The Riddle of Amish Culture

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by Donald B. Kraybill

  10. The one area in which they have contributed to science has been through medical research. Hundreds of Amish in the Lancaster area have participated in large medical research projects exploring issues such as the genetic transmission of diabetes, depression, and obesity. Their stable population, extensive family records, and restricted gene pool make them a valuable population for the study of inherited diseases.

  11. See Olshan (1994d) for an excellent essay under the title of this question.

  12. The notions of freedom and meaning in Amish life are addressed by Olshan (1986). For a perceptive analysis of the Amish plight with modernity, see Enninger (1988).

  13. Myers (2000) explores what he calls an American Paradox—Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty. Robert Lane (2000) provides extensive documentation in The Loss of Happiness in Market Democracies. Both of these analyze the rise of unhappiness in the midst of prosperity.

  14. The ABC program was aired on 15 April 1996.


  This listing of references includes sources cited in the Notes as well as other select works related to the Amish. Bibliographic information for some sources—pamphlets, newsletters—not appearing in this list are provided in the Notes.

  Allen, Francis R.

  1957 “The Automobile.” In Technology and Social Change, edited by Francis Allen et al. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

  Amish Moving to Maryland, The

  1965 Gordonville, Pa.: Printed by A. S. Kinsinger.

  Armstrong, Penny, and Sheryl Feldman

  1986 A Midwife’s Story. New York: Arbor House.

  Articles of Incorporation of the Pequea Bruderschaft Library

  1984 Pequea Bruderschaft Library. Intercourse, Pa.

  Ausbund, Das ist: Etliche schone christlicher Lieder

  1984 Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Press. First ed. in 1564.

  Bachman, Calvin G.

  1961 The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County. Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 60. A reprint of vol. 49, first published in 1941.

  Baecher, Robert

  2000 “Research Note: The ‘Patriarche’ of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 74(1):145–58.

  Bartel, Lee R.

  1986 “The Tradition of the Amish in Music.” Hymn 37(October):20–26.

  Beam, C. Richard

  1982 Pennsylvania German Dictionary. Schaefferstown, Pa.: Historic Schaefferstown.

  Beginning and Development of Parochial Special Schools: 1975–1996, The

  1996 Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop.

  Beiler, Abner

  n.d. “A Brief History of the New Order Amish Church, 1966–1976.” Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society Library. Lancaster, Pa.

  Beiler, David

  1888 Das Wahre Christenthum: Eine Christliche Betrachtung nach den Lehren der Heiligen Schrift. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Baers and Son.

  Beiler, Joseph F.

  1976a “Eighteenth-Century Amish in Lancaster County.” Mennonite Research Journal 17(October):37, 46.

  1976b “The Tourist Season.” Gospel Herald (8 June):482.

  1977 “Eighteenth-Century Amish History in Lancaster County, Concluded.” Mennonite Research Journal 17(April):16.

  1982 “Ordnung.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 56(October):382–84.

  1983 “A Review of the Founding of Lancaster County Church Settlement.” The Diary 15(December):17–22.

  Bellah, R. N., R. Madsen, W. M. Sullivan, A. Swidler, and S. M. Tipton

  1985 Habits of the Heart. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

  Bender, Harold S.

  1957 “The Anabaptist Vision.” In The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, edited by Guy F. Hershberger. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press.

  Berger, Peter L.

  1974 Pyramids of Sacrifice. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.

  1977 Facing Up to Modernity. New York: Basic Books.

  1979 The Heretical Imperative. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.

  Berger, Peter L., Brigitte Berger, and Hansfried Kellner

  1973 The Homeless Mind. New York: Random House.

  Berger, Peter L., and Thomas Luckmann

  1966 The Social Construction of Reality. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.

  Bericht und klare Darstellung von Bann und Meidung wie es angesehen ist bei den Alt Amischen in Lancaster County, PA, Ein (A report and clear statement of the ban and shunning as it is understood by the Old Amish of Lancaster County, PA).

  1943 Seven-page pamphlet. Translated by Noah G. Good. No publisher.

  Berry, Wendell

  1977 The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. New York: Avon.

  Blackboard Bulletin

  1957– Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers. Monthly periodical published for Old Order Amish teachers.

  Botschaft, Die

  1975– Vols. 1–26 (1975–2000). Lancaster, Pa.: Brookshire Publications and Printing. Described on its masthead as “a weekly newspaper serving Old Order Amish Communities everywhere.”

  Bourdieu, Pierre

  1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. Translated by Richard Nice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  1986 “The Forms of Capital.” In Handbook of Theory and Research for Sociology of Education, edited by J. G. Richardson. New York: Greenwood Press.

  Braght, Thieleman J. van

  1985 Comp. The Bloody Theatre; or, Martyrs Mirror. 14th ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House. Originally published in Dutch (Dordrecht, 1660).

  Brenneman, John M.

  1867 Pride and Humility. Elkhart, Ind.: John F. Funk. Reprinted in 1988. Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop.

  Bryer, Kathleen B.

  1978 “Attitudes toward Death among Amish Families: Implications for Family Therapy.” Master’s thesis, Hahnemann Medical College.

  1979 “The Amish Way of Death: A Study of Family Support Systems.” American Psychologist 34(March):255–61.

  Buck, Roy

  1978 “Boundary Maintenance Revisited: Tourist Experience in an Old Order Amish Community.” Rural Sociology 43(Summer):221–34.

  1979 “Bloodless Theatre: Images of the Old Order Amish in Tourism Literature.” Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 2(July):2–11.

  Budget, The

  1890– Sugarcreek, Ohio. A weekly newspaper serving Old Order Amish and Mennonite communities.

  Christlicher Ordnung, or Christian Discipline

  1966 A Collection and Translation of Anabaptist and Amish-Mennonite Church Disciplines (Artikel and Ordnungen) of 1527, 1568, 1607, 1630, 1668, 1688, 1779, 1809, 1837, and 1865, with Historical Explanations and Notes, translated by William R. McGrath. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers.

  Cline, Paul C.

  1968 “Relations between the ‘Plain People’ and Government in the United States.” Ph.D. diss., American University.

  Coleman, James S.

  1988 “Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital.” American Journal of Sociology 94 Supplement: S95–S120.

  1990 Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

  Cronk, Sandra L.

  1977 “Gelassenheit: The Rites of the Redemptive Process in Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite Communities.” Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago. Excerpts under the same title appear in Mennonite Quarterly Review 55(January 1981):5–44.

  Crowley, William K.

  1978 “The Old Order Amish: Diffusion and Growth.” Annals of the American Geographers 63(June):249–64.

  Diary, The

  1969 Vols. 1–32 (1969–2000). Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers. A monthly magazine serving Old Order groups.


  1965 Amish Farm and Home Directory. Gordonville, Pa.: A. S. Kinsinger.

  1973 Pennsylvania Amish Directory of Lancaster and Chester County Districts. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers.

  1977 Old Order Shop and Service Directory: United States and Canada. Gordonville, Pa.:
Pequea Publishers.

  1979 History and Directory of the Old Order Amish of Brush, Nittany, and Sugar Valleys in Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers.

  1980 Amish Directory of the Lancaster County Family. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers.

  1987 Address Directory of the Lancaster County Amish. Soudersburg, Pa.: Eby’s Quality Printing.

  1988 Address Book of Lancaster County Amish. No printer or publisher listed.

  1996 Church Directory of the Lancaster County Amish. Vols. 1 and 2. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers.

  Dordrecht Confession of Faith

  1976 Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers. Various printings. Adopted by the Mennonites at a Peace Convention held in Dordrecht, Holland, 21 April 1632.

  Durnbaugh, Hedwig T.

  1999 “The Amish Singing Style: Theories of Its Origin and Description of Its Singularity.” Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 22(April):24–31.

  Dyck, Cornelius J.

  1985 “The Suffering Church in Anabaptism.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 59(January):5–23.

  1993 An Introduction to Mennonite History. 3rd ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press.

  Eaton, Joseph W.

  1952 “Controlled Acculturation: A Survival Technique of the Hutterites.” American Sociological Review 17:331–40.

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  1983 “Amish Study I: Affective Disorders among the Amish, 1976–1980.” American Journal of Psychiatry 140(January):56–61.

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  1983 “Amish Study II: Consensus Diagnoses and Reliability Results.” American Journal of Psychiatry 140(January):62–66.

  Egeland, J., A. M. Hostetter, and S. K. Eshleman

  1983 “Amish Study III: The Impact of Cultural Factors on Diagnosis of Bipolar Illnesses.” American Journal of Psychiatry 140(January):67–71.

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  1985 “Suicide and Family Loading for Affective Disorders.” Journal of the American Medical Association 254:915–18.

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  2000 3rd ed. Millersburg, Pa.: Brookside Printing.

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  1986 Ed. Internal and External Perspectives on Amish and Mennonite Life. Vol. 2. Essen: Unipress.

  1988 “Coping with Modernity: Instrumentally and Symbolically, with a Glimpse at the Old Order Amish.” Brethren Life and Thought 33(Summer):154–70.

  Ericksen, Eugene P., J. A. Ericksen, and J. A. Hostetler

  1980 “The Cultivation of the Soil as a Moral Directive: Population Growth, Family Ties, and the Maintenance of Community among the Old Order Amish.” Rural Sociology 45(Spring):49–68.

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  1979 “Fertility Patterns and Trends among the Old Order Amish.” Population Studies 33(July):255–76.

  Esh, Levi A.

  1977 “The Amish Parochial School Movement.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 51(January):69–75. Reprinted from 1973 Directory.

  Family Life

  1968– Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers. A monthly Amish periodical.

  Ferrara, Peter J.

  1993 “Social Security and Taxes.” In The Amish and the State, edited by Donald B. Kraybill. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

  Ferster, Herbert V.

  1983 “The Development of the Amish School System,” Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 6(April):7–14.

  Fisher, Amos L.

  1984 “History of the First Amish Communities in America.” The Diary 16(September):35–39.

  Fisher, Gideon L.

  1978 Farm Life and Its Changes. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers.

  1987 Comp. Ein Diener Register von Diener Deaconien und Bischof in Lancaster County, 1788 to 1987. 2nd ed. Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop.

  1988 “The Early Days of Intercourse.” The Diary 20(June):31–35.

  Fisher, Sara E., and Rachel K. Stahl

  1986 The Amish School. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books.

  Fletcher, S. W.

  1955 Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life, 1840–1940. Harrisburg, Pa.: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

  Flink, James J.

  1975 The Car Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

  Foster, George M.

  1980 “The Amish and the Ethos of Ecology.” Ecologist 10(December):331–35.

  1981 “Amish Society.” Futurist 15(December):33–40.

  1982 “Learning from the Amish.” New Roots 21(Winter):16–21.

  1984a “Separation and Survival in Amish Society.” Sociological Focus 17(January):1–15.

  1984b “Occupational Differentiation and Change in an Ohio Amish Settlement.” Ohio Journal of Science 84(3):74–81.

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  1981 A Simple Grammar of Pennsylvania Dutch. Lancaster, Pa.: John Baers and Son.

  Friedmann, Robert

  1956 S.v. “Gelassenheit.” In Mennonite Encyclopedia 2:444–49. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press.

  1957 “The Hutterian Brethren and Community of Goods.” In The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, edited by Guy F. Hershberger. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press.

  1973 The Theology of Anabaptism. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press.

  Fukuyama, Francis

  1995 Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. New York: Free Press.

  1999 The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstruction of Social Order. New York: Free Press.

  Funk, Amos H.

  1998 My Life and Love for the Land. Morgantown, Pa.: Masthof Press.

  Furner, Mark

  2000 “Research Note: On the Trail of Jacob Ammann.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 74(October):326–28.

  Gallagher Jr., Thomas E.

  1981 “Clinging to the Past or Preparing for the Future? The Structure of Selective Modernization among the Old Order Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.” Ph.D. diss., Temple University.

  Garrett, Ottie A.

  1998 Comp. True Stories of the X-Amish. Horse Cave, Ky.: Neu Leben Inc.

  Gascho, Milton

  1937 “The Amish Division of 1693–1697 in Switzerland and Alsace.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 11(October):235–66.

  Gemeinden, Ein Bericht an Die (A notification to the congregations)

  1937 Translated by Noah G. Good. N.p.

  Gemein Ordnungen von Lancaster Co., PA (Church ordinances of Lancaster County, PA)

  n.d. Translated by Noah G. Good.

  Getz, Jane C.

  1946 “The Economic Organization and Practices of the Old Order Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 20(January):53–80; 20(April):98–127.

  Gibbons, Phebe Earle

  1869 “Pennsylvania Dutch.” First published in Atlantic Monthly in October 1869. Reprinted in Pennsylvania Dutch and Other Essays. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1872, 1874, 1882.

  Gingerich, H. F., and R. W. Kreider

  1986 Comp. Amish and Amish-Mennonite Genealogies. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers.

  Gingerich, James Nelson

  1986 “Ordinance or Ordering: Ordnung and the Amish Minister Meeting, 1862–1878.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 60(April):180–99.

  Gingerich, Melvin

  1970 Mennonite Attire Through Four Centuries. Breinigsville, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society.

  Gleick, James

  1999 Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything. New York: Pantheon Books.

  Glick, Aaron S.

  1986 “A Chronicle of Events Relating to the 1910 Peachey Church Division.” Handwritten.

  1987 “Peque
a Amish Mennonite Church Twenty-Fifth Anniversary.” Mimeo.

  1994 The Fortunate Years: An Amish Life. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books.

  Granick, Eve Wheatcroft

  1989 The Amish Quilt. Intercourse, Pa: Good Books.

  Gross, Leonard

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  Guidelines in Regards to the Old Order Amish and Mennonite Parochial Schools

  1981 Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop.

  Guth, Hermann

  1995 Amish Mennonites in Germany: Their Congregations, the Estates Where They Lived, Their Families. Morgantown, Pa.: Masthof Press.

  Haag, Earl C.

  1982 A Pennsylvania German Reader and Grammar. State College, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.

  Hall, Edward T.

  1977 Beyond Culture. New York: Anchor Books.

  Handbuch für Bischof (Handbook for bishops)

  1978 Translated by Noah G. Good. Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop. First published in 1935.

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  Hartz, Amos, and Susan Hartz

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  Herr, Patricia T.

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  Horst, Irvin B.

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  Hostetler, Beulah S.

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  1996 “The Amish and Pietism: Similarities and Differences.” In Les Amish: origine et particularismes 1693–1993. Ingersheim: Association Française d’Histoire Anabaptiste-Mennonite.


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