Of Dukes and Deceptions: Dangerous Dukes Vol 4

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Of Dukes and Deceptions: Dangerous Dukes Vol 4 Page 20

by Wendy Soliman

  ‘Frederick is not the brightest of people, to be sure, and I am very vexed with him. But as to him being sweet on me, I don’t believe it for a moment.’

  ‘A thought has just occurred to me,’ Nick said slowly. ‘Perhaps Frederick heard your cousin bemoaning her lack of progress with me and suggested the charade we witnessed this evening. He assumed I would either have to offer for Maria or make financial recompense for insulting her. Either way, your uncle’s financial worries would be at an end, and Frederick would take the credit for resolving matters.’

  ‘And he would not have to marry me. They would be able to afford a new stallion and Fabian’s services would no longer be crucial to them.’

  ‘My first impression of the young clunch was that he only cares for his own pleasures. Nothing has changed in that respect. He probably imagined that if he got me to surrender some blunt, his father would let him return to a hedonistic lifestyle that has probably been curtailed through lack of funds.’

  ‘Yes.’ Alicia nodded slowly. ‘I dare say.’

  They both lapsed into silence, thinking the matter through. A log hissed in the grate and sent a shower of sparks shooting up the chimney. Alicia watched their progress distractedly before speaking again.

  ‘You spoke of Mr Gibson earlier,’ she said. ‘Please set my mind at rest and tell me that you did not give him notice because I wouldn’t let him accompany me in the barn today. I couldn’t bear to be responsible for him losing his position.’

  Nick tickled her ribs. ‘Alicia, I would cut off my own right arm before I let Gibson go, and he’s well aware of the fact. That’s why he takes such shocking liberties and behaves exactly as he pleases.’

  ‘Like master, like servant,’ she suggested with a smile.

  ‘I feel compelled to lay down the law from time to time with Gibson, just to give the impression that I am the one in charge of our relationship.’ Nick lifted his shoulders. ‘Not that it makes any difference because we both know the truth.’

  ‘I am relieved to know his position is secure.’ She wrapped her arms round Nick’s neck and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

  ‘But enough chatter, I have more pressing matters on my mind.’ He lifted her to her feet and patted her bottom. ‘Stand over there in front of me and remove your robe.’

  ‘Oh, aren’t you going to do it?’

  ‘I’d prefer it if you did it yourself and I watched you. I’ve been anticipating your doing precisely that for the entire evening.’

  Alicia scrambled from his lap and stood in front of the fire. ‘Is this where you would like me?’

  ‘No, darling, I would prefer you to be naked and spread beneath me on your bed. And you will be in a very short time. But first, I want you to undress in front of me. Slowly,’ he said, holding up a hand, ‘and seductively. Don’t forget that you must make me feel rampant if I am to be of any service to you.’

  ‘Harrumph! You don’t appear to experience too much difficulty in that respect.’

  ‘Ah, yes.’ He looked as though he was having trouble keeping his lips straight. ‘But every time it affects me differently. Who knows, I may not be able to manage it on this occasion.’ He clapped his hands. ‘Now, stop talking and loosen your hair.’

  Alicia had forgotten it was still in the braid Janet had fashioned. She pulled it free of its ribbon and loosened the tight plait by running her fingers through it. One shake of her head and her heavy tresses cascaded about her shoulders.

  ‘Lovely!’ There was a gentle light in Nick’s eye as he observed her. He had one foot balanced on his opposite thigh and she could see that he was already very rampant indeed.

  She loosened the sash at her waist and slipped the robe slowly from her shoulders. It fell to the floor and snaked round her feet, almost tripping her. She kicked it aside, unsure how one was supposed to undress in a sensual manner without a maid’s assistance. Entrapping oneself with discarded garments was probably not what Nick had in mind. But judging by his rapt expression and the way his smouldering eyes were focused squarely upon her, he hadn’t noticed her clumsiness. Encouraged, she undid the tie at her throat and made to lift her nightgown over her head.

  ‘Not yet! Touch your own breasts through the fabric first.’

  ‘I am not sure I could—’

  ‘You can. Do it, Alicia, and don’t argue with me.’

  Tentatively she cupped her breasts, watching his reaction to make sure she pleased him.

  ‘That’s right. Now massage them in the same way that I do. Good, now how does that feel?’

  ‘Strange. Not nearly so nice as when you touch me, but exciting because you are enjoying watching me.’

  ‘Good. Now, touch your nipples. That’s right. Pinch them between your fingers. Are they hard?’

  ‘Yes, and sore from this afternoon.’

  He chuckled. ‘They will be sorer still when I’ve finished with you.’

  Alicia knew her eyes were sparkling in shameful anticipation but she simply didn’t care. ‘Nick, if I asked you a question,’ she said, continuing to massage her breasts, no longer feeling quite so self-conscious, ‘would you give me an honest answer?’

  ‘That rather depends upon the nature of the question. What is it?’

  ‘Well, do you have a mistress?’

  Nick was afflicted by a spasm of coughing. ‘What in the name of the devil do you want to know that for?’

  ‘It’s just that you seem so very experienced. It makes me suppose you must have a mistress tucked away somewhere.’

  ‘Yes, Alicia.’ Nick sighed. ‘I have a mistress.’

  ‘I thought you must have.’

  ‘Would you like to know about her?’

  ‘Yes, please.’

  His eyes gleamed as though an idea had just occurred to him. ‘Would you like to know what we do together?’

  ‘Indeed I would. You see, I’ve always wondered what purpose they serve.’

  Nick laughed aloud.

  ‘Oh, I can understand why one would be necessary in your situation. An unmarried gentleman has his needs, after all.’ She frowned. ‘But why would a married man want to take another to his bed?’

  ‘Oh, darling, how much you still have to learn. Sit down opposite me and I will try to educate you. No, don’t remove your nightgown yet. Sit there and pull the gown up to your waist. I want to look at you.’

  ‘Oh.’ Alicia felt rather exposed, especially since Nick had yet to remove any clothes at all, but she still did as he asked. She was afraid he wouldn’t tell her about his mistress if she disobeyed him, and she very much wanted to know.

  ‘Now, stretch your legs apart, bend your knees up and rest your feet on the edge of the chair. Hum, very nice!’ Nick repositioned the single candle until he seemed satisfied with the view. ‘That’s better. Are you comfortable?’ Alicia nodded. ‘Very well, touch yourself.’

  Alicia folded her hands primly in her lap. ‘It wouldn’t be proper.’

  ‘Sweetheart, you’re sitting before me, completely exposed. It’s a little late to think about what is and isn’t proper. Now, no arguments. Touch yourself,’ he said again in a tone that brooked no argument.

  She nervously extended one finger and did as he asked.

  ‘Do you feel moist?’

  ‘Yes. Why is that?’

  ‘Liken yourself to one of the mares who is ready to be covered.’

  ‘I am receptive, you mean?’

  ‘Precisely.’ Nick smiled at her. ‘Now, slide two fingers inside and I will tell you all about Mrs Vickers.’

  ‘Your mistress?’ Alicia felt a frisson of excitement building as she reluctantly did as he asked. It was wrong, surely? She couldn’t do it. But even so she felt regretful, empty, as she withdrew her fingers and replaced them in her lap.

  ‘No, don’t stop. Put your fingers back and keep working them.’

  It was beyond her to deny him when he spoke with such authority. She replaced the fingers with more confidence and moved them experimentally. N
ick watched her for a few moments and, apparently satisfied, spoke again.

  ‘Mrs Vickers is a widow who has no desire to remarry. She is genteel, educated and completely without morals in the bedroom.’

  ‘She would hardly suit as your mistress if she did.’

  ‘She is well read, can converse on many subjects, speaks several languages, plays the piano like an angel, keeps an excellent table, entertains my friends with vivacity and wit and—’

  ‘Lacks morals in the bedroom.’ Alicia nodded. ‘Yes, you already said that.’

  When Nick appeared perplexed, Alicia knew she had permitted her jealousy to show. She was fascinated by the subject but didn’t care to think too deeply about this talented creature who occupied such an important position in Nick’s life. She sounded too good to be true and part of Alicia regretted asking about her.

  ‘Precisely. Slide another finger inside, Alicia.’

  She did as he asked, carnal sensations fragmenting her senses, driving away all remnants of embarrassment.

  ‘Does it excite you, hearing me talk about my mistress?’

  ‘I had no notion that they were required to possess so many skills. No wonder some of them earn extortionate amounts from their lovers.’

  ‘It is a career, like any other, and one which will never want for vacancies. A good courtesan is hard to come by.’

  ‘Yes, and I begin to comprehend why.’

  ‘All four fingers now, Alicia.’

  ‘What will happen to her when you marry?’ Alicia’s breath came in shorter and shorter gasps as pleasurable sensations rippled through her. She bit down hard on her lower lip to prevent herself from crying out as her body closed about her fingers with an urgency that shook her to the core. Incandescent desire made her forget the question she had just asked him as soon as it left her lips. Only the sensation she had generated within her sensitised body mattered at that moment. The rest of the world could go hang.

  ‘I will very likely keep her.’ He shrugged. ‘Many married gentlemen do.’

  ‘I dare say your bride will have something to say about that.’ The words came out in a ragged gasp

  ‘A lot of ladies don’t care to indulge in the kind of activities Mrs. Vickers and I enjoy. They are grateful if someone else takes care of those particular needs in a husband.’

  ‘Well, I am surprised you have chosen a lady who doesn’t share your exotic tastes. It seems like a wasted opportunity.’ She concentrated on working her fingers. ‘Still, I suppose you are restrained by considerations of birth and won’t actually know if she shares your tastes until after you are married.’

  ‘What the devil are you talking about, Alicia?’

  ‘About the lady you have chosen to marry. I wish you well, of course, but if it were me,’ she said hotly, ‘I would take great exception to sharing you.’ Realising what she had blurted out, Alicia felt her face flood with colour. Nick merely laughed.

  ‘If it were you, sweetheart, Mrs Vickers would find herself redundant.’ He shifted his position, his gaze fixed upon her exposed body. ‘Slow down, you don’t have my leave to climax yet.’

  Alicia dutifully slowed her rhythm. ‘Is it possible for me to climax alone?’

  ‘That’s the whole purpose of this lesson.’

  ‘Do you beat Mrs Vickers like you did me this afternoon?’

  ‘Frequently. And other things too.’

  ‘Does she care for it?’

  ‘Naturally, since her sole raison d’être is to please me. All right, Alicia, stop what you are doing, stand up and remove your nightgown. Slowly, now. Try to appear a little more seductive this time if you possibly can.’ He smiled at her affronted expression. ‘Oh, yes, that was far more elegantly executed. You are a fast learner.’

  ‘You aim to turn me into a courtesan?’

  ‘I am showing you the best way to please a man. Now, resume your seat and your previous position. Put your fingers of your right hand back inside yourself and caress a breast with your other. Pinch the nipple hard.’

  ‘Like this?’

  ‘Exactly so. How does it feel?’

  ‘Wonderful!’ Alicia threw back her head and increased the pressure of both hands on her sensitised spots. Talking about Nick’s mistress had excited her and she felt a white-hot rush building inside her. ‘Nicholas, I don’t think I can—’

  ‘Let it go,’ he said curtly.

  Instinctively Alicia increased her frantic pounding. Intense shards of sensation assailed her from all angles and, with a cry of abandonment, her world shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.

  The first thing she saw as she opened her eyes was Nick’s infuriatingly smug smile. ‘Now, when I am gone,’ he said, ‘you will know how to keep your frustrations at bay.’

  ‘Well, of all the high-handed, dictatorial, egotistical…’

  Nick stood up and shed what few clothes he wore. He extended a hand to Alicia. ‘Come along. If you stop berating me for long enough, we will see what other lessons you can learn in the short amount of time we have available.’

  She slipped her hand into his and Nick lifted her from the floor. He carried her across the room and deposited her on the bed. Then he bent to retrieve her sash.

  ‘Am I to be blindfolded again?’

  ‘No, darling, this time you will be able to see everything I do but you won’t be able to touch. I see the dressing on your arm is much smaller now.’

  ‘Yes, the wound is healing quickly.’

  ‘Does it hurt to extend your arms above your head?’

  Alicia experimented. ‘No, there is no discomfort. Why do you ask?’

  Without answering her Nick grasped her wrists and bound them with the sash. He then tied its loose ends to the head of the bed.

  ‘Ah, my love, now you are at my complete mercy.’ He looked down at his naked captive and smiled. ‘I have anticipated seeing you thus since first making your acquaintance on that riverbank.’

  ‘I hope I don’t disappoint.’

  Nick moved the pier glass and positioned it directly at the side of the bed. ‘You will be able to see what I am doing to you without lifting your head and putting a strain on your injured arm. You are to keep absolutely still and only move when I give you leave. Do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, Nicholas.’

  ‘Very well then, we will commence your lesson.’

  He retrieved a quill from her secretariat and sat at the foot of the bed. Picking up one dainty foot he lowered his head and ran his tongue lightly across her toes.

  ‘You are supposed to melt with desire, Alicia,’ he said with an impatient sigh, ‘not dissolve into a fit of the giggles.’

  ‘But it tickles!’

  ‘Perhaps I should have mentioned,’ Nick said, lifting his eyes to heaven, ‘that you are not permitted to talk. In fact, you are supposed to be so overcome with passion that you have no breath to waste on words. If you care anything for my reputation, you will oblige me by at least pretending to be so afflicted.’

  ‘Your ego requires precious little stoking from me.’

  ‘Be quiet and let me ravish you, wench!’

  Immediately she fell quiet but it was beyond her to also keep still. He slowly tormented each part of her body in turn, first with his tongue and then with the gossamer touch of the feather. She responded by squirming, thrashing her head from side to side and mumbling incoherently.

  ‘Look in the mirror and observe what I am about to do to you next.’

  ‘Do you tie Mrs. Vickers up?’ She turned to look at their reflection.

  Nick lightly slapped her thigh. ‘I didn’t give you leave to speak.’

  ‘Oh, sorry. I forgot.’

  ‘I will, however, answer your question if only you will open your legs a little wider.’

  Her shin bashed his buttock in her haste to obey.


  Moved by the way she gave herself to him without reservation, a welling of tender affection afflicted Nick as he gauged her uninhibited re
action to their game. Not for one second had she objected to being bound, indicating just how comprehensively she placed her trust in him. Being at his mercy clearly excited her. But she was an innocent. Perhaps he was taking her too far, too fast.

  One look at the smouldering desire clouding her remarkable eyes and his misgivings evaporated. She was more than ready for this. Reassured, he absorbed her essence into his very cells, breathing in the light perfume which clung to her, putting him in mind of summer days. Overwhelmed with a torrent of protective feelings that were both sweet and paralysing, he discovered that his own passion was now almost as desperate as hers.

  ‘Oh, yes, I tie Mrs Vickers up on a regular basis.’ The feather hovered over the triangle of curls at the apex of her legs. He applied its tip to the area in question with a teasing touch that made her whole body quiver. ‘And sometimes she returns the favour.’

  ‘You allow yourself to be dominated? Somehow I find that hard to imagine.’

  Nick’s lips had followed the direction of the feather. He could no longer see her face but there was no mistaking the surprise in her voice.

  ‘Ah, that feels so very pleasant.’ She bucked against his tongue and Nick increased its pressure, alternating gentle nips with hard sucking actions.

  He had intended to torture her for hours and punish her by making her wait. Her body would be reduced to a quivering wreck and she would beg him for release. But her ingenuous reaction had already tested that resolve, and he found it increasingly difficult to hold back.

  With a muffled sigh he abandoned the feather, positioned himself between her thighs and entered her. He would take her quickly now and then repeat the process at a more leisurely pace when they had slaked their initial lust.

  They lay entwined in one another’s arms, Alicia’s head resting on his chest. Nick stroked her hair, wondering why he had not already dressed and made his way back to his own chamber, his head full of other matters. But he already knew the answer. He needed to taste her sweetness just once more. He needed her to give him even more of herself, if that were possible. He needed to be sure that she was holding nothing back.


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