Admiral George T. Bryant
George laughed out loud, when a reply came back a few minutes later. The C&C must have everything composed and ready. They must be transmitting it all this way just to keep it in logical sequence.
HQ Administrative Action Order #OESA-Admin-49-3248
To: Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile Command
From: OESA C&C
Cc: Orion Empire Secretary of Defense, Office of the First Minister, Emperor Edward III
Sub: Promotion
Date: June 8, 2249
You are ordered and required to appear and report to the C&C of the OESA at eight hundred hours on Monday June 15, 2249, at the office of Fleet Admiral Brian Dickinson at Headquarters on Rigil, for a meeting in the presence of the Emperor.
After the meeting, we will relocate to the public amphitheater for your elevation to the rank of (Level 11) Admiral and your assignment as Commander of Mobile Fifth RAC.
Further, you have been nominated and approved for the award known as The Emperor's Award of Special Distinction for your performance in recently repelling a large invading force. The award will be presented immediately after your assignment ceremony.
Numerous promotions and reassignments will occur during these ceremonies; so allow at least two hours for the completing of all objectives in this presentation.
A short reception will be held at twelve hundred hours.
A dinner will be held in your honor at nineteen hundred hours in the dining hall.
You are permitted to invite up to five hundred guests to the promotion ceremony and up to twenty-five guests to the dinner. The reception is a closed function. You may only invite your spouse to this event.
We are most pleased to be presenting you this elevation, senior assignment and award. We look forward to seeing you.
Fleet Admiral Brian Dickinson OESA C&C
Fleet Admiral David Williamson OESA C&C
Command Administrative Action Request # 5Mob RAF - 49 - 001
Date: June 8, 2249
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC (pending)
Cc: Orion Empire Secretary of Defense, Office of the First Minister, Emperor Edward III
Date: June 8, 2249
Regarding your recent offer to me and my pending assignment to Commander of Fifth Mobile RAC there are several promotions and reassignments I need to place into nomination; so Fifth Mobile RAC can hit the ground running.
My requests are based on the fact that Theatre Nomenclature will continue in the format and fashion it has been.
That I will be able to choose naming convention for my Fleets (I have chosen unused constellation names)
That, I'll be able to choose the naming convention for my Carriers and thus my Groups. (I have chosen names based on Viking Myths and Legends
Based on the above;
1. Theatres will be designated as Theatre Nine and Theatre Ten
2. Boots Fleet will become Aquarius Fleet
3. Draco Fleet will become Sagitta Fleet
4. Pisces Fleet will become Phoenix Fleet
5. Eridani Fleet will become Pegasus Fleet
I would like to nominate the following officers to the designated ranks and positions
1. V. Admiral Grace Tonaka to Theatre Nine Commander elevated to rank Admiral Level10
2. V. Admiral Palakiko to Theatre Ten Commander elevated to rank Admiral Level 10
3. R. Admiral S. Nichols to Aquarius Fleet Commander elevated to V Admiral
4. R. Admiral T. Stevens to Sagitta Fleet Commander elevated to V Admiral
5. R. Admiral T. Moahu to C.O.S. Mobile Fifth RAF elevated to V Admiral
6. L Gen. I. Malcolm to Marine Army Command 5th elevate to General (10)
7. Com M. Bryant remains in position elevate to V. Admiral (9) *
I will be able to permanently elevate and assign all others within my command to levels required and assignments needed to establish a complete chain of command, under my own authority as Commander Mobile Fifth RAC.
* Was instrumental in reaching peace agreement in the war just ended.
There are several people I would like to present Command level awards to for special service during the recent war.
Two additional nominations will follow for elevations of Marine Officers to the Level of Lt General for each Theatre Command Marine Corps. These may have to be completed within our command, after your approval.
However, I would like to nominate others for recognition at HQ level
1. V. Admiral Grace Tonaka for bravery in the face of overwhelming odds
2. V. Admiral Palakiko for bravery in the face of overwhelming odds
3. R Admiral S. Nichols for Tactical Excellence on the field of battle
4. L. General Ian Malcolm for bravery and original thinking under great pressure on the field of battle
5. Commodore Marie Bryant for distinction in her invaluable assistance to achieve a peace agreement.
Details of their invaluable and incalculable performance can be found within the logs of the past two months submitted to HQ.
It would be appreciated if these promotions, assignments and awards could be completed while Mobile Fifth is at HQ and before the mayhem we will face during expansion.
Admiral George T. Bryant
He sent the memo to the C&C and began calling in all the people; one at a time.
"Vice Admiral Grace Tonaka reporting, sir." Grace said from the doorway.
"Take a seat Grace, old friend. Read these. Start with the one on the screen. It's a memo from the C&C. Then read to the end." He sat in silence as she read.
"Say what?" She said to herself. "Just a minute; I have to read this again. I misunderstood something." There was a tremble in her voice, now.
"Admiral, I mean George; Oh...I don't know what to say." She seemed very shaky.
"Just say yes. We'll shake hands; and you can go have a meltdown in your own office." He said with a smile.
"Oh...Yes...Yes...Yes!' she yelped. 'And, thank you. I won't disappoint you." There were tears on her cheeks as she shook his hand.
"You may not talk to anyone about this yet. The others on the list do not know, yet. When I talk to others, I will send them to your office; so, you can all discuss it, privately." He said with a smile.
"Yes sir." She said as she left. He watched her for a bit as he called for Palakiko. Grace was so shaken, he thought she might faint.
"Vice Admiral Palakiko reporting as requested, sir." Pal was at his door.
He repeated the same procedure with Pal. And to his surprise, this sassy, no nonsense woman reacted just like Grace.
After that, it was Nichols. He handled it the same way with one difference. After Nichols agreed and swore to silence, George told him he wanted Stephen to handle the acquisitions again. "I know it’s a very tough job. This time its fifty times bigger. But, you are the best man for this Stephen. You've done it very well, before. It will mean leaving your new Fleet in the hands of one of your Task Force Commanders. I know that can be tough. Will you do it?" Bryant asked.
"Of course sir. There would never be a question of whether or not I would do something you asked for." Nichols responded.
"Okay, I'm sure you want to talk to someone about this; so, head to Grace's office." Admiral Bryant said as he stood and offered his hand.
Next, he called in Stevens. He followed the same procedure. He assured Stevens he'd catch up to Grace soon. He told him Pal was a mover and shaker who'd get a Quadrant soon. He'd get the next Theatre Command opening. Stevens told him he was just glad his career was moving again and not to worry about it. He was sworn to secrecy and sent to Grace's office.
He handled the rest including Marie exactly the same way. Then, he and Marie walked to Graces' office, together. They closed the door behind them, when they got to Grace's place. The eigh
t were comfortable there; so, they told jokes and laughed a lot, for a while.
The next day he called in Nichols, first thing.
"Steven, can you check the yards and see if any super carriers are under construction?" George asked.
"Already done, sir. I checked on all vessels under construction. There's two Cruisers at 44 Bootis not earmarked for anyone and one for Columba fleet. At Rigil shipyard number one, there are two standard carriers. One is earmarked to replace the one severely damaged in the war. One is earmarked to replace one in Mensa Fleet under the lifetime program. We could push for that one.
Shipyard two has two super carriers under construction. Completion time on one is fourteen weeks. The other is six months off. They were supposed to be partially completed and held for the lifetime program. Earth shipyard has three frigates under construction; but, they're replacing destroyed vessels. But here's a good one. There's now a second shipyard there, too. They are building subs and frigates; but, the subs are the focus there. They have two uncommitted subs finished and a frigate almost done. Then, there's the new shipyards at 61 Virgo. Three new yards were put into service in space and a host of production plants on the ground six months ago. They are building the entire line. There's a finished super carrier at yard one, there. It's not spoken for. Yard two has two regular carriers finished that are unclaimed and yard three has two unclaimed Cruisers. It seems the C&C anticipated you losing a lot more ships than you did. They stepped up production to meet the expected demand. I think you want to put in the word for all the untagged vessels; while, the C&C and Emperor still think you can walk on water." He laughed.
"Good job Steven. Send me the list. I'll have Moe claim them, right now. Then we'll apply a little pressure on promotion day.' He laughed. 'You never cease to amaze me, Steven." He said with a smile as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Amaze is a good thing; isn't it?" Stephen said with a smile as he headed out the door.
Bryant called in Moe. He passed on the list and asked him to requisition it all for Fifth Mobile RAC for distribution throughout the Command.
By June 2250, Fifth Mobile RAC was way ahead of schedule. They had all the mobile command centers and their escort flotillas. The Mobile Fifth Flag Ship was christened the Valhalla. Theatre Nine's Vessel was the Midgard and Theatre Ten's was the Asgard. The command was sporting four Fleets per Theatre. Carina, Columba, Centaur and Delphiniums had been added at full strength since last May. Fifth Mobile and its two Theatre Commands were at around half-staff. Everyone had to work hard. But, it was enough staff to handle the half strength Command. They had received two of the ten supply ships that would keep the three command ship warehouses full. Both hospital ships were being assembled in a special yard. One would be ready this time next year and the other six months later. But, despite shortfalls Bryant felt he could exert real power immediately, if Mobile Fifth had to. They were regularly conducting patrol assistance. There are always issues in an Empire the size of Orion. They had used their great resources to help at two natural disaster sites. Things had gone full tilt; since last year's promotions and awards. Staffing was an issue. The service had to establish two additional Academies; one technical the other command. The OESA needed an additional twenty thousand graduates per year over the next four years on top of the ten thousand they would have normally had; just to keep on target. Distribution of graduates was done on a fair and equitable basis. For every new cadet the Fifth took, they could draw an experienced person from each of the other Quadrants who then had to replace them with Academy grads. That way, everyone got the same number of raw graduates and experienced personnel. Personnel often complained that they moved so much flesh every day they were like a meat market. But, everyone knew the importance of staying on track.
By June 2251, Fifth Mobile was up to six fleets per Theatre Command with the addition of the Grus, Vulpecula, Ursa Minor and Scutum Fleets. To date the Carriers were the Odin, Thor, Freyja, Mjolnir, Loki, Baldr, Embla, Sif, Freyr, Geror, Gefjon and Tyr. Theatre One had the hospital ship Joan of Arc fully staffed and functional, at this point.
By June 2252, things had really changed. Mobile Fifth was still growing at a steady rate. The past year had seen a slight slowdown in construction and the earmarking of several vessels for other Fleets to fulfill the lifetime program and to fill the last holes in the other Quadrants caused by the war a couple of years before. But that wasn't where things were really popping. In December 2251, after nearly fifty years of service at the age of seventy-one Fleet Admiral David Williamson retired, effective the end of the year. He had been C&C for thirty-five years. The position was immediately offered to Bill Stephenson. He was elevated to Fleet Admiral and assigned as C&C by the Defense Secretary with assent of the counsel and the Emperor. He searched for a replacement. The five Commands discussed it with him and Dickinson several times. George pulled him aside one night in early January.
"Bill there's only one person to replace you. A very good manager. An excellent tactician; and deep knowledge of Quadrant Three." George told him.
"Yeah, who's that?" He asked past the rim of his glass as he tipped it for another sip of scotch.
"The only person I know, who could do for Three what you did, is Grace Tonaka. She's been a "ten" for two years, now. She was instrumental in our battles during the war. She's great with people; and, she knows your policies; and, would continue most of them. She always felt that Three had the best Quadrant Commander." Bryant responded with a grin.
"Yeah, maybe. But, I got to think it over a bit." There was a slur in his voice.
But, the next day, the C&C offered her the Command. She accepted the proposal.
But, it didn't stop there. It was less than a month after Grace stepped up to the plate that Gogorra resigned. His career had stalled and he would be on full pension at an Admiral 10 rate, anyway; so, he retired. Grace offered Tom Stevens the job.
After the promotion of Tonaka to Quadrant Three Commander, George held her spot open for a while. He had been aware of her dislike of Gogorra; and, believed he would not stay on with her in charge. When Tom Stevens took the position, He offered Stephen Nichols the position of Theatre Nine Commander. On February 1, 2252, Steven Nichols was elevated to Admiral Level Ten and assigned as Theatre Commander. He had two other nominations approved and filled the two Fleet Commander positions open at the time.
By June 2253, the other eight supply vessels were in place. Parts of the last two Fleets for each Theatre Command were there. The three Command vessel staffs were at seventy-five percent of full strength; though some ships in the Fleets were on four and some on the full five shift rotations It was slow going, now. Ship yards had run full tilt, since the war. Another two had opened in February but had not put out a finished vessel, yet. The originals had closed for a two-month break starting April 15, 2253. It was Nichols who detected the sheer exhaustion most of the workers were experiencing. He started watching as quality fell and mistakes and accidents increased. It wasn't long before he realized it was systemic. Bryant contacted the C&C on Nichols advice. Fear of severe work place injuries or death led to the shut downs. No one could fault them. They had done everything asked of them, for more than two years. They were all sent on "vacation" at full wages. Hopefully, everyone would return fully rested on June 15. They were well ahead of schedule; so, the delay didn't affect the original projections.
Mobile Fifth RAC started receiving the first of the twenty-four extra frigates in October of 2254. Theatre Nine was assigned the Shenzhen on December 10, that year. She had been through proving and pre-trials and had a light cruise, when she came home to Theatre Nine. On December 15, 2254, once her new crew had been designated, Lt. Cmdr. Kurt Brubacher was promoted to Commander and assigned as her Captain. The next two months were spent in heavy shake down cruises and crew drills. By the end of February 2255 the Shenzhen was running smoothly. It was ready for full reconnaissance missions; and, Fifth Mobile RAC assets were at full complement; while, personnel were almos
t there - at ninety-four percent.
Chapter 13 On My Way to The Top
Wednesday August 22, 2255
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
It was eleven hundred hours, when we docked the Shenzhen at the Midgard, the Theatre Nine Flag Ship. It was pretty standard for me to report in, when returning to base. I made my way to Admiral Nichols office.
"Captain Brubacher reporting, sir." I stood at attention.
"Hi Captain. Relax and take a seat." He mumbled without looking up from the document that held his attention.
"Sorry Kurt, I didn't want to lose my place. It's the patrol schedule for next week for both Theatres. What can I do for you?" He asked.
"Sir, we're just back from HD 156668 via Sigma Corona Borealis. We took the long way back; so, we could rest our engines for a day at Sigma. I gave most of the crew the day on Sigma. It's really beautiful there." I explained.
"It's nice you gave your crew some shore-leave; but, why did you have to rest your engines? Nichols asked.
"Because, I disobeyed your orders, sir. I brought the cargo vessel back with me; and, additional evidence from the pirate ship. Sir, I did it because, the towing unit of the cargo ship has a lot of evidence that pertains to the charges. Your experts just wanted pictures and samples; but my own criminal investigator said the cargo ship hull was important evidence itself; so, I hauled it back." I explained.
"So, you believe the criminal investigator we sent was wrong; but, your embedded one was right." Nichols statement was really and inquiry.
"Not really, sir. I didn't know which one was right. And, to my amateur eye, the hull does look like evidence. So, instead of being wrong and losing the case in court or not convicting of the more serious charges, I thought I'd take my licking from you. I really want the privateers to pay for what they did. It was murder, piracy, theft, destruction of private property, resisting; and, there is evidence of a lot of other incidents that is aboard the pirate vessel. Your man wanted us to leave it behind, too. Since, I thought it might lead to additional charges, I brought it back, anyway." I finished my explanation.
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