"Oh, that's too bad Admiral... It must just kill you to see this beauty; and, not even be able to step aboard." The Venation says sympathetically.
"Yes it is; isn't it.' I say softly and turn and walk out of the docking bay. most of our crew is just outside the doorway. 'Hop to it!' I say with a smile to Commodore Elasima. 'I want her back as soon as possible and in one piece - and, don't scratch the paint!" I add with a laugh.
I can hear him calling orders; even when I'm at the end of the corridor on my way up to my office.
I look up when there's a rap on the doorframe.
"Major General Svesion reporting, as ordered, sir." Says the man at attention, in my doorway.
I stand and return his salute. "Come in and have a seat, General. Would you like a drink?' I ask extending a hand to the bar. 'I have everything you could want." I add with a smile.
"Yes sir. I'll have a Bourbon, if you don't mind? Two fingers with equal water, please." He responds with a smile.
"No, no... don't get me wrong. I'm not your bartender. Help yourself." I said with a laugh.
"Of course, sir. Sorry." He blushes as he rises to get the drink.
I follow pouring a couple of fingers of J&B over ice. "Let's sit over there." I say pointing to the conversation pit. He grabs an arm chair. I take a seat near him on the sectional.
"General we have your promotion and assignment planned for seventeen hundred. You will be elevated to Lieutenant General and assigned as IGB Marine Corps Commander.
IGB is the Inspector General Branch. I run it and Admiral Helena Brubacher is the Deputy Commander and Theatre Commander. We are the only people in the Branch who outrank you. This is an odd configuration, from your point of view. The basic functions of the Branch are:
First, - investigative audits. We are tasked with examining every other Command in the OFSA. We also do similar type audits of Federation member systems; looking for exactly the same things we seek out in the small audits.
Second - enforcement of statutes, the constitution and OFSA Rules and Regulation. - We are the chief police force within the Federation; tasked with arresting suspected offenders when a crime is detected by us; or a complaint is filed by others.
Third - intelligence gathering. - Twenty-four hours a day, we are gathering hard intelligence from within all OFSA commands, on all Federation member planets and on a lot of non-member worlds in our space. Some is gathered electronically. Some is gathered by sensors, observation posts and satellites and the rest is gathered by the hard work of on-site covert agents.
The actual agents for all three types of operations are all Marines within the I.S.I.E. Division. In terms of Divisions, it is a small one with a total of twenty-eight hundred agents. At the moment, there are four hundred investigators, six hundred intelligence agents and eighteen hundred enforcement officers. Enforcement is broken in to two classes. There are six hundred officer who actually make arrests and twelve hundred troops for show of force and tactical situations. All I.S.I.E. Brigade members and the forensic staff members carry badges and warrant cards issued by IGB under the authority of the OFSA and the Federation granting them the authority required to carry out these tasks; along with, the highest security clearance in the Federation. You will also be an authorized agent carrying a badge and warrant card and will be granted the same level of clearance. The badges only give a quick visible indication that, the bearer is an official enforcement agent of the government. It is the warrant card that actually indicates the authority and clearance that has been granted. You will be fitted with a sub-dermal electronic device that mates with one in your badge and one in your warrant card. If the three pieces get separated, they give off warnings that can be received by all OFSA communication system. The I.S.I.E. Division is broken into sub-commands at the regimental or battalion level. It is Division level because it is slated to grow considerably. The Division is Commanded by Major General Christopher Sparks. He has been in investigative and intelligence commands most of his career. So, in terms of actual I.S.I.E operations, I would give him his head, until you get to know operations and protocol, if I was you.
Again designed for future growth, the Theatre Command is essentially two Carrier Groups with a regiment on each Group Carrier and a Brigade on the new ESS Examiner; but, it too is slated to grow to Theatre strength. An I.S.I.E. company and three thirty-five-person long range shuttles are attached to each Group. Right now, we are at a point where, we could run ten Fleet examinations simultaneously. When we reach full size, we will have thirty-two I.S.I.E. companies attached to Carrier Groups.
Right now, investigative audits and criminal investigations are conducted in two manners. The first method is to send a small team in a shuttle or group of shuttles. The second is to send a Group or both Groups to support the operation. Basically the Carrier Groups support I.S.I.E. actions. We try to schedule examinations in three or four closely deployed Fleets at the same time; so, a Group takes the shuttles to a central point. That way, teams don't spend two weeks in a shuttle.
Because we are a relatively new Command, we have no idea how big we will have to be. Are you still in for the assignment? I query, with a smile.
"What did you mean by dangerous investigations, Admiral?" The general asks.
"During the rebellion, we sent an investigative team to a Fleet that refused to allow us to board. We won out by guile, in the end. We were also in the middle of the Rigil battle. But, we did not have offensive weapons; so, we risked a lot to aid the Shenzhen and the Theatre Five Fleets in the battle. So, there are tactical situations. And, we have not done a planetary examination, yet. Without force, this could be a problem. And, there could be tactical ground operations involved, in some cases." I explain.
"Yes sir. I would like the assignment. I would like to grow with the Inspector General Branch." He says.
I conduct the ceremony at seventeen hundred. The warrant had been preapproved.
I really love my office, on the new Examiner. It's even nicer than the C&C have. It's more modern and not as ornate; but, has a lot more built in technology and comforts. It is very spacious. The new Examiner is a beauty; as the Venation Captain Hecuba had observed. I officially placed her into service today, after taking the weekend to go over the testing and shakedown reports.
From: Adm. K. Brubacher Commander OFSA Inspector General Branch
To: IGB - All Commands
Date: March 15, 2258
I have received, examined and inspected the report of the proofing team, on the testing and shakedown of the new ESS Examiner.
This is to advise you that, as of today, Monday March 15, 2258, the new ESS Examiner has officially been placed into active service. The entire personnel body currently on the old vessel Examiner should immediately commence moving to the new ship. We will be joined by additional personnel over time.
If you are unsure of cabin or office assignments, please check with your immediate supervisor or the office of the Chief of Staff. I hope you all enjoy your new homes and work spaces.
Admiral Kurt Brubacher.
Both Helena and I moved here, earlier today. Our shared quarters are a wonder. Senior Flag quarters are amazingly comfortable on any Carrier; but the improved Super Carrier design distinguishes between single and married Senior Flag Officers. Ours is a three-bedroom two-bathroom apartment with eat in kitchen area, full dining area, living room, salon, lots of closets and storage and an office. All the rooms are spacious and elegantly furnished; since Flag Officers often entertain in quarters. The kitchen is equipped professionally; so, a chef can be brought in for a dinner. We have incredible viewing windows spanning nearly the entire wall in any room on the outer hull. But, I have work to do.
To: Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson C&C OFSA
Fleet Admiral G. Tonaka C&C OFSA
From: Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch
Re: Inspector General Branch Year End Report
Date: Fri. December 31, 2258
You will find attached to this summary, two sets of books for the yearend review. The first set take in the period from June 1, 2257 to December 31, 2257. The second set takes in the period from January 1, 2258 to December 31, 2258 today.
In summary I can say it has been an extraordinary period. Today's Inspector General Branch is not the conception of eighteen months ago. Starting with one vessel, four shuttles and a team of forty-four hundred just six weeks after inception; we have become a force that can meet its vastly expanded expectations and objectives. Today's IGB is a Field Command of forty-nine vessels with over ninety-eight thousand people, in its multi-faceted operations. It has experienced continuous expansion, well beyond initial expectations, since its birth.
IGB has now become the primary investigative, auditing and law enforcement operation within the Federation; and, provides all internal and external intelligence services to the OFSA and the Federation Government. It is capable of assisting in tactical operations, if required.
The scope of our operation is wide.
1)Investigative audits of all OFSA Commands.
2)Criminal investigation within all OFSA Commands and as requested by all OFSA member planets.
3)Arrest, detainment and incarceration of criminal suspects in enforcement of the statutes and constitution of the Orion Federation and the Regulations of the OFSA
4)Forensic assistance to planetary investigative agencies as requested
5)Operation of central forensic data bases
6)Investigative Audits of all Orion Federation member planets.
7)Overt intelligence services - gathering internal and external intelligence from communications, sensors, satellites and observation stations.
8)Covert intelligence by the placement of embedded operatives within OFSA Commands, Federation Member Planets and in sovereign territories outside the boundaries of the Orion Federation.
9)Security services to OFSA HQ, government institutions; and, as requested by the OFSA, the Orion Federation and Orion Federation Member Planets.
Our responsibilities are supported by the ability to carry out small benign operations; those of medium risk and size; and, large, possibly dangerous ones requiring the support of considerable force. We have the capability to display or engage our forty-nine warships, including our mobile command station; and to land up to twenty-two thousand troops as a show of force. Our vessels include the latest criminal forensics labs and computer systems. Nearly ten thousand IGB members are warranted to enforce the statutes and constitution of the Orion Federation.
Financially, we stayed within our approved capital expenditure budgets in both 2257 and 2258; and were slightly below budgeted expenses in 2257 and .005% above budget in 2258. As our personnel and assets begin to level out and meet our needs, it should be possible to project and meet accurate financial budgets in the future. Expenditures and expenses increased, as dramatic needs appeared one after the other, in the past eighteen-month period.
Our results speak for themselves. We were greatly responsible for detecting the rebellion of 2257 and enabling the defeat of it. We have completed audits of all eighty fleets, ten theatre commands, four quadrant commands and three planetary governments in the eighteen months; since our christening. Our objective of two audits per command per year and ten planetary audits in the coming year, will require more assets and personnel as outlined in our budget projections for the coming year. Bearing in mind the 2257 rebellion, Deputy Inspector General, Admiral Helena Brubacher runs tactical exercises, whenever time and workload permits it.
I must add that, in my mind, a great deal of the credit for IGB success must go to both yourselves and the Orion government. Our continuous growth has only been achieved as a result of your novel approach to our needs We are a necessary service. You make it possible. Thank you.
Admiral K. Brubacher Inspector General
It'll be a couple of days before, I hear back about my yearend report. HQ has a massive accounting staff and a CCIA system to crunch all the yearend reports; so, we all get our performance assessments, quickly. In the meantime, other things are happening. I receive the following communication on January 2.
From: V. Admiral J. Coquinas Commander Draco Fleet
To: Quadrant Three Command, Theatre Six Command
C.C. OFSA All Commands
Re: Border Region
Date: January 1, 2259
Please assist! We are currently hovering with our entire Fleet stretched in a line from R.A. 17h, 32m, 10.56855s Dec. +56º 11'. 3.2738" towards Iota Bootis but 98.9 Ly. from Sol in an attempt to join the end of a line formed by Boots Fleet stretching from RA 14h, 16m, 4.92995s Dec. +51º, 22', 2.0267"; also at 98.9 Ly. in response to a considerable buildup of unknown vessels, just outside our border. This means that forty warships are attempting to cover an arc 105 Ly. in length. Our advantage in long range sensor performance allowed their detection. We do not believe they have seen us, yet. The force is sizable. We count nearly four hundred vessels within range of our long-range sensor probes. Their intentions are unknown.
V. Admiral J. Coquinas
Shortly after that one, I receive another.
From: V. Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Boots Fleet
To: Quadrant Three Command, Theatre Five Command
C.C. OFSA All Commands
Re: Border Region
Date: January 1, 2259
We are currently at R.A. 14h, 16m, 9.92995 Dec. +51º 22'. 2.02667"at 98.9 Ly. from Earth. We have stretched our twenty vessels in a line in the direction of Draco Fleets Flag Ship at 17h, 32m, 10.56855s Dec. +56º 11'. 3.2738', in an attempt to cover an arc of our border 105 Ly. long. We have deployed L.R. Sensors and are observing a large force of unknown vessels, just outside the border. Please assist.
V. Admiral A. Urquhart
I decide that, we should respond; since, we are relatively close; and, we now have a sizable force.
From: Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB
To: V. Admiral J. Coquinas Commander Draco Fleet
V. Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Boots Fleet
C.C. OFSA All Commands
Re: Border Region
Date: January 1, 2259 - Twenty-two hundred thirty hours
We are currently at 16 Cygnus, relatively close to you; and will immediately move to render assistance. Though we are the IGB, we can offer considerable force; and, are all tactically experienced. I have forty-nine warships, including our Command vessel and its flotilla, at my disposal. In addition, we carry a combined force of six hundred Raptor Class Fighters. Our estimated time of arrival on-site is January 3, 2259 at two hundred hours.
Please continually forward updates, including sensor files, while we are on route.
Also, expect a response from Admiral Bryant commanding Fifth Mobile RAC. ESS Valhalla, his flag ship, is currently at Hercules BD+29 2979; which is about forty-six light years from you. You will not receive response from him; until, a day and a half after you get this one. His best arrival time would be early January 7, 2259; if, he elects to jump all vessels without reforming the Command. Best of luck. Try to hold on until we get there.
I will assume command of operations, when we arrive; but, will relinquish to Admiral Bryant when Fifth Mobile RAC gets there.
Admiral Brubacher
I call in Helena; and, immediately start preparing orders.
Tactical Action Message #IG49-0007
From: Admiral K Brubacher Commander OFSA Inspector General Branc
To: Admiral H Brubacher D.C. Theatre Command IGB Command
C.C. OESA C&C, Admiral G. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC
Date: January 1, 2259
1) You are ordered and required to use all forty-nine warships in IGB, including Command and flotilla vessels; and, all other IGB assets, in an action to assist Draco and Boots Fleet in defense of our boarder.
2) You are ordered and required to move all IGB vessels to a staging point at R.A. 16h, 1m, 53.3457s Dec. +58º 33'. 54.905"at 96 Ly, relative to Sol to carry out orders that will be issued, at that time. Forty percent of C velocity is required.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Admiral K. Brubacher
I send the order and the previous e-mail chain to Helena; just as, she knocks at my door.
"Yes, Admiral." She says officially; as, she stands at attention.
"Come in and take a seat. I just sent you some mail.' I finish the sentence; just as, her enunciator sounds. Her eyes widen; as, she looks at the screen. 'I think the chain is self-explanatory. The staging point puts us halfway along their line. We can jump everyone out, from there. I was going to deploy, along the line; but, I realize that, no one's going to attack along a one hundred light year front. It makes more sense to form an arrow head or use two in a pincer. Spreading out allows us to form a pincer, penetrate their lines; then bring it around their rear. I think they're just staging. Anyway, we'll get more intelligence, as we travel. We can refine everything along the way. You've got orders to issue, Admiral." I said officiously with a smile; as, I rose and applied my lips to her cheek.
"...No time for the personal.' She said. 'Excuse me, please?"
"You're dismissed." I said; as, she turned and left.
A short while later, I am copied on her orders. They are quite explicit; so, the Carriers are protected when entering and exiting their jumps. It is eighteen hours before we start getting intelligence; but, it is very interesting. We add that information to our border observatory data. Enemy lines are thin, in most places. The thickest point is about seven light years straight out, from staging point. We stay together; combining our thoughts, throughout the rest of the jump. Information is continuously getting closer to real time. We decide on an immediate jump out; after exiting, at the staging point. We will split our force and jump in two groups to points just on either side of the central mass of enemy vessels. Assuming they would jump to engage the weak line, we could turn in towards our territory, at their rear. I write the orders to Helena. She writes them to the vessels splitting them into two Fleets. While she passes down the orders, I write additional ones for Boots and Draco.
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