"Through the centuries it has been a ship captain's privilege to join ship born couples in matrimony... ' Commander MacDonald, the Examiner's Captain, begins; and, I drift into somewhere; until my mind registers that he said; 'Do you Kurt Brubacher take Helena Leeds to be your lawful wedded wife...' After my response, I drift again. I am lost in the depth of her gaze. Helena is absolutely bewitching to me, at this moment.
In the back of my mind I hear her say; "I do." Helena is still sobbing quietly. Most of those in attendance are too.
I snap back to the reality of the moment.
"You may now kiss the bride." I hear the Captain.
I turn Helena to me; take her in my arms, oblivious to the crowd behind. Our lips meet. We pull our bodies together. It is a long slow kiss that draws audible gasps from women on the flag bridge; and, then - applause.
"Ladies and gentlemen, officers and enlisted personnel, I present to you Mister and Misses Kurt Brubacher." The Emperor calls out as we turn to face them.
We walk under crossed swords down the aisle as the orchestra plays a few bars of Mendelssohn's Wedding March; then, something I helped choose; but, can't remember the title of, at the moment; as, the crowd tosses oversized confetti above or heads. We head to the Flag Bridge Conference Room to be joined by the wedding party, the bride’s family, the press and a few other specially honoured guests.
Tables are filled with hors d'oeuvres like thinly slice smoked turkey breast rolls stuffed with salmon, Russian sturgeon caviar with onion crackers and a hundred other offerings. Bottles of red and white wine grace the tables. A bar on either side of the room offers any beverage those of us in the room could imagine; and, stewards circulate with trays of champagne filled crystal flutes. Everyone takes a glass. There is the ringing of someone striking a crystal with a piece of silverware.
"Ladies and gentlemen could I have your attention, please?" Admiral Bryant calls out. He has his arm around Marie who is tight at his side. As best man, it's his responsibility here and at the receptions to make the first toast.
"I have known Kurt; since, I took him for assignment from the Academy a good number of years ago. He has always been a man of honour and hard work; and, he is loyal to those close to him; including those in his command. It hasn't been as long but, I've known Helena quite awhile; and, she is a force to be reckoned with; so, Kurt better be careful, from now on.' He pauses as people in the room laugh. 'I want to extend our best wishes to Mister and Misses Brubacher. We hope they have a long and very happy life together." He finishes as he raises his glass.
"Rah!" The room calls back, in response as they all raise their glasses.
"Now it's my turn!" The Emperor calls out.
"Kurt and Helena have served the Empire faithfully for most of their adult lives. They have done many things to personally make my life a little better and safer. I owe them a lot; as do, all the citizens of our wonderful Empire. We cannot thank them enough. I want to wish them a long and very rich future together, on behalf of me and my family and all of the Empire." He finishes as he raises his glass.
"Rah." Everyone responds again and sips.
"Okay everyone let's enjoy. There's lots of fine food and drink; and, a host of good company to enjoy. Here's to all our friends!" I call out as I raise my glass.
"Here - here." The room responds with raised glasses.
We spend the next hour milling about and visiting. People have dropped gifts on the tables. I have my stewards pull them all together and we spend part of the time opening them; mostly for the benefit of our guests. One is a draft from the Emperor for one hundred thousand sovereigns. We thank him without making a scene. We go back to conversation for awhile, after opening the presents.
"Sir, your gift is too generous. I am uncomfortable accepting it." I whisper when we finally corner Edward.
"Nonsense my boy. You have made a big difference in my life; both now and in the future. Just accept it gracefully and enjoy it. It is a small amount to my family. A token of our thankfulness." He says with a warm smile as he places a consoling hand on my left shoulder.
"Well... we thank you, sir." I feel the tears well up in my eyes and notice Helena sobbing softly again. I guess she's happy. Edward gently rubs her back consolingly, for just a moment.
The cocktail party breaks up at fourteen hundred. Helena and I pay short visits to both the Loki and the Examiner for short gatherings. We are toasted and gifted at each. While on the Loki, she asks her steward to move her eveningwear to my quarters on the Valhalla; and, to attend her there, for the rest of the day. Then we head to my quarters on the Valhalla to make love and get a little rest.
Chapter 18 A New Beginning
Sunday November 29, 2257
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." - Samuel Johnson
After boarding the Shield Maiden, Helena's Admiral's Craft, we gave her Captain orders to just cruise slowly to a point away from the Loki, for a day; where we could return to it, in another day.
Being with nearly twenty-five thousand people on three different vessels the day before, makes it seem like heaven, to be in silence. We spend most of the morning just laying around our quarters unclothed and talking; taking panicked breaks for love making. I think it's the first time we've had a couple of days alone; since, we met. We finally dress at noon to head to the lounge for lunch at thirteen hundred.
In the lounge, I have the steward turn on the system and navigate to a news site. We are shocked, immediately. The Emperor has wasted no time. There is a headline story about the new constitution he submitted to the Assembly and counsel. However, it's being crowded out by coverage of our wedding. There are even images of the Shield Maiden. We laugh at the knowledge the press is even following us out here.
"I guess we better close the drapes in your bedroom, from now on." I remark; bringing Helena to tears with laughter. I have the steward turn off the news.
The stewards serve an elegant and delectable luncheon with wine. An original creation of baked apple and plum on a graham crust is served for desert. The chef aboard my craft is very good; but, hers is amazing.
We lounge about highlighting various stars and space phenomena to each other for the rest of the day; stopping to cuddle in each others arms, from time to time. We end the evening early; heading to her quarters around twenty hundred hours. We look naively at each other and laugh when she closes the drapes. She takes on a devilish nature after undressing; aggressively tearing back the drapery - her nudity in full view.
"If they want to look; let 'em. I want to see the stars." She sassily feigns anger bringing me to tears with laughter.
I am not upset by this. Her body is so amazing, I know every man in the empire would be jealous of me; if, they could see it. So, all the more power to us; if, the press manages to snap a picture. We fall asleep around one hundred thirty hours in the morning, after consuming a bottle of chardonnay; and enjoying each others pleasures for hours.
Waking at eleven hundred in the morning is something I realize I could enjoy, every once in awhile. We run off to brush our teeth and make love in the shower. Then, we dress and head to the lounge for brunch. It seems too late to order breakfast in our quarters.
I grab my pad and activate my system with a coffee still in front of me. I navigate until I reach a copy of the full Constitutional proposal.
"This is an impressive document. Edward has deeply considered everything.' I say and look up. Helena is attentive; so, I continue summarizing. 'It enshrines the same human rights and bans the same things as before. No political parties. No organized religions. Representative government based on the same formula as before. The assembly is elected every four years. It elects a president to Execute state business, at the beginning of the new term. The president picks portfolio holders to sit as his cabinet, for up to the four-year term; each approved by vote of the assembly. The cabinet runs the day to day business of the government departments within their portfolios. It
replaces the council. Today's assembly sits for another two years before another is elected. A vote of the assembly, on any matter, does not require assent of another arm of government; but, is signed by the President and King as a matter of protocol. The assembly holds the power of assent for all legislation passed by all our remote planetary governments. Nothing is law until approved by the Orion legislative assembly. The president is Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of the military. The King is honorary Head of State. The president signs agreements with foreign powers which can be overturned by a vote of the assembly. The Empire will become the Orion Federation. It's a real hybrid; kind of like a federated constitutional monarchy." I explain as I change to the news.
There are considerable objections to the proposal. Edward did an on camera speech to explain it; telling us all that a dictatorship is dangerous; and that, we were mature enough to handle government as a democracy. He reminded all that, we had two centuries of experience, in what makes for a good life, to draw on. He explained that, the job of Emperor, as it is now, is too all consuming for one person. He reminded everyone that, though we may all want our descendants to do the right thing, he could never be sure if a future king could become a tyrant and despot. For his last act as Emperor he would make it an order that the Assembly accept the document by unanimous vote and each and every member would sign it to represent their worlds; and that, the Assembly would sit and elect its president, immediately; so, there would be no interruption of government. - Or, the assembly could do it all voluntarily. He ended by telling everyone that he only wants the best for all; and, democracy is the best way to insure that outcome.
Images from Earth and outlying worlds appear relatively calm; but, the thousands of marines in the streets are visible in the story. The real issue would be the OESA. There are still forces within that could offer considerable resistance. A couple of weeks back, Theatre Two Command had been stopped and their Commander relieved. Quadrant Four Commander had been relieved, before that incident. Though major Command level resistance seemed already under control, individual Fleet Commanders could try to take things into their own hands. A single Fleet is a formidable force. I turn off the news.
The rest of our day is quiet as the Shield Maiden cruises slowly back to the Valhalla; still in Earth Orbit. At twenty hundred, we dock at the Loki. We spend that evening and night in her quarters, thoroughly sealing our marriage contract. I shuttle over to the Examiner at eight hundred hours in the morning.
I just sit behind my desk, when my system enunciator rings.
Priority Action Message
To: All OESA Quadrant Commands, Fifth Mobile RAC, All OESA Theatre Commands Inspector General Branch
From: Office of OESA C&C
C.C. OESA All Commands,
Re: Forces Resisting Constitutional Changes
Date: December 1, 2257
This is to advise you that, three OESA Fleets appear to have gone dark. Since all Fleets are required by Regulations to communicate with their Theatre Commands, at least, every six hours, we have no recourse; but to believe, they have gone dark and may be proceeding to Earth and Rigil to take hostile actions; in an attempt to prevent enactment of proposed constitutional changes. Capricorn Fleet, Crater Fleet and Ara Fleet are currently listed as missing. They may or may not be still flying their fleet pennants. However, it is wise to assume that any vessel not displaying Fleet identification is, in fact, one of the suspected ones. A list of registry numbers is attached to this message, for identification purposes.
All Quadrant Commands and Mobile Fifth RAC should redeploy their forces to repel such an attack.
Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson
Flee Admiral O. Blackwell.
A flurry of TAMs followed.
Tactical Action Message #FM49-5761
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command
To: Admiral S. Nichols Fifth Mobile RAC Theatre Nine Command
C.C. OESA C&C, OESA All Commands, All Quadrant Commands, All Theatre Commands
Date: December 1, 2257
Admiral Nichols,
Please examine the Priority Action Message received a short while ago from the C&C. Also, consider carefully, the last know positions of the three Fleets, in question. From your investigations, please redeploy your Fleets close to the Kentaurus system, if necessary, to place the greatest resistance to attack in the most likely positions, they would land. Please also deploy all twelve undetached vessels between Rigil and Sol to engage in reconnaissance as a means to locate these Fleets.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
George T. Bryant Commanding Fifth Mobile Command
Tactical Action Message #Q20-5733
From: Admiral Tsoh Shah Quadrant Two Commander
To: Theatre Three Command
C.C. OESA C&C, OESA All Commands, All Quadrant Commands, All Theatre Command
Date: December 1, 2257
Please examine the Priority Action Message received a short while ago from the C&C. You are ordered and required to redeploy your Fleets close to the Sol system, to place the greatest resistance to attack in the most likely area rebels would land.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Admiral Tsoh Shah
Tactical Action Message #Q20-5734
From: Admiral Tsoh Shah Quadrant Two Commander
To: Theatre Four Command
C.C. OESA C&C, OESA All Commands, All Quadrant Commands, All Theatre Command
Date: December 1, 2257
Please examine the Priority Action Message received a short while ago from the C&C. You are ordered and required to redeploy your Fleets to maintain as much patrol capability as possible, while stretching your resource as far inside the seventy-one light year sector divider, as possible. I have ordered Theatre Three Forces to pull tighter to the Sol system. You must attempt to maintain protection of our outer borders; while reinforcing as much area vacated by Theatre Three, as is possible.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Admiral Tsoh Shah
Tactical Action Message #FT9-5766
From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Fifth Mobile Theatre Nine Commander
To: All Theatre Nine Fleets
C.C. OESA C&C, OESA All Commands, All Quadrant Commands, All Theatre Command
Date: December 1, 2257
Please examine the Priority Action Message received a short while ago from the C&C. I have spent considerable time with the Theatre Nine Tactical Department Team analyzing tactics of the three Fleet Commanders, in question, their points of departure and probable targets of each, based on the belief they are working in concert.
All Fifth Mobile Theatre Nine Fleets are ordered and required to change communications codes to those specified in document A795231; and, to change tactical message encryption to those specified in document A795232. This will prevent the rebellious Fleets from monitoring tactical plans and order, when they are within range.
Fleets are ordered and required to redeploy to the following positions.
For the protection of Rigil
Carina Fleet 14hr 29min 43sec Dec -61.5º @4.36lY
Columba Fleet 14hr 35min 50sec Dec -61.0º @4.36lY
Phoenix Fleet 14hr 39min 40sec Dec -61.2 @4.36lY
Ursa Minor Fleet 14hr 35min 40sec Dec -61.0º @4.36lY
For the Protecti
on of Sol
Scutum Fleet 12hr 30min 00sec Dec -10.0º @.40lY
Sagitta Fleet 13hr 0min 0sec Dec 0.0º @.40lY
Grus Fleet 12hr 39min 40sec Dec -10.0º @.40lY
Dorado Fleet 13hr 0min 0sec Dec +10.0º @.40lY
For reconnaissance all autonomous Frigate commands should form a picket line from 14hr, 35min, 50sec Dec -61.0º, @4.36lY to 12hr, 30min, 00sec Dec -10.0º, @.40lY
All positions relative to Sol
While three Fleets are involved, I believe that, I would send two to Rigil to neutralize control of the OESA, first; if, I had planned this attack. On that basis, the principal defense should be there. All attempts should be made to peacefully contain these fleets; but, lethal force is approved, if required, at the discretion of Fleet Commanders.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Admiral Stephen Nichols
Tactical Action Message #FT10-5746
From: Admiral Palakiko, Fifth Mobile RAC Theatre Ten Commander
To: All Theatre Ten Fleets
C.C. OESA C&C, OESA All Commands, All Quadrant Commands, All Theatre Command
Date: December 1, 2257
Please examine the Priority Action Message received a short while ago from the C&C. I have read the report of Admiral Nichols and the Theatre Nine Tactical Department Team analyzing tactics of the three Fleet Commanders, in question, their points of departure and probable targets of each, based on the belief they are working in concert; and Theatre Ten Tactical Department Team; and, I agree with their conclusions.
All Fifth Mobile Theatre Ten Fleets are ordered and required to change communications codes to those specified in document A795231; and, to change tactical message encryption to those specified in document A795232. This will prevent the rebellious Fleets from monitoring tactical plans and orders, when they are within range.
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