March 15 saw the posting of a proclamation announcing district boundaries and elections; to be held Tuesday May 10, 2022. Candidates were to register with the local administrator, by Tuesday March 22, 2022. The document included an imbedded constitution and an explanation describing the role of the Assembly and its representatives.
On Friday July 1, 2022, the first session of the Legislative Assembly was called to order. The hundred members swore an oath of allegiance to the Empire; then, an oath to protect and defend the constitution and faithfully represent the citizens of the North American Empire. After all were sworn in, they were required to sign the founding document with Edward Delnikov and his seven-member council. It was official. The North American Empire was born at 2:30 in the afternoon on a warm sunny July 1, 2022. The inner council and Emperor would continue to meet at Tom’s refuge, until the end of April 2023.
The Emperor officially announced his first council; appointing the seven-person inner circle to portfolio positions along with a former Vice Admiral as his Secretary of Defense. The first council had eight members. Old Tom was made First Minister - the most trusted and responsible member of the team; and with the agreement of the Secretary of Defense, maintained the military rank of General of the Army.
Tom's first act as First Minister was to ceremoniously close the book he had drafted; which contained the authorized plan for establishment of the government. Then, he ceremoniously opened another book.
"Fellow Council Members, Legislative Assembly members, Ladies and Gentlemen and military personnel present, I would like to officially end the first phase of the plan for the North American Empire by closing the book that contained the plan. Then, I would like to open the book that contains the plan for our country, for the near future. This document has been penned by the council members; and, edited and approved by the Emperor. This is Edward 1's plan for the future development and expansion of our country." Old Tom announced to the applause of the hundreds present.
The book contained a plan for the establishment of a digital currency and taxation system. Expansion of the military to a force of one hundred twenty thousand; included creating a naval and air wing with the personnel available and the leftover equipment, at hand. It had an outline for the development of industry and commerce that included the rebuilding of any needed infrastructure in need of repair. This would be a rich Empire. Its wealth came from its predecessor. The trick was to continuously make it bigger, stronger and richer.
This article was compiled from Tom McCracken’s recorded audio files. Many observations were made on his trip south. An operating recording device was always on his person. All his interactions with Edward 1 are on these devices. Copies of these file can be accessed in the OESA historical library folder.
Chapter 3 The OESA
Tuesday July 16, 2255
"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." Marie Curie
It's Monday following the mission at Rho Corona Borealis; and, I am in my office working my way through mounds of paperwork. We still call it paperwork; though, there is seldom any paper involved. Most of our formal work is done on the mobile data pads we carry. Verbal dialogue and the receipt of written communications can be completed without any hand-held devices. The units involved are imbedded within us that send the signals directly to a neural interface. At any rate, I've just received a standard electronic mail informing me that, a secured communications drone would arrive with an encrypted message and orders from Admiral Nichols.
We are currently searching the travel corridor between Rho Corona and 44Bootes for a group of privateers who have been attacking private shipping. Stopping at Borealis' HD144579 as a midway point, this is a twenty-three light year trip. It is the normal route used by cargo ships to stay close to Empire systems; where protection is heaviest and anomalies are minimal.
"Communications – You will soon receive a level one secure message for me, from Admiral Nichols. Please, forward it without decrypting - immediately." I instructed.
"Aye Captain." The response was from the Communications officer of the watch.
I hope the data will arrive soon. My data pad indicates there is only three quarters of an hour until I take the bridge watch. I continue on with my work; exiting the office for the bridge, when my shift begins.
I think of how proud I am of the Shenzhen as I scan the bridge. It’s nothing like the ones on the Carrier Class or Cruiser Class vessels. The navigation bridge takes up a space sixty by forty meters in the center of the bow on the upper deck of the ship – deck nine. Eighteen operational stations ring the interior perimeter with the Captain and Executive Officers’ stations on a raised dais that make up the command center in the middle of the space. On the walls above each station eighteen large screens display a variety of the surrounding region’s astronomical images and ship’s status information. At three hundred eighty-four by two hundred meters, and nine decks in height, the massive vessel is dwarfed, when sitting near one of its larger Cruiser or Carrier class cousins. Though crewed by nine hundred eighty, the Shenzhen carries eleven hundred sixty-five; including, civilian contractors and crewmember families.
"Watch Commander - report!" I order, as I step up to Lt. Commander Savign, my Executive Officer.
Savign is from the fourth planet orbiting the star 82 Eridani. We call it 82 Eridani - E. Its inhabitants know it as "Gi" (Pronounced Gee). Gians are very humanoid in appearance. In fact, most serving members of the OESA are the most humanoid of all the species in the Empire. That is to say, they are bipeds with two arms, a nose in the middle of the face separating two forward facing eyes. They all use some form of verbal speech for communication. All these humanoids come from environments similar enough to Earth's to allow them to serve on OESA vessels with only minimal acclimatization. Gians use only one name for personal identification. Savign is tall and lean with a somewhat longer face than humans have. Two large ear lobes are mounted to the sides of a bald head. Her large almond - shaped eyes and bright smile make her very attractive, despite the obvious differences.
First encounters with alien species are always risky. Infectious agents are found in every environment. Each world develops an immune system designed to deal with its specific set of challenges. Contact initially involves the risk of infection to one or both parties; so, initial meetings are handled carefully. Participants from the Empire are isolated by full bio-suits; until, assessment and resolution can be achieved. We are constantly being inoculated with preventative vaccines developed to protect each species from the others. At any rate, the eighteen most compatible humanoid species serve in the OESA. Many are multi-race worlds, like Earth was. Now, humans are pretty much mono faceted; most exhibiting café-au-lait colored skin, large slightly slanted eyes and dark hair; though, a low percentage exhibit other recessive traits like fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. Redheaded humans no longer exist.
Anyway, Savign reports on the current state of engines, shields, weapons and environmental control. Then she gives our current position, course and velocity summing up that there is no status change in the current mission; and, nothing unusual to report.
"Very Good, Commander. I relieve you." I direct to her; employing the standard protocol.
"I am relieved, Captain." She responds with a salute and steps back one pace.
"Savign, can you stay with me on the bridge for a while. It may be an hour. I am expecting encrypted orders and messages from Theatre Nine. I need you to witness the decryption and note it in your log. Would you mind?" I quietly ask my Exec.
"I'd be happy to, sir. I have nothing personal planned. I was heading out to update personnel evaluations - a very boring job." She whispers with a smile.
"Maintain course and speed." I call out from my Command Station seating as my shift completes the transfer of bridge operations.
Things were quiet for a while. I notice how beautiful star RCB looks on our screens. The images we view are composites of filtered optical and sensor in
puts. We never look directly into a star through a glass window; which would destroy the retina in the eyes. It's a yellow star like Sol; but, somewhat older and a little inflated. Though we are some distance from the system edge, this sun's enlarged status makes it appear somewhat brighter than Sol would appear from the same vantage point outside its system.
I scan each station on the bridge, one at a time. I am proud of my crew. We came together on the Shenzhen’s very first mission; which was to certify her for service. I had been assigned as its Captain; before the ship was finished construction. I had picked Savign as my Executive; then, we selected our senior officers together. Following that, we worked as a group to pick the rest of her crew.
Proofing the vessel is taking it through a series of tests and shakedown cruises that prove she will withstand more than we subject the craft to, in normal operations. I had been part of a team working under, then Commodore Nichols, that certified vessels during the last expansion of Fleets. Every new vessel must be certified, before putting it into permanent service. It is always a daunting task; that, took nearly eight weeks, in this case. It is an intense mission that, brings a crew together; while weeding out those that are not up to their assignments. We took the Shenzhen new from the shipyard. By the time it was certified, the ship’s officers and crew were second to no one.
"Captain, I have that message, you advised communications of. I am downloading all the data to your station." The communications officer advises.
"Thank you, Lieutenant." I counter; as, I rise and leave the bridge for my office.
"Lieutenant Volpe, you have the bridge." I called out to my deputy watch commander as Savign and I headed for my office. The Lieutenant moves into the Command Station followed by a flurry of activity as the tactical officer moves to replace him and a substitute replaces the tactical officer.
Off the port bow corner of the bridge, my office is a fairly expansive space six meters deep by ten meters long. My desk, credenza and office chair are at one end with two side chairs pulled up to the desk. At the other end, a couch, two arm chairs and a coffee table form a conversation pit. Once at my desk, I begin navigating the information system. Decryption is a two-step process. Step one decrypts and unpacks the entire group of folders employing a thirty-two character two hundred fifty-six-bit key. Phase two uses a different sixteen character one hundred twenty-eight-bit key and decodes the actual documents. Keys are generated by our systems based on the date of the communication. The communication station uses one set; and, the Captain of a vessel uses another. The only way another officer can gain access to the Captain's encryption set is if the command codes for the vessel are transferred to that person. Transfer of command codes, at any level, require that commander's thirty-two-character daily code to be entered into his data pad's command transfer application. The transmitted folder contains two full documents and a video file. One document is called "OR"; the other is titled "Promo". I opened "Promo" first.
"OESA Command Order number 215903-9411 - To all citizens within the limits of the Orion' - I stopped reading and scanned to the end of the paragraph where my name was entered in Bold Italics. A little farther down, I read - 'to elevate a member of the service to the level of Captain." I have been promoted.
"It looks like I've been promoted, Savign." I say with a smile, as I look up at her.
"Congratulations, sir.' She responds. If you send me that order, I will post it, for you." She adds.
I send the order; then, I open "OR" which directs me to complete any portion of my current patrol that can be executed on my way back to Theatre Nine. I am to report to Admiral Nichols, by fourteen-hundred hours on July 25th.
"That'll be fine, Commander. Can you enter witness to my reception of the communiqué in your log, please? I think the video will probably be more personal; if, you don't mind." I am essentially kicking her out of my office, politely.
I open the video file. The OESA logo fades out after about ten seconds. Admiral Nichols appears, sitting behind his desk. I watch the entire two-minute video, without a break. Nichols is relaxed, friendly, animated and smiling, throughout. The gist of the video is that, I will be awarded the Empire's Order of Merit, at a ceremony at Theatre Nine, on July 25. He informs me, kind of off-the-cuff, that I will also be offered command of a carrier, at that time. In the same tone, he suggests that I might want to consider staying where I am, for a while. He says he knows; I am enjoying this kind of autonomous command. Then, he adds that, a carrier will always be available for me, later – when I am really ready to make the change. He sums up by saying it is my choice. He adds congratulations for my promotion to the rank of Captain; then, signs off. The logo reappears.
I go over to my office safe; punching in the security code that unlocks it. Then I reach into the small metal case for the appropriate rank insignia. Ships' commanders are supplied with all levels to Commodore for other elevations and field promotions; even those, above their own rank; though, this is a permanent one - blessed by headquarters. I pull out a set of the silver spread winged eagles, each sitting atop a silver number six surrounded by an olive branch wreath. I replace the silver oak leaf wreath surrounding the number five on my collar points with the new insignia. All officer level insignia display a level number, from one to twelve. This is to avoid confusion between services and between ranks employing the same insignia. For example, the OESA employs two levels of four star admirals who are really at different ranks. Theatre Commanders display the number ten; while, Quadrant Commanders are level eleven Admirals.
The rest of the shift is uneventful. I return to the bridge and issue orders. I order the helm to plot a course to coordinates fifteen hours by forty-five degrees by seventy-one light years, the approximate location of the Theatre Command. All such positions are given relative to Earth. The actual heading would be approximately minus one hour, one minute by plus eleven and three quarters degrees, by forty-seven light years from our current location. At one time, the OESA considered using galactic coordinates; but, this proved confusing. This trip will take eight and a half days. There isn't time to continue our search for the pirates operating in the region; and there are no systems we can patrol on our way to Theatre Command, without heading out of our way. My day's not over when the watch ends. It has been a week since the last lecture session; so, I have another scheduled training session to lead. I head for the meeting room.
"Captain on the deck." A voice snaps out to the rest of the attendees, in the room.
"As you were, people – let's continue where we left off last week. Who can answer the questions I posed, at the start of the last session?" I ask.
I look about; eyeing several hands that have been raised. I do not recognize many of the junior officers with their hands elevated; but, I decide to call on one of them. It would be a good means to make contact and get to know each a little better.
"Ensign Engava, do you think you can answer all the questions?" I ask.
"Yes sir, I do. But first, I wanted to mention that we all noticed your change in rank; and, on behalf of our class, I'd like to congratulate you on your promotion." She responded.
"Well, thank you Ensign; and, thank you all very much for the good wishes. If you'll continue, Ensign?" I prompt her for the answer to the questions.
She responds. "First, you asked – why an Empire? I believe that an imperial form of government was chosen to rest all real authority in one place. Having an Empire eliminates all intermediate levels of government such as state governments.
Then, you asked – why not a democracy? I believe we live under as Democratic a system as we can handle. We have proven we cannot deal with the diffusion of a true democracy. We operate like one; but, there is one person to shake out the wrinkles, when we have difficulties. The Constitution allows the Legislative Assembly to essentially run the government; but, gives the Emperor final say. Our Emperor pretty much rubber st
amps everything the assembly does. That seems to be the same pattern followed by the five emperors who preceded him. In two hundred years, those six people have only stepped in a couple of times each. In those cases, they prevented issues from stagnating, when a consensus could not be reached; or, when a piece of legislation could have been harmful to the overall well-being of the Empire.
Then, you asked – why would a dictatorial state want a constitution? I believe, the previous answer proves this one. I feel the people who established this Empire always wanted its citizens to have a representative government. But, they looked back at the past and created the best system they could that would allow for representation, but have a failsafe means to eliminate the failings experienced by past government.
Then you asked, why the Constitution enshrines rights. I believe it is to ensure the population that no one is trying to put them under the yoke of oppression. I also think that, it was a means of establishing what is acceptable and what is not. I say this; because, the Constitution also spells out null rights; which are, in effect, rights we do not have.
You asked – why is religion forbidden. I believe it is because, in the past, people used religion as a means to circumvent other sections of the Constitution. It was also used as a basis for political philosophies and was very divisive, in this way. Finally, religion was the source of many terrorist uprisings; and, the reason for many wars that had been fought throughout Earth's history. Personally, I've always believed that religion is men telling other men how they think God wants them to live their lives. I also believe it has been used as a means to control the masses. I think the next question about representation was answered in the replies for all the previous questions.
Your final question is – why is separation forbidden, in the Constitution? I honestly think that the question of separation from a state you joined willingly is a specious one. The cessation of a region from an existing sovereignty would destabilize the remaining territory and the region that separates. It would be absolute pandemonium. Separation affects the state of your economy, your military, the Legislative Assembly and the distribution of districts within the Empire. It may also serve to place a future enemy on, or within, your borders. So, it also creates a severe security problem." The young Ensign finished as he took his seat.
Righteous Reign Page 4