Bare Necessities

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Bare Necessities Page 8

by Wolfe, Lacey

  “Ava, talk to me,” Seth softly said. He reached out and took her hand, pulling her to him. “I want to help, and I want to catch whoever it is. My gut is telling me it’s someone you know, and my gut isn’t usually wrong.”

  She pulled away and paced back and forth. “Fine. My last boyfriend’s name was John Walkins. He’s a rich and successful model. A lot of people know him. We were constantly at parties, and when I was with him, I lived the fancy life. I was well taken care of. There was never anything that I needed. John made sure of it. When I wanted to use his money to open my shop, he laughed at me. He didn’t want me to work, just to be his groupie. I was happy at first, but I still wanted more.”

  She paused to take a deep breath.

  “You know me. I’m vocal. I begged John to let me open my store. Things changed between us. He got more controlling. It was a sign I should’ve seen. He’s not the first to take control of my life. I seem to keep finding men like him. But he got worse than any other. John hit me.”

  “Ava,” Seth gasped.

  She held her hand up. “At first, it was just on the arms or legs. Places I could hide the bruises. The next day, he’d take me out and spoil me to apologize. He always blamed it on the alcohol, and I believed it was. But the last time … well, I ended up with a black eye, and I left. I knew I couldn’t stay. He’d kill me eventually. So I moved around several times and finally Julie convinced me to start my life here. She said Brookfield would be the perfect place. Everyone would be so accepting, and I could finally live my dream.”

  “John could be behind this then. Does he want you back?”


  “Has he contacted you since you left?”

  “Yeah. He e-mailed me once, but I ignored him. Oh, and he texted me not long ago.”

  “Have you told Cody about him?”

  Ava shook her head. She had never really considered that John was capable of doing something like this.

  Seth pulled out his phone, and she saw him texting someone. She figured who and what is was about. She then picked up the photos and glanced at them. Whoever it was had been at her bedroom window and had taken photos of her and Seth together even in the intimate ways. It made her sick just knowing someone had watched. It must have pushed the creep over the edge, too. Up until now, they had made it look like the offender was Seth. Now they were stooping to a blackmail level. Was John the one? Or was it someone else?

  Once Seth was finished texting, he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back into him, enjoying the feel of his strong arms, and closed her eyes.

  “Ava,” he whispered. “I’m not like those other men.”

  She didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to talk. Spinning around, she gazed up into his eyes. “Show me. Make me feel safe, and show me that you’re not like them.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Whoever this sicko is, they want us apart. Let’s not let them push as apart. Instead, let’s join together.”

  Taking Seth’s hand, she led him back to her bedroom. At first, it was just sweet, simple kisses. Then the passion ignited, and they couldn’t get enough of one another. Seth undressed her and stepped back to take her in. She giggled and then shoved him onto the bed.

  She liked being clothed in only her panty set with him fully clothed. It made her feel in charge, and that was important. Most men in bed took charge, and she had done as they wanted, but Seth was different. He knew when she needed to be the one who called the shots.

  Ava kissed her way down his body and then unzipped his pants. As she tugged them down, she gazed up at him and asked, “Does it feel good to be free?”

  “More than you can imagine. When I’m with you, I’m always hard, and my man down there is always begging to be out.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his length and stroked up and down. He groaned. She thought about running her tongue over the head, to see if he tasted as she imagined he would, but not this time. She wanted to make love to him, her way.

  Ava straddled his body and looked down into his eyes. She played with her shoulder straps before lowering them down and slipping them off. She then reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She dropped it to the floor before taking her breasts into her own hands.

  “God, Ava.” He moaned as he watched.

  “Put your hands on me.”

  Letting hers drop, his big palms replaced them, and he kneaded her breasts. Her head dropped back, and she took a moment to enjoy the sensations jolting through her body. Before long, she couldn’t take it any longer, and the wild animal had to be set free. Seth must have felt the same.

  They finished removing each other’s clothing in record time. In her nightstand, Ava found a condom and climbed back on top of Seth. He reached out to take the wrapper, but she shook her head. With her mouth, she tore it open and then rolled it onto him.

  Positioning herself just right, she grabbed both his wrists and forced them above his head, pinning him in place. Lowering down onto him, she guided him in, filling her completely. With each thrust, she got closer and closer to her release. Gazing down at him, she realized he was watching her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he panted.

  Smiling, she leaned down and took his lips with a vengeance. She pumped her hips faster, and before she knew it, she was moaning into his mouth as pleasure shot through her entire body. As soon as she released his wrists, his arms wrapped around her, and he pumped hard into her. He cried out as well as he found his own release.

  Lying on him, still connected, she tried to catch her breath. Her eyelids began to feel heavy, and she gave in, letting them close. Just before she left for the dream world, Seth spoke.

  “Thank you for opening up to me. It means a lot that you shared that.”

  “It was nice to finally share. I don’t usually tell anyone about myself. I’m sure you can tell I keep a lot in.”

  Seth lifted her so she had to look at him. “I don’t want you to feel that way with me. I want us to share everything. You’re the first woman I ever told about what happened with my sister. I knew, if it was going to work between you and I, you needed to know why I am the way I am. Just like I need to know who you are. Not just who you want me to know, but everything. From all your fears to the silly things you collect.”

  Ava giggled and rolled off him. “You want to know what I collect?”

  “Of course.”

  “Feathers. I love to walk around fields and by lakes, looking for feathers.”

  Seth laughed. “I didn’t expect that to be your answer, but it fits. I know the perfect place to take you when this mess is over and we don’t have to sneak around anymore.”

  “I think the sneaking is kinda fun, don’t you?” Ava kissed his chest.

  Seth groaned and glanced down to his lower body. “I think I agree.” He pushed her onto her back and climbed between her legs, but not before he reached into her nightstand to retrieve another packet. It was going to be a long night. She was glad she had a whole box in there.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, Seth was the first to wake. The sun was barely shining, but he was ready to get up and get started on finding the person now attempting to blackmail them. He was positive he knew who it was, even though Ava didn’t think so.

  As he sat up, the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on stirred. Her sleepy eyes slowly opened.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “You don’t want to know.” He chuckled. “I can’t sleep. I need to get into the office and work on this case.”

  Ava rubbed her palm across his bare chest. “You’re not on the case. You might as well stay right here with me.”

  She had a point. One he would love to take her up on.

  “I’m serious, Seth.” Ava sat up and leaned forward, lightly kissing his shoulders. “Stay with me.”

  How was he to resist? Wrapping his hands around her neck, he pulled her close before lowering her bac
k down to the mattress.

  Seeing as she was already naked, it took no time for his hand to find its way to the warmth between her legs. She opened to him right away, and just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, her hand wrapped around his shaft and began working magic.

  “You’re a very convincing woman and hard to resist,” he whispered into her ear.

  She giggled. “Good to know I’m in control, officer.”

  Groaning, he grabbed both her hands and held them down above her head. “Who’s in charge now?”

  Ava lifted her hips and grinded against him. She then locked one of her legs around his waist and pulled him tightly against her. “I’m still in control. Now wrap yourself up, and get inside me.”

  She was pressed against him, and her moist heat coated his manhood. He didn’t have to be told twice. Slipping a condom on, he returned to the heaven between her legs and entered into total bliss. Being with Ava was the most incredible feeling. He never wanted to be with another woman again. This was it for him, and he hoped like hell she felt the same way he did.

  * * *

  “Here, on my property?” Claire stared at Ava in disbelief. She had come down to meet Ava at the cabin.

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “I don’t like knowing someone was here lurking. This place has always been safe … until now.”

  Ava felt guilty. If it was John as Seth suspected, she would feel horrible for bringing something like this to the small, safe town everyone loved. Not only was she corrupting the women with her sexy store, but she might have brought crime.

  She shook her head. She couldn’t think this way. It couldn’t be John. He didn’t know where she was. Never had she spoken of Brookfield or even Julie. She didn’t share much of her personal life with anyone. And when she’d left, John had been at his low point and on the verge of going to rehab. She had hoped when she’d left it would push him over the edge, and judging from his e-mail, it had worked. Ava refused to believe it was him.

  “I’m going to have to install some security lights and possibly surveillance cameras.” Claire pulled out her phone and looked to be typing to someone. “Jace will know who to get out here. Hopefully, today.” She glanced up toward Ava. “Your safety is important to me.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot. Is it really necessary though?”

  “Certainly. This has made me open my eyes. I have tenants to keep safe, and it’s silly that I’ve never taken these measures to begin with anyway.”

  “If I can be any help, just say the word.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you know. I’m just sorry this has happened to you. And poor Seth. I’m sure he’s scared out of his mind for your safety.”

  “And his job.”

  Claire waved her hands. “He cares more about you. I’m sure of it.”

  Ava crossed her arms and rubbed her forearms. Was there a real future between her and the hot officer? After making love to him last night and this morning, she felt like there was a real connection between them. They had fun, flirty, yet serious sex … if that made any sense. It was laidback yet full of needy passion. It was as though they couldn’t get close enough to one another until they were one.

  “Tell me something. Have you ever been in a serious relationship?” Claire asked.

  “Yeah, several. Why?”

  “No, not a long-term one. A serious one. One that you were sure would last forever,” Claire clarified.


  “I didn’t think so. I know I’m always butting in, but I really hope you give Seth a chance.”

  Ava nodded.

  Claire wrapped her arm around Ava’s shoulders. “I’m not your enemy. We can talk.”

  “Thank you. It’s just that I’ve never had a friend to be like this with, so I’m not really sure how to open up.”

  “Girl, it’s time for things to change. You need to fall in love, preferably with Seth, and you need a set of girlfriends. I love Julie, and I like you. The three of us need to head up to Jackson Hole to a bar and have some dancing fun. Once this weirdo gets caught. Sound good?”

  “It does.” She wasn’t lying. It really did sound like a perfect evening. Maybe it was time to start letting her guard down and really connect with people.

  “I don’t want to leave you alone, but I need to find Jace and get his thoughts.”

  “I’m fine, Claire. Don’t worry. If Seth actually believes I can take care of myself, then that says something.”

  Claire smiled. “You’re right about that, because he doesn’t think anyone can do that. You’re good for him. See ya. Call me if anything else happens.”

  Ava waved as Claire left the cabin on a hunt to find her husband. Gazing around the untidy place, she debated on actually cleaning. Yeah, right. She was going to get dressed and then head to her shop. Whoever wanted her to leave was not going to win. She had wanted to open Bare Necessities for years. They weren’t going to keep her away.

  An hour later, she stood in the middle of her shop, plotting out with boxes where the clothing racks would sit. Each box was labeled with a different item name as she tried to figure out what needed to be where. She wanted it to make sense and be easy for her customers to navigate.

  She moved a few more around and then decided to get Kimberly’s opinion. Picking up her phone, she texted Kimberly out of curiosity just to see if she was around. After she set her phone down, she powered up her laptop to start ordering a few of the things she was going to need. She was determined to get this place open soon. Once it was, she would finally feel like Brookfield was home. And once she felt like that, it would be time to make it official and find a place to live and call her own.

  Her phone dinged. She picked it up and unlocked the screen to read the text. She expected it to be from Kimberly, but it was John—again.

  I really would love to see you and show you how sorry I am. It’s part of my twelve-step program. I’d like to apologize in person. Let me know when.

  Ava stared at her phone, debating what to do. Part of her wanted to call her current wireless carrier and request a new number, but it wasn’t like he was hurting her. He wanted to talk, that was it. It made sense. If he was in rehab and following the steps, then it was only logical he would want to apologize to her for how things had been between them. But seeing him wasn’t a good idea. Maybe she’d call him later.

  She quickly replied, hating herself for it but letting him know she would call him later to talk. After she hit the send button, she heard a weird sound from the back room. It sounded almost like a phone’s noise when someone received a notification. Surely, she was hearing things, but how strange it would happen right after she’d sent a message.

  Her phone lit up and then followed the sound of a new text message from John. He told her he was looking forward to it. Even though she wasn’t, she decided to send one more message. She typed, Me, too. and then nervously let her finger hover above the send button. What the hell was she going to do if she heard the sound again? There was no way John was in her back room. No fucking way.

  Now she was scaring the shit out of herself. Her heart raced. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the button.

  Seconds later, she heard the same sound. She froze, staring at the closed door that led to the back room. Had she closed it? There was just no way. He couldn’t be. With her phone clutched tightly in her hand, she started to walk backwards toward the front of the store, praying whoever it was wouldn’t decide to show their face. She had to get out of here and to Seth.

  Her purse sat on a table near the front door. She tiptoed to it, and just as she put the strap over her shoulder, someone said her name. Turning, she came face-to-face with John.

  “I’ve been waiting on you. I wanted to talk to you,” he said. He didn’t look like himself. He was usually well dressed and clean shaven, but his clothes were wrinkled, his hair was a mess, and he was in desperate need of a razor.

  “John, hi.” Stay calm. “I was just going to leave a
nd call you on my way back to the cabin. But instead you’re here. It’s good to see you.”

  “Is it really? I’ve been trying to find you. You never should’ve left me.”

  “You needed help, and we just weren’t good for one another.”

  “That’s not true. We were very good together.” He stepped closer.

  “Let’s be serious. We fought—a lot. It got out of control.”

  “You always liked it rough. And that last time, I didn’t mean to. I never meant to hit that beautiful face of yours.”

  Ava slowly took another step back. “This doesn’t sound much like that apology you said you wanted to give. I have a meeting I need to get to. Can we do this later?”

  “A meeting? I thought you said you were just heading home and you were going to call me? Still a pretty little liar. That’s what got you into so much trouble.”

  “I never would’ve lied if you didn’t want to control me so much. Who the hell wants to tell someone their every move? It’s not normal.”

  “If you weren’t up to no good all the time, it never would’ve mattered.”

  Ava slipped her phone into her back pocket and reached behind herself to see if she could feel the door yet.

  “We have company,” John said, looking out the glass.

  Turning around, she saw Kimberly. Just as Kimberly opened the door, Ava shouted, “Get out of here!”

  Kimberly stopped mid-step and assessed what was going on. She then grabbed her phone from her pocket and quickly went back out the door. Relief started to set in that help would be here soon, but that quickly vanished when John grabbed Ava by her forearm and started forcing her out the front.

  “You’re going to walk with me as though we are friends to my car. We are leaving, and you are coming home with me. If you don’t do as I tell you, I will hurt that girl along with your cousin and her daughter. And don’t think I won’t. People who have money also have power.”

  Ava gulped and nodded. She then walked out the door with him as he’d asked and crossed the street to a blue sports car. She’d seen this car in Brookfield before, several times, but it had never registered in her head that it might be his.


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