Wrist Shot

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Wrist Shot Page 11

by Kristen Echo

She woke up with a heavy heart. Martin hadn’t asked her to fall in love with him. He’d been nothing short of amazing since she’d arrived. He’d welcomed her into his home, his life and his bed. It was crazy to want his heart too. But she did; she wanted it all.

  Only that was her issue and cross to bear. Telling him would only add more weight on his overloaded shoulders. Their argument had taught her how much the pressure got to him. Everything he did was selfless, but everyone wanted something from him. She refused to be like the others. Even if that meant keeping her love to herself. A few days ago, she cursed the word and now it’s all she thought about.

  As much as she wanted him to return her affections and fall madly in love with her, it wasn’t likely to happen. He made no bones about his distaste for love, marriage, kids and happily ever after. Those were all things she wanted someday. And she wanted them with him. That wasn’t smart.

  “I can see the wheels spinning in that sexy brain of yours. What are you thinking about?” Martin sat on the foot of the bed, pulling on his socks. He had a morning skate, followed by a massage and a visit with the boss.

  “Nothing.” She chewed her lip and stared at the wall past him.

  “It’s never nothing with you. You can tell me anything.”

  She sighed. There was no way she would drop the love bomb on him before an important meeting. “You really want to know?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, causing the muscles to flex. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.” He stood, and she feasted upon his nakedness.

  Sex was a fabulous distraction.

  “I was thinking I like being with you. Starting my day with the best view on the planet isn’t getting old. I really like the way your cock fills me and your mouth feels against mine.” She pulled the covers off, exposing her naked form. She glanced at the clock and back at him. “We have time for a game. I dare you to stay and play.”

  “You’re a temptress,” he said, reaching out and gripping her ankles. “One I can’t refuse.”

  “What are you… doing?” She yelped as he pulled her towards the edge of the bed.

  He dropped to his knees. “Reminding you what my mouth feels like down here.” He buried his face between her legs and pressed his lips to her mound. “I accept your challenge and dare you to keep up with me?”

  The exquisite tenderness sent a shiver through her. It started slow and sweet. He placed gentle kisses all over her sex, making her so wet she was certain she’d soaked the sheets underneath. Then he turned it up, French kissing her pussy and driving her insane. She sat propped on her elbows as he rendered her incoherent. Only whimpers and moans escaped. He flicked his tongue over her clit until she was near sobbing; fast, slow, hard and so good.

  She came hard against his face. It caused her legs to tremble and her arms to give way. “Oh… Martin!” She screamed his name to the heavens. He kept kissing, licking and sucking until the bliss rolled into another powerful orgasm. When he finally stopped, she was sweating, exhausted and utterly spent. “You win.”

  His laughter floated around the room as he dressed. “Don’t forget me while I’m gone.” He covered her with the blanket and blew her a kiss goodbye.

  Walking him out wasn’t a possibility because her limbs had turned to jelly. She’d wanted to distract him, but he turned the tables on her. She did the only thing she could, and that was close her eyes and sleep.

  The door slammed, waking her from the most vivid and erotic dream. The clock revealed three hours had passed. She’d wasted the entire morning in bed.

  “Where are you?” Martin yelled.

  “In bed.” Her voice was groggy. She stretched and rolled onto her back, keeping the covers tucked under her chin.

  “Stay there. I have to clean the fridge and then come for a nap.” His tone was clipped.

  That wasn’t a good sign since the fridge was spotless. When things didn’t go his way or as he expected, he cleaned as a way to deal with his emotions. Since he was a kid every time he had a bad game or didn’t make the team he wanted, he’d shower or clean something. He’d been the only teenager with an organized sock drawer. She knew better than to bug him until after he scrubbed his way through whatever he was feeling. She grabbed her phone off the table and checked her email.

  Close to an hour later, he marched into the room with a scowl on his handsome face. She didn’t have to ask how things had gone with the big boss man. He’d had a rough morning and she couldn’t fix it for him. This was something he’d have to sort out on his own.

  “Have you seriously been sleeping all morning?” He stomped towards his closet and disappeared from view. His tone matched his outward appearance. Grumpy.

  His mood had nothing to do with her, but she wasn’t about to be his doormat. “Yes, and I had a wonderful dream about you. It was so good, I didn’t want to wake up. Based on your foul expression I’m thinking it’s time I get out of bed. We don’t have to nap together.”

  He stalked towards her naked. “Perfect. That’s great. Go if you want. At least one of us had a good morning.” He pulled back the covers and jumped into bed next to her.

  The mattress jostled her when he landed, leaving barely an inch between them. He huffed and pulled her against him.

  “I don’t want to go.” She didn’t know what to do, whether to ask him about what happened at his meeting or leave him be. Her inner turmoil kept her silent. She’d take her cue from him. If he wanted to talk, he would.

  He rested his head against her bosom and sighed. He didn’t make any other advances. She ran her fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp. They lay for a while, and she thought he might have fallen asleep, but his body remained tense and rigid.

  “My session with the trainer was the only good thing that’s happened since I left the house. On the ice, I… let’s say it wasn’t one of my shinier moments. I don’t know what’s up with me, but I’m off my game. To make matters worse, my meeting pretty much sealed my coffin. My fucking cup dreams are dead.”

  She kept playing with his hair as he spoke. “Care to elaborate?”

  “Not really. I want to forget this entire day. Well not all of it.” He peered up at her and smiled. She smiled back, knowing he’d been referring to their earlier escapades. “Mr. Northcote mentioned a trade. He didn’t say it directly to me. I overheard him outside his office as he talked with Coach. Benny Wilder. They said his fucking name and sounded so damn happy about it. That fucking guy will take my spot and there’s not a damn thing can I do about it.

  “Did Mr. Northcote tell you he planned to trade you?”

  “No, he didn’t come right out and say it. Not yet. They’re getting their ducks in a row first.”

  “Why do you think they would trade you?”

  He sat up and ran his fingers through his messy hair. “Because I’m playing like I’m in the AAA and not the NHL. Christ, I’m waiting for them to call the farm team any moment. With Rich out for the season it makes sense; business-wise. I still can’t believe they’d let me go.”

  “Come here,” she said, holding out her hands to him. He melted against her again. He nuzzled her breasts. His nose nudged her nipple, and it puckered. “I wish I could help you regain your confidence on the ice or with business decisions. But those are out of my control. Did you tell your boss you want to stay? Telling people what you want is the first step to getting what you want.”

  “He knows I want to stay. I… Actually, I never came right out and said that. You have a valid point. I’m positive it’s all this trade talk that’s getting to me. Until that trade deadline passes I’ll be on edge.” He circled her hardened tip with his nose.


  “What do you mean, okay?” He glanced at her and pulled her nipple between his teeth.

  She laughed. “Okay, tell him what you want. Okay, you know your trigger, so now you can find a way to get over it. And okay, you can definitely use my body to make yourself feel better.”

  He sucked more of
her breast into his mouth and placed his hand over her sex. The moisture between her legs coated his palm as he rubbed her. She offered her other breast, and he lavished attention to that one. “You’re too perfect for me. How did I get so lucky?” His fingers slipped inside her.

  “We’re lucky to have each other.” She pulled his face towards her mouth and kissed his lips. Every hockey player had their moments of doubt. But Martin was the best goalie in the league. His fears weren’t substantiated with facts. She had to take his mind off his insecurities. His inner critic wasn’t doing him any favors.

  “Thank you for being here. I don’t know what I’d be doing if you weren’t here.”

  “Not having nearly as much fun. That’s for sure.” She kissed him again and let his words sink in. He might not have said he loved her, but that was close and a step in the right direction.

  “Sex with you is one sure way to make me smile. Hold onto the headboard because I’m going to pound you until we forget everything except how amazing it feels to fuck.”

  Her body did a happy dance while her heart wept. The sex they had was raw and powerful, but she considered it making love. The love she felt had grown too deep. She was too far gone to turn back. As he kissed her, she hoped that more time together would help his feelings grow. They needed time. Except, they only had a few more hours before he had to leave to catch his flight. Valentine’s Day was just around the corner, and then it would be her turn to fly away. Time wasn’t on their side.


  M aking love had worked to improve his mood, but left Sylvie more confused than ever. As he said goodbye to catch his flight, she realized she too would be flying in the near future. This thing between them was temporary. She’d made that clear from the get go.

  After he left, Sylvie plopped down on the couch and tried to make sense of what they were doing. More importantly, what she was doing. It had been her idea they explore their relationship, and she wondered if that had been a mistake.

  Was she setting herself up to exchange one broken heart for another?

  She wished she had a crystal ball and could see into the future. She easily imagined herself holding a little baby boy with jet black hair and the same long eyelashes as his dad. Her heart swelled, thinking about building a family with Martin. There would be so much love and laughter.

  Or better yet, she wished she could read minds. She’d tap into his thoughts and see if he felt more than he let on. Martin kept his feelings under lock and key. He said the right things to make her feel special and sexy. But nothing to make her feel loved. This knowledge came from years of friendship. He wasn’t the type to carry his heart on his sleeve.

  “What am I going to do about him?” No one answered, but her phone rang, startling her. She didn’t recognize the number. “Hello.”

  “Hey. We haven’t met yet, but we’re going to change that tonight.” The girl on the line spoke quickly and there was a lot of background noise, making it difficult to hear.

  “Excuse me; you must have the wrong number.”

  “Weird, I got your number from Caroline Northcote. Your name is Sylvie and you’re living with Martin Thomas, right?”

  “Yes, I’m Sylvie. Would you mind turning down the music, I’m having a hard time hearing you. I didn’t catch your name.” She didn’t want to answer her second question. They weren’t living together, not in the technical sense. Her legs bounced, waiting for the mystery caller to reveal their intent.

  The music stopped. “For sure; sorry about that. I’m in the car, so you’re on Bluetooth. Anyways, I’m glad I’ve got the right number. I’m Carly Saint, Theo’s girlfriend. We haven’t been properly introduced yet because I’ve been crazy swamped with school lately and I’ve been MIA at all the games. So, I’ve been dying to meet the girl who’s captured Martin’s attention.” A loud horn blared in the background. “Suck it, asshole! Sorry, not you Sylvie. I’m on my way to work and some idiot cut me off. The prick had the nerve to honk and give me the finger. People in this city drive like… it doesn’t matter. Caroline will pick you up and bring you for dinner at the diner where I work.”

  She laughed. She’d heard of Carly and that the feisty redhead wasn’t to be argued with. Sylvie looked forward to meeting another strong woman. Anyone who could handle dating an NHL player had to be strong or crazy. The verdict was still out. “You’re funny. What time will she be here?”

  “I’ve been called worse. Expect her in an hour. She told me she’d call you when she’s fifteen minutes out. I meant to call you earlier, but I got a last-minute meeting with one of my professors. You know how that goes. Well, I’m really excited to meet you.”

  They chatted for another minute before disconnecting. Sylvie looked forward to getting out of the condo and making new friends. She needed girl time. It would also give her a chance to see more of the city. The place and the possibility of staying longer term had grown on her.

  She showered and got ready in time for Caroline’s arrival. The blonde looked stunning and her smile was wider than the ocean. Happiness radiated from her pores. They air kissed, on each cheek like old friends before Sylvie settled into the passenger seat.

  “The diner has the best pies not that I’m allowed to eat one until after the wedding. Otherwise, I won’t fit in the dress, but I can live vicariously through you. So, what I’m saying is: you have to have pie.”

  She laughed. “You don’t have to sell me, I’ll have some. Do you have your dress? How are the wedding plans coming along?” The mention of a wedding no longer sent her into a tailspin.

  “Things are progressing at warp speed. The dress was the first thing I got. It’s a trumpet style with the most delicate lace overlay. I… it’s gorgeous and I hope I can pull it off.”

  Sylvie pictured Caroline and Nicolas at the altar. They would look perfect together. “With your height and body, that silhouette must look amazing.” Sylvie could never wear something like that with her curves.

  Caroline glanced over at her. “Unfortunately, I’m not blessed with a rack like yours. It was a little loose on top, but it’s better now. It’s not what I expected to wear as I always pictured myself in a ball-gown. But they didn’t look right. I hope Nico likes it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll blow him away. Are you ready for the big day?”

  It surprised her, how easily they talked about the wedding. Listening to Caroline discuss the cake, the reception and all the details didn’t bother her as much as she thought given the time of year. The wedding sounded elegant and beyond romantic. Exactly like something she would have planned.

  The long drive out to the country felt like it took only minutes. The truck stop diner had a retro motif which she found cool. They grabbed a table near the counter and were greeted by a blonde waitress who looked pale and under the weather.

  “Hi ladies. I’m Miranda. Here are some menus and the specials are on the board. What can I get you to drink?”

  “We’ve met before, I’m Caroline and this is Sylvie. We’re friends of Carly’s.”

  Miranda slapped her forehead. “Of course, so sorry. I’m not sure where my brain is these days. It’s nice to see you again. How’s the wedding shaping up? A week away, right?”

  “Exactly one week. The guys get back pretty much with enough time to make it to the combined bachelor/bachelorette party. The following night is the rehearsal. Then it’s the big day.”

  “Don’t be nervous. When Chuck and I got married, I stressed all the small stuff and didn’t enjoy the day as much as I should have. Make sure you watch his eyes tear up as you walk down that aisle. That moment still makes me smile years later.”

  “Good tip. Thanks. You have to come to the bachelorette party. The more the merrier and bring your husband. We’re doing a Jack and Jill thing, because Nico already considers us married. He’s pulling the caveman card and I’m totally letting him.”

  “What’s this bullshit I hear about a combined party? When I talked to your BFF, Maddy, s
he wasn’t planning a dual event.” A short, young woman with auburn hair tied in a twist sauntered up to the table.

  Caroline got out, and the two hugged. “I’ll tell you all about it when your shift ends.”

  “I’m off. The only reason I came in was to cover for Miranda because she’d been down with the flu, but she’s here.” She pointed to her co-worker and smiled.

  The blonde waitress blushed. “Sorry about that. I can’t afford to drop any more shifts, but I should have called ya sooner.”

  “No worries, it’s cool. Now, I can hang out and eat Chocolate pie. All is forgiven,” Carly said, taking the seat next to her.

  Introductions were done. Sylvie liked these women straight away. She could see herself getting close to them if she stayed longer. Something she tried not to think about as the conversation progressed. Caroline talked a lot, and Carly made them all laugh. Miranda might be the sweetest person she’d ever met. Clearly, whatever bug she had hadn’t passed because a few times throughout their meal the woman turned gray. Sylvie hoped she wouldn’t catch that flu because she didn’t want to waste any of her time with Martin.

  Once the food was gone and their bellies stuffed, the girls turned the conversation to her. Something she’d been able to avoid for most of the night.

  “I can see why Martin’s into you.” Carly’s words caused her heart to skip a beat.

  Sylvie clasped her hands. “Why would you say that? We’re just friends.” Friends who’d been playing house for the past few weeks, but no one knew those details.

  “According to Theo you’re more than that. You don’t have to lie to us. I can tell by the red in your cheeks he means more to you.”

  “I saw you guys together at the bar. If Nico looked at any of his friends the way you two looked at each other, he’d have major problems. Spill. What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing. He’s my best friend and I love him.” A burden lifted, saying those words out loud. As if they were seeds in spring, setting them free to bloom.


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