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Monachopsis Page 11

by Lyra Winters

  He barked out a laugh. "Fantastic! Good for you for sorting that out. Hopefully, we can go a long time before speaking again. Farewell, Maxwell, and you, Huntington."

  My stomach churned, and I threw myself back on the daybed. "Thank the fates that's over."

  "No kidding. You did great today, you know?" Blaine rubbed my back as I sat back up and hung my head over the bed. The room felt like it was spinning.

  "Thanks, I just feel a little nauseous. Probably from all the drama today." I focused on breathing, trying to ignore the sickness invading my body.

  "Yeah, probably so. It's been hectic."

  I snorted. "Hectic doesn't even cover it."

  "It has been a shit storm, huh?" He followed me as I got up and walked to the trash can.

  "Yes, it has. My nerves are eating me up." I bent over and emptied my stomach contents into the trash.

  "Fuck, baby. I didn't know you would actually get sick." He held my hair back and rubbed my back.

  I spit out the rest and groaned. "Neither did I."

  "Maybe you should see the pack doctor?" He led me back to the bed and helped me lay down.

  "No need to, I'm just overworked. I need a nap and I'll be good as new." I pulled him in bed with me.

  He complied and squeezed onto the side near the wall, wrapping his arms around me. "If you wake up and you still feel bad, you're going to the doctor."

  "Okay, I will but just stay with me." I snuggled back into him and felt myself drifting to sleep.

  "I'll always stay with you. I love you." His words lulled me to sleep with a sense of assurance.

  I called a meeting with my family to discuss the decision about leaving and going to Blaine's pack. My parents, and my sisters were here so I could explain what would happen when I left. Mom brought Ivy and Nolan along once again, much to my displeasure.

  "You can't blame me, can you?" I crossed my legs and leaned against the back of my chair.

  Riley shook her head. "Of course not, Sophia, but we don't want you to leave. You're my sister, and our Alpha."

  "I've thought about this a lot. We all knew I had this decision to make once Blaine came into my life." I glanced over at Blaine who smiled back. "I can't be the Alpha for the Maxwell pack anymore." I shook my head as I leaned forward and clasped my hands together. "My place is with Blaine's pack, my mate's pack. I've cleared up all the issues with Lockhart, so you won't have to be at odds with his pack anymore. I have put the rebellion in our pack to an end, and I have all the paperwork up-to-date. I'm not leaving you guys with a mess. I made sure the pack would be in a good spot for when I left."

  "I understand," my father said as he rubbed his face. "You deserve to make that decision."

  "Thank you, Dad."

  He smiled but his eyes were sad.

  "Wait. If she's leaving the pack..." Ivy's eyes lit up as she smiled. "Then can't I be Beta? Or Nolan?"

  "Holy shit Ivy, can you stop? You will never be high rank in this pack!" Dad snapped at her.

  Her eyes teared up, and she placed a hand on her swollen belly. "I just want to be a part of the pack, like all of you are."

  "Your words and your actions paved the way for you," I said.

  She glared through her tears. "No. This is all your fault! You're the oldest. You always get what you want. You got my boyfriend as a mate. You got the Alpha position. You even got to move out of the pack house. You get everything! What do I get?" She sobbed. "I get a mate that dies, no rank in our pack, and your fucking mate. Now I'm pregnant with your mate's baby, and all he wants is for it to be your baby."

  My heart dropped at the desperation in her voice. "Ivy, you're the baby. They trained me to be Alpha because I'm the oldest. I didn't choose it, I was born for it. I moved out of the pack house because of the uncontrollable rage I felt when I saw you and Nolan together every day. Jackson, your true mate, was killed, and that was tragic. But he loved you." I paused and shook my head. "Nolan chose you. Since he rejected his mate for you, he must love you pretty damn bad. Nolan doesn't love me. That baby is a blessing, never resent the baby."

  She sniffled. "I'm so happy you're leaving. Then maybe Nolan will be all mine again."

  I sighed as Blaine placed his hand on my thigh. "You're immature and lashing out like a child because you're not happy with your life. Learn how to deal with your problems like an adult. I don't enjoy fighting with you. You need to grow up for that sweet baby in your belly."

  "She's right Ivy," Nolan said.

  "Of course. You take her side." She narrowed her eyes at me.

  "You may be pregnant, but that is no reason for you to act like this. I shouldn't have babied you like I did." Mom wiped tears from her cheeks. "You may be an adult, but you do not act like one. You are going to be a mother."

  Ivy stood up and stomped out of the room without another word, Nolan chasing behind her. My office door slammed shut behind them.

  "I'm sorry, Sophia," Mom said as she wrapped her arms around me. "I shouldn't have allowed her to get away with so much."

  I shook my head. "It's okay, Mom."

  "You need to promise to take care of her," Dad said to Blaine.

  Blaine nodded and shook Dad's hand. "Of course, sir. She's my soulmate."

  Dad smiled at him. "When are you planning on leaving for your pack?"

  "Next month."

  "I see." He turned his attention to me. "Sophia, you will need to pass your Alpha title down before you leave. Who are you choosing for the title?"

  My eyes lingered on the twins and I grinned. "Riley will take my place as Alpha and Xavier will become Beta."

  Riley's eyes crinkled as she smiled at me. "Really? I'm going to be the Alpha?" She bounced in place before launching herself at me.

  I wrapped my arms around her and nodded. "You'll do a great job."

  "Thank you, Sophia." She stepped back and grinned at me.

  Mom wiped a stray tear away from her cheek. "We'll miss you, sweetheart."

  "I'll miss all of you. But this is what's best for us." I intertwined Blaine's hand in mine.

  "I know," Dad said, squeezing my shoulder.

  "All we want is for you to be happy," Mom said with tears in her eyes.

  "Blaine makes me happy." I smiled as he squeezed my hand.

  I held the white plastic stick with my right hand and covered my mouth with the left. Two pink lines were visible, and I couldn't stop staring at them.

  I placed a hand on my belly and just stared at it. There's a baby inside me, I thought, our love created a baby. I felt a smile form on my lips as I flung open the bathroom door, test in hand, and ran to Blaine who was sitting on the couch.

  "What's wrong?" His eyebrows threaded together.

  "I'm pregnant!" I held the test out for him.

  He hopped up off the couch and took the test from me. His eyes widened as he stared at it. "You're pregnant?"

  I nodded and smiled. My head felt fuzzy, and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

  He grinned, picking me up and spinning me around. "Oh, my fates!"

  He slowly stopped spinning and my arms wrapped tightly around his neck, our noses touched as we smiled at each other.

  "I know we never talked about a family, but I am so happy you're as excited as I am," I whispered.

  "Of course, I want a family with you. You're my mate." He kissed me.

  I deepened the kiss before pulling back. "I'm going to be a mommy."

  He cupped my face. "You'll be a wonderful mother, Sophia."

  I nodded. "And, you'll be a kick-ass father." My eyes widened. "We have to tell my parents!"

  He chuckled. "Let's go to the pack house now, then."

  We grabbed the keys and drove to the pack house in record time. I was overly excited to share this news. Once we pulled in, I hopped out and grabbed Blaine's hand.

  "Excited, aren't you?"

  "Aren't you?" I smiled.

  "You're making me a father. I'm ecstatic, Darlin'." He squeezed my hand. />
  We entered the pack house and tracked my parents down. We found them in the living room talking amongst themselves along with Riley and Gabe, and Xavier and Caroline.

  "Hey Sophia." Xavier smiled.

  "Hey, how're you doing?" I asked, eying him and Caroline.

  "Better. Caroline has been helping me cope. It's been nice not having to be alone. She's a good friend." He nudged her.

  "That's great!" My cheeks were aching because of the permanent smile on my face.

  "Sophia! Honey, what're you guys doing here?" Mom asked, hugging us both.

  "I just found out some exciting news. I wanted to share it with you all." I smiled, and Blaine placed his hand on the small of my back. "I'm pregnant!"

  Mom broke into a wide grin, as did Riley, while Dad had a small grin on his face.


  I let out a squeal. "Thank you! I'm so excited. We created a life!"

  Blaine chuckled and placed his hand on my flat stomach. "We sure did."

  I heard a growl from behind us. We turned to find Ivy and Nolan standing in the doorway.

  "You're pregnant?" Nolan glared at Blaine's hand on my stomach.

  "Yes. She is." Blaine took a step in front of me.

  "How come you always try to upstage me?" Ivy asked as a tear ran down her cheek.

  "Knock off your pity party, Ivy," Nolan snapped at her.

  "B-But you heard her!"

  "Yes, I fucking heard her. She's pregnant and so are you. Get over it and stop being a bitch all the time." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her away as she complained, cursing at him.

  "Now that the drama moment is over," Riley said before coming over to me and pointing at my stomach. "Do you think that's my niece or nephew in there?"

  I giggled as Blaine said, "It's a boy."

  "I don't care what it is. Just as long as it's healthy." I stared into Blaine's silver eyes and felt my heart swell.

  One thought swirled in my mind, I'm pregnant.

  Two months had passed since I found out I was pregnant. We were supposed to leave for Blaine's pack last month, but pack business held us up for sorting out rogue affairs.

  I walked toward the podium, my heels clicking on the wooden floor below me. Blaine followed beside me until we reached the center of the stage. My pack surrounded the stage in the pack's auditorium.

  "Hello Maxwell Pack!" I addressed them with a sense of pride.

  "Hello Alpha!" they hollered back.

  "As you all know, I met my second chance mate." I smiled at Blaine as the pack erupted in cheers. "I know some of you were wondering what we were planning on doing since he is the Alpha of the Huntington pack, and since we found out we were expecting. Since merging is not on the table because of the distance between our packs, we have decided for me to resign the Alpha title and go with him."

  Worry masked their faces and voices began to protest at my decision.

  I held up my hands for them to be silent. "I'm passing down my Alpha title to Riley Maxwell, your current Beta. She will excel as your Alpha."

  Nods and positive comments were being whispered in response.

  "Xavier Kingston will be your Beta. Jason Stone will become your Gamma. This pack is strong and will remain so."

  Riley stepped forward onto the stage and the pack cheered.

  "I will now pass the Alpha power down to her. Shift," I commanded her, and she shifted into her wolf.

  I shifted into my wolf and trotted closer to her.

  'Are you ready to become the Alpha of the Maxwell pack?' I mind-linked her.

  'I've been ready.' Her wolf nodded.

  Once she bared her neck to me, I sunk my canines into her to transfer the Alpha power. That familiar electric charge transferred into her essence.

  The pack applauded loudly as we shifted back to human form and slipped into robes.

  I grinned at my sister and hugged her tightly before she went to the podium to give her Alpha speech.

  Blaine wrapped an arm around me as I walked off the stage. "How do you feel?"

  I shook my head. "I don't feel any different. I feel stronger, if that makes sense."

  He smirked. "It's because you're my mate, Darlin'. You're a Luna who was destined to be in power. You are my equal, meaning that's exactly how you should feel."

  I felt my cheeks heat up as I nodded. "I know. I love you."

  "And I love you."

  We stood at the bottom of the stage and watched as Riley gave her speech. She thanked me for seeing potential in her, and for passing the title to her. Then she thanked the pack and promised them her loyalty. I was proud of her, and her speech proved to me I made the right decision.

  The pack commended her speech, and we left the auditorium for a cookout to celebrate their new Alpha. The cookout was also a farewell to me as their Alpha, and as part of the Maxwell pack.

  The backyard of the pack house comprised the forest with a decent-sized clearing. It was perfect for parties and activities. Everyone mingled with themselves.

  "I'm so proud of you girls," our dad said, hugging us both.

  Before we could respond, a scream pierced through the crowd. Everyone turned toward the source and found that it was Ivy.

  She clutched her pregnant stomach, panting in pain.

  "Mom! The baby's coming!" She cried, "My water broke."

  "It's okay, Ivy. Nolan, get her to the hospital. Shawn and I will be right behind you," Mom barked commands.

  Nolan hesitated before he rushed toward me. He ran a hand through his hair as he spoke, "Sophia, I will always regret my decision. I just need you to know that."

  I placed a hand on my belly as Blaine stepped between us. "Be with your wife. She's having your child."

  He nodded, and with one last look he ran back to Ivy.

  Our parents fussed over her as Nolan helped get her to the car. She was in a lot of pain and kept cursing at Nolan—not that he didn't deserve it. I silently prayed for her to have an easy birth.

  Riley and Xavier came over to me after they had left. "I can't believe our little bratty sister is having a kid before us," Riley said.

  "Sophia's not far behind her." Xavier pointed at my belly.

  Blaine rubbed my belly, and I smiled. "I have to admit, I can't wait for this little pup to be here."

  "Neither can I!" Riley grinned.

  "Not to brag but, I'll be a damn good uncle." Xavier cheesed a smile as Caroline whacked him on the arm.

  "You'll be a crazy uncle," she said.

  I watched them with a smile.

  Both of them had lost their mates, and it seemed fate had brought them together for that reason. Caroline had been mending Xavier's broken heart, and I could tell he was also healing hers.

  "We will miss you," Riley murmured before hugging me.

  "I know, and I will miss you all so much!" I felt tears pool in my eyes and sniffled.

  "Come on now, you're making my pregnant mate cry." Blaine wrapped his arms around me as I started to sob into his chest.

  "Pregnancy hormones..." Riley snorted.

  I would really miss them.

  Tears ran down my face as I sobbed into my hands. I blamed it on the hormones.

  "It's okay, Darlin'." Blaine kissed the top of my head.

  "No, it's not!" I wailed. My shoulders shook as I tried to calm my breathing.

  "I definitely don't miss those pregnancy hormones," Ivy said.

  "Me either." Mom winked at her.

  I sniffled and glared at them. "I'm just going to miss everyone is all."

  Mom's eyes softened, and she pulled me into a hug. "I am so sorry I won't be able to help you through this pregnancy."

  I shook my head. "It's okay. I'll call all the time, and we can video chat."

  "I love you, honey." She held me tighter.

  "I love you too."

  Dad yanked me out of Mom's arms. "Stop hogging my little girl." He stuck his tongue out at her and she did the same.

  I laughed through
my tears and hugged him. "You were a wonderful Alpha. You will be an even better Luna. I love you," he whispered.

  "Thank you. I love you too." I wiped the tears away.

  "You better keep my grandchild safe." He patted my belly.

  "Always." I grinned. "I love this child with every fiber of my being."

  "I'll miss you. You're one of my best warriors." Blaine shook Gabe's hand.

  "I will miss you too. You were the best Alpha I could've asked for," Gabe said. "And you are the reason I got to meet my mate." He pulled Riley closer.

  "Aww! You guys better be working on making me some nieces and nephews." I crossed my arms.

  "You already have a nephew." Ivy held up her son.

  My lips tugged into a smile. "That's true."

  Ivy gave birth to a beautiful baby boy a few hours after she went into labor. She had a smooth delivery and a healthy son that looked just like Nolan. She began showing slivers of the old Ivy once her son came into the world.

  "Look, I'm sorry about everything. You didn't deserve anything I said or did to you," she mumbled as she stared at her son.

  "Thank you." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Take care of Mason." I cooed at the sleeping infant in her arms.

  "I will. Babies are a blessing. You will be a great mom." She stared at me with a grin.

  I smiled at her and Mason. I was thankful that having him made her grow up a little.

  "We will miss you." Xavier and Caroline pulled me into a hug.

  "I'll miss all of you! But—I will see you at the Luna ceremony at the Huntington pack." I stepped into Blaine's open arms.

  "You are all welcome at any time," Blaine said.

  "We have to go now, or we'll miss our flight." I sniffled and wiped the falling tears away.

  I hugged everyone again, expressing more of my love for them.

  "We'll miss you!" they hollered at us as we got into the car.

  I rubbed my belly and wept in the passenger seat. Blaine pulled out of the driveway before heading toward the airport.

  "I know you're sad, but I'm thrilled you decided to come to my pack." Blaine reached over and held my hand.

  I squeezed it. "I am too. It was the best decision for our family."

  "I love it when you say that." He gave me a side-glance.


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