The Barton Street Gym

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The Barton Street Gym Page 14

by Zoey Ivers

  "Lupe?" Her father growled, then shook his head. "Oh, Pumpkin, you've got my temper, and woe the poor boys of the Gym for the next few years." He wiggled his fingers. "All the martial arts I've learned, and I damn near break something with a stupid punch. Let's go show your mother you're all right, and then I'm going to have to pop into the office to dissect the cyber attack. And find out if they've identified Mr. Bloody Nose."

  I hope Father broke that man's nose. Because after this I am never going to get away from my parents, ever again. And I need to check on Barton Street, find out what happened from his point of view. Maybe Bambi knows.


  Joe was only a few minutes behind, when his dad left for the office. A hack attack on the Federal Ten Peta? Had Barton Street changed tactics? Only one way to find out.

  He hefted a half meter square box. This time he was going to try Alice's trick. The box was strong enough, he thought, to hold the d-door open. So he could go a little ways in, and have a way to leave, whenever he wanted. No more four day adventures.

  At the d-door, he let Tommy out, and pulled out the various items they'd been planning on testing. He raised the door and tossed the metal and plastic items through. Tossed his backpack. Tommy jumped through and Joe placed the box and stepped over it.

  He gritted his teeth through the dimensional shift, then picked himself up and looked back at the d-door. And there it was, looking like any ordinary door, with a box holding it ajar.

  That's another thing we ought to check. What does the normal side of a d-door look like, when the other side is open to a different dimension.

  "And 'ere's Barton Street." Tommy alerted him.

  Barton looked a bit tired. An unnerving bit of anthropomorphism.

  "Did you attack the T-Rex?"

  "No. The viral flood was from it to me. I contacted the Bambi Unit, and the three access portals closed. The T-Rex took over three high end computers that I had thought were mine."

  Tommy was looking around. "Kid?"

  Then Joe felt it. The slight flexing of the ground. "The T-Rex is coming. Can it hurt you if you aren't here?"

  "Yes. It can physically damage the structural elements, and possibly, randomly, damage something crucial." His eyes looked stressed. "For a brief while I was beginning to think I could survive this war."

  "Of course you will. You've got us helping. And Alice will probably have access to the T-Rex's dimension four again. We'll talk it over and figure out how to destroy him. Probably on Monday. I don't think we should wait any longer. That superstrand... but, right now, we need to do more than just avoid that thing." Joe looked around. "Like you, his avatar will disappear if it goes through a d-door, right?"

  "A phase shift to dimension one will work. Dimensions four and five are similar enough for continuity across the shift plane." Barton Street looked at the jammed door. "But will it actually try to chase you through it?"

  "Might take a little work." Joe admitted. "Taunting."

  Tommy grinned. "This is what we do. When it comes at us, we throw things. Especially the knives. Joe, you will 'ave to go through first, and 'old the door wide open. When it gets near, Barton, you jump through and then I'll let the T-Rex get as close as I dare before I jump."

  Joe swallowed. "Right. Don't leave it too late... " his voice trailed off as the T-Rex stalked carefully around the corner. Tommy stepped out and grabbed what had been a ball bearing. He threw it, hard. He'd obviously been watching baseball. But not practicing. It sailed past the T-Rex. Joe grabbed another and threw. The metal ball smacked the dinosaur right on the nose. The T-Rex flinched back, then its lips wrinkled back into a snarl. It leaned forward and accelerated. It weight flexed the "ground" as it closed, picking up speed.

  Barton grabbed something and threw it, missed.

  Tommy bent and picked up a knife that had formerly been a letter opener.

  Joe turned and pushed through the d-door, forced himself to stay upright through the transition, grabbed the door, opened it further and held it up over his head. Barton threw a paperweight, then threw himself through the door, disappearing in mid air. Tommy backed, thrust with another knife, then fell through the door cems ahead of snapping teeth that lunged through... and ceased to exist.

  Joe stepped back and released the door. Sank down beside the suddenly small Tommy. "You know. I'm really glad those things are extinct."


  "So, we'll provisionally accept that the Local Air Wave was hacked and used to attack the Ten Peta, as well as at least one other local main frame."

  George nodded agreement to the State Director. What a waste of four hours. We told him that at the start of the meeting. But no doubt now he can frame his report to the Director in a way to scoop up credit for figuring out how to stop it.

  "So, unless anyone has anything to add... Good, then we'll call it done. Thank you for coming in, gentlemen."

  George shut his portable and headed for the door. There was a bit of chat behind him but he ignored it until he realized that only the techies had followed him down the hall. A glance over his shoulder showed that Henry was at the conference room door, one hand raised to open the door---or keep it from closing completely. Phil was nowhere in sight.

  George didn't vary his speed or stride, but ducked into the nearest men's room. What is Henry up to and why did Phil stay behind?

  Henry hustled in a moment later, and took a quick scan of the empty stalls before speaking. "That guy you punched was an undercover agent. DC isn't saying with what agency. They are trying to suborn Phil to keep an eye on you, and me too. I'd like to punch that SOB myself, he lied to Zuloft about at least one thing, so who knows what he's saying about anything or anyone else." He met George's gaze with a hot glare. "I assure you that your fourteen year old daughter does not have access to my cubby! Good Grief!"


  "The agent told the Director that your daughter nipped out of your cubby, hustled over to mine, was in and out in a few seconds, then down the stairs and into your presence. Why didn't you shoot the SOB?"

  The restroom door opened and Phil popped in. He also took a quick scan of the stalls before speaking. "George, they're out to get you. And maybe Henry, too." He cocked an eye at them and grinned. "So, no looks of shock. Which one of you were eavesdropping? What the hell is going on?"

  "Good question." George blew out his breath. "And what we need to find out is who that agent is ultimately reporting to."

  "If he really is an agent, and Zuloft isn't just pushing hot buttons to get the three of us at each other's throats." Henry grinned. "Shall we act all frosty? Or perhaps George, you should threaten me almost privately, warn me away from your daughter."

  "That's not funny." George glared and leaned in toward him.

  "Right, just like that. Only, where someone else will see." Henry gave him an uncertain glance. Edging slightly away.

  George felt himself flush. "Sorry. Definitely my hot button. Let's just be normal for a bit longer. We can play act later, if it seems necessary."

  Henry nodded. "It could just be office politics. I talked to Fred before the meeting, he said you figured out how the hacker was getting in, in about two seconds. And let's face it. You're the main threat to his position. He had the equivalent of your position in Chicago before he was promoted and transferred."

  George snorted. "He's always carrying on about his connections in DC. Except when he's micro managing. He's all over the superstrand beta test protocols. Fred's having trouble with him breathing down his neck."

  "A good test, and easy public launch would secure him in DC's good graces. Wouldn't hurt him with anyone here, either." Phil wrinkled his nose.

  George shrugged. "There's nothing much we can do, just now. Smile and take it. And wonder if this agent had anything to do with the trojan. I'm going home. See you tomorrow."

  Chapter Sixteen

  "... and this is a picture of the closest thing I can find to the newest and best processors the Ten Peta is suppose
d to have."

  On the other end of the connection, Joe could see Alice's eyes moving as she studied the pictures.

  "Right. Well, we might as well do this tomorrow. The T-Rex isn't going to get any weaker." She blew out a breath. "I've drilled holes in one of my father's old briefcases so the bios can breath. I can take Bambi and Salt, I've got climbing ropes with huge breaking strains. We can scout and find the processors, pull the car starter thing over to them, then start shocking them. If you can, umm, keep the T-Rex busy." She sounded worried.

  Joe forced a grin. "Yeah. I hope we can lure him into Barton's territory. More holes to duck through, you know?"

  She nodded. "You be careful. You too Tommy. I don't want to have to break any bad news to Lily."

  Lily popped into the minicomp's camera's field of view. "Tommy? I think I love you, Tommy. You go beat up that T-Rex, but come back. Okay?"

  Tommy was grinning fit to burst. "I'd promise to bring you a tooth for a keepsake, but I don't think it'll cross the d-door."

  Lily blew him a kiss, and the picture died as Alice hit the switch.

  Joe eyed Tommy's smirk and rolled his eyes. "Pay attention to the battle. Kissing the girl comes later."


  Alice looked in the mirror.

  A fourteen year old girl stared back at her. I should be home, playing with my dolls and model horses. The adults should be dealing with this. But if I talk to Father, what will he do? Pull the plug on the Federal Complex computer? Fat chance. He'd never believe in a computer that has a personality at all, let alone a T-Rex sized ego.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Looked back in the mirror. Looked deep into her own eyes. And saw determination. She nodded. Enough belly button gazing. I will take the bios to Father's office with me, and we will drag the zapper to the wall and find something that looks like those processor modules and zap them, one after another, until we run out of power.

  She turned around. "Mom? When you've got a moment, I need to pop down to the corner vendo for a couple of things."

  Her father frowned. "Account balance?"

  "Nice and healthy, so stop worrying. This place has so many volunteer opportunities, and the school's program that counts individual advancement bonuses is awesome. My historical figures report that I sent in this morning has almost doubled this month's credits."

  "You aren't supposed to be living on the dole!"

  Alice grinned. "No, I'm being paid to excel in school, and theoretically that'll carry over into real life. Tell you what. I'll swap to Karate in PE, and become a kick-ass FBI undercover agent."

  He eyed her. "The karate is not a bad idea, but I'd recommend almost anything but police work at any level. And yes, I do realize you're kidding me."

  "Well, all right. Genetic engineering sounds more interesting."

  "You are pretty sharp. Get it from your mother, no doubt. I'll be ready to go as soon as you get back."

  Alice skipped down the hallway ahead of her mother and ordered the few extras she though might be handy.

  "So, you ready to go?" Her father eyed the vendo bag but didn't ask.

  "Just a second, and I'll be ready to occupy your closet all day long."

  She trotted downstairs, and kept her voice low.

  "Lily, I want you and Eclipse to wait here. Bambi, Salty? You ready and willing?"

  Horse and woman both nodded. Lily and Eclipse looked wistful.

  But only one horse and one doll would fit into the little briefcase, and however willing, Lilly wasn't as tough, and Eclipse wasn't even full grown. She closed the case and headed out.


  Joe had never thought of himself as a Good Kid. Oh, he got good grades and didn't get in fights, and he tried to not take too much advantage of his dad's absentminded parenting style.

  But the last two months had been a rather abrupt slide into... strange places.

  I'm about to risk my life to sabotage some very expensive government property, and I'm in a nervous sweat contemplating cutting school? How illogical can you get?

  "See you tonight, Dad." Joe grabbed his school bag and made as if checking stuff inside it. The d-door closed. Joe took a deep breath.

  Tommy climbed up on the table. "Time to roll, lad. Grab the gear, and don't think too 'ard about it."

  "Right." Joe reached down and pulled the spears out from under the couch. Two meters of titanium, pointed, with a crossbar halfway down. He'd had to use the special fabber on eighteen to get them made. Once through the phase shift, they'd hopefully be double the size---and were still going to be totally inadequate for dealing with a T-Rex. "Hope we can juice them up enough to be useful." He pulled out the over-loaded backpack. Tasers, wires, firecrackers. Two bottle rockets. Purchased for Independence Day, year and a half ago. And then the drought had caught up to them in the form of a burn ban. Fireworks had definitely been contra-indicated. Then. Matches. Punks. And everything else he could think of.

  "Right. In you go." Joe closed up the pack, groaning as he staggered under the load. He grabbed the two spears and marched out.

  And got on the elevator with Lupe and Richard.

  "What the hell are you doing? Show and tell? They'll never let you take those things on campus." Lupe eyed the spears as if doubting his eyes.

  Joe straightened as much as the load allowed. "I am cutting school today, in order to save the world from an evil computer."

  They boggled as the elevator sank.

  "You're going to spear a computer?" Richard was getting a pretty good sneer into voice. The elevator stopped, the door opened and they edged out.

  Joe attempted to raise a single eyebrow. "It's the only way to be sure."

  "Thought that was a nuke?" Lupe hesitated as if still expecting him to come with them.

  "Didn't have enough time to build one." The door slid shut. Joe breathed carefully, suppressing hysterical giggles.

  The door opened to the empty tunnels, and he sobered instantly.

  "I don't believe I'm going to do this."


  Alice looked around the supply closet. She opened the briefcase and Salty leaped out. Bambi followed, looking around. "Grab anything metal and either heavy or pointy."

  Alice grinned. "I had time to think about it. I've got some of my father's tools and I've got a list of things to look for here. Starting with a couple boxes of tacks." She trotted around the room and grabbed a spray can of lubricant, tape of several varieties, string. "Ooo! A staple gun. I wonder what they use that for?" Packets of batteries. And paperclips, metal, in case she needed to make some connectors.

  "Well. No time like right now, before Father comes to check on me."

  She opened her notebook and wrote BATHROOM! CHILL, FATHER!

  Then she pulled down the top of the door and they jumped through.


  The spears were four meters of gleaming menace on the far side. Tommy hefted one and grinned. "All we need are a couple of chargers, a bit of armor... a way to get them into T-Rex territory...

  Joe started picking up the stuff he'd thrown through the door ahead of them and stuffed the second pack. The tasers' ready lights were on. He switched them off to conserve the batteries. Split the big lumpy fireworks and the food. Double checked that they both had matches handy.

  Then he hefted a spear, and headed for the bridge. The random nature of the d-doors meant he had no idea how long it would take to get there, except, there was the edge, and as he cleared the wall, he could see the corner, and Barton Street waiting for them, six orange balls bouncing around him. Oh. Great.

  "I have modified their programming."

  "Huh. You are getting very good at interpreting human expressions." Joe eyed the bombs. "And they are useful. And will be even more if they explode on command."

  "Explode!" A six way chorus.

  "Not yet!" Clear exasperation in Barton Street's tones. "Do not use that word unless you mean it."

  "Umm, right."

  Barton turned
and led the way.

  The steel canyons were echoingly empty. "And well lit. Why does your dimension five have stone, and twilight?"

  Barton grinned. "Have you ever looked at the Gym in Dimension One? There's a lot of stone on the exterior and interior."

  "The first floor atrium. Of course, the garden is full of fake old ruins. And mood lighting. Good Grief."

  "The Stag was a super cooled super conducting machine, and that overwhelmed the appearance of its dimension five." Barton Street glanced around. "I don't know what all the steel and hatches echo."

  "It's Naval." Tommy said. "I expect the computer got its start in the Center for Computational Sciences. Or possibly one of the other Naval research labs."

  Joe blinked. "You know, Tommy, you've gotten a lot smarter since we started coming down here."

  Barton Street looked back. "I did not actualize as a personality until I was moved into a large cubby. I have searched and been unable to find data on the effects of becoming multidimensional."

  Joe shivered. I wonder if I have changed? How I have changed.


  Salty's hooves slipped and slid on the hard surface, as she leaned into the breast band. But the computer killing charger slid too. Bambi on one side and Alice on the other tried to steer, to lift the front edge as it bumped across the base plate. Alice looked up, yes still aiming at the gap between circuit boards, and halfway up this gap, their first target. They'd had to hunt around for the charger; the d-door hadn't opened to the same spot. But they'd spotted this possible processor, and two others while they searched.

  And whatever the T-Rex was up to, it wasn't here. Yet.

  "There aren't any holes in the walls big enough for Salty." Bambi sounded worried.

  Alice looked at the little square gaps spaced along the base of the wall. "I could squeeze through, but even you might have a problem. You two may need to run for it, when the T-Rex comes."


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