Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2

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Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 Page 1

by Disney Press

  Copyright © 2011 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  All rights reserved. Published by Disney Press, an imprint of Disney Book Group. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. For information address Disney Press, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10011-5690.

  Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN 978-1-4231-4919-4

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Diamonds and sequins glittered in the California sun as the A-list crowd of Beverly Hills gathered for the most talked about wedding of the season. No one was prouder than Vivian Ashe, the hostess of the wedding. While she couldn’t really take credit for the couple getting together, she had orchestrated this blissful event, which was being held at her house. Vivian—or Viv, as everyone called her—used her handkerchief to wipe away her tears and caught Sam Cortez’s eye. Her landscaper looked dapper in his black tuxedo. Across from him stood Viv’s niece, Rachel Ashe. Rachel smiled lovingly at Sam, and Viv wiped her eyes again.

  “I can’t believe this day is here,” Aunt Viv gushed.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” the preacher bellowed to the elite crowd. “We are here today to celebrate the union of two very special individuals. Two souls that shall become one, and only shine more brightly together.”

  The preacher smiled at the crowd and then looked to the bride and groom. “Won’t you please join me in bringing together in marriage a much beloved couple,” he said. “Chloe and Papi.”

  The two Chihuahuas gazed into each other’s eyes. Chloe looked beautiful in a gorgeous white gown. And Papi fit the part of the dashing groom in a sophisticated black tuxedo.

  “Aye, Chihuahua!” Papi exclaimed, looking at his bride-to-be.

  “Oh, Papi!” Chloe gasped.

  In the front row, three of Chloe and Papi’s closest friends stood at full attention. Delta, a tiny poodle, was decked out in her favorite dress. Next to her was Biminy, a Yorkie, in her finest designer outfit. And Sebastian, in a fancy tuxedo and a top hat, was the best-dressed pug at the party.

  “I’m just so happy for them,” Sebastian said, sniffling.

  “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride,” Delta grumbled.

  “You may all be seated,” the preacher told the crowd. The guests did as they were instructed and took their seats. The preacher looked around at the audience and then added, “Sit!” and all the dog guests obediently sat down as well. “Chloe and Papi, do you take each other to love and honor, in good times and in bad, in wet nose and dry nose, as long as you both shall live?” he asked.

  Both dogs barked their replies enthusiastically. “I do!”

  The preacher grinned. “I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

  Papi and Chloe nuzzled lovingly as everyone cheered.

  “A toast to the newlyweds,” Biminy said as she looked over at Chloe and Papi during the reception. The couple was sitting together next to their wedding cake, gazing into each other’s eyes. “They’re perfect together. Like Romeo and Juliet,” she said with a sigh.

  “Or Dolce and Gabbana,” Delta chimed in, thinking of her favorite designer duo.

  Sam and Rachel passed by the dogs to stand with Aunt Viv. “You really outdid yourself, Aunt Viv,” Rachel said. “This is the most spectacular wedding I’ve ever been to!”

  “Oh, Rachel! Isn’t it just perfection?”

  Viv boasted. She turned to Sam, who was standing next to her niece. “I love the arches, and the rosebush topiaries are flawless. You are a landscaping genius.”

  “Thanks, Viv,” Sam said, blushing a little. “I wanted to do something special for your Chloe and my Papi on their big day.”

  “Only the best for my little girl,” Viv said, smiling. She blew a kiss across the yard to Chloe. “I want to spoil her rotten before I have to leave her for so long.”

  A look of sadness flashed across Sam’s face. “I can’t believe you and Rachel are spending six months in the rain forest,” he said. “That’s pretty intense.”

  “Are you kidding?” Viv squealed. “We’ll be looking for rare plants that could cure diseases! What could be more fun and important?”

  Rachel leaned in closer to Sam. “You know I love an adventure,” she told him.

  A grin spread across Sam’s face. “Well, I promise to take good care of the dogs while you’re both gone.”

  “Speaking of which, tonight is about Chloe and Papi!” Viv exclaimed. “Time to celebrate—let’s dance!” She grabbed Sam and Rachel and brought them to the center of the dance floor.

  As the three of them sashayed to the music, a waiter placed a large piece of wedding cake on the table in front of Sebastian. “Oh, there goes my diet!” the stylish pug exclaimed as he dug into the supersweet treat. Then the music switched tempo, and the mariachi band began playing a slow, romantic song. Sebastian, Biminy, and Delta all swayed to the music.

  A few moments later, Rachel and Sam spun by on the dance floor.

  “I never thought my dog would get married before me,” Sam said to Rachel as they danced. He swung her around the floor gracefully.

  “Maybe it’ll be you and me walking down that aisle one day,” Rachel said wistfully.

  “I’d like that very much, Rachel,” Sam said seriously. “Someday…” He dipped Rachel and she laughed. They danced through the garden toward the gazebo where Papi and Chloe were also dancing together. Many of Papi and Chloe’s dog friends were standing on their hind legs to get a glimpse of the dancing bride and groom.

  “You are so light on your paws, mi amor,” Papi told his new bride.

  Chloe blushed. “You’re not so bad yourself, my love.”

  “I call this move the Chihua-waltz,” Papi bragged, spinning Chloe around. Then he looked deep into her eyes. “Tonight, my heart is bursting,” he professed. “I am the happiest dog alive.”

  “And I’m the luckiest girl ever!” Chloe cried. She glanced around her and then suddenly looked up. “A shooting star!” she exclaimed as the star streaked across the evening sky. “Quick, make a wish!”

  Papi shook his head. “What more could I ask for, mi amor? I have everything I want.”

  The newlyweds twirled around to barks and applause from their friends. This was one glorious wedding—and a very happy union. Chloe and Papi shared a smile. It was the best day of their lives!

  A few months after the glamorous wedding, Vivian’s yard was back to normal. Well, almost. Chihuahua puppies were frolicking and yapping in the playground.

  “Geronimo!” a small, tough-looking pup named Ali shouted as she went down the slide. Another Chihuahua puppy, who was wearing a pink bow on her head, stood at the top of the slide. “Watch and see how it’s done, everyone!” she called.

  Just then, Chloe walked into the garden and spotted her puppies playing around in the mud. She watched in horror as Rosa, another one of her puppies, went down the slide and landed in a giant puddle of mud next to Ali.

  “Rosa! Ali!” Chloe cried. “What are you kids doing?”

  “I’m next! I’m next! Me! Me! Me!” Pep, another Chihuahua puppy, shouted. “Look out below!”

  “Not you, too, Pep!” Chloe exclaimed.

  Just then, Lala, the smallest puppy, zoomed down the slide. “Wh
oa! This is scary!” she cried.

  Chloe barked. “Lala, this is crazy! What has gotten into you all?”

  Chloe’s fifth pup, Papi Jr., was now at the top of the slide and ready to head down. “Look out below!” he announced.

  “Don’t you dare, Papi Jr.,” Chloe warned.

  But Papi Jr. ignored his mother and landed in the mud with a splash. He turned his head toward her, trying to look innocent.

  Chloe shook her head. “You kids are a mess! I told you I wanted you clean and dressed before we go to the dog park.” She looked around the yard. “I don’t know where your father is, but when he hears about this, he’s going to be so mad,” she told the group.

  “Incoming!” Papi suddenly yelled—from the top of the slide!

  The puppies all watched their father go down at full speed. Splat! The mud sprayed all over Chloe.

  “Oh! Papi!” Chloe complained.

  “Oh, my love, I didn’t realize you were right there,” Papi said apologetically.

  Chloe was not pleased. “I like an occasional mud bath, but this is ridiculous,” she said.

  Papi Jr. moved closer to his mother. “Dad says the ancient Chihuahua warriors would bathe in mud to prepare for battle,” he explained to her.

  Chloe shot Papi a stern look, then turned to her pups. “You can play warriors later. For now, you kids go get your bath,” she ordered.

  The puppies began to complain, but Chloe silenced them. “Bath. Now. Or no bacon-wrapped filet mignon for dessert,” she told them.

  Quickly, the puppies ran toward the house. Chloe glanced down at herself. What a mess! “I better go get washed up…again.” She sighed and trotted off to get ready for the dog park.

  “Sorry about the mud, my love!” Papi called. “Mi amor, with eyes all aglow, and fur as white as snow—”

  “Not anymore!” Chloe called back.

  A little while later, Sam came down the grand stairway in Viv’s mansion with his car keys in hand. “All right, everyone, who’s up for the dog park?” he called out.

  “We are!” the puppies barked excitedly.

  Rosa, Lala, Pep, and Ali came out to greet Sam. Each one was showing off her fashionable outfit with pride.

  Papi looked at his daughters lovingly. “Girls, you are all gorgeous like your mother,” he said proudly.

  “Thanks, Daddy,” the girls replied.

  Chloe took a quick look around. “Where’s Papi Jr.?” she asked worriedly. “Papi Jr.?” she called.

  From behind a vase, a small yelp sounded. “I’m not coming out,” Papi Jr. said.

  Papi trotted over to the vase. “Come on, buddy! Let’s see your outfit.”

  “This is so embarrassing. I look ridiculous,” Papi Jr. grumbled. He slowly came out from behind the vase, sulking.

  Papi gasped as he took in the blue-and-white sailor outfit complete with hat, large collar, and little booties. Papi turned to Chloe. “No way! No son of mine wears clothes like that!”

  Relieved that he wouldn’t have to go out in public with the hat, Papi Jr. yipped happily. “Thanks, Dad!”

  “All right, let’s move out. Last one to Sam’s car is a bag of kitty litter!” Papi yelled. The puppies excitedly ran out the front door. No one wanted to be kitty litter!

  A few minutes later, Sam and the dogs arrived at the park. Chloe immediately noticed all the diamond-encrusted collars and silk leashes that the other dogs seemed to have. And some of them even had butlers who dutifully placed toys and set out picnics for their doggie masters!

  Chloe continued to take in the scene. A woman walked by pushing her dog in a baby stroller and carrying a parasol to keep the sun out of her pet’s eyes. A collie at the far end of the park was pressing an automatic tennis-ball launcher, and his doting maid was fetching the balls! And a butler was presenting a bone to a large husky, to see if it was to the dog’s liking!

  Sam let the puppies off their leashes. “You kids go play,” he told them.

  “That’s right. This place is very exclusive,” Chloe said to her pups. She surveyed the park and spotted her friends Sebastian, Delta, and Biminy. Chloe ran over to greet them.

  Sebastian was in the middle of a story. “So I said, ‘Honey, I only chase important cars,’” he was telling his friends. Just then, a butler came over. “Lunch is served,” he announced, presenting a platter of sushi to them.

  “Hi, everyone,” Chloe said.

  “Chloe!” Sebastian squealed. “You have to join us. This hamachi is faboo!”

  Chloe looked at the spread before her friends. “Looks delish,” she commented.

  Delta pointed across the park. “My, my,” she said. “It looks like your better half is relandscaping the park.”

  Chloe looked over to where Delta was pointing. Papi was excitedly digging into the ground. “That’s my Papi,” Chloe said, smiling. “He always leaves a lasting impression.”

  Across the park, Papi stopped digging for a moment and looked up at his pups. “Do you know what I was just doing, kids?” he asked.

  “Digging!” the puppies cried excitedly.

  “That’s right,” Papi said, nodding. “One day, you will all be landscaping dogs like me, but before that, you will have to master the fine art of digging.”

  Rosa jumped up and down excitedly. “I can dig, Papa. I’m good at everything,” she boasted.

  “Bueno,” Papi told her. “Now dig, my puppies! Dig with passion, dig with love, dig as if your life depends on it!” he cried.

  As the puppies dug, grass and dirt sprayed everywhere. Unfortunately, some of that dirt flew onto a perfectly coiffed white poodle named Appoline. “You eee-diots!” she screamed in a French accent.

  Papi and the puppies turned to see who was yelling at them.

  “You got me dirty!” Appoline shouted furiously.

  Papi rushed over to the tall poodle. “Pardon me, senorita,” he said sweetly. “My children got a little carried away with their digging.”

  “Who zaid you could speak to me?” the snobby poodle barked.

  Over at the picnic blanket, Chloe sensed trouble. Her ears perked up, and she spotted Appoline yelling at Papi. Her three friends watched as Chloe raced over to her family.

  “You look like a stray! How did you even get in here?!” Appoline told Papi.

  Just then, Chloe approached. “Papi, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “Quel terrible!” Appoline cried. She gave Chloe a disgusted look. “As if there weren’t enough of you peasants. Your little fluff balls are running amok.”

  “Hey!” Papi Jr. cut in. “Who are you calling fluff balls?”

  “You tell her, son,” Chloe said proudly.

  “Shoo!” a well-dressed woman named Colleen Mansfield cried as she ran over to Appoline. She was not happy. “Leave my dog alone!” she demanded.

  The sudden commotion got Sam’s attention and he walked over, concerned.

  “What’s the problem here?” Sam asked, approaching Colleen.

  Colleen gave Sam a long look up and down. “You know, this park is for Beverly Hills residents only. Don’t you have dog parks where you live?” she snipped.

  “Hey, we have a right to be here,” Sam said defensively.

  “Oh, really?” Colleen said in a snooty tone. “Well please keep your…animals away from Mademoiselle Marie Appoline Bouvier. She’s a prizewinning show dog.” Colleen cooed to Appoline as if she were a baby. “And a three-time champion of the Beverly Hills Dog Show.” Colleen thought back to that glorious moment when her dog had been in the spotlight for winning the prized title. Then she glanced over at Sam. “She can’t handle stress.”

  “Then how does she handle you?” Sam muttered.

  Colleen turned on her designer-shoe heel. “Come, Appoline! We’re done here!” she announced, storming away.

  Sam shook his head in disbelief.

  “And stay out!” Papi howled as Appoline walked away.

  “Yeah!” the puppies all cheered. Chloe gave Papi a playful
shove. She couldn’t help but smile. She saw her dirt-covered pups looking up at her. When it came to prizes, she felt as if she had won first place for best family—and certainly for the dirtiest family in the park!

  Later that evening, the puppies were once again clean. And now it was bedtime. Gently using his teeth, Papi pulled the blanket over the doggie bed. “Well, my little banditos, you’ve had a very full day. Buenas noches,” he said, wishing his pups a good night.

  But as Papi went to leave the room, the puppies started yapping. “Can’t we stay up ten more minutes, Papa?” Ali begged. “Please, please, please!” the other puppies cried.

  “Settle down, now,” Papi said calmly. “I promised your mama I would put you to bed. She is the love of my life, and I would do anything to make her happy.”

  “Gross! No more love talk,” Papi Jr. complained.

  “Your mother is everything to me…remember the first time we rubbed noses.” Papi sighed, losing himself in the memory.

  “Ewww!” the puppies cried in unison.

  Papi looked at his puppies fondly. “Let me tell you a story about our great ancestors. They may have had little bodies, but they were known for their huge hearts.” He cuddled next to his pups and began to tell the story of the ancient Chihuahuas. “Long ago, in ancient times, inside the huge temples, there were hidden tunnels built just for Chihuahuas to carry messages for their humans. The Chihuahuas were trusted to carry the most precious secrets of their kingdoms. Sometimes they were messages of love,” Papi reported.

  The puppies envisioned a Chihuahua warrior giving a princess a scroll. They gave their father an eager look, anxious to hear more of the story.

  “The Chihuahuas faced great danger to deliver these messages,” Papi continued, “but they knew: love is worth any risk.” Papi looked at his puppies. “Now, my little Chihuahua warriors, love fearlessly and help others share their hearts as well! Good night.”

  As Papi walked out of the room, he gave a last loving glance at his children. Then he went to look for Chloe. He found her in a luxurious bubble bath with her ears neatly tucked into a shower cap.

  “My sweet, you can soak as long as you want. The children are asleep like angels,” he said proudly.


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