Righteous Reign
Tom MacDonald
©Copyright 2016 Tom MacDonald
all rights reserved.
Righteous Reign is purely a work of Fiction. Any resemblance or similarity to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
To Tanis who put up with so much while I completed this work.
Table of Contents
Part One
Chapter 1 Turning Point
Chapter 2 Old Tom
Chapter 3 The OESA
Chapter 4 Rigil
Chapter 5 The Promotion!
Chapter 6 Bryant
Chapter 7 Bryant & Boots
Chapter 8 Drums of War
Chapter 9 Expansion!!
Chapter 10 Justice
Chapter 11 Mobile Fifth Command!
Chapter 12 The Fifth RAC Forever
Chapter 13 On My Way to The Top
Part Two
Chapter 14 Clean Up this Mess!
Chapter 15 The Conspiracy
Chapter 16 Opened for Business
Chapter 17 Manipulations
Chapter 18 A New Beginning
There are four hundred ninety-two billion, four hundred twenty-one million, three hundred eighty-six thousand, seven hundred twenty-eight citizens within the sovereign territories of the democratic government I work for. And, of all those people, I am the one in the best position to access any information; no matter how secret or sensitive. That makes me the best person to tell this story.
It is the story of George Bryant; probably, the greatest man to live, in my lifetime. It tells of his adventures, successes and love. It also tells the story of his absolute loyalty to his love, his subordinates, his government and his Emperor. It describes his "Royal" wedding; and two others celebrated similarly in a ten-year span.
George's story is one of leadership. Though a man of deep feelings, strong convictions and impeccable ethics, he is also a tactical genius capable of leading wars waged on a massive scale. He'll do anything to defend the people and institutions he cares about.
Within his story are several others, including my own - we are interwoven. In one way or another, we all owe George for the success we have achieved on his coattails. And, through it all, are the stories of a conflicted Emperor and the determined, "Old Tom", now a legend and revered everywhere, who helped established this incredible sovereignty.
Admiral Kurt Brubacher Inspector General
Part One
Chapter 1 Turning Point
Tuesday July 10, 2255
"Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects". Lester B. Pearson Canadian Prime Minister
Life aboard any military vessel is never easy. However, it can be challenging, rewarding and downright pleasurable, at times. Officers and crew face navigational hurdles, confined spaces, Mother Nature's anger and sudden perilous encounters. On the other hand, we get to assist others; to be ambassadors; to be explorers and pioneers; and, to enjoy the camaraderie aboard ship.
I am just about to engage in my third meeting of the day. It's a training meeting that follows a two-hour mission debriefing and a staff meeting, I chaired earlier in the day. The first involved all the department heads under my command. The second included my Exec and the other three shift commanders. Meetings like those first two are magnificent opportunities for junior officers to extend their experience at command. Someone has to run the ship, while we're all occupied. Overall, it's been a very long day. After rising, dressing and eating, I spent a couple of hours managing administrative chores. Then, I finished my six hours as the bridge watch commander; a boring job considering, we are just orbiting Rho Corona Three.
Orbiting any planetary body is a sobering experience; changing with your perspective. When you arrive at a system many planets, close to its star, are not even visible, to you; or are little points of light, in the distance. As you approach, the planet grows on your screens and in the viewing windows. When you finally park in orbit, it appears as a colossal object that diminishes your vessel to the absolute minimum. The Shenzhen is just a mosquito on the back of an elephant. And, when it occurs to you that; the planet is a tiny speck in the totality of the universe; you can feel meaningless, for a moment… Until, you realize that; you are one of very few species that use this space-scape for a playground.
The earlier debriefing concerned a mission that started out resembling a captain's ghastliest nightmare, six days earlier. We'd been intercepted by a communications drone from Rho Corona Borealis, a system a little over eleven light years from 14 Hercules; which we've been patrolling. The communiqué stressed that the Encalle tribe had turned a political disagreement into an out and out civil war; employing terrorist tactics to achieve advantage. The Encalle political view is grounded in ancient religious beliefs. Rho Corona Three had a deep tribal heritage; but, had long since become a technological, space-faring planet. The planetary government expressed their unqualified fear that; they were about to lose control; and illustrated some of the barbarism that was being inflicted on the population.
Nine generations ago, the Empire I serve ratified a Constitution guaranteeing its citizens generous rights. The one notable absence is the right to religious freedom. That Constitution included the means for new colonies to gain admittance to the Empire. Once in the group, it forbade separation from it. Enshrined in the document is also a clause dealing with treason and the use of terrorism as a means of waging war against the Empire. The punishment for treason is as specified in supporting legislation. However, civil disobedience, civil war and other treasonous acts shown to be terrorist in nature are dealt with by sterilizing the affect planet of its infection. OESA regulations specify how a ship's captain is to fulfill his obligations under the Constitution.
As captain of the ESS Shenzhen, I would first have to corroborate there was a legitimate threat. Then, I would have to document that the threat was terrorist in nature. This step, in itself, requires deployment of a considerable intelligence operation, to the planet, to gather accurate, real time, objective information. Once this phase meets the specifications outlined in OESA regulations, I am required to obtain Flag Level approval; and completely eradicate the threat. I have to admit that this is the one responsibility I have that truly terrifies me. The only buffer for me is that, such a decision must be supported by a Flag or General Officer of Level eight, or greater. But, for all intents and purposes, we are a blunt object wielded to defend and protect the constitution of the Empire.
In this case, I was very fortunate, in that, preliminary intelligence reports indicated this was a very extensive uprising. Thousands of Encalle had snatched vast swaths of territory and were deploying terrorist networks throughout the planet. Though the ship is capable of bombarding the offenders into submission, it requires land forces to ensure successful completion of this type of mission. Such an expansive operation could require more than five thousand ground troops. And, that’s not to mention the intelligence body I would need to land, first; to acquire the level of detailed information I need to meet the requirements to gain approval. This means the deployment of a full fleet to the scene, since the Shenzhen only carries fifty Marines and a fleet possesses a division of over eight thousand supporting troops and all their command structures.
The Shenzhen is part of Ninth Theatre Command which is attached to Fifth Mobile RAC Command. Fifth Mobile directs over twenty percent of all OESA forces. The Ninth and Tenth Theatre Commands each with eight fleets are within Fifth Mobile's jurisdiction. In addition, those theatre operations each have twelve frigates unattached to any fleet. The Shenzhen is one of those autonomous frigates. So, when I have to seek help, I send a communicat
ion to my boss, Admiral Stephen Nichols, commander of Theatre Nine. Communications’ drones were used to take digital messages to their recipient, until 2249; but now, a communications assembly uses a Casimir Emitter to open a wormhole and transmit and receive messages through it on laser beams. I copy Admiral George Bryant at Fifth Mobile. Nearly three hours later, I receive notice from Nichols that the Virgo Fleet has been dispatched, from its current patrol at 69 Virgo by Theatre Five Command; which is the permanent regional headquarters. I turned over all my intelligence reports and handed over command of the operation to Vice Admiral Shagotha, when she arrived in command of the Virgo Fleet, three and a half days later.
I don't have all the particulars; because, I was not in overall command of the operation; but I can tell you that, three different regions totaling more than four hundred and fifty square kilometers were rendered temporarily unusable and uninhabitable by bombardment from orbit by the Virgo Fleet and the Shenzhen. I watched the “Gods Rods” we dropped; tracing a smoky trail; as, they streaked through the atmosphere; with, very little reduction in their acceleration rate; because of, their extremely sleek shape; and never burning up; due to the heat resistant tungsten that, jacketed the entire six-ton exhausted uranium body. Exhausted uranium is pure processed uranium ore, where the concentration of fissile material has been depleted by processing, to less than two-one-thousands of a percentage point, by mass. Only in the last half century have, we been able to reach that level of refinement. Each projectile struck with a force of between fifteen and twenty kilotons of TNT; generating a shockwave and mushroom cloud like a small nuclear weapon. And, each had incredible penetrating capacity; bestowed on them by their kinetic force and needle-like characteristics. In less than a year, life would begin to return to these substantial craters; some big enough to form small lakes. The rods left little or no residual radiation.
Nearly twenty-five thousand enemy combatants were exterminated, in those showers of death. All offensive medium and heavy enemy hardware in the three major locations and seven remote regions were destroyed. As these battles progressed, ground intelligence, attached to planetary forces, and embedded OESA security detachments around the planet pinpointed terrorist network cells; as, they began to move to inflict retribution throughout the civilian population. Some “Spears of Fear” were fired on those targets. The spears are discharged at high velocity from the muzzles of railguns; and, are like scaled-down versions of the Rods but, with fins. That is because, they are a “Smart Weapon” with a control system that can direct them through a gaseous environment, to a target, with nearly pin-point accuracy.
Virgo's Marine Division Command dispatched nearly its entire force to the surface. Regiments from each Brigade were assigned zones to clear. Regimental Commands distributed their Battalions to still more remote locations casting a net that was drawn in, to entrap the networks. Some faced maniacal opponents brandishing guns, machetes, hatchets, axes, shovels, clubs and any other weapon they could acquire. These were bloody vicious battles; resulting in, the loss of many enemy combatants and few from the combined official forces. OFSA marines wear full body armor hard to penetrate with anything but armor piercing ammunition. Among these enemy packs were two nearly decimated light-armored and heavy-armored battalions; along with two artillery ones.
As control was regained, tens of thousands of arrests of those even remotely suspicious were made, in an effort to sift out the actual terrorists. Intelligence operations were dangerous and painstaking; and, fighting was fierce and deadly. Nearly twelve hundred were actually imprisoned and close to four hundred terrorist killed in these satellite operations.
Four hundred marines were detached from the fleet on temporary six-month assignment to fortify the intelligence and security planetary force; when, the overall operation was declared complete. Their job would be to aid in rooting out any remnants of the terrorist organization. These fanatics were like a cancer. Just a few remaining terrorists could metastasize into a mass that would have to be excised again. No one wanted to come back and repeat the whole operation again.
For our part, the combined fleet lost twenty people; with injuries of various severity to another thirty-five over the five days of ground operations. On the Shenzhen, we suffered one dead marine and two injured ones.
My debriefing meeting, earlier had been to acquire all the details necessary to complete my wind-up report to the Admiral. We remained behind as Vice Admiral Shagotha returned her fleet to its original patrol area headquartered at 69 Virgo, thirty-six-and-a-quarter light-years from here.
I took a shuttle and its crew to the surface; the day after Shagotha’s departure. We skipped from site to site examining and inspecting the devastation. It was incredible to see the regions that endured air assaults. There was not the usual visual carnage and destruction. In fact, there was nothing; where, concentrations of buildings and people had been. Each was just a giant earthen pit. Some of the more abysmal ones, in lowlands, were already filling with water; from the ground table and streams they intersected. Where close fighting had occurred, there was the usual destruction. Dead bodies punctuated rubble fallen from partially destroyed buildings. Damaged structures showed signs of both heavy artillery and fighter craft missile hits. Crumpled twisted masses of steel and exotic alloys were the remnants of once powerful tanks, personnel carriers and artillery guns. Smoke lingered from smoldering embers; and, the smell of burning flesh and decomposing corpses filled the air with a sickeningly sweet odor.
"Captain on the deck!" The voice yelps as I enter the room.
"As you were." I call back to those present in the room as I walk to the dais.
Twelve recently commissioned ensigns are seated in the small room. Training of all types is an ongoing process for everyone in the service. The course I teach aboard the Shenzhen is about the legal responsibilities, to the Empire, of those in the OESA. It is based in history that explains how and why things developed, as they have.
"Many of you serve in adjuncts of departments which are imbedded deep in the Shenzhen. You work long hard hours. This ship employs a five shift rotation; with four taking duty shifts at their scheduled time; and the fifth on its off-time. So, you all work six actual duty hours a day and another four to five preparing departmental plans and doing personnel reviews. And, that doesn't take into account all the time you spend in training to improve yourselves and increase your rank. So, you have little time on your hands to get to know other parts of the ship and the people in other departments. I want to encourage you to use a little of your meager off-time to seek out others and get to know them. In that light, I will start this lecture series by giving you a little of my personal history.' I pause for effect. Then, I continue. 'For those who don't know, I am Commander Kurt Brubacher; and, I am Captain of this vessel.
I was born in the restored Columbus Ohio on Friday December 6th, 2222. I graduated from Ohio State, with a doctorate in Aerospace Engineering, in 2246 and entered the OESA Academy on Earth, that year. I graduated, first in my class, from the command program in 2248. I was posted as a Midshipman to the Boots Fleet, before I even graduated. I got off to a very bad start there. I did not impress Admiral Bryant, who was then a Vice Admiral in command of that Fleet. But, I survived the incident; and, he did not seem to hold it against me. In fact, when he saw how serious I was and how committed I am, he became one of my strongest supporters. I was commissioned an Ensign in May of 2248. I served in various capacities at various posts throughout Boots. I completed fighter pilot training and received my wings in June of 2250. I rose through the ranks; serving mostly in Boots until my promotion to Commander and assignment as Captain of this vessel on December 15, last year. I have seen battle on several occasions, in several positions. Now, I would like to start in the rear corner to my right; and, have each person introduce themselves and relate a very brief person
al history to the rest of us."
It took nearly an hour for all twelve people to complete the introductions. I called in refreshments and snacks; as, we took a short break; milling about in discussion with each other. It is a great way to get to know your workmates. After ordering everyone to their seats, I continue the session.
"I will start some sessions with questions that should be answered in the lecture; and in subsequent handouts. You will be asked to answer those, in the next session, a week from now. I want to begin today’s program with the following queries. The first is - 'Why an Empire? Why not a democracy? Why would a dictatorial based state want a constitution? Why does our constitution enshrine our rights? Why does the constitution forbid organized religion? Why does this document guarantee representation? And finally, why does it forbid a member state from separating? I want you to think of those questions; as, we travel back in time, to search out answers. These will be the questions asked on your testing.
To answer those questions, we must travel back in time to before the Empire - back to a devastated world wracked by natural disasters, war, terrorism and very bad governmental management. In 2020, the planet earth did not enjoy universal government. In that year, there were about two hundred different countries - give or take a few; depending on, what part of the calendar year you look at. Though Earth was well past the two-world-wars, there were constantly skirmishes; and even a few pretty substantial wars. A vast area in the middle east, in continuous upheaval, suffered terribly due to the actions of terrorists trying to impose their religious beliefs on their region; and even, on the entire planet.
Economic displacement was equally disruptive during the same period. The world saw a doubling of wealth over the period of three decades ending in 2019; but, ninety-six percent of the new wealth was distributed amongst just four percent of the world's population. Many people starved on a very rich planet.
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