I am still aboard the Loki; winding up business. May I see you, now. It is important.
I receive a reply inviting me down to her office, immediately.
"Captain Brubacher and Commander Elasima reporting for our meeting, sir." I announce, while at attention.
"Relax gentlemen; and, take a seat, please. What's on your mind Captain?"
"Sir, I have to ask a delicate question, at the risk of my new command and off the record; if that's okay with you." I tell her
"Go ahead, Captain. We can make this unofficial; if you would like." She offers.
"Yes Admiral. I think that would be better. Admiral, can I ask when you were promoted to this level?" I speak softly and in my most apologetic tone.
"I was a Rear Admiral until a month ago. Phoenix is my first Fleet Command. Why do you ask?" She queries.
"Well sir; it's just that regulation stipulates that, no ship is to be run in normal operations; until, certified fit by her first Captain and that Captain's Executive Officer. The regulation on determining fitness are quite specific. There is a testing and shakedown operation that takes four to eight weeks; depending on any required repairs." I am still speaking softly.
"Good catch, Captain. I do remember that regulation; but, have never been in this situation before. I had completely forgotten it." She responds admiringly.
"There's more Admiral." I offer.
"Go ahead, Captain. Let me have both barrels." She laughs as she makes the statement.
"Sir, regulations also state that no Senior Flag officer shall even board an uncertified vessel. This is because the loss of a Vice Admiral in a ship's mishap would be too great." I advise her softly.
"Good catch, again. I don't even have to check. Though I'd forgotten it, I remember that clause, too. What do you propose we do?"
"Well sir, I would welcome you making Loki your flag vessel, after we certify it; but, I recommend you move to a certified vessel ASAP. Then, we should take Loki through the procedure." I offer in a more commanding voice.
"Who can supervise the procedure?" She asked.
"I have taken part in two certifications under Admiral Nichols, when he supervised the first expansion of Boots Fleet. I also ran the certification program for the Shenzhen. The first assigned Captain is supposed to supervise the process, anyway; so, why don't I run it, Admiral? I ask.
"Yes, that would be good; but, what about the war college?" She asks.
"It's no problem. I will still attend. I have prepared a manual on the proofing procedure. Commander Elasima will take the ship through the static testing phase; reporting to me at each step. The ship can remain right here at Midgard. It shouldn't be moving position for the next two weeks. Then, I will board the Loki and take on the rest of the job myself. The Commander is fully aware of process. I will send you the manual, now.' I tap my pad; then continue. 'It is about a hundred and twenty pages long including the appendices. I've also held a meeting with the Loki's Senior Staff about this matter. I am sending you the transcript, now.' I tap my pad, again. 'If you’re in agreement with this, it would be wise for you to send a memo to Admiral Nichols telling him the Loki is out of service pending certification; you are leaving it at Midgard, during the testing phase; and that, you are moving your flag. Don't mention me in the memo. It doesn't matter who brought this matter up. It only matters that, you are following regulations." I finish.
"This brings up another problem, Captain." The Admiral says.
"What's that, sir?" I ask.
"I took over the Fleet when it was almost completely formed. I don't know which other ships may not be certified." The Admiral offers.
"That's easy to check, Admiral. The certifying officer has to go to the Fleet Commander and present the documents. The Fleet Commander then orders the ship into service. If you go to the previous Fleet Commander's logs, you should be able to match the orders to the vessels. Your COS can probably help you with that; especially if, the chief was the previous Commander's, too." I explain.
"Very Good thinking, Captain. Your supporters are right. You are a bright one. Anything else?" The Admiral asks.
"One more thing, Admiral. After the ceremony; when, I am actually in command of Loki; you should write me an order grounding the vessel and order me to conduct or supervise testing and shakedown of the vessel. You should copy that order to Admiral Nichols. It officially accounts for the grounding and inactivity of the ship." I advise.
"You sure know which side your bread is buttered on!" She responds admiringly.
"I was taught by the best. When you spend most of your career under the watch of Admiral Bryant and under Admiral Nichols wing, you learn the right way." I answer.
"Why such a close bond; if, you don't mind me asking." She enquires.
"It's not in my file and it's not common knowledge; but I got off to a very bad start with both Admirals Bryant, as a midshipman. He was a Vice Admiral and she was a Lieutenant, at that time. They gave me a second chance; and, I made the most of it. Since then, they have always kept an eye on my performance and career. Admiral Nichols was enlisted in my cause by Admiral Bryant. The two have always been close. Since that one episode, I have always endeavored to give the OESA my very best. Before I do anything, I ask myself how it would be viewed by the service, Admiral Bryant and Admiral Nichols. That has always motivated and guided me." I explain.
"I won't ask about the details of the episode. Your academy records are excellent; and, your career has been exemplary; so, I will accept it at face value and tell you they tried to enlist me, too. And, you just sold me on your cause.
I just want to ask your Exec if he is sure of his responsibility in the testing and shakedown of the Loki' She enquires and watches as he nods his assent.
"Your both dismissed... and thank you." She says with a smile as we rise to leave.
When we'd both left the Admiral turned to her system and began to write.
From: Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix
To: Admiral Stephen Nichols Commander Theatre Nine
C.C. Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Loki (pending)
Re: ESS Loki Carrier Craft Vessel
Date: October 3, 2255
I am advising you that, it has come to my attention that the ESS Loki is currently uncertified. Due to this situation, I am taking it out of service, immediately. This may affect Phoenix patrols at the Group, Task or even Fleet level. I am also auditing to determine if any other recently acquired vessels or equipment have slipped through the cracks.
We are assembling a team to take the Loki through testing and shakedown cruises.
I will be temporarily moving my flag to a certified vessel. I will advise you, after completion of the audit determining which vessels are okay.
Vice Admiral Helena Leeds
From: Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix
To: Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Loki (pending)
C.C. Admiral Stephen Nichols Commander Theatre Nine
Re: ESS Loki Carrier Craft Vessel
Date: October 3, 2255
It has come to my attention that the ESS Loki is uncertified. First of all, I would like to apologize for any inconveniences this causes. The Loki was acquired just before I took command of Phoenix Fleet.
I wish to ask if you have had any experience in certifying a new vessel; since, the ship's first assigned Captain must sign off on its worthiness with the First Officer. Please immediately advise me of the role you may be capable of playing in completing this task.
Vice Admiral Helena Leeds
I send the following message as soon as I receive Admiral Leeds's memo.
From: Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Loki (pending)
To: Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet
C.C. Admiral Stephen Nichols Commander Theatre
Nine Commander, Commander Elasima Executive Officer ESS Loki
Re: ESS Loki Carrier Craft Vessel
Date: October 3, 2255
Admiral Leeds,
While in Boots Fleet, I participated in the certification of two vessels, including a Carrier, under the direction of then Commodore Stephen Nichols. This was during the first expansion acquisitions when Boots was expanded to four Groups. During the addition of Fifth Mobile I led the certification of the ESS Shenzhen and certified the vessel as its first Captain. During that process, I constructed a manual for the procedure; which can be easily modified for conducting the procedure on a Carrier Class Vessel. I will use my experience during testing of the Espanola and Admiral Nichols records of other Carrier certifications to modify the manual. I feel confident I can lead the process, delegating some of the testing portion to my new first officer, while I am aboard Midgard. I should find it easier with the Loki grounded at this location. I have met my new Exec; and, I have no reservations about Commander Elasima's abilities.
Captain Kurt Brubacher.
I don't know where the day has gone. It's thirteen thirty and I have to meet Admiral Nichols at his office an hour before the ceremony. I shuttle back the Midgard, shower dress and change.
At fifteen hundred, I am at his office.
"Come in, Captain; and, relax.' He waves me in. 'By all the mail that's flying around, it looks like you're having quite a day. Good catch, Kurt." He says through a grin.
"Sir?" I am playing stupid.
"Don't play dumb with me. Helena is very forthcoming. She sent the memos to cover all butts. But, she'd already called, face to face, and filled me in on everything. I know it was you who caught the mistake - or maybe mistakes; and, had the solutions all worked out. What'll happen on the Loki while, you're taking classes?" Nichols asks.
"I met with my Exec. Then, we met with the senior staff. Everyone has a plan for the testing and shakedowns. Elasima will run the daily testing, receive the reports and complete the Failure analysis for the day's operation. He will forward it to me, at the end of each day. I will examine it and counsel him on anything to look out for. With the Loki here, I can even take a run over and deal with him directly. But, I want to delegate it to him. I don't really want to mother him. The Loki will be done testing around the time I'm done with the courses; so, I will board and take over the slow cruise; which is the last of the testing. We will take her to where the crew can get a little rest; and, I will declare three days of rotating leaves. Then we will head back to the Fleet at twenty percent. The next weeks will be spent doing shakedown cruises that stress specific system. Repairs will be done as needed; including any that require dock time. I told the team that it's quality, and not speed, that matters in this process. We don't go to the next step if there are unresolved issues with the step before it. They seem to understand. They are aware of how attentive, professional and motivated they have to remain through the process; so, no one will die because of a failure. I'm sending you the manual I prepared for this. It's the bible we're all following. I am also forwarding the transcript of my staff meeting; which, I recorded." I finish as I tap on my data pad. Nichols opens the files, one at a time.
"This manual will take a while to look over; but, your meeting transcript looks great. This is the perfect example of why Bryant and I want to push you along. You are smart, authoritative, tactically skilled and a good manager. By your last command, I know that, this "tough love" displayed in the first meeting will turn into camaraderie. And, you have tact; as, you displayed in the way you handled Vice Admiral Leeds and tried to handle me. You can be trusted. I have asked Admiral Leeds to give you your head, when possible. If there is a Group situation and the Task Commander can't be there, she will give you temporary field command of the Group. That will give you experience and keep your whistle wet." Nichols explained.
We spend the next half hour just chatting about the old days with just two Groups, nearly four squads, no Mobile Fifth and no Task Commands; and, projecting the future based on where we are at now. It is relaxing and fun; but, at fifteen forty hours, Nichols rises.
"We better get going. It takes ten minutes to get there and another ten to get positioned. That's if everything goes to the schedule." He laughs.
We walk silently down the corridor. We exit the lift nine levels below on six and turn left heading for the large amphitheater. Everything goes like clockwork. I am reassigned, first; since, all other moves stem from that. The other promotions and assignments take another hour. By seventeen-thirty hours, we are on our way to a small dinner buffet. At nineteen hundred, I excuse myself and my senior officers. We have a lot to do. We grab a small meeting room on the same level of the Midgard.
"Have you all looked over the manual?' There are nine nods of assent.
'Anyone have any questions; or, observations?' I ask.
"Yes Captain, I do have an observation for the rest of the team. I went over the manual carefully; and, I believe that, if we follow it to the letter - and in sequence; we will find all consequential problems while maintaining a safe environment. I can see that, experience and a lot of thought went into this. I was also elected to be a kind of spokesperson. We all agree that you are not a hard-ass - you are just trying to look after our wellbeing. Some of us know people on the Shenzhen. We think you are concerned for our safety. We are happy you came along just in time to stop us from flying around in a potentially dangerous vessel. We will do the job as you asked us to do it.' The Lt. Commander was just about yelling as she looked around at her other officers. 'Let's welcome our new Captain." She finishes as she puts up her right arm.
The other eight do the same as they all call out in unison. "Rah." It is the traditional OESA cheer.
"We'll drop over to the Loki, in an hour to take a tour. I know the Carriers; but, I need to meet some of her crew and just chat with them a little. And, I want all of you with me; if, you don't mind. In the meantime, let's all head to the bar and have one to celebrate our good fortune." I suggested to a chorus of nods and verbal assents.
We all enjoy a drink together then shuttle over to the Loki; starting the tour in engineering. A party of ten of the ship's senior officer makes everyone nervous; so, we spend time in each department relaxing everyone. Then, we make small talk with them. We go to weapons, after an hour in engineering; then, to medical; repeating the same process, at each location. After three hours, I make my apologies to the other senior officers and tell them I must get back to the Midgard.
I am extremely busy during the two weeks of classes. They are intense. And, it’s an independent learning program; so, I pack in all I can. Some nights are spent travelling; so, I can be on another command vessel in time for a class. Though they are nearly fifteen light-years from each other, the two Theatre Commands are each only ten-light years from the Valhalla. So, by planning carefully, I can go from the Midgard to the Valhalla; take a class; then, go to the Asgard; take another class; then, go back to the Valhalla. This means I never have to travel more than eight hours in one shot.
Each night, I get reports from the Loki. Testing is going well. Fusion reactor one has a problem in its cooling system at one hundred ten percent of maximum volume. It was fixed by a specialist from the Midgard; so, we wouldn't have to take it to a dock. The shielding in one section of the ship is fluctuating, when we are drawing a lot of power for other systems and stressing the shield with energy hits. Loki's own engineering team found a loose power coupling and fixed it. Day five of the testing is the most frustrating. It involves the AMPE engines. They both cut out at power equivalent to thirty-five percent of light speed, in static testing. This is not good. We usually travel at twenty; but, can go up to forty percent in an emergency. During shakedown, we have to test it to forty-five percent. We are looking for a Failure Mode prediction of near sixty percent; not thirty percent.
All carriers have a great deal of engine expertise, on board. You don't want to be stranded in normal space thirty light years from h
elp with no FTL engines. It turns out to be a defective particle trap. One trap holds hydrogen particles; the other contains the anti-hydrogen. The hydrogen trap is cutting out as its field has to contain more particles, at higher demands. Though the anti-matter trap passed, it seems prudent to change it, too. Anti-matter protons coming in contact with the trap housing could destroy the ship. So, I order them to pull both and check out the numbers on them. They are from the same production run. I order them both replaced with ones from a different batch. Fortunately, the Midgard had stock. Ours is the same as the bad one. Day eight finds problems with two banks of fifteen dual cannon assemblies, in one of the gun placements. Again it turns out to be particle traps; which are the same as the ones in the AMPE engines. They have the same batch number, too. Again, we requisition two from the Midgard to replace the one in the failing unit and the other placement. Both the engines and the cannons test out to one hundred and ten percent; and, project to twenty million shots before failure. This is nearly double the requirement. Its excessive for the cannons; but, the engines could pulse twenty thousand times in one twenty light year trip. Day twelve brings problems with the Ion Propulsion. It is the field coil that magnetically accelerates gas to high speed just before charging. It is made by the same company that supplies the trap coils. By day fourteen, the testing phase is still not finished; as I leave the Midgard and board the Loki. I spend an hour going over the accumulated results with my XO. We still have twenty percent of the testing phase to complete; before, we can go on to the shakedown runs.
"Elasima, I am going to let you finish this phase. You are handling it just fine. I will spend my time on the bridge, studying for my program and visiting the crew. It will give me a chance to get to know a few more people." I explain.
"Thank you for the confidence, Captain. And, good luck with your studies." He responds.
Testing finally ends after three weeks. We found an unusual number of issues. Most related to one company's production. I prepare a preliminary report for my superiors.
From: Captain K. Brubacher Commander ESS Loki
Righteous Reign Page 36