life threatening.” Krum then reached into the medicinal pocket on his shoulder and pulled out four different herbs. He returned to his original place by her head. His leathery hand outstretched in offering. “Take these and swallow them whole. They will dull the pain and allow you to relax.” His eyes shifted as one of the others began sewing her flank, causing more discomfort. “It would be best to do it now.”

  Her jaw opened just enough for him to deposit the leaves. She swallowed dryly, but they did go down. The effects were fast acting for in just a few minutes her breathing became less labored and the pain in her eyes eased. Seeing this he ordered three standing Orggian to bring a bowl of water and some dried fish. They didn’t even object and used the trees to expedite the orders.

  Once all of the wounds closed, Krum turned to those that arrived before he did. “Thank you for working as efficiently as possible. The job was done quickly and right. I could ask no more from any of you. There is little more that can be done. Please go back to what you are doing and rest comfortably. I will stay and observe the patient. I will call should assistance be needed.”

  Relieved for the day and getting praised for the work, the other Orggian left proud that they saved yet another life.

  “May I talk with her?” Krum craned his neck back and he looked upon the giant Shade. Worry for her health and safety were evident in his great eyes. Without another word Krum moved over far enough to give them privacy, but close enough should something happen.

  Shade moved with carefulness just incase even the air would harm her should he misstep. They locked eyes and all could see how Crest relaxed in his very presence. Though she remained on her side she managed to turn her head just enough to greet him with a coy smile. He then laid down in front of her and gently licked her good paw. “Are you ok?”

  She smiled through the effects of the herbs and dulled pain. “I will be soon enough. I’m sorry to have worried you so.”

  Shade immediately asked a question all wanted to hear, especially the horde of onlookers. “What happened? Why did Midnight do this? What made him…” He couldn’t finish the questions as his throat tightened.

  Crest was reluctant in her answers, but never could hide anything from Shade. “I admit that it was my fault.” The crowds went even more silent and she looked around to see the many gathered fiends, the many Alphas were also in attendance. She felt angered for what happened to her and that she should get her opinion out in the open. Her condition didn’t allow her to add emotion and conviction to her next words for her injuries were an even greater display of the mistake. “Remember yesterday when we talked?” Of course he did and nodded slowly, unsure if this was the right time to tell such things. “This morning when I returned to my pack my father seemed upset over my absence during the night. He led me into the deep woods. I asked what he wanted, but he was so angry that he was quiet and beyond words. When we eventually were able to talk, he growled at me as if I were encroaching on his territory and challenged him.

  “Apparently he caught your scent on me and flew into a rage unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I knew he told us not to associate with you, but I couldn’t help it. You’re so kind, unlike him.” Shade and the other Shadow Fangs put the pieces together and those that disagreed with Midnight’s latest law growled, but none were nearly as menacing as Shade’s primal reverberations. His anger was so overwhelming that many began instinctively backing away to not receive his wrath. The only truly unaffected person was Alex for he was as angered as his younger sibling. Twin anger for what happened occurred within the brothers and they both fed upon his audible growl while also relieved to release some form of aggression. Crest wasn’t worried for her eyes calmly gazed upon him, but she never heard him make such a deadly sound. “He has never been so malicious towards me before, though he never particularly cared for me either, I cannot blame him. I disobeyed an order from the High Alpha and received the consequences of my actions.”

  “He was going to kill you!” Shade growled, his anger couldn’t go unnoticed.

  “Better me than you.” This brought all those who had gathered up short, especially Shade. “You have greatness that none I’ve met will ever be successful in having, and I’m a nobody…”

  Shade interrupted “Have you forgotten as well? We are together.”

  She, along with everyone else went silent.

  Alex began fretting how the situation could be resolved, but the anger and worry Shade showed could only be repaired with blood, Midnight’s blood.

  Thirty minutes later a large shadow dove into the center of the crowd. Sheer made a perfect landing and had room to spare. Her arrival startled most and silenced all. She walked right up to the focus of the crowd and saw a nearly empty bucket of water and a piece of fish that went uneaten on a large open leaf besides the wounded female. All were silent as she inspected Crest, and the one being observed began feeling self-conscious and weak when nothing like this should never had happened. Shade remained close and Alex leaned against a nearby tree to give them space. Finally she asked in a caring and heartfelt voice “How are you feeling, hatchling?”

  “What she needs to do is rest.” Krum said in interruption, walking up to his patient. “She is out of danger for the moment, but rest would do her the most good.” The look the Orggian gave to them both said he wouldn’t be questioned. Neither female objected.

  “Very well,” She said in acknowledging his status as caretaker. Sheer then locked eyes with both Alex and Shade and spoke with the upmost seriousness. “I’ve come to retrieve the both of you, along with the other Shadow Fang Alphas. There is much to discuss about what has happened this day. Gerieg is doing his best to stop the packs from starting a civil war.” She then scanned the area, finding those said Alphas. “You are all ordered to be in attendance and I suspect it will not take long. The meeting will take place in fifteen minutes under the branches of the shelter trees.” Her words gave no quarter for any to back out.

  She then expanded her enormous wings and flew out of the half-frozen forest, her task completed. Abiding to her orders, the crowd began to thin and only the Alphas began heading to the meeting place.

  Shade stood and asked “Crest, will you be alright until I return?”

  She looked up and smiled. “Yes, but come back soon.”

  Krum moved closer, sat by her head and began stroking her neck. “Do not fear for her safety. I will not allow any harm to befall her, for they will have to get through me.” He said matter-of-factly and it was no idle boast for none dared to harm the Orggian without inviting serious consequences. Shade was grateful for such assistance and nodded in approval.

  Alex moved forward and patted Shade’s shoulder. “We must go and find a solution to end this conflict.”

  “I’ve already found it.” Shade replied with a deadly calm conviction, once out of the hearing range of Crest. His eyes played with a mixture of rage, revenge, cunning and absolution. Alex wanted to ask what Shade meant specifically, but he trusted his judgment and would remain by his side until the bitter end, if that is what should happen. They were brothers and partners, what happened to one involved the other.

  Large, dark and sleek bodies filled the entire open shelter and the packed occupants only gave room and passage when Alex and Shade were the last to arrive. Pack Alphas from all around watched them as if they were on a death march to the center of the shelter. Some whispered while others looked on in curiosity for what was to happen in the near future. It took a minute, but they eventually reached the relatively open center.

  Midnight sat in the center and still seethed rage, but his eyes remained glued to Ava as she glared back from the ground. Neither allowed the other to so much as twitch without making a threatening gesture. If anything could be said Ava held her ground and didn’t even flinch
from her enormous opponent. Even he knew that size didn’t matter in the face of an enraged Fury. At least Midnight has shaken off Ava’s effects so that the gathered could proceed with more haste.

  The only fiends not of a pack origin were Elo, Sheer and Ava. Elo moved and sat between Midnight and Shade, making it obvious that they’d have to get past him to fight. Gerieg stood as he saw Alex’s approach and wore an expressionless mask. He wasn’t happy about this situation, not one bit. Before he began whatever he was about to, he clearly and emotionlessly called the gathered to order. “Everyone sit! If there is any who create a disturbance during this gathering Sheer is ordered to make sure it doesn’t happen. I will not have anarchy among any of you.”

  Slowly all Shadow Fangs laid down where they stood, but those in the back remained standing to use their height to see what was happening. Even Alex and Shade sat within the inner ring. Since Gerieg called order to the area Ava reluctantly moved away and silently perched herself on Alex’s left shoulder. She received a gentle backstroke for her good work, which she enjoyed. Being back on his shoulders was also a benefit.

  Only two remained standing, Gerieg and Sheer, but she only paid attention to the crowd to intervene when need be. Gerieg on the other hand looked between Midnight, Alex and Shade without expression or judgment. His voice remained crisp so that all could hear what he had to say. “I wish to say that this gathering is of peace, but sadly we know otherwise. Normally I do not need to intervene in matters such as these, but now there is no choice. I gather that all of you have heard by now what has happened. If anyone objects to me leading the proceedings I shall gladly defer to them on judging these difficult matters. Does anyone wish to take my place?” Only a single muzzle opened a crack to take over, but Gerieg quickly squelched the speaker. “Midnight, you will not lead this gathering for the heart of the matter belongs to you. You are to stay silent unless I give permission. Is that understood?”

  Midnight glared defiantly, but held his tongue. Soon he caught Shade’s scent and started throwing daggers with his eyes at him. Shade returned the look with a deep growl, but stopped immediately when Sheer glared at him. He then silently returned the vengeful stare and listened to what was said. Shade couldn’t help imagining sinking his fangs into Midnight’s throat. That made him feel better.

  “The reason for this gathering is to give an appropriate punishment for Midnight’s transgressions. Normally if he caused harm defending his title and territory there would be no problem, but as it stands, I’ve given explicit orders that no fighting shall happen this close to the final days of gathering for The Great Hunt. What is worse is that it wasn’t even a fight, but more of an attempted murder. I’ve heard witness accounts and received word from the Orggian that Crest would have been murdered if not for the intervention of Alex and his partners. Now before any judgment is passed I must ask, Midnight, what were your reasons for attacking your own pup when you know my rules?”

  Anger was barely hidden in his words so they were kept short and simple. “I made it a law that since Shade was a partner, he was not part of any pack.” Alex could sense Shade was about to verbally defend himself, but a firm grip on his paw stopped an outburst. “He is not part of our laws and the packs were told to only answer his questions when asked and left once it was over. Crest disobeyed this edict and fraternized with him. I had to show that my laws are absolute by the use of force. Breaking the law deserved punishment, weather with my blood or not is of no consideration to me.”

  Many growls filled the area after hearing this. Attacking for land or for leadership was common, but harming another over something so petty stirred and angered all to a varying degree. What flamed the anger even more was that he attacked his own lineage without remorse or compassion. Sheer looked around and made sure the growls didn’t grow much further.

  Unfortunately Midnight couldn’t sense the actual animosity building against him. What he didn’t understand was that he only held his title with brute force. “I will do it again if anyone else disobeys me.”

  None stopped or even blamed Shade for his next actions. He stood straight up and as a result Elo also rose, but didn’t move as he watched his young protégé carefully. Sheer remained silent, but her chest was filled with air and ready to be used. Gerieg only silently watched and waited for what would happen next. The wait wasn’t long.

  Shade spoke with a rage only the foolish would deny and a restraint that astounded all. He didn’t take any threatening steps, but should any attack, he’d be ready. “Midnight, what you have done goes against everything that we Shadow Fangs stand for. Our natural instinct is to form packs, but our packs do not solely mean we must be with other Shadow Fangs. We protect each other and work together to survive this harsh world. Yes, problems do arise, but to go out and create isolation will cause even more. Look around,” and he did. “do you see now how your petty law against me has caused your very own isolation. Not one of us will ever agree to hurt our young, but you are different. You rule like the Grizon and use brute force and bullying to get what you want. What’s more, you’ve hurt your own offspring and the one I love.” Many went even more silent at this turn of events. Even Shade wasn’t completely sure that he should announce at this point in time, but his plan required it be done. “You attacked her, made her bleed in a deadly way and even broke her ribs only because she had my scent. How naive and petty can you get to try and kill your own pup? The reason she had my scent was because we spent the night together and enjoyed each others company. What you failed to realize is that you’ve broken a law that was set before you and is instilled in each and every Shadow Fang.”

  Midnight rose to his full height as well and mocked “And what rule would that be?”

  Shade ground his teeth dangerously, saying in a barely controlled voice “You attacked my mate!”

  Midnight’s was stunned, but only for a moment. “You lie! No daughter of mine would dare make a lifelong mate with you.”

  “When you tried killing her she was no longer your daughter.”

  “Be that as it may, what are you going to do about it?”

  Shade shocked everyone again as he smiled and killed the vengeance in his eyes. His tone became delighted as he thought about this from every perspective. “I hereby challenge you to a duel for the title of High Alpha. I will take all of your territories, title and highest rule you have so coveted all these years to oppress those different from you.”

  Howls from every direction erupted and filled the area. Many stood up in protest, but Shade and Midnight only glared at each other, over Elo’s back. Alex was impressed with Shade’s plan of action while also fearing what the outcome might be. Gerieg too was impressed and allowed a small smile to touch the corners of his mouth before realizing he had to remain impassive. When the barks and howls grew too much Sheer turned her beak to the canopy and shrieked “Silence!”

  None were stunned, but all heeded her order. Many laid back down, but the tension remained present with the stare-down between Midnight and Shade.

  Eventually the reigning Alpha mocked again “Unfortunately only another Alpha can challenge me for my title and you are no Alpha, being a servant to the Furion.”

  “Fortunately he can!” Alex stated calmly and stood, calling all attention to himself. It all came back clearly from the many talks among the species. “Since you attacked the female of a mated pair, you are subjected with one of two alternatives. I’ve learned much of your laws and this scenario is applicable. Your own actions have caused this and is your responsibility to uphold and see through. For any of your kind to strike a female will give the right for her mate to challenge the rule of the attacker. They would hunt you down regardless. As Alpha, you have more to lose and in your foolishness both forced and allowed Shade to give an open challenge of combat, though he is not an Alpha by your standards. The winner gains all the defeated honor and land. The only other option to choose from is to give up your rule to him and be banished for all time. Though Shade
cannot be considered an Alpha like those here, you’ve given him the right of challenge.”

  Gerieg stepped between the two groups and turned to Shade. “Are you positive you wish to challenge in response to Crest’s injury.”

  “I would kill him regardless. Hurting Crest was uncalled for and cowardly. This is the most respectable solution to removing his title and one I’m ready to see through to the end.” Shade announced with a calm and decisive attitude.

  Gerieg then turned and looked around Elo. “And you, Midnight?”

  “I will fight the pup, to the death.” He growled.

  Gerieg then turned to all present. “Is there any who can find fault in this challenge? Before you answer, ask yourself this; if it was your mate that was attacked, would you also call this challenge.” He was answered with silence. Not one could say he wouldn’t kill someone who hurt their mate. “Then it is settled. Tomorrow the challenge will be held when the sun is high in the sky. I asked that all Alphas please split into two groups to see that the challengers never leave your eyes to fight against the rules. The matter is resolved!”

  With the ending of the meeting all rose and the hundred or so Alpha lords split up to watch either Shade or Midnight. Many more went to watch Midnight for he would be the prime candidate in breaking the laws, especially with the mindset he was in. Shade, Alex and Ava backed away from the center and were soon surrounded by enormous Shadow Fangs and safely extracted from the shelter. Once they began walking slowly back to where they had left Crest the groups began wishing luck in tomorrow’s challenge. Shade gladly accepted the offered encouragement.

  Then the beta, under Midnight’s rule and pack moved closer and said in a deep voice “You have much spirit, pup.” The beta was alike Shade in every way except that he had bright yellow eyes and had a leaner figure. “Not many dare boldly challenge Midnight the way you did and that will only feed his anger. Be careful for he doesn’t have personal rules that you seem to hold. He likes to strike your ribs first and knock you to the floor so he can strike at your throat.”


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