Private Affair (The Private Series)

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Private Affair (The Private Series) Page 9

by Danielle Torella

  Caroline looks so little next to him, which only makes the situation that much worse. She is only a teenager and he is in his mid-twenties. I can see the, and I don’t want to say it or think it, but I see the love they each have for one another in their eyes. I truly believe that if Dan had known what was really going on, he would have said something to Ben or Jack.

  “This…” Dan starts, he holds her wounded arm in his hands, cradling it, nurturing it. “Is scary. When I heard that you nearly… died, I lost it. I shut off for days. I didn’t work, I didn’t answer my calls. I ceased to exist, until I finally got word of how you were doing.” He looks to Ben, “I tried to keep my distance to respect your wishes, but…”

  “You knew that something was going on Benjamin?” Jack snips at Ben.

  “I knew of one incident, but I was assured it was a misunderstanding. I had no idea about any of this.” Ben explains.

  Jack walks to Dan, oh crap. “I see. So, what are your intentions now?” He isn’t even talking to me and I want to tell him my intentions with Ben…holy shit he is scary.

  “I would like to continue being there for Caroline Sir. I know she is much too young, right now for a relationship with me. And I don’t think after what she has been through she should see anyone romantically right now.”

  He is very logical on the matter.

  Jack taking in a calming breath and I see his clenched fists relax, how long have they been like that? “Your bloody right about that young man. My daughter is in no condition to date.”

  “I don’t think you should be contacting her any longer.” Ben snaps from across the area.

  Jack holds up a hand to his son, “Stop. You are not her father. I know I haven’t been the greatest father in a while, I feel awful and sick that I didn’t see any of the signs sooner.”

  “Dad, I didn’t exactly confide in you or anyone for that matter,” Caroline tells her father. “It’s no one’s fault but my own. I was just in a dark place… But I need you to understand that when I was happy, it was because of Dan and he was across the country.” I can see the pain that she has been carrying for so long. I can see the struggle and intense need to make Jack and Ben understand what she is feeling. Sure it’s a little late, but its better it comes out now.

  “You!” Ben shoots at Dan, “All this time, all the times we talked while you were across the country, all the times I told you everything about my end, you didn’t think to let me know that you were talking to my baby sister? Or the fact that you might think she was hurting or was in some sort of trouble? I could have stopped the bullying!” He is straining the urge to not pummel Dan right now. “If you had just spoken up…”

  “I know. I didn’t think about it that way before, I honestly thought that she was still seeing a therapist and her family about what was going on with her classmates. I would have brought it up, you have to believe that man. I would never want to see Caroline physically, mentally or emotionally hurt. At the same time I was struggling with my own emotions about it all.” Dan looks to Caroline, “I am so sorry Caroline. I just didn’t know.”

  “I know,” She answers. Caroline takes Dan’s hand and I can just feel Ben’s blood pressure spike and Jacks for that matter. Neither move though, perhaps they are waiting to see what happens.

  Dan hesitantly leans in closer to her, “You’re my best friends little sister. You are supposed to be off limits, forbidden…wrong.”

  “We can keep doing what we have been, talking. We can keep taking it slow, keep being friends. When I am eighteen…”

  Ben starts clapping, “Oh, how fucking beautiful! My best mate and my underage baby sister, talking about waiting until she is legal to really date an older guy… Am I the only one who really sees how fucked up this is?”

  “Ben,” I snip, “With me now.” I demand and start to pull him out of the room. I yank him into the ladies room. “You need to control this now.”

  “Control what exactly?”

  “She has been through enough already and apparently she was confiding in someone for a while, granted it wasn’t the full truth about the extreme of the situation, but she was opening up to someone. Are you just lit, because it wasn’t you? Do you feel guilty about not being there or not seeing the signs?”

  Ben looks at me and scratches his chin vigorously, “Yeah, is that what you want to hear?”


  “They haven’t done anything wrong. They are friends, sure they have a little more feeling behind it, but I honestly don’t think that they will act on it. Dan sees how precious she is and will protect her. You just have to let it ride out.” I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him. His hands do the same and he rests his chin on the top of my head.

  “Thank you. Thank you for knowing what I need to hear and bring me back to reality.” He lets out a rugged breath.

  “I love you. Now let’s go back out there and take the tension down a tad. It’s my birthday and I want to spend it with everyone that’s here. Got it?”

  “Got it, birthday girl.”

  Ben and I have been playing with dates and details for the wedding. We talked with Jack and Gwen, who suggested we get married back in London, Ben’s first home. Supposedly they have a lot of family there and would love to help in any way they can.

  “Your Uncle Daniel and Aunt Genevieve have the estate just outside of the city and they have offered their home for the wedding and reception.” Jack explains the idea and the very kind gesture, over coffee at our place.

  Ben is holding my hand as we sit next to each other on the leather sofa, which reminds me that I want to start adding my own little personal touches to the place… “That is very kind of them,” Ben looks to me, “What do you think?”

  I look from Ben to Jack and Gwen, who are patiently waiting on what I have to say. Gwen has the biggest, most excited looks on her face. “I wouldn’t want to put anyone out though…”

  “They are family and they have offered. Ben spent many days there and played with his cousins. It’s a happy place, one filled with beloved memories, ones we had when his mother was still alive.” Jacks voice cracks as he speaks about his departed wife. Gwen kisses his cheek, I am so happy to see how great she is with him when it comes to his first big love and the mother of his children.

  “It’s true,” Ben laughs, “I had a lot of fun growing up there and the land is a fair size and we would have plenty of room. Not that we want a big wedding or anything, just something Private. A private affair.”

  “Now how can I argue with that?” I laugh.

  Jack claps his hands once together loudly, “Brilliant! Now a date.”

  Ben and I look at one another and smile. We both want to be married as soon as possible. We fell hard, fast. I have heard so many stories of people rushing into marriage and it’s over before it starts, but what people don’t talk about as often as they should, the ones who get married after seeing one another for a few short weeks and they, they are the ones who are married for fifty, sixty years. I know that Ben and I are one of those fifty, sixty years.

  “We would like to do it soon,” Ben announces.

  “How soon are we talking?” Gwen asks, probably eager to help start planning.

  “Spring if possible?” I ask. Ben smiles and nods in agreement. We hadn’t really talked about dates specifically, but we knew we wanted it soon.

  “It’s not too warm there that time of year dear, if it’s cold then we can do indoors and if we are lucky we can have it outside…” Jack informs me.

  “Or heated tents!” Gwen suggests with much enthusiasm, I can see her gears turning now.

  “I’m not looking to be a blushing June bride by any means. I am not so traditional, so why should our wedding be?”

  “This is true,” Ben laughs, “But I wouldn’t have you any other way. It is rather chilly and rains that time of the year and possibly snow… Then again it could be warm and sunny.”

  I nod as he rambles on with Jack, who I am surprised t
o see so excited about planning a wedding with his son. I love seeing the joy in both of their eyes. These two men are definitely father and son and I am thankful that they too are not very traditional.

  Gwen is starting to flip through a paper daily planner. I didn’t think people used the paper ones anymore, not since smartphones became popular. “We have all of May or June...”

  “May maybe? Would that be enough time?” I ask, I don’t want to push anyone.

  “Okay, I will mark it and start planning. Tess why don’t you come over someday soon and we can go over your dress and decorations? You know Caroline would love to help with the attire.”

  “Are you sure she is up for it?” I ask worried about if she is well enough to take it on. The last thing I want is to stress her out.

  The couple rises and puts on their jackets, “Are you kidding? She would be so disappointed if she didn’t get to design your dress.”

  And you know what? She is absolutely right. I know that when I was in the same boat as Caroline years ago, the only thing that kept me going was listening to my music and painting or taking pictures. It was the things that made me happy the most that kept me alive and hopeful. So, I can understand where Caroline is coming from.

  “So, we have a date then? May third or tenth?” I squeak as it finally hits me, after Jack and Gwen walk out the door. I start to hop from one foot to the other.

  “Third,” Ben chirps up. “The earlier the better!” Ben swoops me up and spins me around and around. “Even though I have to wait two months to call you Mrs. Ben Mitchell.”

  I gasp and smack at him to set me down, “Two months! Oh my God! That really isn’t a lot of time to plan! It didn’t sound like it was that close until you just said it! Holy crap! I don’t know how to plan a wedding! What do we do first?” I am pacing the room and I start to bite my nails. Ben comes over and takes my hand and everything goes soft and I relax. This. This is one of the many reasons I love him, he just has this effect on me. He can calm me down with a simple touch. Hell, he could start an inferno with the same touch too.

  “We will be fine. We will start planning now and taking it one day at a time. Besides, between Gwen, Caroline and your mom, I doubt we will have to do much.”

  “But I want to have fun planning too, but with work…”

  “Hey, we are set to just do local shows for a little bit, so don’t worry. And besides Fuller knows about the engagement and I am sure she will allow us the time off we need for the wedding and…” He leans in and lick my bottom lip and nips it softly, “The honeymoon.”

  Oh, the honeymoon. I didn’t even think about that, now I don’t know which part I am more excited about. Yes I do, the committing myself to the man I love, forever and for always.

  “Where would we go?” I ask excitedly and now turned on by the assault to my lip.

  His hand begins to travel up my t-shirt and his fingertips graze the outside of my bra, “Anywhere you want.”

  My eyes roll back as his hand dips into my bra and finds my nipple. I no longer think about location of the honeymoon, but the bed and the time we will have alone together. I let out a soft moan as he pinches it softly, “Mmm… you like that huh?” He asks.

  “Mmm Hmmm…”

  He lifts my shirt up and tugs down the front of my bra cups and my small breasts are pushed up, ready for his attention. He leans down and flicks the tip of my nipple with his tongue and there goes that inferno. I loop my finger into the front of his waistband and start to pull him towards the hall. I bump into the wall on the way, seeing as I am walking backwards. With one hand Ben grasps both of my wrists and tugs them above my head, my body for the taking right in front of him. With his free hand he frees me of my bottoms and panties. I am panting so hard and so fast my chest is heaving. I need him. I need him so far in me and I still don’t think that would be enough. I feel like there is still a spot that hasn’t been touched by him and I am ready for it.

  His pants and shorts are shimmied to the floor and his erection is harder than ever. I lock my eyes to his and I bite down on my lip to quiet a moan. His teeth nip at my lip and it stings, but feels so good and send a wave of tingles to my clit. I let go of that moan.

  “Jump and wrap your legs around me.” He demands. Something about his alpha male that comes out during sex is beyond enticing and alluring. I am an independent woman and I can take care of myself, but something about him taking control at times, times like this … I don’t know, it just riles me up even more.

  I do what I am told and he uses his hand to line up his shot. The next thing I know he is dipping then slams up into me. Holy mother of… this is good. This is… I scream. Intense. I love this feeling. It doesn’t take much before we are both huffing and puffing. He doesn’t let go of my wrists and his mouth goes to work on my nipples which are still being pushed up by my bra, making it easier for him. He flicks and licks and sucks on them back and forth. “Don’t stop,” I tell him.

  “Oh, baby I don’t plan on it.”

  He pumps into me a few more times and we are coming together, hard. We shutter as he enters me once, twice and the final third time.

  “This is an odd assignment and I have never had anyone request a photographer for a tour.” Ms. Fuller informs me. “This is something we have contemplated in the past, but didn’t have the right person…”

  I have been working my butt off for the magazine and loving every moment of it. I get to work with Ben on each show or feature as I have come to say. So when I was called into Ms. Fuller’s office to discuss a show I thought it’d be a typical assignment, not anything remotely like this.

  “He wants me for the whole tour? How long?” I ask.

  “He is a new emerging performer and he has a good following already through Smash Records. We have a good standing with the record company and have done countless features for their artists. We have sent journalists to cover the tour for a three to five page spread about the tour and used whoever we had in the area for the photographer. As for the duration we are looking at a minimum of four weeks.” She starts to explain and I am still trying to get this absorbed into my head.

  “Why me?”

  Ms. Fuller lowers the iPad she has in front of herself and slides it across the desk. “He … requested you.”

  My jaw drops. No way.


  She smiles, “Ah, so you do know Mr. Towers.”

  I open my mouth to speak and close it. I feel my head tip to the side in confusion. All the thoughts in my head are swirling like the sky in Van Gogh’s Starry Night. “I do.”

  “That explains the request then.”

  I knew Tony was an excellent performer, but I had no idea he would be picked up and so fast. The last time I saw him was about a month ago and he didn’t mention anything about it, so I can only assume that he wasn’t signed then. “So, when do Ben and I leave?”

  “I know you are used to working with Mr. Mitchell, but this is a unique case and frankly I need him here to cover some big shows happening here in Seattle.”

  Ben won’t be with me? I feel my heart sinks slightly. “Who will be coving the show, as in the writing aspect? Does Ben know?”

  “We have another columnist who has done tour work with us in the past Jennifer Garrett, you two will get along very well. I have sent Ben an email requesting a meeting with him on the matter, this afternoon when he is in.” She assures me. “The tour is set to start next week. He is new so there isn’t a huge tour bus like most would assume. The label has set him up with a midsize RV and driver.”

  “How would I travel?”

  “With him. I assume that’s not a problem? The RV will have four bunks.” She stiffens her features and I haven’t seen that look before, she must be serious.

  I swallow hard, “Of course not. And Jennifer?”

  “With you as well. I want you two to get along, because you will be working non-stop on this tour. I want all the show details and behind the scenes. The music, the growi
ng fame… the girls.”

  I am picking at my navy blue nail polish, trying to absorb all this. I never thought I would be going on a tour. I am grateful that it’s with someone I know, but how did Tony know I worked with Tones?

  We hear a knock on the door and Ms. Fuller announces the person to come in. Ben is standing in the door way, he is looking yummier than this morning in his fitted jeans, gray shirt and a black over shirt unbuttoned and rolled to the elbows. Hot daaauuuuumn…

  “Come on in and have a seat Ben,” She waves her hand to the empty seat next to me. He strides in, closing the door behind him. He leans down, kisses my cheek and winks.

  “What’s going on?” He asks bright eyed. If he only knew we were going to be separated. Apart.

  “I was just giving Tess the 411 on Mr. Towers tour.”

  “Yeah I hear about this guy, getting picked up at a place in Florida with Smash. That dude must have some ripe talent to get on a tour right away.” He doesn’t know who he is yet.

  He snaps it looking back at Ms. Fuller and gives her a questioning look. “I have asked Tess to join Jennifer Garrett on his four week tour. We have wanted to send one of our photographers for some time now and considering he has personally requested her, we couldn’t refuse.”

  “Wait? Jennifer? Why not me?” He asks bewildered.

  She sighs, “I know you two are engaged and don’t want to be apart, but I need you here for the bands coming to Seattle. Jennifer is fully capable and Tess will do great on this project.”

  Ben bites the inside of his cheek and looks to the floor before responding. He rubs his thumb over my palm. He looks up to Fuller with his head still bowed, “When?”

  “Next week.”

  My jaw drops open and so does Ben’s.

  “Are you okay with this?” I ask.

  Ms. Fuller stands, “I’ll give you two a moment.” She exits the office.

  Ben brings his shoulders up and gapes his mouth open, speechless. “I … I have to be right? I am not going to be that guy who tells you, you can’t do something, not when I know it’s something you love. Do I want you to leave? No, but this is an amazing opportunity for you. How do you feel about going?”


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