Private Affair (The Private Series)

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Private Affair (The Private Series) Page 18

by Danielle Torella

  Thrown, “Um, about half an hour ago I’d say. Why?”

  She pulls out her phone and she throws her head back and sarcastically laughs. Setting the phone down, she turns and slides it to me. When I look at the screen I am greeted with the same photo. “Email?” I ask her, assuming Nicole sent it to her too. Evil conniving bitch.


  I look closer and sure the fuck enough, there it is posted on Towers page. I slam my fist down on the thin table, surprised I didn’t break it in half. There are already likes and comments.

  “Keep scrolling.” She tells me in a dead toned voice.

  I scroll though pictures and posts by others and I see a few more photos of Towers and Tess. Her taking his photos up close. Him with his arm around her. Him kissing her cheek. “Wow, well he seems to get close, quite often huh?”

  “He is just a friendly guy Ben. You know that, you know that we have been friends for a little time now. It’s not like we are screwing around.” She adds.

  I can see the hurt in her eyes that I have caused. I don’t know, maybe being here and seeing it all happen is putting it in perspective. That when it really comes down to it she is too good for me and apparently Towers isn’t the ladies’ man, everyone thinks he is.

  Tony and Jennifer come onto the bus and stand next to the booth that Tess and I are seated at. Neither are happy and neither are we. Tess is tearing up and is frequently wiping away stray tears. My heart aches as I feel like an ass for what I had just said to her and for my following thoughts.

  I stand up and look Towers in the eyes, “Tell me the truth. Are you trying to sleep with Tess?”

  “No!” He eagerly announces.

  “Do you have feelings for her?”

  He looks at her, wrong move mate, “Answer me!” I snap.

  Towers whips his head back at me, “I do. But they have faded with each day that I see how much she loves and cares for you. I thought I had a chance, but I know now that I never did. I won’t come between the two of you. But I also don’t want to stop our friendship. She is the first person I have opened up to about many things. She is an amazing girl and any man, even you are lucky to have her.” He looks away and back at her, “That’s why I want her to go home after tonight. We are wrapping up the tour in two more stops and then the record label has set up a special show in Vegas in a week. I want her to be there, but only if you join her.”

  I move around and sit next to Tess, “What do you think? I would never pressure you into doing anything, I don’t believe in that type of relationship.”

  “I am exhausted. I think it is a good idea, as much as I would like to finish off the tour. Vegas it is.”

  “Can I have a word with Tess alone?” Jennifer asks Ben and Tony. Ben looks hesitant, “Please?” She asks again and he gives her the okay, but with a warning glare. Tony puts a hand on Ben’s shoulder and I see him tense up, but when he sees how much that hurts me, he relaxes slightly and just goes with it.

  When we are alone Jennifer breaks down. I mean full on tears and running mascara. “I am so sorry Tess! I wasn’t thinking and I needed the money…”

  I snap my head back around at her, “I don’t care! Do you know how many people out there are now making death threats at me, because they don’t want their precious Tony Towers to be hooking up with his photographer? Huh! My reputation is going to burst into flames! Fuller is going to see this and not take me seriously and fire me!”

  “I know and I am so sorry, I don’t know what to do to make you see that.” She is frantic and I am glad. She has caused so much pain here, not for my career, but making Ben snap and making Tony look like a bad guy. That was really unfair. “It is hard being away, but I love my job and it barely pays the bills such as the mortgage…That’s why I agreed to take the photos. I am really, truly sorry Tess.”

  Then I get a light bulb, “I know.” She looks confused. I must have my psycho look on my face, that I have been accused of showing when I am really fuming. “You’re going to call Fuller and explain the whole situation. Now.”

  “But she might fire me.”


  Jennifer pushes a dark brown lock behind her ear and starts to dial. Placing the phone next to her ear she bites on her thumb nail. She better be nervous. “Ms. Fuller, it’s Jennifer Garrett…” She falls silent and her eyes slide closed. “I know, I have seen the photos and that’s why I am calling you. I took the photos for a tabloid site in the return for making some extra cash…” She drops her head into her hand and shifts nervously in her spot. “Yes, ma’am I will return tonight and hand in my badge.”

  I grab the phone from her, “Ms. Fuller its Tess Martin. I know Jennifer did a very wrong thing, but I don’t wish to have her let go. She needs this job and she loves it. She made a bad decision and she regrets it fully. She was misled in the situation with the tabloid. It was a personal strike against me and Ben. I am asking that you please not fire her, but rather give her a warning.”

  “I expect more from all of you and if anything and I mean anything happens like this again, I have no issue with letting you all go. Do you understand and does Ms. Garret understand?”

  I look at Jennifer and she looks about as sick as I have been feeling, “Yes ma’am, fully. Thank you.”

  I hand her back her phone and I shake it off. She is lucky I feel for her, but she is a mother and needs to support her family. “You’re safe,” I tell her.

  Her eyes bug open and her mouth gaps open slightly in shock, “Thank you so much Tess! I don’t know how to repay you for that!”

  I put my hand up to stop her from talking, “Just do your job and forget all about that Nicole woman. She is not part of any tabloid crap.”

  “Who is she?” She asks me.

  I sigh, “Someone that you don’t want to know, believe me.”

  We have been home for a few days and I am still fatigued from the tour. I think I might be coming down with something. Ben wants me to go to the doctor, but I told him I was fine, just worn down.

  It’s been a week and I am still feeling shitty. I tell Ben that I am running to the pharmacy to get some cold meds, because I am feeling congested and see if that will help me get out of this funk.

  I am roaming the cold medicine aisle, looking at just about every box and I am having a difficult time finding one that fits what I am feeling. The female pharmacist comes over, “Can I help you find anything?” She asks.

  I explain that I have been out of town for nearly a month and came back super exhausted, queasy, water eyes and congested. “I think it’s just a cold.”

  “Are you taking any other medications?”

  I blush, “Birth control.”

  “And you take that every day correct? For how long?” Oh, wow, um okay…getting a little personal.

  “About six months.”

  She smiles and tells me to follow her, so I do. Maybe she has some secret miracle elixir that will make me feel all better and give the energy of a dozen espresso shots!

  When we round the corner aisle I nearly piss myself. “This is the feminine hygiene aisle.” I say stupidly.

  “Yes, it is. From what you’re describing, when was your last period?”

  I stop and think, “Um…” My eyes must be bulging out, because she lightly laughs and hands me a pregnancy test. Now that I think about it, I may or may not have forgotten to take my pill every day while on the tour. I was so busy and all over the place, it just slipped my mind. Besides, Ben wasn’t always around, so it’s not like I had constant sex as a reminder. But the first visit…Oh.

  I buy the test and I slip it in my purse. I drive back home and a million things are running through my head. What if Ben isn’t ready for kids? Does he want kids? I would if we’d have a boy or girl? How much does it cost to raise a child? Would we buy a larger house? Move out of the city?

  Will it be as hard as Jennifer has had it? I know the father left them, but who’s to say that won’t happen to me, once Ben find
out. That is if I am even pregnant. Pregnant. That sounds scary.

  When I get in the garage I just sit there. How am I going to look at Ben when I get upstairs? He is going to know something is up. But, I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure. I take a deep breath, throw on my sunglasses, so he can’t read the worry in my eyes. I set out of the elevator and walk through the door. I make a mad dash to the bathroom and I hear Ben, “What are you doing?” He laughs.

  “Gotta pee!” I tell him. Which is true, I really do have to which is good considering what I am about to do.

  I lock the door and I open the box and go over the directions as I bounce from foot to foot. I pee on the stick, cap it and lay if flat on the sink. I wipe and pull up my jeans, avoiding looking at the fate of the pee stick. I fix the bottles of shampoo and soaps on the tub. I adjust the towels on the towel rack.

  When I finally think enough time as passed, I step to the sink. I close my eyes and take a steadying breath. With shaky hands I pick up the white plastic stick and look at the window: PREGNANT.

  Oh my God. Oh my God.

  Ben knocks on the door and I drop the test into the sink. “You all right in there? You’ve been in there a while.”

  “Uh, yeah I am fine.” I stutter.

  I hear the knob jiggle as he tries to come in, “Tess, let me in.”

  I pick up the test and hold it behind my back, I unlock the door and Ben is standing in the doorway with one arm bent slightly above his head as he leans in. He has a smirk on his face and looks happy. Man, if he only knew what was about to hit the fan.

  “What do you have behind your back?” He playfully asks.

  “Nothing.” I grip it tighter.

  He glances past me and his face drops. I turn to see what he is looking at and I feel like a moron, I left the test box on the counter. He strides past me and picks up the box. “Tess?”


  Observing the box he looks to me, “did you take a pregnancy test?” Well, I guess I am not the only one who took her smart pills this morning.

  I nod and pull my fisted hand, which had a death grip around the test to my chest. He has a stone glare at the plastic in my hand. He steps in closer and I finally release the pressure in my hands to reveal the result to him.

  His eyes go wide and hands go for his hair. Shit, this is his stressed out move. He then drops to his knees and looks up at me, “This is for real?”

  I nod my head and I start to feel the pang of fear in my throat. Please don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me, I keep repeating to myself, hoping to will him into my power. His hands press to my outer hips as he looks at my flat stomach.

  He looks back up at me and he has tears streaming down his chiseled face, along with a big shaky smile. My heart skips a beat and swells a thousand times in size.

  “A baby? We are going to have a baby?” He stands up and swoops me up into his arms and kisses me.

  “You’re okay with this?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” He seems so shocked by my very practical question.

  “Because we never really discussed children or when we would have them.”

  He carries me to our bed and sets me on his lap. “It was never a question if, but when for me. I knew I always wanted to have children with you. I just figured we would wait a few more years, after we were married.”


  He holds my face in his strong hands and looks me dead in the eye, “Never be sorry for anything, especially this. I love you more that life itself and now I, I mean we get to share it with the worlds more brilliant child.”

  I sigh and he takes my lips between his and kisses me softly, lovingly. I finally allow my body and mind to go at ease, as I melt into him. The worry and stress slip away and we make love slowly. Taking one another in, savoring. This is how I want to spend the rest of my days and nights, in the arms of this incredibly strong man, who has been through more in his short twenty-six years. Someone who went from fighting, getting in constant trouble, loving and hating. Meaningless sex. To my man.

  “One more thing though Punky…” He takes a little step back, winces and tells me, “No more coffee.”

  I throw my head back and toss my hands to my sides and laugh, “I didn’t even think about that! Oh, well it’s more than worth it.”

  “That it is my love, that it is.”

  It’s been a couple days from the Vegas show for Tony and Ben and I have yet to discuss the arraignments.

  “So, what’s the game plane for Saturdays show?” I ask him as I am nibbling on a pumpernickel bagel, which I was very excited about by the way.

  “I don’t know if I like the idea of you near a crowed of crazy fans right now. What if someone or something hits you?” His brow furrows at the mere thought of me or the baby bean getting hurt.

  I wrap my arms up around his muscular torso and trail my fingers up and down his back, “I will be fine. How about I stay stage side?” I try to ease him and at the same time I feel his concerns, I don’t want anything to happen either.

  He kisses the top of my head, “As long as I get to go with you.”

  I smile from ear to ear, “Of course!”

  We are on our flight to Las Vegas so I can photograph my tooshy off. This will be the main focus of the spread in the magazine and I need to be on my A game. I am nervous and excited to see Tony again. Same with Jennifer, even though she did a real shitty thing.

  Ben leans over, “How are you feeling?” He looks down at my stomach.

  I smile, “A little queasy, but I am good. No morning sickness yet.”

  “Is that normal?” He asks, his grip tightening slightly.

  I laugh, “Yes, it is. Not every woman gets it. My mom told me a long time ago that she didn’t get sick with me, so I must have inherited that from her, thankfully.”

  His gaze shifts when he watches me giggle, “One thing I am definitely enjoying is how your breasts have grown slightly. Even you nipples are pinker. It’s very sexy knowing that I did that.”

  I shush him, because I don’t want anyone to hear what he is saying and I laugh again, “Hey, are you saying you don’t like my little boobs?” I pretend to be offended.

  “Nope. They are the perfect handful. Anything more is a waste.”

  I smack his shoulder and shake my head, needing to change the topic before I need to change my panties, “So, what’s the plan?”

  “What plan?”

  “You know, when are we going to tell our families? When can I tell Erin?” I am nervous and excited as all hell to tell at least one person. “I think my mom should know. Oh! And Caroline, because she is making my dress…Then again if we are still on for next month for the wedding, I shouldn’t be too big then.”

  He smiles the sweetest smile and tells me, “Do you realize how cute you are when you get a little frantic?”

  “Oh, shut up,” I giggle.

  “Well, how about when we get home from this show? Get you to the doctor first to confirm and make sure all is well then we can get everyone together and make one big announcement.”

  I never thought about making sure everything is okay. My heart sinks a little. Ben uses his fingers to lift my gaze to his, “Hey, everything is fine. Don’t worry and don’t over work it this weekend either.”

  “Okay and I know, just never really crossed my mind that something could be off or go wrong. I didn’t expect this all to happen and now that it has, I want to protect it with everything inside of me.” I feel a tear trickle down my cheek and Ben kisses it away.

  “Everything is going to be great. You’ll see.”

  We arrive in Vegas and get checked in to our hotel. It’s not even noon yet and the show is tonight. I am putting my stuff away and unpacking my suitcase, I don’t want all of my clothes to wrinkle or get that suitcase smell. I put my shampoo and washes in the bathroom and I go to toss my hair up into a ponytail, its hot as hell in here. I walk out of the bathroom fanning myself, “Little warm in here don’t
you think?” I ask him.

  He looks at me with a confused look, “What do you mean? The air is on.”

  I step over to him and press my hand to the back of his neck, “It’s hot in here!”

  He twists and grins at me, “No, you’re pregnant. From what I have heard your natural body temp can rise and make you feel uncomfortable.” He gusts of a laugh and his hands find my hips, “You are so beautiful.”

  I roll my eyes, “You say that now and just wait until I can’t see my feet and you have to put my shoes on for me or when I get stretch marks.”

  He lifts the hem of my t-shirt and kisses my lower belly softly. Looking up at me he whisper, “Never. You will always be the most beautiful, amazing and talented woman that I am ever so lucky to have as my wife…”

  “Soon to be.” I run my fingers through his black as night hair and tug.

  Ben moans, “So this is how you want to play huh?” His thumbs circle my hip bones.

  I bite down on my lip as I feel a rush of heat reach my sex. Ever since getting pregnant I am always so horny, okay hornier. I can’t help the fact that I am always ready for Ben.

  His phone is ringing and we just ignore it, but then it rings again and then again. “Just answer it!” I throw my head back as I am laying on the bed as he is taking my shoes off.

  “It’s not important.” He shrugs it off.

  “Like hell it isn’t! Whoever it is must think so, because they keep calling.” I put my foot up on his shoulder and push his back to the foot of the bed, “Answer it.”

  With an annoyed groan he finally listens, picking up his phone he doesn’t look at the contact and answers it, “Yeah?” snaps aggravated. I can’t help but giggle at his frustration, because now he knows what I am going through. He peaks back at me and gives me sexy smile and then sticks his tongue out at me. I shake my head and laugh at him. Then his gaze shifts and he turns away from me. This makes me very nervous, the last time he got a call that made him act this way, was when he got the call about Caroline.


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