As far as weaponry is concerned, everything is based on multiples of the weapons on the Frigates. They are equipped with ten, twelve-port missile launchers capable of launching the small fission and antimatter ones; in addition to, the larger fusion and antimatter missiles. These launchers are scattered around the upper deck and keel; with several attached on port and starboard hull plating. Port and starboard bow and stern torpedo ports are capable of dispatching two antimatter torpedoes from each position. Each of the cannon mount assemblies peppered over the fore and aft decks is fitted with two one-hundred-megawatts two-and-a-half-meter neutral particle cannons and several dual kinetic rail guns firing three-ton, two-meter long depleted uranium spears that achieve velocities of sixteen kilometers a second within one kilometer of the gun muzzle; generating concussive force of fifteen kilotons with deep piercing capabilities. Particle cannons are used on targets from very close proximity to fifteen kilometers range. Rail Guns are used between ten kilometers and fifty thousand kilometers range on both enemy ships and planetary targets. An enemy vessel within the overlap will be treated to an assault by both types of cannons. These cannon units are always mounted around the bow and stern upper deck plate; and, several assemblies are mounted along the center of that deck plating and the keel; with many more gracing the sides of the vessel. Arial bombardment capability is achieved by dropping six-meter long, six-ton, depleted uranium filled tungsten rods from high orbit. These “gods’ rods” will generate a fifteen kiloton force; reaching speeds of over eighteen kilometers per second, in a One-G environment, on impact; and, have very deep penetration capabilities by virtue of their hardness and shape. Cruisers sport one and a half times the same weaponry. Carriers are equipped with double that of the Frigates along with their one-man fighter craft. A Frigate’s power systems and gravity generating main particle accelerator can supply the cannons indefinitely. With stores full, the rail guns would be capable of firing two thousand shots per assembly. A Frigate stocks nearly five hundred fission missiles, one hundred fusion ones and five hundred chemical ones, in addition to one hundred of the six ton rods. Ships’ weapons stores are proportionate by vessel size to those of the Frigate, except for the Carriers; which store an additional two hundred fusion type and one thousand chemical missiles for their Raptors.
A supply vessel is essentially the same size as a carrier without the upper island. Only six decks take up the space of twelve on a carrier. Each deck has the height needed for massive stacked storage.
The super carrier class vessels are a hundred and fifty percent scale of the standard carrier class. They are truly behemoths. At eight hundred sixty-five meters in length by three hundred thirty abeam; with seventeen decks, towering one hundred eighty-six meters above the keel, not including peripherals like antennae and weapons; they are rated at six hundred forty-two thousand metric tonnes displacement. There are thirty-six hundred officers and crew involved in ships operations. Three thousand marines and somewhere around forty-four hundred Command Staff personnel are also housed in these ships. With civilian contractors and family members, over twelve thousand three hundred are aboard each super carrier. These vessels house two hundred twenty fighter-class Raptors; though, full strength is considered to be two hundred. In addition, they are the supply depots for the Fleets they serve; so, it takes three hundred thirty logistics personnel, just to handle movement of supplies. By comparison, the standard carrier class vessels house thirty-five hundred operational staff, four hundred Fleet and Group command personnel and sixteen hundred marines. One hundred ten Raptors are attached to standard carriers. These standard carriers carry only the supplies and materials they would need for two weeks’ operations; which is why each Task Force is accompanied by two supply vessels travelling between the Fleet and the Theatre Command to maintain an inventory to draw from.
George called his Chief of Staff and the Chief's senior team to his quarters. They sat about for an hour discussing what this promotion actually meant for him; and how, he could really make anything out of the position; or, would he still just really be a Group Commander. Bryant made it clear that, he liked and respected Blackman and did not want it to become a source of friction. In the end, they realized that the only real advancement was when Blackman went on leave. Technically, he would enjoy a little more authority. The Delegation of Authority portion of the Rules and Regulations automatically doubled his autonomous financial approval level, with the change in rank. But, that really meant very little; because, anything he did would be based on a Fleet Plan approved by Blackman. One additional benefit under the same section was the right to make tactical decisions, on his own. The decision at RCB had not been without risk. The kind of action he took was mandated; but, the regulation stipulated that, a Fleet Commander had that authority. He had been relatively certain Blackman would back him when, he wrote his orders; but, there had been a risk. In the DOA section, it gave responsibilities to the Empire by Rank; regardless of position. The authority to declare war on behalf of the Empire for the specific purposes of quelling a rebellion; stopping terrorist actions; and, repelling an enemy attack was clearly granted to an officer, in a tactical field command, at the level of Rear Admiral, or above. Since no Rear Admirals held tactical commands, until now, it had always been understood that only a Vice Admiral and above could assume the responsibility. But, armed with that section, George would no longer have had to worry about doing something that was clearly his duty. By the time they broke up, Bryant knew that, things would not be a lot different; but, he was sure of the benefits, responsibilities and authority that would emanate from the promotion and change in position. He questioned his Chief about preparations for the special event to be held in Hangar Two, late the next day.
On his own, he continued to search the Regulations. He needed to know his operational limits. How large a Command Staff was he permitted? What rank could he elevate his chief to? There was no precedent. There were lots of Rear Admirals commanding support departments in Headquarters, Quadrant Commands and Theatre Commands. But, there were none posted to tactical positions in field Commands. He was not sure what kind of access to the Fleet Commander's staff, he could expect. He had not needed it before; because there was not a defined Chain of Command without the Commander. Now, he would definitely be in command, when Blackman was absent. There would be no conflict between him and the other Group Commander or; between him and the Brigadier Commanding the attached marines. He would now outrank both.
That's enough for this session. I have things I must attend to. Dismissed!" Brubacher finished the recitation to the Junior Officers; who immediately began to rise and gather up belongings.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot; I've sent you all two more handouts. The first puts things in historical context. The second one is much more detailed." He called out; as, he turned and made a quick exit.
Chapter 6 Bryant
Wednesday June 2, 2247
"Ability will never catch up with the demand for it." Confucius
George Bryant has always been a man who keeps his cool; so, the frantic pace things moved at on June 2 didn't really seem to faze him. He was advised late on June 1 that, he was required in a meeting at Dickinson's office, at eight hundred hours on June 2nd. He rose at five hundred thirty, went for a jog through the corridors, did his workout in the gym and returned and ordered breakfast. When it arrived, he was sitting at the provided desk working; having shaved, showered and dressed in a daily uniform.
When he arrived at the required meeting, he was surprised to see Vice Admiral Blackman, Admiral Dickinson, Fleet Admiral Williamson and the back of a fourth person already seated opposite Beldura Gogorra, the Theatre Six Commander. As he came deeper into the room to pay the required respects, the changing perspective finally allowed him to see the attire of the un-known attendee. Though he was shocked to see Edward III, he did not show it outwardly; the benefit of a decade and a half of
intense poker games.
Edward III had assumed the throne in 2215. Though, now in his late sixties, Edward cut an impressive figure. Tall, erect and regal in stature, he still sported a full head of black hair; though it was heavily streaked and sprinkled with steel gray. He wore no glasses; and, George guessed the teeth in the smile were all his own. He wore the traditional uniform of the throne. A black double breasted jacket sported a triple braid gold aiguillette hanging from the right shoulder epaulet, looping under the right arm and branching off to secure it on a gold button on the right breast jacket pocket; so as, to drape gently in on the right breast; and, a variety of regal medals dangled at the left breast. Embroidered gold crowns, on black shoulder boards trimmed in gold braid, accented both epaulets sewn into each shoulder of the jacket. Finely fitted and well pressed black slacks were adorned with gold piping; running down the outside seam of each leg. His military boots were polished to a high sheen.
George stopped at attention, saluted and said; "Commodore Bryant reporting, as ordered."
"Rest easy, George; and, take a seat." It was obvious, Williamson was in command, here.
"George, I'd like to introduce you to Edward III, our Emperor.' He said to Bryant; then, turned to the Emperor. 'Sir, this is Commodore George T. Bryant."
"I wanted to present your award; and, to meet you personally, George." The Emperor said; after the two had exchanged greetings. George noted the ease and warmth of the Monarch’s smile.
"It is my pleasure, sir. I am honored." George responded without the usual awe of a first time acquaintance.
"Will you walk with me?' Edward said as he motioned to the door. 'If, you'll excuse us gentlemen; we'll be back in a few minutes." All others rose, in respect, as the two men left the room.
"George, I thought you might be a man I want to know. I can see by your record and your reaction to me that, you too are one of them! There are a few others. These people have my confidence. I trust them with my life. And, I feel you are a man of principal that, I could trust with my life." Edward paused; apparently seeking a response.
"Sir, I am not blindly loyal to your position, or the Empire. I am loyal because you earn that respect. You basically let your subjects run the Empire and only step in to resolve problems. You make sure we are well provided for. You are not a tyrant. But, if you were, I could not honestly say you'd have my loyalty." George said quietly; as, the two men negotiated the corridor.
"That's exactly what I mean. You are highly principled; and, you're frank. You are not afraid to speak your mind. Since Edward I, the Delnikovs have always had a few people they could really count on. People who wanted the best for the citizens of the Empire; without currying favor or profit - like Tom McCracken. And though we have tried to be beneficent, my family has had to be brutal at times. Look what you had to do on Rho Corona Borealis, in my name. But, the past taught that, some things do not work if people are to have true freedom. Some things are just not good for us. Anyway, my family has always sought to turn all authority over to the people. Each Emperor has watched for the right time; and, looked for the right way. I hope, I am the one to achieve success. But, I will not be able to do it alone. Though my inner group always remains loyal, they are ready to help me execute the change, at a moment’s notice. But, some find the status quo very comfortable and will resist change. So, it will take some effort; if, it is to happen. When the time is right, I will call on you. In the meantime, I would like us to remain in contact; and maybe even become friends." Delnikov finished.
"Sir, I would be honored to help; and, to be a friend." George responded.
"Good, I'm glad that's settled. You will still have to make it the rest of the way up the chain of command, on your own. I don't show favoritism. But, I have no doubt that, you will be at the top soon enough, on your own. In the meantime, I want to thank you for your great service and for your quick action at Rho. If you had waited for approval from your superiors, RCB may be gone; and, we'd be in a war with a planet within our own boundaries. I also want to congratulate you on your impending promotion, now. By the way, I know of your planned event in Hangar Two. I have figured out what you're up to. I am a great fan, too. I will be there." The Emperor offered with a smile, as they now sauntered toward Williamson's office.
"Okay Blackie, the meeting's yours." Dickinson said.
"George, I know this promotion is a means of getting you a little closer to your own fleet. But, I want it to really count for something. Though, I will always have the last say, we will divide up Fleet responsibilities. You are permitted to increase your staff accordingly; and, you'll have full access to mine. In addition, though, I don't know what Theatre, Quadrant or HQ will do, you will have level nine security access, within the Fleet. That's the same as my own. If, no promotion comes along in the next nine months, we'll switch responsibilities. By the time you get a fleet of your own, you'll have done it all, on a regular basis." Blackman said with a smile.
"Thank you for the confidence, sir." George responded with a smile.
"George, you have my full confidence, too. I have approved Admiral Blackman's plan, for you. And you'll have level nine access at Theatre Command, too. You'll need it, if you have that access in the Fleet." Admiral Gogorra interjected.
"Okay Gents, we better break this up. It's nine hundred hours. We have to be in the hall in our monkey suits, soon." Williamson said with a smile as they all rose.
At the dais on stage an hour later, Williamson made a short speech about the auspicious occasion to the crowd that included a great deal of representation from the Borealis Fleet. Then, he called Bryant to the stage, for the award; as, he nodded to the Emperor who came to his side.
"OESA Command Order number 215903-9201 - To all citizens within the limits of the Orion Empire; comprising all space within a region extending in a spheroid one hundred light years from the Orion Empire central government, at planet Earth; by order of the C&C and Quadrant 3 Commander as prescribed by OESA regulations and protocol; George T. Bryant has been awarded the OESA Award of Tactical Excellence for swift action eliminating a possible civil war and preventing a threat to the government, property and citizens of the Orion Empire. This action was in response to a rebellion and was completed on May 21, 2247 at Rho Corona Borealis. Signed - Fleet Admiral David Williamson May 31, 2247." He read the order as George stood in front of him at attention; then, Edward III pinned the medal on his left breast pocket. Both presenters stepped back and saluted Bryant. Williamson handed him the warrant and ribbon and congratulated him. The audience of eight thousand stood in applause.
He repeated the same procedure for the promotion; accompanied by Admirals Gogorra and Blackman. Williamson and Gogorra each replaced one collar and one shoulder pin with the new ones displaying two silver stars atop a silver number eight. They stepped back into line with Blackman. All three saluted Bryant.
"Ladies and gentlemen - officers and enlisted personnel - members of the press - Emperor Edward III - may I present to you Rear Admiral George T. Bryant" Blackman announced; as the audience rose to its feet and applauded.
The procedure was repeated a third time for the order assigning George to the position of Assistant Borealis Fleet Commander; this time by Gogorra. Applause was heavy.
The Emperor rose to his feet and took the podium.
"Hello everyone. I thought I should be here today. George Bryant did a great service for the Empire that probably resulted in saving millions of lives. I thought the least I could do was show my gratitude. He is an exemplary officer with extraordinary ability, who should continue to rise rapidly. I will watch his career with interest. Thank you Admiral Bryant; and, good luck." He finished as he shook George's hand. George was surrounded by members of the press corps; as he stepped off the stage. They called to the Emperor for pictures of the two men together.
All attended the luncheon and the reception. It was a fine day. Then, they disbanded with those in residence returning to quarters.
At eighteen hundr
ed hours the doors to Hangar Two opened. People filing into the bleachers were truly amazed at what lay before them on the deck below. The floor was overlaid with green turf lined in a diamond pattern with white lime lines. Three square canvas bags and a funny shaped plate were spaced atop the naked sand bed at the corners of a ninety-foot square turned on its points, like a diamond. In the center of this, twenty meters from the plate, the sand rose twenty-five centimeters above field level into a six-meter diameter mound with a narrow white two-foot-long plate at its center. Though some had never seen this before, many more were familiar with the baseball diamond they were looking down on; which was complete with two teams of twenty-five players, managers, coaches, umpires and scorekeepers. A dais stood on the mound.
Admiral Bryant in white and blue with a baseball mitt under his arm approached the mound.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to what I hope will be the first annual Theatre Five baseball game.
For those who don't know the game, I will tell you that, it was played professionally on Earth, until the near apocalypse. More than thirty teams in major cities vied for supremacy in America. There were also professional leagues in many other countries around the globe. Players were paid large salaries for their skills. It was even a sport of the Summer Olympic Games. We in Borealis play the game fairly regularly.
A player, known as a pitcher, stands on this mound and throws a ball to an opposing player standing at that plate with a bat in his hand. The batter attempts to hit the pall pitched to him by the pitcher. As you will see, this is easier said than done. The pitcher uses all kinds of trick throws to attempt to fool the batter. The pitcher is attempting to throw the ball anywhere over that seventeen-inch-wide plate at a height between the batter's knees and armpits. If he succeeds and the batter does not swing this is a strike against the batter. It is also a strike; if, the batter swings and misses; or, if he hits the ball; but, it travels outside those white lines. If the pitcher throws outside the strike zone and the batter does not swing; it is a ball. If the count reaches four balls, the batter gets a free pass to first base. This is called a walk. If the count reaches three strikes the batter is out. Each team gets three outs in each inning. A team gets their turn hitting; until their three outs. Then, they take the field; and, the other team gets their turn to bat. There are nine innings. The object is to hit the ball or get a walk and make it to the farthest base you can. Any batter going around the bases and crossing back over home plate scores a run. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. The pitcher's team, in the field has a player at each base, one between second and third base and three in the outfield. Their object is to get the batter out. If the batter hits a ball in the air, their job is to catch it before it hits the ground. In that case he is out. If a ball is hit on the ground, or in the air and is not caught in flight, the object of the defenders is to get it to the base before the runner gets there. If they succeed the runner is out. If not, he is safe and can stay at the base. He advances to each successive base on the following batters hits or walks. We have prepared a handout for you; and, many of the other spectators know the game; so, don't be afraid to ask them. You can use the paper handout; or use your internal interface to access the file in the Theatre Entertainment folder. The file is titled baseball. My description has been brief. There is really a lot more to the game and its rules than I have described to you. At times, it will seem boring. At other times it is exciting. But, it is always a game of great skill and strategy. My team is called the Eagles and Admiral Blackman's team is called the Cougars. Pick a team and cheer us on. We hope you enjoy the game. We want to win, of course; but, our job tonight is to entertain you. It is our gift to our fellow personnel." Admiral Bryant finished to a loud round of cheers and applause.
Righteous Reign Page 8