Private Affair (The Private Series)

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Private Affair (The Private Series) Page 11

by Danielle Torella

  “Hello, you must be Tess, I am Roger the driver.” He introduces himself and we shake hands.

  “Nice to meet you and yes I am Tess.”

  “Tess!” I hear my name being called from the doors of the bus and I see Tony jump off the last step. What the heck?

  He looks like he has packed on muscle or something. He isn’t the skinny white boy like he was a few weeks back. His shoulders a little broader and neck is a little thicker. “Tony?” I ask, just to be sure.

  He laughs and comes over to Ben and I. “Hey Ben, how’s it going?” Tony asks casually.

  “Considering your taking my girl from me for a month?” Ben snips.

  I nudge him in the ribs with my elbow and give him a look telling him to play nice.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t think when I said that…” Tony apologizes.

  “It’s fine. Can I talk to you for a moment though?” Ben leans into Tony.

  Tony puts his hand on Ben’s shoulder and they step aside. I try to hear what Ben is saying, but I can’t really tell. I can only assume he is threatening to kill him if he lays a hand on me or hurts me in any way.

  I am too occupied with trying to read lips and epically failing, when I am startled out of my skin and jump back, when I see a young woman with long black hair with blue streaks strewn through it. I throw my hand to my chest and gasp.

  “Hi! I’m Jennifer, you must be Tess!” She tosses her hand out at me. Her eyes are wide and bright, dark eyeliner and red lips. She is very pretty, a total pinup! Then I see why she is so peppy, she has coffee!

  I take her hand, “Yeah, hi, it’s nice to finally meet you,” I greet my new partner for the next four weeks.

  “Yeah, sorry we couldn’t meet before this, I was just on tour with another band and I just got back three days ago and well … I needed some sleep.” She takes a long sip from her paper coffee cup.

  I nervously look back at Ben and Tony. They are still talking, I must be obvious because Jennifer tries to regain my attention, “Boy drama?” She asks.

  I turn back and shyly smile, I feel like I am being rude. “Yeah, sorry. My fiancé there is a little over protective.”

  She nods as if telling me she totally gets it, “He just cares and wants to make sure you’re going be okay. Do you blame him?”

  “No, I suppose not,” I admit. He is only looking out for me, it’s not like he will be a five minute drive from me. We are going to be apart for a month and across the damn continent for that matter, I don’t think it really synced in until now.

  She steps in closer to my side and nods in the guy’s direction, “So Tony … You know him? I heard he asked for you by name. What’s with that? I have been on many tours and never met a musician to special request a writer let alone a photographer.”

  “We met at the tattoo shop he works at, he gave me my first tattoo and ran into one another a few times and became friends.” I try to explain as simply as possible. The two men start their way back towards me and Jennifer.

  “Hey Jenn,” Ben greets her, I forget that they know one another through work.

  “Sup Ben? Don’t worry I will take care of your girl here,” Jennifer attempts to assure him and she puts an arm around my shoulder.

  Ben grunts, “You better, I am holding you and Towers here accountable if one tiny thing happens to her. Got it?” He looks to Jennifer and Tony.

  I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment and slight anger, “Ben! Knock it off! I am going to be just fine. We talked about this. So stop making threats.”

  “What makes you think I am threatening anyone? Am I threatening you Jenn?” He asks her and she shakes her head. “Towers? Did I threaten you?” Tony shrugs and laughs.

  Tony picks up some gear to load into the bus and I see that he has been working out. His once tiny structure is bulked up and defined. And I see that he hasn’t sprung for any larger clothing either, so his older already threads are tighter. “Nah, just had a man to man. No big deal Tess.”

  “Load em’ up!” Roger announces, popping his head out of the bus doors.

  My heart drops and I instantly tear up. Ben takes me by the waist and pulls me to the side. “Hey, you know this isn’t going to be goodbye, I want you to call me as soon as you get to the first stop okay? And I will see you in a week. You got this Punky. I love you.”

  I tuck my face into his chest and let out a light sob. I try to compose myself, but leaving Ben for no personal reason this time seems crazy. Before it was because we didn’t communicate and there was guilt and pain. This time, well I am leaving on my own free will. It’s a bitter sweet feeling. Dream job but leaving my other half. “I love you too. And I will call you and we can FaceTime later right?”

  Ben leans down and cups my face, closes his eyes and inhales. I can see him struggling with keeping himself composed. When his eyes open they are glossy with unshed tears, “I am always a call and click away.”

  I nod and close my own eyes. He puts his lips to mine in a soft comforting kiss. A perfect moment and then the world disappears and all I can do is memorize this kiss. The feel. The taste. The way his hands are on my hips then the small of my back and his fingertips tracing up my spine. I reach up and scratch his stubble with my fingers and the kiss deepens. I get my foot pop kiss. Just as I am about to pull away I hear Jennifer cat call from the bus. I look over and see her hanging out of an open window.

  I cover my blushing face and I take in a deep breath, one more quick kiss, “I love you.” I turn to face the bus and he whispers in my ear that he loves me too. I let go of his hand that I didn’t realize I was holding and make a bee line to the silver doors of the small bus. I take the first step and look back at Ben. He puts his hand to his mouth, kisses it and waves it at me. I do the same and mouth ‘I Love you’ and I board the bus.

  We are on our way out of the lot and I don’t look out the window as we leave. If I look I will snap and yell for Roger to stop, I just sling my bag over my shoulder and look down my new living quarters for the next month.

  It’s a mix match of dark and light tones. There are dark wood paneled walls, with accent lighting making it shine. There are dark cream colored leather sofas facing one another with a couple pillows and a throw blanket. Then there’s a table nook that reminds me of a restaurant booth. I see Tony come up from the back of the bus, he has his head down and looks up to see me and Jennifer behind me. She leans into my ear from behind, “Fuck me he is gorgeous…”

  I can’t help but snort and she playfully pushes my shoulder. “What’s so funny?” Tony asks as he reaches the front of the bus.

  I tuck my hair behind my ears and smile, “Oh, nothing.” What the hell was that about?

  Roger calls back to us to let us know that we will be in Boise Idaho in about seven hours. Then my nerves start to kick in. It didn’t even occur to me that I would be doing a show tonight. I must go white or show some sign of my nerves, because Tony steps in a little closer and tips his head looking at my eyes, “Hey, you okay there?”

  I go to talk, but my mouth is dry and I cough. Tony steps away and reaches the small kitchen, leans down to the mini fridge and grabs out a bottle of water, Opening it for me he hands it to me, “Here, this will help.”

  I take a greedy sip, “Thanks. I think my nerves just got the best of me,” I confess.

  Jennifer puts her arm around me, “Hey, Doll, you’ll be fine! You’ve done this before and your work is stellar!”

  Tony smiles, “She is right, that’s why I asked for you.”

  “Yeah, I wanted to ask you how you knew I worked for Tones to begin with.” It just shoots out of my mouth, I hope I don’t sound ungrateful.

  He takes a seat on one of the sofas and pulls an electric guitar onto his lap and soundlessly starts to play with the strings. “You told me in the coffee shop after that run in with the extremely rude woman.”

  I don’t remember telling him about Tones … then again I do tend to ramble when I have a caffeine rush, so maybe I did? I
shrug it off and accept that I am on a whirlwind concert tour. I secretly squee inside.

  I am still standing with one of my bags and I am looking around and Jennifer is up front with Roger talking. Tony takes notice of me awkwardly standing there. “Shit, sorry! Let me show you around.” He gets up and gestures out his arms as if he had moon lighted as a Price is Right showcase girl. “Here, is a table, where we will eat.” I laugh at the obviousness.

  He takes a large over exaggerated step to the kitchen nook and with the wave of his hand he displays the mini fridge, sink and microwave in one little space. “This is the master kitchen, excellent for gourmet ramen noodles.” I shake my head as I laugh.

  Down the little hall we go, “Here is the world smallest bathroom, where you will have absolutely no privacy,” he assures me with a large nod. Then with both arms extended he flings open the bunk curtains to reveal made up twin sized beds. “And here, are the most uncomfortable sleep quarters on earth…”

  “But you get the big bed in the back right?” I ask.

  He crosses his toned arms across his chest, bows his head down and looks through his dark lashes, “What makes you think that?”

  “Um, I don’t know, because you’re the star?” I ask unsure of my own question.

  “Do you think I am some stuck up arrogant rock douche bag?” His eyes are harsh now and his body is tensed.

  I take a step back.

  Tony bursts into a laugh and closes into me and hugs me, “I am fucking with you Tess! And no, I offered the big bed to Roger he deserves it for driving across the country, the man needs to stretch out.”

  I am thrown through a loop, one minute I was scared then the next he is hugging me and laughing. This tour is going to be very interesting. And what a sweet thing of him to give the bed to Roger, that makes me smile and relax. “So which of the bunks is mine?” I ask.

  Tony looks into each, “looks like Jennifer claimed this one on top, so the other three are for your choosing.”

  I toss my bag onto the bunk below hers, “This’ll do.”

  Tony grins and pats the bunk across from mine, “Okay then this little coffin here is mine.” We laugh.

  “Yeah how are you going to fit in there? It’s like a foot shorter in length than you are.”

  “Good thing I am flexible,” He jokes and winks.

  Jennifer greets us at the bunks, “Okay bathroom rules…” She starts, oh boy.

  We are an hour outside of Boise and I decide it’s time to call Ben, “Hey baby,” he answers.

  “Hey you. Miss me yet?” I kid, knowing his answer. I am fidgeting on my bunk, Tony and Jennifer are at the table playing some card game that I don’t know.

  “More than you know, but I have been occupied with some overdue business at Chatz. I need to keep myself busy so I don’t go mad from missing you.” His voice is deep and dragged out. I can hear the depression in his voice.

  “Well I am glad that you are keeping busy…”

  “So how’s the bus? Towers behaving?”

  I roll my eyes, “Yes, he is being a gentleman. And the ride is good so far,” I bob my head out the curtain and see them laughing at the table. “We are about an hour outside of Boise. I am a little nervous about doing the show without you, it’s going to be weird.”

  “You’ll be great and I will be there with you in your heart.”

  I swoon.

  “Yes you are always with me there. Okay, I should probably get my gear ready for the show. He is opening Framing Hanley tonight, so that should be pretty epic.” I smile at the news I got a short while ago, because I love that band.

  Ben groans, “Damn, I didn’t even think about you being with other bands at each stop, fuck another thing to worry about.”

  “Don’t worry, I am a big girl and prior to coming I packed some pepper spray.” I like to think that I am well prepared.

  “That’s my girl.” I can hear the approval in his voice. “Okay, love, call me after the show before you go to sleep.”

  I sigh at the thought of falling asleep without his arms around me. I have to choke back a tear, “You know I will. I love you Ben.”

  “I love you, good luck tonight.”

  I clear my throat after we hang up and I swing my legs over the bunk edge and lean over to climb out. I take a deep breath and walk out to my new partners in crime.

  “There she is!” Jennifer smiles, she slides over and pats the seat next to her. I sit down and ask if they are still playing the game I didn’t know.

  “Yep. Want to learn?” Tony asks.

  I put my hands up, “Eh, I have tried to learn cards, but I am horrible at it.” I admit and it’s true, James has tried to teach me for years and I just can’t absorb it. Cards and Chess the only things I can’t learn … and cartwheels. I can’t do a cartwheel to save my life.

  Tony tosses his hand of cards down, “that’s fine how about we go over the show tonight?”

  “Sounds good,” I answer with an excited and nervous smile.

  Tony lets us girls get ready first in the bathroom. I just do a quick fresh up and I am glad I went first, because Jennifer is in there for a while. I am getting my Converse on and prepping my camera and making sure my batteries are charged and I have my extra SD cards. Tony is on one of the sofas with his acoustic and he is practicing a song I heard him perform at the Space Needle on my birthday. I try not to make it look like I am watching him, but damn he is so captivating.

  Jennifer comes out of the bathroom in black skin tight leather pants, silver tank top, a black blazer and sky high heels. How the hell does she work in those? Her hair is sleek and perfect and she has a smoky eye makeup and nude painted lips. She is gorgeous!

  She walks by Tony and his eyes shoot up and down her and I roll my eyes with a light chuckle, I guess it doesn’t matter how much of a gentleman you are, you still have weaknesses. He sets his guitar down and wipes his palms on the tops of his thighs, shakes his head. Standing he takes in a deep shaky breath, passes me and closes himself in the bathroom.

  “Nice outfit,” I compliment Jennifer.

  She tosses her lose black curls over her shoulder and puts a hand on her hip, “Thanks Doll, you look really cute yourself.”

  I look down at my own outfit and run her word through my head cute. Yeah, I guess so, I am not feeling flashy or sexy like I were if I was covering a show with Ben and I guess it shows. “Thanks,” I tell her. I am just in a pair of jeans and a gray tank top and my chambray denim shirt rolled to the elbows. Simple.

  Before I know it Tony is out of the bathroom and his hair is styled into a messy faux hawk, he walks barefoot to his bunk, opens his bag and pulls out a black shirt. He pulls the white tee he is wearing now up over his head and tosses it into his bunk. He is covered in even more tattoos than what I have seen so far. He must have been working out constantly, because he is looking ripped. His shoulder … chest … his abs. I look away as fast as I can. Shit. I shouldn’t have been checking him out. What the fuck. Jennifer is still watching him and she is biting her lip. Man, it’s nice to know that I am not the only girl who does that. I smack her arm to get her to stop staring.

  “What?” She asks, “Like you didn’t notice…” She smirks at me.

  I shake my head and I go back to the kitchen nook and grab a RedBull. Ben had gotten me a case, so I put some in my bag and my other stash is under the bus. I don’t think it will take me long to go through.

  “Okay! Let’s head in!” Tony comes though.

  He stops in front of me and then I see that he is actually sporting the “Guy Liner” on his bright blue eyes, causing them to pop even more. I always had a thing for guys in black eyeliner ever since Benji did it from Good Charlotte. On Tony, it’s not over the top or gaudy looking, it just… looks hot.

  “Looking good, rock star!” Jennifer smacks her lips and winks at him. He shakes his head at the comment and waves her off. “What? Do you not realize how fuckable you are Tony? I bet your great in the sack.” Jennifer
runs her finger tips across her open chest, from collarbone to collar bone, she is wearing a strapless top, leather skinny jeans and what appears to be Louis Vuitton peep toe spiked heels. Damn.

  I see Tony contemplate her words and his eyes follow the movements of her hands on her tanned chest. I clear my throat, uncomfortable where this is going and besides we have work to do. His head shoots to my direction and I pat my camera bag that I have slung over my shoulder. He takes in a deep breath of air and there’s the nervous, humble Tony that I know.

  I pull out my camera and follow him off of the bus and Jennifer follows behind. We reach the side doors of the building and we walk right through, no trouble from the guard. I am snapping photos of the area, trying to figure out my angle, what my vision will be of this tour. I don’t want to just focus on Tony, but how a tour works and who’s involved.

  Jennifer has a tablet in hand and looks like she is taking notes. Huh, I would use a pen and paper for reporting, but to each their own I suppose. We hear a loud boom of a voice call out to Tony and I nearly jump out of my skin. We all look at the burly looking man with a mic in his ear.

  “Towers, where have you been?” The man says aggravated, “You are to be in the building with all the other bands as soon as set up starts, unless told otherwise. You’re on in fifteen minutes and your ass better be ready.”

  Once the guy stomps away, talking into his blue tooth headset I turn my head slowly to Tony who looks just as shocked as I am. Jennifer is the first to speak, “What guy stuck a dildo up his ass and left it there?”

  I burst out laughing, not expecting her to say that and Tony’s eyes bug out of his head, “Don’t let him hear you say that or I could be dropped from this tour.”

  “Who is that guy anyways?” I ask.

  “That would be my tour manager. He keeps an eye on me during this thing to make sure I don’t fuck up the labels name.”


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