Jaunts of the Mantis

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Jaunts of the Mantis Page 17

by Jim Henderson

  Then he took them to the cryo chamber area. Iday was already there in the process of waking the two cryo chamber passengers. The process took a few minutes, so Iday just stepped out of the way.

  Ximon showed them Ulfson’s body and again described exactly what tests they’d done before they froze him. At one point, Iday interjected, naming a few medical tests that Ximon overlooked.

  Barnato said, “Captain, we’re going to need to take the cryo chamber that Mr. Ulfson’s body is in – anything else risks further contamination or damage to evidence.”

  “No problem, though we’d eventually like it back.” Then he nodded to Iday and together they undid the lock-down clamps and lowered the wheels. “It’s all yours.”

  Dr. Grayson said to Barnato, “Ok, we’ve got this Frank” and she and Bralick wheeled the cryo chamber off.

  Barnato then sent Ximon digital receipts for the body, evidence, logs, cryo chamber, etc. and said, “Will you be around for a few days? We may need to ask you and your crew further questions.”

  “Yes, we’ll be in port at least 2 days.”

  “… and we might possibly need to come back and do some more analysis on the ship.”

  “If necessary, just let me know.”

  By this time, the cryo passengers were up and getting steady. Being frozen for a week or two could be disorienting.

  Ximon leaned into Slade, “Slade, there was a hot young thing on the ship as a passenger. You’ll probably see her once you get down the ramp. She’s a HUGE fan of yours.” He said with a wink, “You should really say ‘Hi.’”

  He replied in a gravelly voice, “Yeah sure man. Thanks. Always good to meet a fan, especially a hot one.”

  Iday nodded that he would point Thuvia out to him.

  Then Ximon escorted Barnato off the ship while Iday finished with the cryo pax.

  Barnato thanked him for his help and headed off.

  Once THAT legal issue was over, Ximon had time to study his messages. He again had a message from the lawyer. They’d had the first judicial hearing, and everything appeared positive. He hoped to hear more within a few weeks.

  He told the crew. Take 3 days off and meet back here at 0800. We may, or may not, have a job. If we do, I’ll let you know if that tweaks our time.

  Elsbeth said as she went to grab a bag, “Well deserved, I’d say.”

  Other than a few follow-up questions from the police, the next few days were restful and uneventful. Ximon spent most of it just strolling around, or lying around, with Raiza. He decided against any involved job as he just wanted to get back to Tixaya without trouble. However, he did agree to haul some physical mail so there was at least a little bit of income.

  The took off in 3 days without incident, got to the jump point, and jumped to Tixaya. Having no one to complicate their lives, the jump there was refreshingly quiet. More relaxation, some study, etc. The only thing of note was that Ximon had Mantis develop a logo for herself and for the crew – a praying mantis emerging from a survey craft. Ximon thought it was pretty cool and the crew liked it. Mantis was also working on an ‘avatar’ of herself to use as video on in meetings and screens. That was going less well and Ximon wasn’t sure about the idea. Most of the avatars Mantis had come up with looked a bit like The People they’d met in Avar 4.

  And then they were back home to Tixaya, landed, and disembarked.

  Ximon, “You’ve all deserved some well-earned rest. Take a week off. I hope to hear something on the salvage soon and I’ll let you know.”

  Jaunt 6: Flying to the Future

  He and Raiza were out to dinner a few days later when he heard from the lawyer. They had won the claim! There were of course legal fees, dock fees, some legal concessions, etc. But Ximon had been awarded almost 21 Mcr!!! In his mind, the Mantis had been awarded that money, but it was really his, though he owed small percentile shares based on Elsbeth and Iday’s contracts.

  He worked with a local lawyer to ensure he did everything properly as well as generously.

  He invited the team all to dinner in a few days at a nice restaurant to discuss. Over the appetizers Ximon gave them the good news. They had won the salvage, though the lawyer and everyone else has taken their pound of flesh. Still, they’d gotten more money than Ximon had ever earned.

  “OK, crew, we got some good news. We won the salvage and have a tidy sum after all the expenses and vulture’s fees. I’ve put a chunk of that money in an operating account for the Mantis, so we won’t need to skimp on parts or operations for a good, long time. I’ve also bought more shares of the Mantis, so it/we don’t owe so long in the ARC. I could have bought almost all of them, but there’s not that much of a downside. I also bought a couple shares for each of you, so you’re officially 5% owners each and you each have a clause in your contracts that you earn more shares over time of service. Whatever happens, you’ll be entitled to a portion of the profits from ‘Mantis Missions Inc.’ assuming, of course, that we have any. I can’t guarantee that.”

  They raised their glasses at that and then Ximon keyed a button on his tablet.

  “You’ll see you’ve also each received a sizable lump sum payment. That’ll cover pay, bonus, etc.”

  He had given Elsbeth and Iday each close to a million credits, equivalent to 6-8 years pay.

  Elsbeth looked at it, “Well hell, Ximon. That’s not enough to set me up as the Queen of Sheba, but it’s definitely a start.”

  Iday said, “That is a most impressive sum. Thank you, Ximon.”

  “I hope you’ll both stay on, at a slight raise. But, obviously that’s your call. I’ve also set aside a half million credits for stem to stern repairs of the Mantis. Elsbeth, whatever else you do, I’d like you to coordinate that. If more is needed, take it out of that operating budget.”

  “Oh, yeah. I’ll get her fixed up real pretty and we’ll have spare parts and everything!”

  Ximon continued, “I assume that’ll take about 3-4 weeks, so I’d hope to take off again in about 5 weeks. So, other than coordinating those repairs, y’all are on paid vacation.”

  Elsbeth let out a whoop and raised her glass, “Money, repairs, and vacation!”

  Iday echoed, “Hear, hear” and raised his glass.

  The next few weeks involved a lot of diverse things, but never enough that they were really busy.

  The ship received some significant repairs, upgrades, and TLC from stem to stern. Her hull was patched, washed, and painted including large nose art of their new logo. Her entire fuel system was flushed, and every filter and valve replaced. The jump drive was tuned by a specialist. He insisted they replace a couple coils and a few other components, but the stabilization ratings were far better than they’d ever gotten. The maneuver drives got some upgraded components and professional tuning as well, getting slightly improved output at considerably better efficiency. The comm system was upgraded for better fidelity and range. The sensors were upgraded to much newer models and tuned by an expert, increasing range, data gathered, and analysis capability. The display screens were all replaced, and the crew couches updated. The turret was mounted and ‘sighted in’ by a specialist. A thousand small electrical and plumbing things were fixed. It was pretty much a complete overhaul.

  The security system was considerably enhanced, with more and better cameras, increased coverage, and a much better central processing system. They also added a badging system so that all non-passenger areas could only be accessed with a virtual badge on the crew’s comm unit and/or implanted chip. Ximon also had a computer security expert come in, completely isolate the passenger/guest network, strengthen overall system security, and ensure that security components would be automatically updated in the future.

  Ximon and Raiza oversaw a remodeling of the galley and crew quarters. Everything was stripped down, repaneled or repainted, and new carpet installed. The sink/toilet area was completely redone. They got new countertops, cabinets, appliances and furniture. They also replaced all the beds with new ones that w
ere slightly larger and much more comfortable and got new sheets, pillows, quilts, etc. They also had each room stocked with plush towels, robes, and slippers. The pantry was also completely redone and restocked.

  Mantis’ computer system was also considerably upgraded. She got enhanced processing power, memory, and storage capacity. All of her software was upgraded to the latest versions and her informational database was almost quadrupled. Her networking was also enhanced so she could more easily interface with any or all tablets or comm units on the ship.

  Ximon also got a ‘telepresence platform’ for Mantis, essentially a video screen and cameras mounted on a pole above 2 wheels. It allowed a more physical form of the Mantis computer to ‘accompany’ them or participate in conversations. The same technology had been used for centuries to represent people who could not be physically present at meetings and such.

  Finally, Ximon had ship uniforms designed and made for them. They were nice, comfortable jump suits with a light jacket that could be worn to look nicer. They were charcoal grey and black with the Mantis logo boldly emblazoned on the left chest and their name and position on the right. He had several made for each crew member.

  When Ximon gave Raiza’s her uniforms, with “Chief Steward” embroidered over the pocket, in their stateroom.

  She said, “Thank you Ximon. I appreciate your recognition as part of the crew.”

  Ximon hugged her, “Raiza, I consider you the crewmember of the year. You’re very precious to me.”

  Raiza kissed him, “As you are to me.”

  Ximon then did something he’d been thinking about for a while. He took her hand, got down on one knee, and said, “Raiza, will you marry me?” presenting her with a ring, very nice but also safe and sensible for starship wear.

  She touched his face affectionately. “Ximon, I could never refuse you anything. Nothing in the universe could make me happier than to be your wife. I will do my best to love you better than I have.”

  He got up, “You do a pretty dang good job of loving me. We’ll arrange the wedding in a few weeks, but why don’t you show me that loving part now” as he pulled her toward the bed.

  Mantis wasn’t the only one to get an upgrade. Ximon gave Raiza and extended upgrade/spa treatment. He got her a new lower body mobility package, known as the Travelling Companion. This basically upgraded her lower skeleton and musculature, so she could better walk extended distances and run. Some of her skin was upgraded – it felt even more real and had more nerves, so she got more sensations of touching things or being touched. Her breasts were slightly enlarged in the process, but that was, of course, just a natural side-effect of the process. She also got enhanced processing power, program upgrades, and couple new skill routines. In particular, she got a medical skill routine. This provided basic medical knowledge and capability roughly equivalent to a nurse. She came out of the process more beautiful than ever, but also more capable.

  Ximon too got some ‘upgrades.’ He finally had some cosmetic procedures done – what used to be crudely called ‘plastic surgery.’ Some extra fat around the middle was removed and muscles hydro-electrically toned. His skin received a complete ‘sand blasting’ (he couldn’t remember the proper term) – all moles and tags removed, some wrinkles removed, pores hyper cleaned, and everything moisturized down several levels. His hair was also ‘thickened’ and his teeth whitened.

  On a ‘down’ note, Iday asked to meet with Ximon a couple weeks later. He said, “Captain, with considerable regret, I must tender my resignation. I have long desired to serve more fully in my church but have been unable to do so as I would like. I have long saved toward that goal, but your generosity removed the last of my excuses. I have been called to lead a congregation near my hometown. I’ve also been called to marry a member of that congregation. I haven’t met her yet, but she looks attractive in the photo I’ve been given. I am told that she is lovely, kind, hard-working, and devout. I am confident that she will make me happy and I will endeavor to make her happy.”

  “Are you sure you two couldn’t be happy on the Mantis? She’d be more than welcome.”

  “I am afraid that is not how it works. I am sorry that it is not so. I leave for my congregation in a month.”

  “Well, I am very, very sorry to see you go. However, as a priest, I would ask one thing of you before you go, if you can.”

  “Anything I can do, I will.”

  “I’d like you to marry Raiza and I.”

  “Ximon, you know that wouldn’t have legal standing, correct?”

  “Yes, and I’m not sure what your god or any other god might think of it.”

  “Ximon, among other things, a key purpose of marriage is to bind two people together that they may bring one another comfort, joy, and support. I know that you and Raiza cherish one another, so I cannot object, and God would not do so. If you find a location, I will be happy to perform the ceremony. It will be my first.”

  “Thank you, Iday. We’ll send you all the details as soon as we can sort them out. When we do, let us know if you need us to adjust anything.”

  Ximon and Raiza elected to have the ceremony in about 3 weeks on a small island they could rent most of. Elsbeth and Iday did most of the planning, though they employed a wedding planner of sorts and Raiza and Mantis helped quite a bit.

  On the day of the wedding, the island was almost theirs alone, with just a few bungalows for guests and a small staff on the other side of the island. Most of the guests were brought to the island the morning of the wedding.

  The wedding was on a grassy area just off the beach. The area was subtly, but nicely, decorated and Mantis and the sea served as a nice backdrop.

  The ‘crowd’ was not large. A couple of Ximon’s siblings were there with their families, including a couple nephews and nieces he liked, as well as his aunt and uncle, and one stray cousin that Ximon had kept in touch with occasionally over the years. He hadn’t seen most of them in person for several years, but he was glad they had come.

  Raiza had almost as large a group on her side. After Ximon proposed and they set a date, Raiza had visited the offices of TrueForm Service Robots (TSR) where she had been assembled years ago and where all her modifications were made. She had invited the Chief Engineer and quite a few of the technicians or receptionists that she had dealt with. Ximon wasn’t sure whether it was the free ‘destination’ wedding or, perhaps, a chance of publicity, but several came, as well as the Regional VP of Development.

  Iday officiated, wearing his Mantis uniform and a sash worn by priests of his religion. Ximon wore his dress KSF uniform, which he had had tailored for the occasion. Elsbeth acted as the ‘best man’, wearing her Mantis uniform. Mantis attended with her telepresence platform and acted as a witness.

  Raiza was walked down the aisle by the TSR Chief Engineer, who she later said was the closest thing to a father she had. She was beyond stunning in a short, stylish lace dress, thin veil, and her now longer hair in ringlets of strawberry gold. Ximon thought that few women could ever have looked so beautiful.

  The wedding itself was brief and touching. Ximon and Raiza both wrote their own vows (though Ximon assumed that Raiza had worked with Mantis to search an encyclopedia of all vows in the history of mankind). Ximon’s were simple, telling of their strange, but special love. Raiza’s were more eloquent and poetic. When Iday pronounced them “man and wife” Ximon lifted the veil and kissed Raiza passionately, happier than he’d ever been.

  The wedding was followed immediately by a reception. This lasted quite a bit longer, with a nice meal, some toasts (Elsbeth gave the ‘best man’ speech), drinks, gifts, and dancing. It was quite fun. Ximon and Raiza did some dancing (a new skill she had received in her last upgrade and which he has taken a few classes on). Elsbeth drank too much and danced with every man present, including Ximon’s uncle and nephews, every man from TSR, and even one of the servers.

  They received some nice gifts. Blankets and other bedroom comforts from his family, mementos and
wine from Elsbeth, a book of scripture and a scroll on marriage from Iday, and gift cards for free spa days from TSR.

  Raiza’s first meeting with Ximon’s family was a little awkward at first. They were obviously unsure of him marrying a robot. However, Raiza was very charming, thanking them profusely for their gifts and asking them to please let her and Ximon know if they were ever interested in travelling to other planets or systems. She won big points by saying to the teens in a stage whisper, “If you can’t get them to go but you want to, let us know and we’ll see what we can do.” It made her seem ‘human’ and every parent appreciates someone showing interest in their children, even if it’s a robot. They seemed to warm to her during the reception and Ximon’s uncle, cousin, and one nephew danced with the bride.

  Ximon and Raiza thanked everyone for their kindness, attendance, and gifts. He especially thanked Iday for conducting and Elsbeth for helping to set things up. He left Iday with the latter saying, “Expect to receive an invitation for my wedding in a few weeks.”

  Ximon and Raiza headed to their bungalow early and had a fabulous night. The party continued for quite a while before all the guests retired to their bungalows.

  The next morning, the crew took everyone to the spaceport nearest their homes and got dropped off themselves. Mantis took herself back to the island on auto-pilot, standing ready for Ximon and Raiza.

  Ximon and Raiza had at least half the island to themselves for a week. They spent a lot of time in bed, walking in the hills, or laying on the beach, the latter often nude. Raiza’s upgraded skin even had some kind of color crystals in it that responded to sunlight, so she got ‘tan’ after exposure to a certain amount of sunlight over a period of time and then it faded after days without it. Seeing Raiza with tan lines, and without, was intriguing.

  Ximon considered it the most wonderful and relaxing week of his life. He thought of nothing save Raiza and their future together and truly ‘lived in the moment.’ They talked for hours, primarily with Ximon telling Raiza endless stories about his career and life. In return, she presented ideas of additional things they might enjoy doing together.


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