"Yes sir. You are essentially giving me an unwritten order that intelligence is a part of every investigation we do. The order is unwritten because it is intelligence. You are saying that, intelligence officers will be imbedded proportionaly. I read that as thirty-five personnel; the way we laid them out before for a Fleet investigation with the intelligence officers impbedded as investigators. Proportionately, that would be one hundred and five for a Theatre or Quadrant Command. You are saying we must test for loyalty to Edward III versus the Crown and loyalty to the Commander over Edward III. We are also searching for unlawful tactical orders. I would assume these are orders issued that are in someway negative to the Empire or a part of it; or, contrary to orders of the C&C, the statutes of the Empire or, OESA Regulations. If we suspect any of these circumstances, we are to gather evidence and report, immediately. I understand and will carry out that directive. I understand the need for secrecey. In that light, the portion of each future team that is intelligence officers will be the only part of the team that knows their real purpose. Everyone else will believe they are investigators, sir." Sparks finished.
"Chris, I want you to understand that this is not just paranoia or a whim of mine. When we were chartered, I was instructed of this avenue of our operations by the C&C, Admiral Bryant and Admiral Nichols in the presence, and with input from Emperor Edward III. I can tell you, for a fact, that Edward has good reason to fear a coup; and, is supported in that suspicion by the C&C and several Quadrant Commanders. That is the reason, the intelligence aspect was added to our responsibilities. They believe that coup will come from inside the OESA; since, the only military units large enough to conduct an operation like that would be within our service. They have suspicions as to who; but, not enough evidence to accuse and arrest them." I explained.
"Sir, I never had any question of your motives. I know you are loyal to Edward and your superiors are loyal to him. And, I understand the order embodies the highest authority. Don't worry, we'll get it done." Colonel Sparks said as he rose from his chair.
Chapter 17 Manipulations
Monday November 16, 2257
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Wow what a ride. The Inspector General's Branch has gone crazy. The teams finished the reports for a round of investigations on Tuesday October 6; and, the shit hit the fan. There were two targets in that round. A one hundred ten person team, led by Colonel Sparks himself, dropped on Quadrant Four on September 21. Another team of thirty five boarded the Flag Carrier ESS Guyana to do an Audit of Puppis Fleet a Quadrant Four Theatre Eight operation. After reading the reports, I asked Admiral Bryant to send Phoenix Fleet to transport ten of my Enforcement Officers back to ESS Guyana to serve four arrest warrants; and, support them with force and Marines, if necessary. In the meantime, I would take the Examiner to Rigil; accompany one hundred forty-five officers, as a show of force, at Headquarters in the four shuttles; and serve at least seven arrest warrants on Quadrant Four Command. I would speak directly to Fleet Admiral Stephenson. Sparks Teams had struck gold. They had discovered evidence of a plot, at both ends of a chain starting at Quadrant Four and ending in some or all of the Fleets in Theatre Eight Command.
The evidence was in electronic communications between the Quadrant Four Commander and the Puppis Fleet Commander of a plan to use force to squash anyone, including the C&C and the Council, supporting constitutional changes in the status of the Throne. From these two Commands, it looked like it involved the Theatre Eight Commander and several Fleets; under his Command. However, the same information seemed to clear the Theatre Seven Commander and the Fleets under her Command. She had told the Quadrant Commander he was fomenting rebellion; and, she would report him, if he continued. So, Quadrant four Commander Admiral Naabaahii had just avoided Theatre Seven and continued his plan with Theatre Eight and its Fleets. When I first read the report, I was nearly sick to my stomach. It hurt me deeply; because, I remember when he helped in the war that created Mobile Fifth Command as the Orion Fleet Commander. He had come to the aid of Admiral Bryant when he was having trouble holding recaptured areas in 2249.
In the Puppis Fleet, we arrested the Fleet Commander, both Task Force Commanders and the Fleet COS. At Quadrant, we arrested Naabaahii and his chief and five department heads. Naabaahii wept silently; as, we put cuffs on him, to take him away. I don’t believe it was out of fear of the coming legal action; but, more from humiliation of having been caught breaking the law. Puppis Fleet Talk Force One Commander physically resisted. I don’t know where he thought he would go; if, he succeeded. In both locations, the teams spent another three days really tearing things apart. They attempted no on site analysis. Instead, Command data for every discipline, along with all communications, was copied to the Examiner system; so, we could forensically analyze everything. We rescheduled the next visits on the calendar to October 13; replacing those on the docket with the Theatre Eight Command and the Orion Fleet.
I reported to Fleet Admiral Stephenson. At first, he was shocked and saddened at the thought of anyone in the service being charged with anything so serious. He got over it quickly, though; almost rubbing his hands in glee. One of two questionable commands would be unable to respond to an unlawful order or request, from the First Minister and / or the council. This would actually work in the Emperor's favor; when, he submitted his first Constitutional change. I advised him that, we were extending the investigations to gather more evidence; IGB would be auditing all the Fleets in Theatre Eight. He asked me if we could do Seven, first. He would need to be sure he could trust the Commander; before submitting her nomination as Quadrant Four Commander. Both, Theatre Commands would have to be run by their remaining senior officers; until, replacements for the Commanders could be named.
By October 13, all my teams had moved. I had placed a large team at Theatre Seven and a regular team at Orion Fleet, a Theatre Eight detachment. On the Examiner, the forensics people kept crunching all the data. Day after day, we sent orders to HQ for additional arrests. They would have Marines at Headquarters and in Theatre Eight make the arrests. By October 19, the team at Seven gave me a preliminary remote report advising that Seven, and its Fleets, appeared to be out of the loop except for the one communication received trying to enlist them in the conspiracy. I sent a preliminary report to Stephenson; advising of the investigation of Theatre Seven; and, advising a detailed report would follow.
By October 15, the report from Orion Fleet exonerated its Commander of direct complicity. He was in constant written communication with his Task Force Commander; discussing the Quadrant Four plan. All three felt Naabaahii was nuts; but, played along because he was the boss. They planned to ignore any request to deploy at Rigil or Earth. The problem is that they did not advise the C&C or another Quadrant Commander of the scheme.
Because the situation was still fluid, the C&C split command of Quadrant Four between Admirals Tonaka and Blackman, temporarily. The Auriga Fleet Commander was elevated to Admiral (10) and assigned as Theatre Eight Commander. Auriga's Task Force 1 Commander became the Fleet Commander. The holes were temporarily filled; but, the investigation was ongoing.
We spent the next round of investigations concentrating on Theatre Eight Fleets. There were six more to investigate. We handled them all at the same time; by, having Eight call in a couple of Fleets and using the Examiner for those; while four investigative groups did remote audits by shuttle. Our staff is big enough.
Late on the fifteenth I ordered the Examiner to make for Theatre Seven at forty percent. The shuttles left from our position off Theatre Eight; since the Fleets were all relatively close to it. Seven was at Chi Orion about fifty light years from where we were, near 61 Virgo. It is exactly a five-day trip, at forty percent of C; so, the ship really worked hard; but, my people were in reasonable shape, when we arrived in good time. All four remote fleets travelled within fifteen light years of the Theatre Command; albeit in all different directions; so, the shuttles
could reach those Fleets in a day and a half or less. We gave our people a one-day break when we arrived on site; then, sent them off to those Fleets. There was a personal consideration involved in rushing like that. We needed these investigations done as quickly as possible; but I needed them done fast enough for Examiner to leave the scene in time to reach Midgard for the Nichols' wedding. The remote teams followed in the shuttles; but, the teams running from the Examiner blitzed their targets. We double-teamed each Fleet Command with teams of seventy and copied all their data to our system. Forensics began sifting as the data came in and continued all the way home and at Midgard, when we arrived. Only a few charges were laid on site; citing very obvious infractions. Based on evidence, we sent out arresting officers and orders for other arrests, after arriving at Midgard.
The Nichols' wedding was incredible on October 28th. I was barely back in time for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I had a front row seat for the ceremony; since I was one of the ushers. Admiral Bryant was the best man. Marie Bryant was the Maid of Honor and Helena was one of the Bridesmaids. With her slim but pleasing build, incredible looks, elegant manner and chic styling Olivia could have been posing for a bridal magazine. She was stunning in a Banerjee original studded with rhinestones trimmed along the plunging neckline by alternating real Swiss topaz and diamonds; eliminating the need for jewelry to grace her neck. The whole thing was reminiscent of the Bryant wedding. Representative officers and crew from all eight of his Fleets and Midgard were at the wedding; along with Blackman, Tonaka, Stephenson, Williamson and several Theatre and Fleet Commanders from throughout the service. Edward III attended as a footman. Close to seven hundred filled the flag bridge with the large viewing port as a backdrop to the wedding ceremony. Eight thousand from all the previously mentioned commands took part in the dinner on the Midgard's Hangar Deck.
Fortunately, I am the boss in my domain; as is my Helena in her bailiwick. We were able to sleep in the morning after the wedding dinner.
By Monday November 2, a group of prosecutors visited the Examiner for a meeting with the senior members of our teams and myself. We spent two days going over all the data from the most recent Quadrant, Theatre and Fleet Investigations. They brought charges against forty-four. Thirty-one were already in custody. We now had control of the Quadrant Four situation; so, I was able to transmit arrest warrants to HQ, Theatre Eight and the Fleets involved. The other eleven were detained and shipped back to Rigil for trials.
Also on November 2, Emperor Edward III passed a modified constitution to the Council and Assembly. It contained the passages making him King of the Orion Empire and his family heirs to that throne in perpetuity. There was little public flack at first; since, the recent wedding and the waves of arrests had drawn the attention of the press elsewhere. But, regardless of the lack of interest, the First Minister reacted almost as predicted. And, regardless of expectations, it was sad when he did; because, he had been a friend of the Emperor and his closest associate for more than thirty years.
But, within hours of Edward’s request for the change to the Orion Constitution, the first minister was monitored sending a demand to Fleet Admiral David Williamson to position forces to support him; in an action to take control of the government, suspend the constitution and declare Martial Law.
Williamson generated an official Tactical Action Message to Theatre Two Command; ordering Admiral Inang'aa Mkali to move six Fleets to Earth and restrict travel through space near Sol. He was to repel any force from entering space within five light years of the system and put two fleets in orbit over Rigil. He was to put thirty thousand marines on the ground, on Earth to take control of the Council, Assembly, Emperor's Mansion and facilities and local and regional law enforcement offices in and near the capital. On Rigil, he was to deploy ten thousand troops to take command of OESA under the direct control of Fleet Admiral David Williamson. The order was authorized and signed by both C&C. Of course Stephenson's signature was counterfeit.
I saw this information nearly immediately; since my intelligence forces were the ones monitoring these people. I was shocked to see the limited support. The Quadrant One Commander was not compromised. Neither was the Theatre One Commander. Giuseppe Ettore, the First Minister and David Williamson had planned to attempt the coup with support from Quadrant Four and only half of Quadrant One forces. When they lost control of Four, they were left with only Theatre Two Command to turn to. I advised the Emperor and Fleet Admiral Stephenson immediately of a planned coup. I issued arrest warrants for Williamson for issuing an unlawful order, forgery and fomenting rebellion; Ettore and Naabaahii for fomenting rebellion; and, issued orders to Colonel Sparks to serve the warrants and formally arrest and detain the accused. The problem with serving the warrant on Naabaahii was that his Theatre Command was at 41 Aries, twenty-seven light years from my current position. If I wanted to stop him, I had to come up with a way to get to his Command, quickly. I had an idea.
But first, I notified Fleet Admiral Stephenson, the Secretary of Defense and the Emperor of the impending arrests and the evidence the warrants were based on. This would give Stephenson a reason to ask the Secretary of Defense to suspend Williamson and open nominations for a temporary replacement.
Then I wrote a general communiqué; kind of like the old "All Point Bulletins."
From: Admiral Kurt Brubacher Inspector General
To: Quadrant Two, Three, Four and Mobile Fifth RAC Commanders
Theatre One, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Commanders
Re: Arrest Warrant for Admiral Naabaahii Commander Theatre Two Command
Date: November 2, 2257
This evening, the Special Investigation Branch uncovered a coup against Emperor Edward III. This scheme is related to earlier arrests made throughout Quadrant Four Command. Lawful arrest Warrants were issued and served on First Minister Giuseppe Ettore and Fleet Admiral David Williamson resulting in their arrests and detainment. The First Minister has been charged with "Fomenting Rebellion" and "Conspiracy to Overthrow the Lawful Government of the Orion Empire". Fleet Admiral Williamson has been charged with "Issuing an Unlawful Order, Forgery, Conspiracy to Overthrow the Lawful Government of the Orion Empire and Fomenting Rebellion". However, a third major player was involved in this plot. Admiral Naabaahii was ordered by his accomplice Fleet Admiral Williamson, in the name of both C&C, and in the form of a Tactical Action Message, to deploy his force at Earth and Rigil and take control of the Council, Assembly, Emperor and the OESA; when in fact, Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson had not authorized the action. All such orders of the C&C require consent and signature of both members, according to statute and OESA Rules and Regulations. It does not appear that, Admiral Naabaahii is an innocent dupe in this rebellion. Evidence indicates, he has been a member of ongoing treachery, during the past seven months. Tonight's attempted overthrow was discovered almost immediately after Fleet Admiral Williamson generated this order.
It will take nearly two and one half days for Theatre Two Command to retrieve all its Fleets, before heading for its targets. We do not expect Theatre Two Command to "stand down" without threat of punitive action. Admiral Naabaahii has also been officially charged with Fomenting Rebellion and Conspiracy to overthrow the lawful government of the Orion Empire.
All commands in proximity of Theatre Two Command, other than Theatre Two Sub-Commands' are asked to converge on Theatre Two immediately and prevent all units from jumping to their targets. Use of force is authorized; but, should not be required if his jump points are destroyed, as created. It should take little time for Admiral Naabaahii to see the futility of his actions and stand down and surrender. All forces in the vicinity of the Sol and Kentaurus systems are asked to take defensive positions to protect these regions from the intended actions of Theatre Two Command. Use of deadly force is authorized; but, should only be a last resort.
You are asked to detain Theatre Two Command's Commande
r and return him to OESA headquarters for required action; and, prevent his command from taking any further action against the OESA; or the Orion Empire. Investigations are ongoing to determine the depth of involvement of Theatre Two Sub-Commands and any others that may have participated in this plan.
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