Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2)

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Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2) Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “You know what I mean.” He was still shirtless, still sweaty, and still looking so damn delicious. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her. “Why are you at this place, and why in the hell are you pissed now?”

  “Fuck you, Alex.”

  He smirked, but it held no amusement.

  “I can make that fucking happen, Mary, if you just pick whether you’ll forgive me, or if you still want to stay mad at me.” They stared at each other for a long while, and when he realized she wasn’t about to respond to what he had to say he spoke again. “How did you find out about this place anyway? This part of town isn’t really safe for you to be coming to, especially alone.”

  Mary felt like a scolded child. She crossed her arms under her breasts and glared at him. “I’m not alone. I came with Darcy. Not that what I do is any of your damn business.” She lifted her chin, pissed further that he was now trying to act like her father, like he actually cared about her and what happened in her life. He took a step closer, and she took one back.

  “You mean that tiny thing out there all over Mica?” He took another step forward, and she held her hand out to stop him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  He moved another step toward her until she had to place her palms against his damp chest to stop him from coming any closer.

  “What do you mean?” Was he purposefully making his voice even deeper, and filled with heat? She swallowed and lifted her eyes from where her hands were on his body to his face. “If I didn’t know better I’d think you’re stalking me.” He smirked, and she glowered. Mary dropped her hands, but he caught her wrists and put her hands back on his chest. “I’ve seen you watching me practice.” He stayed silent for a moment, as if he wanted her to absorb that little bit of information. “You’re at my house, and now I find you at the place where I work out.” There was a teasing note in his voice, that asshole.

  Her cheeks heated at the fact he had known she was watching him practice football, and that he thought she was following him.

  “You are so damn arrogant.” She didn’t hide the snarl in her voice. “And if you don’t back the fuck off I’ll slap you again.” It was an empty threat, because she wouldn’t hit him again, not unless his cockiness went too far. Right now she just hoped her words had him backing off, because she couldn’t get any air into her lungs.

  He leaned forward, that smirk still on his face. “I deserve that slap, and many more, but you and I both know you don’t want me to move away any more than I want to stop being close to you.” Mary swallowed, trying to push the sudden lump that had formed in her throat down. “I am an arrogant bastard. I won’t even lie about that, but you and I both know I am also honest. I have no reason to lie, Mary.”

  He was close to her, and the lockers were right behind her, not allowing her to escape. He was too close for comfort. She wanted to stay mad at him, but smelling his clean sweat and feeling his body heat encompass her, was doing something funny to her brain. His eyes dipped down to stare at her mouth. “You didn’t want to listen to me at the club when I told you the kind of guy I am, and instead wanted to still push it. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, Mary.” His voice was low, and his gaze was still on her mouth. “I’m not a gentleman, Mary, have never been.” He slowly looked into her eyes. “I’ve never treated women with the respect they deserve, but I’ve also never been with a woman that made me care what they thought, that made me want to put all my shit aside and actually try. Me being an asshole at Tainted was my way of trying to open your eyes to how wrong I am for you on every level.”

  His words had her anger slowly dissipating, stopped her frustration, and made something in her heart become heavy. After the hours of being next to him, tutoring, and fighting how she felt, she was tired, so very tired, and not wanting to fight anymore. But could she just forget everything? His intention to try to push her away might have been for the good, but the way he had gone about it was so very wrong.

  “I’m sorry, Mary. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  She was shaking her head before he even finished. Closing her eyes, she knew that the last of her walls had crumbled, and if he kept going she’d be lost to him.

  “Look at me.” When she didn’t obey he said it again. “Look. At. Me.” His voice was harder, more demanding, and she realized there was no stopping how she felt. She opened her eyes and stared right into his. Their gazes clashed, hazel and blue ones, and she was unable to pull away from the trance he suddenly had her in. “I see the way you look at me when you don’t think I’m aware.” He dropped his voice an octave. “I should be paying attention to what you’re teaching me, but it’s hard to concentrate when I want you so fucking bad.” Today his eyes were more green than brown. “As much as I know I am not good enough for you, and how I am likely to ruin you in the worst kind of way, I can’t stay away. Fuck, I want you, more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, and that scares the shit out of me and pisses me off. I don’t like this unsteady feeling I have when you’re near, like I can’t even think straight.”

  She parted her lips to say something, anything, but before a single word left her his mouth was on hers, taking over in every sense of the word. Mary should have pushed him away, slapped him like she had said she was going to do, or kicked him in the balls. The nerve of him thinking he could just kiss her, just take that from her without even asking. She should have done a lot of things, but she didn’t do any of them, and instead melted against him.

  His tongue slipped along the seam of her lips, demanding entrance, and not waiting for her acceptance before he was delving right in. The flavor of him was like nothing she had ever tasted, slightly salty form his sweat, but sweet and intoxicating. There was a spicy undertone to it, and Mary found herself moaning into his mouth.

  He broke the kiss, but his lips were still pressed to hers as he said, “It’s good, Mary. God, it is so fucking good.”

  His hands slammed down on the lockers by her head, causing the metal to vibrate behind her and echo throughout the room. She felt caged in like she did at the club, but she wouldn’t let that night interfere with what was happening right now. She needed this. God, she really, really needed this. This arousal for him had been building since she had first seen him. He may not have even known she existed, but holy hell had she known exactly who he was. Then they had spent time together, and that slow burn had consumed her. Being with him and giving herself this moment to appreciate the delicious feelings he caused inside of her couldn’t hurt, right?

  “You like it, right, Mary? You like my hands on you, my mouth on you, and you really like this, yeah?”

  He ground his erection into her belly, and a stuttered gasp left her. He was so obscene at times, but she knew it wasn’t because he was trying to shock her, but because that was just who he was. He trailed his mouth down the side of her face, over her ear where he let his tongue trail along the shell, and stopped at the side of her neck, where her pulse beat frantically. He moved his hands to her shoulders and clenched his fingers around them hard, but not painfully.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. The things I said, the way I made you feel … it was wrong.” He pressed closer, and she hadn’t even thought that were possible, not with it feeling like every part of them was touching the other. “Do you accept my apology, Mary?” He leaned back and stared down and into her eyes.

  She couldn’t speak, let alone form the word “yes”. So instead she just nodded. God, how could she stay mad when he sounded so sincere and genuine?

  “Tell me this isn’t just me feeling this.” He lowered his head to the crook of her neck again and continued to lick and nip at her flesh. The light sprinkling of scruff along his jaw had her nipples tightening.

  “No.” She panted out that one word. He didn’t pull away from her, but he did grow tense against her, and she swore he held his breath. A moment of silence passed between them before she spoke again. “It isn’t just you, Alex.” She licked her
lips, knowing that uttering those words would forever change everything. “I want you, Alex. I want this so badly even though I shouldn’t.” The latter should have been kept to herself.

  He groaned deeply right before he moved back to her mouth and kissed her brutally. For several long, drugging moments, all he did was fuck her mouth with his. It reminded her so much of sex by the way he thrust his tongue between her lips, and then pulled away just as suddenly. Then, because as if he wanted to make her even more crazed, and knew that he could, he started grinding his huge erection into her stomach. Over and over he did this, drawing out more wetness between her thighs and soft mewling noises from her throat.

  This is wrong. This is right. She should stop him. No, she should bring him closer.

  He broke the kiss, tightened his hold on her arms, and spun her around until her back was down against the smooth, ice cold wall on the other side of the room. The wall of lockers now obstructed the view of the door, and there was no doubt in her mind he had planned that. Alex pressed his erection against her belly, ground that thick, solid length into her soft flesh, and didn’t let up until she realized it was all for her.

  “I’m so damn sorry for making you feel less than what you are, Mary.” He looked into her eyes, and she held her breath, feeling exactly how much he meant them. “I said those things, did those things, because I thought pushing you away was what was best. I’m a shitty guy, have done a shitload some things that I’m not proud of, and you could do a hell of a lot better.” He had already told her this much just moments before, but she didn’t stop him, because she could see an almost anguish in his expression, and knew he needed to say these things over and over again until they felt right for him.

  He had this hard exterior, this bad boy persona, and talked and acted the part, but right now he was showing her that under all of that was just a boy. He hid behind that wall he erected, just like she did, but right now, when it was just the two of them, he showed her himself. He may have baggage, and a reputation that rivaled a porn star’s, but he was a good guy, no matter what he said. She had judged him too quickly, and yeah, he had made her feel like shit, but even if he hadn’t just told her why he had done the things he had, she had thought that might have been his true intentions.

  “I want this, right now, Mary. I need you to give it to me.”

  Their combined breathing was ragged and labored. Could she actually so this with him, right here and right now? Shit, she really wanted to. The nod she gave him was short and fast, but he had seen it nonetheless, He dragged his teeth up and down her throat, causing a sting of pain to burst within her, but then smoothed his tongue along the sensual abuse until pleasure took the front seat. He continued to thrust his dick against her belly, and she let her head fall back until the sound of her head hitting the wall her pierced the room. Their breathing was identically erratic, and new beads of sweat covered both of their flesh, mixing together because they were pressed impossibly close. “God, I need this, Mary. Since the moment I saw you in my house that night I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” He ground his cock into her once more, and a small gasp left her. He felt so big that her nipples tightened further, pressing against the tight elastic of her top, and threatening to tear right through the material.

  Mary wasn’t going to worry that giving into him might have been something that broke her heart in the end, because in reality she was sick of holding herself back, always following certain standards, and wanted this more than she had ever wanted any other time before. “I want this, too.”

  He groaned against her throat and moved his hands between their bodies to cup her breasts. Her top didn’t allow for much give, and her breasts were somewhat compressed behind the fabric. He squeezed her breasts, gave a low growl, and slipped his fingers under the snug hem of it. His bare fingers skimmed her damp, overheated flesh, and a second later he was wrenching the material up and over her chest. They sprang free and shook from the force of him tearing the fabric away, but that was the last thing on her mind because his hands suddenly cupped her bare flesh and squeezed to the point of pain. There was no nervousness on her side over the fact her slightly rounded belly and wide hips were on full display. But it helped her feel confident over her size sixteen body when Alex touched her the way he did, like he couldn’t get enough of her. She didn’t want foreplay, didn’t want touches, and didn’t want to talk. All she wanted was to feel him inside of her, using all that raw power that he exuded to thrust repeatedly inside of her. No more thinking, no more questioning her actions or how she felt, Mary just decided to go for it and prayed she was making the right decision.

  Reaching between them she started pushing his shorts down, needing to feel every part of him. He rested his head in the crook of her neck, his frantic breath moving across her exposed breasts. Before she effectively got his shorts passed the part of him she really needed, he placed his hand on hers, stilling her movements. “Why are you stopping?” She could hear her pulse racing in her ears, and feel it in her throat.

  “Are you sure about this, baby, because once we do it can’t be undone.”

  No fucking shit. She wished he wouldn’t question it. Wasn’t he the one that was just telling her he needed this to happen?

  “Stop talking and just fuck me already.”

  Whoa, where in the hell had that come from? He half chuckled, half groaned, and suddenly his hands were off of hers. She quickly pushed his shorts the rest of the way down, and he kicked them to the side. A small cry left her when the scorching hot length of his dick touched the exposed flesh of her belly, but that wasn’t the only reason the noise left her. A spark of iciness touched her skin, and when she looked down she saw why. Alex was pierced at the tip of his dick. She knew what they called that, a Prince Albert, and until this very moment she didn’t know how turned on she could be by the sight. The crescent shaped barbell had to have hurt when they put it through him, but she also wondered how it felt pushing into her, and moving along her inner walls.

  “Hold on, baby.” He pulled away from her too quickly, and she braced her hands on the wall behind her. Everything felt hazy, but soon her mind and vision cleared enough to watch Alex move to one of the lockers, grab his wallet from inside, and take out a condom. The sight of him in nothing at all was like a kick to her stomach. Clenching her thighs together because the image had gush after gush of moisture leaving her, she mentally told him to hurry the hell up. She had never been a girl who liked a guy’s butt, but holy hell on a cracker did he have a nice ass. In fact, everything on him was nice, and not one ounce of fat covered his massive, golden colored frame. He turned back around, and of course her gaze immediately zeroed in on the massive cock that jutted from him, and the silver metal adorning the head that glinted under the florescent lighting. Well shit, she wasn’t surprised to see that everything on him was just as big and impressive.

  He stalked forward, and really there was no other word that effectively described what he was doing. For a moment all he did was watch her, but she was transfixed by the way he stared at her, as if she was the only woman who had ever been partially nude before him. At that one moment Alex made her feel like there was no one else for him.

  Without breaking eye contact he sheathed himself with the condom and stepped forward until their chests brushed together. He didn’t attempt to remove her top, just made sure he had an unobstructed view of her breasts. As if he read her mind he lowered his eyes to that part of her anatomy.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Mary.” He covered her chest with his big hands and rubbed his thumbs along the aching peaks. He did this for long, agonizing minutes, and just when she opened her mouth to tell him she couldn’t handle anymore, he let go of her. But he didn’t stop, and had no intentions of it, because he took hold of the waistband of her pants and pushed them, along with her panties, down in one, swift move.

  She pulled one of her legs out, but before she could get the pants off the other one and kick them to the side he
was gripping her ass and lifting her up the wall. Mary had no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his lean hips. His cock was steel against her pussy, the thick length sliding along her labia and parting them. Even through the thin layer of latex she felt the barbells of his piercing teasing every part of her. A groan spilled from her, and she was surprised by how needy sounding it was.

  “You want me, Mary? You want this?” He pressed more firmly against her, and her mouth opened on a silent cry.

  “You know I do, so stop being an asshole and give it to me already.”

  His chuckle was deep, and she couldn’t understand how he could be so controlled in a situation like this. Mary felt as though she’d float away if she wasn’t holding onto him. He didn’t respond, and instead kept hold of her with one strong hand, and used the other to reach between their bodies and align the tip of his shaft with the opening of her body. She wasn’t a virgin, but she also hadn’t been intimate with anyone in over two years, and Alex was a far cry from average in size. His gaze was trained between them, and she wondered exactly how much he could see. What if someone walked in right now? It would only take a few short steps for someone to see them pressed against the wall. Surprisingly that knowledge turned her on even more.

  He closed his eyes, clenched his jaw, and said, “You’re so fucking wet for me, Mary.”

  He pushed just the tip into her, and she let her eyes close at the delicious way he stretched her. The feeling of that piercing at the tip of his erection rubbing against her, only hidden by the thin condom, inflamed her. A burning pain slammed into her as he continued to push all of those long, thick inches inside of her. God, he had to be at least nine inches long. He was also far thicker than she could comfortably take, but that wasn’t enough to have her stopping this. Just as quickly as the discomfort started, came an intense pleasure right on its heels. He dug the fingers of one of his hands into her ass with bruising force, but she liked that added spark of pain, loved that it told her he was barely controlling himself.


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