All They Wanted

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All They Wanted Page 5

by Kelly Elliott

  I leaned back in my chair and folded my arms. A huge smile spread across my face.

  Ellie giggled. “I totally see what you did there.”

  Gunner let out a roar of laughter. “Damn woman. Remind me never to get on your wrong side.”

  The canoes were all lined up along the shore while Jeff finished up paying.

  “I love canoe rides!” Ellie stated with a huge smile.

  I nudged her on the arm. “Wonder why?”

  Her face lit up. It didn’t seem like it was that long ago Gunner had whisked her away from her mother’s house and took her out on the lake in a canoe. The memory of her telling me about their first kiss made me smile. We sure had all come a long way in a few short years.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever forget that day,” Ellie said as her cheeks heated.

  Heather smiled. “It was the day Gunner kissed you for the first time, right?”

  With a nod, Ellie replied, “Yep, sure was.”

  Gunner walked up and wrapped his arms around Ellie and kissed her on the cheek. “What are you girls all talking about with those smiles on your face?”

  “The first time you ever kissed me down at Zilker Park.”

  Gunner’s face lit up as he flashed that dimple of his. “Best day of my life.”

  Ellie turned and looked up at him. “Really?”

  “Well, one of the best days of my life.”

  He leaned down and gently kissed her while Gus started barking. Gunner laughed and gave Gus a quick pat on the side and told him to get into the canoe, which he did. He gave Ellie one more kiss and gently ran his finger down her cheek.

  A warmth spread over my body as I took in their love. Peeking over to Jeff, I watched as he and Josh argued about which way to go on the lake. I shook my head. What is it with those two lately?

  I focused back on the kissing love birds. “All right, all right. Stop sucking face, you two. You’re going to make me gag any second and we all know how weak my stomach is right now.”

  Heather pushed my arm as I turned to her and winked.

  Jeff picked me up as I let out a small yelp. “Let me help you into the boat, babe.”

  With a quick kiss on the lips, I thanked him as he gently placed me in the canoe. Jeff turned to Josh and asked, “You need help getting in, Josh?”

  Of course he ignored Jeff.

  “Watch out there. I see a butterfly heading your way,” Jeff called out. Josh simply lifted his hand and shot Jeff the finger.

  “Stop teasing him about that,” Ellie said as she lightly punched her brother on the arm. “It’s bad enough he sprained his ankle.”

  Jeff tossed his head back. “He’ll live. He’s already walking around on it fine.”

  Ellie’s hands went to her hips. “Why are the two of you going after each other so hard?”

  With a shrug, Jeff replied, “I don’t know. It’s fun?”

  Rolling her eyes, Ellie walked over to Gunner. He helped her into the canoe then pushed it into the lake and jumped in.

  “Ready?” Jeff asked.

  With a smile and nod, I replied, “Yep.”

  Pushing the canoe into the water, Jeff quickly jumped in. He glanced back and frowned. “Shit, I should have helped Josh.”

  My heart melted. No matter how much the two of them bickered and fought, they really were like brothers. I watched as Josh pushed the canoe into the water and barely threw himself into the canoe. Heather laughed as she helped him into the boat.

  “I can’t believe they are having twins,” I said.

  Jeff started rowing us further out as he peeked over his shoulder. “I think Josh is finally over the initial shock of it all. Now he’s just nervous about the wedding. Then I think the whole twins thing will hit him again.”

  I chewed on my lip. “I can’t imagine. I’m worried with having another one along with Luke! What would two the same age be like?”

  With a light-hearted chuckle, Jeff shook his head. “Lots of sleepless nights that’s for sure.”

  My eyes burned with the threat of tears.

  Jeff reached out and took my hand. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure. What if things change?” I asked while I wiped a tear away.

  His brows narrowed in. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied with a shrug. “Heather and Josh are going to be so busy with twins, we’ll have another baby, before you know it Ellie and Gunner will be popping out another one. What if we all get so busy in our own worlds, we lose this?” I lifted my arms and motioned around me. “Time together as friends.”

  With a huge grin, he kissed the back of my hand. “Ari, we’re still going to have that. It will just be with little ones running around.”

  Another tear slipped from my eye. “I don’t want us to drift apart. I want our kids to grow up together and be the best of friends. I want to hear them argue like you and Josh do.”

  “They will, baby.”

  Chewing on my lip, I sighed. “Damn pregnancy emotions.”

  He laughed and started rowing again. “Jeff, promise me some day we’ll be back here again. All of us, but this time it will be with our kids.”

  With a wink, he replied, “I’ll do you one better. How about if we’re here with our kids, and their kids.”

  My stomach fluttered. “I like that promise.”

  I watched as my husband’s eyes filled with water. “So do I.”

  Glancing to my right, I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Heather, Ellie, and Ari all sitting around the fire. Each of them had their noses buried in a book. Gus sat at their feet snoring away.

  “It’s nice seeing them relax, isn’t it?” Gunner said.

  I nodded. “Yeah. Hey, we need more firewood. Want to drive up to the store with me?”

  “Sure. I’ll let the girls know we’re leaving.”

  I hit him on the back. “I’ll see if Josh wants to go.”

  Gunner started toward the girls. “Sounds good. Meet you back at your truck.”

  As I made my way over to Josh, I couldn’t but notice how deep in thought he was.

  “Gunner and I are headed up to the park store for more wood. You want to come along?”

  His head lifted as he answered, “Sure.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, peeking over to something he was sketching out.

  Sliding it my way, he answered, “Your baby’s furniture.”

  I lifted the paper up and was blown away by what he had drawn. “Holy shit, this is amazing.”

  “Think Ari will like it?” Josh asked as he stood.

  I lifted my eyes to his. “Dude, you know she was only kidding. She knows how busy you are.”

  “I know, but I feel really bad for hitting her in the eye.”

  My chest tightened as I glanced back at the drawing. “Are you being serious? You’re really making this for us?”

  “Yeah. Of course I am,” he replied with a grin.

  I’d never admit to anyone, especially Josh, but I was beyond moved by his gesture. “Dude, this is incredible. Ari’s going to flip.”

  “So you think she’ll be happy with it?”

  I looked back at the design. “Josh, I’m kind of at a loss for words right now.”

  “Well hell, let me snap shot this moment into my memory. Jeff at a loss of words.”

  Laughing, I glanced back at him. “Ha ha. Seriously though, this is amazing.”

  “The crib will be the same design regardless if it’s a boy or a girl, I’ll just adjust the canopy and a few things when you find out the sex. I have to tell ya, I have a crazy feeling it’s a girl.”

  My heart raced. I reached out and pulled Josh in and gave him a bro hug. Hitting him hard on the back, I said, “Thanks, dude. For everything.”

  Josh hit me back … harder. “Always, Jeff.”

  “For Christ’s sake. I leave you two alone for five minutes and I walk up on y’all hugging on each other? What in the hell is that about?”

bsp; I pushed Josh back lightly. “Josh is trying to pull on my heart strings by getting to me through my unborn child.”

  Gunner walked up and I handed him the drawing. “Damn, Josh. It’s beautiful.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that,” Josh answered with a proud grin.

  “Hell, if this is what you have for Ari, I can’t imagine what you have planned for the twins.”

  Josh beamed with happiness. “My dad’s helping me with it, but I think Heather is going to love it.”

  “If you made it, you know she will. It makes it all the more special,” Gunner said as he handed Josh the paper.

  I clapped my hands together. “Let’s head on up and get us some wood.”

  “Ellie asked for S’mores fixins and they mentioned going to the dance up at the pavilion.”

  Spinning Ari, I pulled her back against my body as we slid across the dance floor to a George Strait song.

  Her smile alone told me she was having a blast.

  When the song ended, she let out a laugh and said, “I’m exhausted! Can we sit for a bit?”

  “Of course we can,” I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist and guided her over to our table.

  “Taking a break?” Ellie asked.

  “Whew! Yes, man we were cutting a rug I tell ya,” Ari said as she took a seat and downed almost a whole bottle of water.

  Glancing over to Josh and Heather, I asked, “Y’all not dancing tonight?”

  Josh and Heather laughed as Josh said, “Dude, we were just out there dancing.”

  Placing her hand over her heart, Heather sighed. “Goes to show you how in love the two of you still are. You only see each other.”

  My eyes locked with Ari’s. The flutter in my chest was something I would never grow tired of. “I am for sure madly in love with this one.”

  A sweet smile spread across Ari’s face before she glanced around the table. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready to head back and snuggle up by a fire.”

  Ellie jumped up. “Yes! S’mores time!”

  The sound of the fire cracking was peaceful as I leaned back and sighed. “I’m never eating another S’more again for the rest of my life.”

  “I’m going to agree with you on that one,” Ari said covering her mouth. “I feel like I’m going to hurl.”

  Ellie giggled. “Stop being so dramatic, you two. You didn’t eat nearly as many as I did.”

  Ari moaned. “I know, Ells. Just watching you eat them made me feel sick. I’m ready to head back to our tent.”

  My dick jumped at the idea of finally being alone with Ari.

  Throwing her a wink, I said, “I think heading back to the tent is a great idea.”

  “No! You can’t go to sleep now! Who’s up for a midnight hike?” Ellie cried out.

  Everyone turned to Ellie. “Are you crazy?” Heather asked. “I’m barely keeping my eyes open. I’m exhausted.”

  With a pout, Ellie folded her arms across her chest. “Seriously? Is everyone going to call it a night?”

  Drawing Ari in close to me, I wiggled my brows and said, “I didn’t say we were calling it a night. I simply said I thought heading to the tent was a good idea.”

  Covering her mouth, Ellie pretended to gag. “Gross.”

  Heather sighed as she stood. “I’m sorry, Ells. I really am tired and I don’t think a hike is a great idea for Josh. He’s been on his ankle all day.”

  Ellie let out a frustrated groan. “Fine. Be party poopers.”

  Gunner reached for Ellie’s hand. “They’re both pregnant, sweetheart. I’m sure they’re tired. We’ve had a busy day.”

  “Hike in the morning?” Ellie asked with a hopeful voice.

  Ari and I stood as Ari answered, “Yeah, I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one either.”

  I took Ari’s hand in mine. “Goodnight, y’all. Stay warm, it’s getting down to the upper forties tonight.”

  “We’re right behind ya,” Josh said as he helped Heather up and wrapped his arm around her.

  After all the goodnights, Ari and I made it back to the tent. I wiggled my brows and started to strip.

  “As much as I would love to be together … I’m exhausted, Jeff. All that dancing tonight did me in.”

  Disappointment rushed through my body, but I wouldn’t let her see it. I knew she was tired and hadn’t been feeling good with her morning sickness that really lasted all day and night.

  “I’m good just snuggling up to you, baby.”

  With a grin, she quickly stripped out of her clothes and climbed onto the air mattress.

  “Does it need filling up? I filled it up before we headed out to the fire.”

  She snuggled under the covers. “Nope. Feels great.”

  I slipped in next to her and pulled her body against mine. “Feels like someone thinks he’s gonna get lucky after all.”

  My lips peppered her back with soft kisses as she let out a soft moan. I let my hands explore her body. Ari lifted her leg, silently begging me to touch her.

  “Thought you were tired,” I whispered against her ear.

  “A girl can change her mind, can’t she?”

  My heartbeat increased as I moved my hand into position, ready to feel how much she wanted me.

  That’s when it happened.

  Everything that was good and amazing about the moment changed when Ari let out the longest, loudest, fart known to the history of man.

  I jumped out from the covers and plugged my nose.

  “What in the hell was that?”

  Ari turned to face me, a slightly evil smile on her face. “I think I ate too much hummus maybe? I have gas.”

  The smell swept around my body and somehow managed to get into my nose … even though I was squeezing it shut with my fingers.

  Gagging, I shook my head and dropped my hands. “No shit! Damn, Ari. You ruined the mood.”

  “I’m tired anyway, it’s safe to come back in.”

  She patted the bed and tried to hide her smile.

  I crawled in and fluffed out the covers. “I swear, if I didn’t love you so much and you weren’t pregnant with my child, I may have to re-think things.”

  Rolling her eyes, Ari sighed. “Please, like you’ve never farted before.”

  “Not like that! I’m pretty sure the earth shook some.”

  With a giggle, she pulled my arm over her. “I love you, Jeff.”

  Drawing her body closer to mine, I smiled. “I love you too.” My hand rubbed across her swollen stomach. “Goodnight, sweet baby.”

  It didn’t take long before the sounds of Ari’s breathing lulled me to sleep. The peacefulness didn’t last long. I felt like I’d only just fallen asleep when Ari woke me up again.

  “Jeff! Jeff wake up!”

  Ari was rocking my body with one hand, while poking my back with her finger.

  “I thought you were tired.”

  She poked me again. “Jeff! There’s something outside the tent. I think it’s a bear!”

  With a chuckle, I laughed. “There are no bears here.”

  A loud crash caused me to sit up.

  “Told you. It sounds like it’s trying to get into the food.”

  More rustling came from outside as I sighed. “Damn raccoons.”

  Quickly getting up, I started to unzip the tent.

  “Wait!” Ari whispered. “You’re naked.”

  Staring at her, I shook my head. “So? I seriously doubt the raccoon is going to care.”

  “Well, what if someone sees you?”

  “Someone like who? The raccoon?”

  Rolling her eyes, she waved me off. “Fine, go out there naked then. If Ellie sees you, you’ll be scarred for life.”

  “It’s three in the morning, baby. I seriously doubt anyone, let alone Ellie, is out.”

  I finished unzipping the tent and jumped out with my hands flailing in the air.

  “Rawr! Get! Boo! YaYa! Scat on out of here you …”

  My eyes were drawn
to the creature on the picnic table. Our eyes met and I knew the moment the skunk turned around, I was screwed.

  “Oh, son-of-a-bitch no!” I cried out as I was about to run back into the tent. The second the spray hit me, I started screaming like a little girl. It was too late. My entire front half was covered.


  Ari rushed out of the tent and started gagging.

  “Oh no,” she cried out while covering her mouth and nose.

  I nodded and shrugged. “Well, it wasn’t a raccoon.”

  Her shoulders sunk and even in the moonlight I could see the look on her face before she rolled eyes.

  Warm breath kissed the back of my neck. “Hmm.”

  “Gunner? Did you hear someone scream?”

  Rolling over, I came face to face with my beautiful wife. “No. I didn’t hear anything.”

  A small patch of moonlight peeked in through the tent, lighting Ellie’s face enough to show her frowning.

  “I swear I heard someone yelling, then scream. It sounded like a girl.”

  With a frown, I shook my head. “I didn’t hear anything.”

  Ellie leaned in closer, her lips inches from mine. “Maybe I was dreaming of Josh falling again. I’m sorry I woke you up.”

  Lifting my hand, I placed it on the side of her soft cheek. “I’m not.”

  Her teeth sunk into her lip as she leaned into my touch. With a soft, sweet voice, she whispered my name. “Gunner.”

  My hand slipped behind her neck, drawing her mouth to mine. Her kisses were like crack. I couldn’t get enough of them. Enough of her.

  Ellie rolled to her back while I pressed against her entrance. What started out as a sweet kiss turned into something needier. Our hands explored every inch of each other. I rolled each nipple between my fingers, causing her to arch her back and let out a soft moan each time.

  “Yes,” she hissed through her teeth.

  Pulling back from our kiss, I whispered against her lips, “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “Make love to me, Drew. Please.” My heart nearly stopped each time Ellie whispered my real name.

  Slipping my other hand between her legs, I felt her desire for me.

  “Jesus, Ells. Always so ready for me.”


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