Letting Go

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Letting Go Page 1

by Vanessa Devereaux

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2013 Vanessa Devereaux

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-395-8

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: JS Cook


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For Nan Katy


  Romance on the Go

  Vanessa Devereaux

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Glen glanced in the rearview mirror, checking his appearance one more time, but quickly realizing just how stupid he was acting. This wasn’t a blind date, any date for that matter. And Penny was just a dog, but they hadn’t seen one another for over a year.

  He got out of the car, and looked at the house across the way before glancing at the piece of paper where he’d jotted down the number. One Fifty Three. This was it.

  Glen headed up the driveway. A dog’s bark broke the silence the minute he’d gotten midway. He stopped and listened closely. It was too deep to be Penny’s. His aunt Em hadn’t told him that the lady who’d been taking care of his dog had one of her own. Not that it was any big deal, but he hoped Penny hadn’t minded having a buddy.

  He first noticed some dog toys and a few balls sitting in a basket on the front door step, and then a silver nameplate on the wall with Willow Ridge Doggie Day Care engraved upon it.

  Glen rang the bell, which set off a cacophony of barks. Short, high pitched ones mixing with deep, gruff ones. Upon hearing the door being unlatched, Glen, out of pure instinct, stood to attention, almost ready to salute. He’d expected to see a lady Em’s age standing there, but instead a young woman just a few years younger than himself stood staring back at him. He attempted to introduce himself but was tongue tied. Not only had her age thrown him for a loop, but also her pretty face now held him spellbound. She had strawberry blonde hair that was tied haphazardly in a ponytail. A few stray strands hung around her face, highlighting her big green eyes. A sprinkling of freckles made a perfect rainbow shape across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Pink gloss highlighted her full lips. His heart skipped a beat as his mouth opened to speak, but yet nothing came out again.

  Dumb ass. What is my problem today?

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “I’m, I’m Glen Billington.”

  Did I just stutter? Never done that before, especially in front of a woman.

  “Oh, yes, Glen. Come in. Em said you were home and to expect you at any time.”

  She stepped aside allowing him to enter the hallway as the barking got louder.

  “By the way I’m Ava Dawson.”

  She extended her hand toward him. He took it, noting how soft her skin felt as it brushed against his fingers.

  “I thought you’d be Em’s age…I mean, with you being her friend.”

  “Well actually she’s a friend of my parents.”

  He nodded, unable to take his eyes off her lips as she spoke. They’d been little point in thinking about women and dating while he’d been on active duty. Now he was home it was only natural that he’d start paying attention to the opposite sex, and hopefully catch up on lost time and opportunity.

  No, that wasn’t entirely true. He'd seen some cute women also serving in the Army, and a couple of very attractive ladies on the flight to Seattle, but he’d actually ignored them, and instead gotten lost in the book he was reading. There was something about Ava that he found fascinating but yet he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  “Yes, what a shame about her taking a fall like that. However, she seems to be on the mend,” she said.

  “And Penny, has she been okay?” That’s it, keep your mind on the reason you’re here and you might not stutter again.

  “She’s been a wonderful addition to the family.”

  “I saw your sign that says doggie daycare,” said Glen. Yes, it sounded like a dumb idea and he wasn’t all that interested but at least it made for polite conversation.

  She nodded. “I’ve been running it since…well, for a few years. Didn’t Em tell you? I mean, that’s why she thought I’d be ideal for looking after Penny until you came home.”

  “No, she just said she’d had an accident and couldn’t look after Penny anymore but that someone else was taking care of her and not to worry.”

  “I was glad I could help.”

  They stood looking at one another without either of them saying a word. Glen had never been this lost for something to say in all his life, especially around women. Maybe being home again would take more getting used to than he’d thought.

  “I’m being rude. Would you like something to drink before you collect Penny?”

  The drive to Ava’s had been long and hot, and in all honesty, he was parched.

  “Sure, that sounds perfect.”

  “Lemonade okay with you?”

  “Anything you have is fine.”

  He followed her through to the kitchen, noticing a wedding picture hanging on the wall. The bride was a somewhat slimmer Ava and by the look of her face, and the fact she hadn’t aged at all, he’d guess it wasn’t that long ago. He’d obviously been lusting after a newlywed. He shook his head, totally disgusted with himself.

  Glen stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watched her open the refrigerator and bend over to get the pitcher of lemonade. She didn’t really look dressed to be working with animals…if that’s what you called a doggie daycare. She wore a blue floral summer dress and open toe sandals. And I need to get my mind off another man’s woman.

  She turned around, almost making him blush because he was sure his lust was written across his face. As she handed him the glass of lemonade he suddenly noticed the gold wedding band. It wasn’t worn or tarnished in any way and he guessed he was right about her being a newlywed. He didn’t know how he’d missed seeing the band on her finger when she’d opened the front door. Yes, he did. He’d been busy staring at her face.

  He looked down into the glass and saw what looked like a small green leaf floating in it. She must have seen his hesitation about drinking it.

  “It’s basil. It’s not regular lemonade but strawberry, and I add fresh basil to it.”

  “Is that right.” Now he really was having second thoughts about trying it, but he didn’t want to offend her so he just went for it. He took a sip. Damn, it was good. One of the best things he’d tasted in ages. He took two more gulps, feeling it quench his thirst. He might even ask her for a second helping.

  “Em told me that you’re in the army.”

  “Yes, just finished my active service.”

  “And you were serving in Afghanistan?”

  She asked a lot of questions but he guessed she was just trying to be friendly. He nodded as he took a sip, enjoying more of the drink as it hit the back of his throat.

  “Did Em tell you that my father was a Marine?”

  He shook his head. Em hadn’t told him anything about Ava Dawson. Definitely hadn't warned him that she was young and pretty, and unfortunately married.

  Glen put the glass of lemonade on her kitchen table. He wouldn’t ask for that second glass because he needed to get out of here. Seeing her, and feeling an attraction to her, but knowing that she was off limits, wasn’t doing him any good. In fact, it was tormenting him.

  He looked at his watc
h. “Do you think you could fetch Penny? I want to hit the freeway before the traffic gets too heavy.”

  “Yes, sure, follow me. I bet she’ll be so excited to see you.”

  Ava slid open a large glass door which led to an enclosed area where about ten dogs of all breeds and sizes were running around. Some were playing with toys, others rough-housing with one another, but he couldn’t see his girl.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “Over there,” said Ava pointing to the corner where the beagle sat with a buff colored lab.

  “Penny,” called Glen. He got down on his knees and then held out his arms, hoping that when she saw him she’d come bounding over like she always had. This time she simply stared and then tilted her head to one side as if she was weighing up the situation, and if it was actually worth her effort to even get up.

  “What’s happened?” asked Glen. “She obviously doesn’t recognize me now.”

  “I don’t think that’s the case. She’s with my dog, Freddy. He’s losing his sight, so she’s got very protective of him and doesn’t leave his side much these days. They even sleep side by side. I’m guessing she might need some coaxing away from him.”

  Oh great. The day is getting worse by the minute. First, a cute but very unavailable woman, and now an uncooperative hound.

  “Hang on, let me try something. Penny, and Freddy too, look someone’s here to see both of you,” said Ava slapping her thigh.

  She obviously knew what she was doing. They got up immediately, and almost simultaneously, Freddy a little slower, with Penny looking back to check if the Labrador was still keeping up with her as she ran toward Glen.

  “Look who’s here,” said Ava.

  “Hello Penny. I’m here to take you home,” Glen added before kissing the beagle on top of her head.

  At least Penny did show some recognition because she wagged her tail and rubbed her nose against his leg, but then so did Freddy.

  “I hope they won’t miss one another too much,” said Ava, stroking Penny’s head. “Maybe you can bring her back to visit us now and then.”

  “Sorry, but I think it’s a bit too far.” That hadn’t come out quite the way he’d intended it to. Not that Ava didn’t seem a nice person who he wouldn’t mind visiting again, but the thought of him ogling a married woman wasn’t something he planned on doing a second time.

  Her smile turned to a frown and he realized he’d obviously hurt her feelings. "I'll just get her stuff and you can be on your way,” she said. She turned and went back into the house.

  Glen stroked Penny under the chin. The dog’s coat looked shiny, her eyes bright, and she’d obviously been well taken care of. Freddy nudged his arm. Glen tried to ignore him, but the dog wouldn’t give up, and each time he got more persistent until he finally lifted Glen’s elbow up in the air.

  “You’re kind of obnoxious, aren’t you?”

  Glen blushed because he hadn’t noticed Ava standing behind him holding a bag. Talk about suddenly getting on her wrong side.

  “I’ve put her bell in with her toys. She knows how to use it and it’s much easier than you trying to figure out that she wants to go outside for a potty break.”

  “A bell?” Glen stood, noticing that Freddy had put dog slobber down the front of his pants.

  Ava pulled out a round silver bell, the kind you used in hotels and stores when you wanted service.

  “Put this where she can get to it and she’ll use it when she wants to go outside.”

  Pretty woman, but obviously eccentric. It was the last thing he wanted to keep hearing in the house. He took the bell and placed it back into the bag where it would permanently stay.

  “And here’s her leash.”

  Glen noticed it wasn’t the one she’d been wearing when he’d left her with Em. His ex, Caroline, had bought it for her when they he’d brought Penny home for the first time.

  “What happened to her old one?”

  “My side business is custom made leashes so I hope you don’t mind that I made one for Penny because it matches Freddie’s?”

  Not much I can do about that even if I do.

  “Well, goodbye Penny. It’s been wonderful having you here and maybe Freddie and I will drive up to Spokane to see you one of these days,” she said, shaking Penny’s paw. She then got down on all fours and hugged the dog before securing her leash on the collar and handing it to Glen. “Why don’t Freddie and I will walk you out to your car?”

  Glen walked behind Ava and the lab, unable to help but look at the outline of the calves in her legs. She wasn’t model skinny, but strangely enough that’s what drew him to her.

  Stop it, stop it right now.

  And then his focus shifted to the pink nail polish on her toes, the cute silver toe ring, and the way the dog kept in perfect step with her.

  “Okay Penny, in you get,” said Glen opening the car door.

  The beagle decided to disobey him by sitting and looking up at Ava as if she was waiting for her to okay Glen’s request before she made a move.

  “Penny in the car, now,” said Glen, snapping his fingers.

  Penny continued to sit on the sidewalk, still not taking her eyes off Ava.

  “Penny, up, Penny jump,” said Ava, making what looked to Glen to be strange hand signals. Sunlight hit her gold band and shone in his eyes, making him squint Yeah, rub it in that she’s spoken for.

  Within seconds Penny was sitting in the back of his car.

  “She’ll probably need some retraining with you, so call me if you have any problems,” said Ava. “I teach dog obedience classes two nights a week at a local pet store so you’re welcome to attend for free.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  Glen shut the door and then got into the driver’s seat. “Thank you for taking care of her.”

  “It’s been my pleasure. She’s a lovely dog. And say hello to your aunt for me. Have a safe ride home,” said Ava, lifting Freddie up so he was balancing on his back legs.

  Glen pulled away from the curb as Penny began whimpering. When he looked in his rearview mirror he saw her on her hind legs, paws up on the back of the seat looking out of the window at Ava and Freddie, whose right front paw she’d now raised, pretending that he was waving goodbye to them.

  Yeah, attractive, but very eccentric is how he’d describe her. Guess it was for the best that she had a husband.


  Ava hurried inside the house with Freddie close on her heels. She was on the verge of tears because she’d come to love Penny during their six months together, and she felt like the little hound was part of her own family. The two dogs even slept together on the bed with her. They’d kept her company during nights when she’d woken up crying because she still missed Jon.

  Her plan had been to talk Glen into letting her have his dog. As soon as Em had mentioned that her nephew was back in town, she’d rehearsed over and over again what she was going to say, and how she was going to approach the topic. However, when she’d opened the door, his good looks had thrown her off course. He was tanned, obviously from serving in a hot climate, his jaw line strong, and those baby blues eyes had been instantly mesmerizing. And yes, her heart had skipped a beat. That hadn’t happened since the first time she’d laid eyes on Jon in tenth grade. For the first time since he’d been gone, she’d looked at another man. No just not looked at him, but eyed him with a keen interest. Maybe her mother was right; she would heal one day soon. But then who’d want her now? She’d gained weight in the last few years because besides her dogs, food had become one of her best buddies. And today of all days, she’d worn an old dress, hadn’t washed her hair yet and was make-up free.

  Freddie looked up at her and whimpered.

  “I know, I know, I promised I’d ask if we could keep her and I let you down.”

  Freddie pawed at her feet through the open toed sandals. Her dog knew better than anyone else, and he probably sensed she’d been slightly smitten with Glen.

; She walked into the kitchen and detected the lingering scent of Glen’s aftershave. She hadn’t smelled anything masculine like that since…

  Ava took his now empty glass of lemonade to the sink and quickly rinsed it out as if she was erasing any traces of him. She refused to be sad or cry, but Penny’s departure had opened up the void in her heart again. And somehow seeing an attractive man had reminded her of what she’d once loved but had then lost. How dumb was that?

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Freddie slump down in his bed and put his chin on his paws. If there was such a thing as a suddenly depressed dog, he was it.

  “Okay, okay, how about I get Glen’s number from Em and we go and see if he’ll consider giving us Penny?”

  Freddie lifted his head and cocked it on one side. She was positive he’d just smiled.

  Chapter Two

  Glen couldn’t figure out why he felt chilled in the middle of the night. Maybe he had the air conditioning set too high. He turned on the bedside light and noticed the bedcovers were missing. He glanced across the room to where Penny stood with the sheet in her mouth, slowly backing away from his bed.

  She barked and yapped when she noticed she’d been caught red-handed.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  She barked again.

  “You’ve obviously gotten into some bad ways with Ava Dawson.”

  Saying her name brought a memory of her into his mind. The pretty face, the big expressive eyes, and yes, those cute freckles on her nose and cheeks. He smiled but then an image of her wedding photo also sprang into his mind. Off limits to you.

  Penny barked again, this time running out of the room as she did so.

  Glen was tired. What with the time change, the drive back to Spokane, and now being woken up in the middle of the night, he could hardly keep his eyes open. He rubbed them with the heels of his hands before reluctantly getting out of bed.


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