Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Page 51

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  After supper and the discussions ended Allahandra dismissed everyone to get a good night’s sleep except for The Pack, but Niranene and Krum needed to check up on those still sick from the poisoning and left. When Travis exited last and the double doors closed Allahandra sighed from what she has done today. She was physically and mentally exhausted, but hid her discomfort well. She looked to all sitting to her left and said “I am one to admit this day was not only taxing, but informative. Alex, you say you did training up and beyond this, each and every day? How did you manage such a feat?”

  “After a few months it gets easier, your body adapts.” He joked, not letting her have an idea of what precisely he had to undergo.

  “It must be harder even than you can even hope to articulate.” Marlin assumed. Then he turned to the gracious host. “By the way Allahandra, why did you ask us to stay behind?”

  “For my own selfish reasons.” She joked and bent over to take out a box from under her throne. “Lily, Alex, will you stand together for a moment.” They looked to each other and did as asked. Crest moved and stood beside Lily for their tether remained linking one to the other. Shade was also curious and stood over beside his brother and sister, looking down at the wooden box almost as large as his paw. Curiosity also crept into Clift and Marlin as they moved to watch from the side. Allahandra seemed to find another reserve of stamina for this plan. She smiled warmly to two of whom she thought of as family. “My greatest hope and dream is to put an end to our lands conflicts.” She said in indication that Alex had his own rightful kingdom. “I believe in my very soul that we will set our lands free one day soon. Once our lands were allies and friends and my hope is it will come to pass that that unity will return to our peoples.”

  “By my word, once this campaign has ended we will be allies again.” Alex said in a confidence he’d lay his life down for. “When Gerieg reclaims his throne I will see to it personally that our kingdoms make a pact to never harm the other for many, many generations to come.”

  “I will like that.” Allahandra said with a hopeful tear that needed to be shed. She then looked between the prince and his new bride. “Since I am the rightful ruler of Alluan, there are many liberties I am allowed. Though I know we will win I have many contingencies. You also need to do the same.

  “Firstly, I know the two of you married in the custom befitting of those in Ra’van. I know the cuts you’ve inflicted are the strictest laws that bind the two of you for your lives. And Lily,” Her light purple eyes focused at being called upon. “as a woman her dowry is a show of her standing. I know you don’t remember your parents and breaking the law by killing a superior officer left you with nothing save your love for Alex.” Lily swallowed thickly for she hadn’t much contemplated on that particular subject. Working and being busy kept such weighty thoughts at bay. “You have nothing to your name except the pride of a warrior. Alex,” He shifted his weight and rested his left hand comfortably on the pommel of his sword. “as a legitimately crowned prince you know what it means to be married to any woman. You have made Lily a princess by such means. When it comes time to be king, she will be your queen.” Then Allahandra smiled brilliantly. “What I didn’t count on was how immediately you’d marry. I had so many plans that were extinguished when you showed me the result of the Marking Ceremony. At least one custom is still within my power to do.”

  The queen then began opening the lid saying “As my dearest friends, I wish to give a gift for the joyous union you have made.” Inside the container was a simple, but elegant silver circlet supported by gems and gold that filled the box. “Lily, please accept this gift. You know as well as I that the signet ring on Alex’s forefinger is all he needs to prove his title, but every princess needs a circlet until the time she receives the gold tiara of a queen.”

  Lily clutched her breast as if her breath had been knocked out of her by an ornery bull. When she finally brought words to her lips each syllable was filled with an emotion she couldn’t identify. “But it is too much.”

  “It is nothing compared to what you deserve, my friend.” She replied, feeling emotional herself. Allahandra then pushed the treasures into Lily’s reach. “This is a wedding gift I wish to give. Should you become queen yourself you can return it to me.”

  During this transaction Alex remained quiet. Though Allahandra asked for the both of them to stand, Lily was the one in the queen’s primary focus. Allahandra was solidifying her position by forever using these trinkets to remind Lily of the memories they had created together. This wasn’t about being giving a gift between a queen and a princess, but as a reminder to never forget each other should they be separated by distance or death.

  A silent and strange scratching and tapping sound brought Alex’s attention to Marlin who wrote quickly to inform Clift and the others who couldn’t understand what was happening. They quickly understood with a slight nod.

  Lily couldn’t iterate a word as she took the box with abandon for she couldn’t refuse such a gift. It was so much and held more than monetary value. After staring at the treasures for a minute she closed the lid and sat it down upon the table. Pulled from her pocket was a leather string that she uses to tie her hair back when necessary. She then pulled her sword out just enough to cut off a finger’s length piece before returning the longer string back. She then drew her sword and cut a lock of her white hair and tied the lock with the piece of leather. Lily then offered it to Allahandra saying “Take this for it is my treasure as well.”

  “How is hair a treasure?” Marlin asked and rebuked himself for interrupting the moment.

  Allahandra accepted the gift with grace and spoke as if the interruption didn’t harm the exchange. “Marlin, in Ra’van, as well as in many other lands, the hair of a woman born with silver hair from birth is a prize many covet. There are many natural hair colorings like blond, black, red and brown, but silver is the rarest. Not gray, silver. And the purer the silver, the greater the value. To my knowledge of what I’ve seen, Lily has the purest for it is white. Whether man or woman, to marry one with silver or white hair is like receiving crown jewels. In Ra’van particularly, only nobles are allowed to have Marking Ceremonies with the silver haired people.” Then Allahandra turned to look at Lily directly. Lily knew all this for she grew up with the knowledge, but as she peeked at Alex she knew from his calm demeanor that the education with his grandfather had been extensive. Allahandra regained her friend’s attention saying “I’ve looked into your past, but the records of your parents have been destroyed, just like all level five Kings Guard who are pulled from their families to be raised in the palace. But we can assume you have noble blood because of the rarity your hair tells of.”

  Alex laid a hand on both women’s shoulders. “One day we’ll find your parent’s Lily. But for now we all have to get some rest. There has been much done today that only sleep will ease from our minds and bodies. Believe me, tomorrow will be even more difficult.”

  “You are correct. Weights have been placed that only sleep will ease. I will be off then. Good night to you all.” As Allahandra motioned for Breaker to follow she placed the lock of silver hair in a hidden pocket of her dress.

  “We need to rest as well.” Lily said as she lifted the weighty wedding gift. “Marlin, we will see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight then. I need to unsaddle Clift so he can get some rest as well.”

  Back in their room, Alex noted that the closet had been filled with Lily’s clothes. Like him, she didn’t need many trinkets and enjoyed the simple things.

  As he took a bath he watched as Lily gingerly opened her gift on the bed. Crest was curious as well and sat beside her as Lily took out one piece of the treasure at a time. Each piece was as precious as the next to her. Eventually she put every piece back except one, the circlet.

  After redressing in a pair of pants Alex sat beside her as Shade crawled into the enormous bed behind them. He said “Put it on and see what it looks like.”

  Lily no
dded and slowly slid the circlet over her brow and was pleased to feel that it was a perfect fit. She turned and Alex caught his breath for somehow she had become even more beautiful. Her delicate and fair features grew more striking as the circle of silver heightened her own beauty. Silver was the best color for her.

  His expression was just what she wanted for it gave her the strength to get up and see herself in the mirror. Crest followed and barked a laugh when Lily became a stone statue when she looked at herself as a princess for the first time. The circlet proved just how high her standing is now. She liked it, so long as Alex remained by her side. Winning or losing the war, she would always be the one woman he would ever see as his princess.

  She then took off the circlet and placed it back in the treasure box. “I don’t want to wear it all the time, at least until this is all over and we don’t need to worry about pulling attention away from Allahandra. The last thing I need is to draw more attention to myself and us.” He understood and beckoned her to bed.

  Soon after she hid the gifts under the bed she crawled back in bed and was pleasantly surprised that all of them could sleep on it together and still have room to spare. Two fiend lords, a Fury and two humans sharing a single bed seemed absurd to the imagination, but in practice it was comfortable.

  Before they all fell asleep Crest commented she loved sleeping on a bed. Shade joked that as the High Alpha’s mate she gets special privileges. Sleeping on a bed is one of them.

  Chapter 23

  The following days turned out to be quite comical. The next day after the initial partnering between man and fiend Alex taught those that could ride how to ride while their partner ran. Aside from Lily, everyone fell from their mounts because the horse’s speed, that most were used to, paled in comparison to that of a fiend. Horses were fast of course, but the lords ran circles around Alluan’s greatest pure breed stallions. Even the Grizon and their enormous bulk outran most steeds. The extra limbs of the Grizon helped keep their riders planted upon them, most of the time. The comical aspect was that everyone crashed to the ground more than once. Those with the sleek Shadow Fang’s had it rougher for their speed explodes into a breakneck sprint and can stop or turn just as suddenly. The Beran were usually physically larger, but even with the firmest grips on their manes their companions all fell. Some people were mildly injured when they were dragged from the tether connecting them to their unstoppable partners. No serious injuries happened that the Orggian or healers couldn’t deal with.

  To help bolster the troops apparent uncertainty Alex showed them how versatile it was to partner with a fiend, Shade was more than happy to demonstrate. He showed off Shade’s full speed and how to move together. On sudden turns he’d shift how he sat to remain seated. How to fight gripped their attention. He’d show how to attack while Shade would, potentially, plow into enemy lines and it was the rider’s job to protect their flanks. Maintaining one’s balance was the key to working together and were shown how to move with speed and precision depending on the situation and changing riding or fighting styles when necessary. The combinations Alex and Shade demonstrated captivated their imaginations and gave insights and inspiration to others.

  Four of the Pikro partners had weaker constitutions and hadn’t any choice except to take the blue vial or risk dying. The day after the initial poisoning many came but others were still too sick to even leave their beds. Those that did return were allowed to rest and watch only. Many took the opportunity to learn about each other, using the soil as the medium for their conversations.

  The Fury and their partners decided to take their training out into the woods or somewhere private to learn every personal detail, movement and discover all of the distinguishing differences that separate their partner from other flyers. It was a tedious and mind numbing task, but one that had to be done to solidify the binding process.

  Something miraculous also happened, the Orggian had been working their whole life to begin a task that had finally presented itself. They had begun to teach a kind of sign language to the healers and this hastened communication between their races. Nimble fingers of the Orggian were nearly identical to human fingers and this fact solidified their way of communication. Within two weeks healers rarely used their tablets to write back and forth to find it swifter to use the sign language the Orggian developed to converse with nearly the same speed as talking.

  After a few days of training Alex had each and every predator and their tethered partner leave the city for three days and work together by hunting. They had to utilize their intense training to bring down the game together. The only one exempt was Allahandra and Breaker for they had more pressing matters. Each and every partnership went into different directions to give them the best chance on hunting and being alone together. Lily gave her husband a kiss before mounting Crest and ran off into the woods together, to become more closely attached to each other.

  Niranene and the others set up four designated areas should there be anyone who needed aid. Before long just about everyone left, but Ava, Shade and Alex remained alert should they also be needed.

  Upon the return back to the city three days later Alex’s plan was a success. They came back at different times throughout the day, but the once awkward pairs now seemed more comfortable with each other and responded to the other’s needs much more quickly. The time alone and working together in a hunt brought them into a new light that would save those they now fought for. Even Lily and Crest moved more comfortably with each other when they returned.

  Days went by rapidly and soon turned into weeks and before anyone knew it a month had passed.

  The city’s preparations went off without a problem as weak areas were reinforced and many things had been built to aid those heading off to fight. The city began filling with even more warriors as aid had come from Allahandra’s summons to battle. Excess stores were emptied and brought out to mobile carts that would support the warriors and whoever else was to come. Bakers spent much time creating food that would remain edible for weeks and months, to keep everyone well fed when perishable foods ran low or out completely. Animals were gathered from all around for living sustenance, but none were stolen as most were given freely or bought for the venture. Blacksmiths worked day in and out to fill requirements that were required for the war effort. The city was abuzz with excitement as everyone had something to do. After all, this campaign would take time and effort to complete, but none felt the need to slack in their duty. Battlements were made around the outer wall, for nearly eighty percent of the warriors were preparing to leave the city, but wouldn’t leave it unprotected. The healers gathered many medicines, cloth and many other necessities to help those about to risk their lives. Many would soon die, but the risk was worth such a price to maintain one’s natural rights for freedom.

  Two days ago came the last of the supplies from the northern foothold and were distributed about the caravans already being loaded for departure.

  While the city made its preparations Alex and Allahandra agreed to send out those in training to be scouts. The effects were nearly instantaneous as three advanced Royal Guard scouts were either caught, killed or committed suicide when Beran and Shadow Fangs patrols, working in conjunction with Fury, found the spies long before any patrols on horseback ever could. The evidence in the choice to allow an army of fiends eased Allahandra’s mind and strengthened her faith in Alex and in her belief to win. Three scout parties were caught before they even knew what kind of situation they got themselves into. Only four out of the three parties of five were brought back alive and interrogated to find out what they knew of the forces coming their way.

  The relationships between human and fiend continued to grow, but as with all relationships there were conflicts. The biggest issues came from the Grizons, but their anger was ended when Alex intervened and showed his tolerance level. At one point a Grizon male charged him when Alex told him to return the stolen chain of sausage links back to the butcher. The Grizon ended up with three br
oken arms and returned the remaining sausage he took without asking, but Alex told him to hop to the healers to get fixed. He even had a few words with the Grizon’s partner and said if it happened again he’d find another partner who is strong enough to handle the Grizon he obviously couldn’t.

  Some of the Beran and Grizon were the only ones to allow simple rope harnesses to be made for their rider’s comfort. The harnesses wrapped around the shoulders and under the arms. The Shadow Fangs couldn’t and wouldn’t allow a harness for it would slip away when they dove into their shadow.

  Growth as partners made it more common to cease using a tether, but still remained close at all times. After three weeks of hard work, a kinship took the place of the physical bindings and worked well without the use of such restraint. It soon became uncommon to see bound partners traveling everywhere.

  The Pikro daily poisonings still continued and most could now touch the raw spines of their partner with wrenching side effects, but they wouldn’t die. It would still take time to be fully accustomed to the poison, but they were on the right track. Takka spent much of his time in his room with Ginger, trying to expedite his immunity. Luckily the medicinal catalyst sped up their immune system to allow their recovery to be shortened. Every poisoning made each partnership more compatible and the risks lessened.

  While everyone trained, so too did Alex. He found two boulders of similar size to what he used in his original training. A crowd always gathered when he would toss the rocks skyward and used the other to juggle the two. He needed to remain adept in all forms he learned whether it was swordsmanship, strength building, stretching, running, climbing, trailing scents and sounds by using his heightened senses, concentrating heat from one point of his body to the next as quickly as possible and finding new poisons to become immune to. But still the most difficult thing to utilize at will was his Dominance. It could only be grasped for a few seconds at a time, and without interruption. In a way, Alex was glad to have a challenge for it made him appreciate what he learned and had all the more.


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