Undeniably His (Undeniable Series Book 1)

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Undeniably His (Undeniable Series Book 1) Page 23

by Ramona Gray

  She spread her legs wide, arching repeatedly into his touch until she was soaking wet and moaning for him.

  “See,” he said arrogantly before sucking hard on her nipple. She cried out, her pussy clenching around his finger when he pushed it into her.

  “Luke,” she begged, “please.”

  “Whatever you want, sweet Jane,” he replied. She watched as he rolled on the condom before kneeling between her legs. He slid into her with one hard thrust and she moaned happily as he rested on his forearms above her. She rubbed her tight nipples against his chest, watching desire dance across his face as she put her arms around his shoulders. He was sliding in and out in a slow, deep rhythm and she closed her eyes as he thrust.

  “Look at me.”

  His low voice made her eyes pop open and she stared up at him as he continued to move in her. He rolled his hips in and out, grinding his pelvic bone against her clit as she made low gasps of pleasure.

  “Keep looking at me,” he demanded when her eyelids began to drift shut. “Don’t look away, Jane.”

  “Yes, Luke,” she whispered.

  She stared at him as he moved faster. He was beginning to pant now and she dug her hands into his back as she met each of his thrusts. Their hips slapped together and she squeezed him tightly with her inner muscles.

  He groaned and moved harder. He didn’t tear his gaze from her and she whimpered low in her throat. “I’m so close, Luke.”

  “Me too,” he gasped.

  He reached between them and rubbed her clit. “Look at me when you’re coming,” he whispered.

  He tugged on her clit and keeping her gaze on him, she climaxed with a shudder-inducing cry. Her body arched under his as she tightened around him. He made a soft mutter for mercy before thrusting deep and groaning her name. He stared intently at her as he came deep within her, his body shaking and twitching against hers. When he collapsed against her, she rubbed his back and kept her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “That was so good,” he muttered.

  “Hmm,” she agreed.

  He lifted his head and stared at her. “Jane, I…”

  She gave him an encouraging look when he trailed off. “What, Luke?”

  He pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Nothing.”

  He rolled off of her and disposed of the condom before pulling her into his embrace. She snuggled into him, throwing her thin thigh across his thick ones as he rubbed her back with his warm hand.

  He was quiet for so long that she was starting to fall asleep when his low voice came floating out of the darkness. “It’s good between us. Isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she said sleepily. “So good.”

  He pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “Good night, Jane.”

  “Night, Luke.”

  * * *

  “Hello, sweetheart.” Clara kissed Luke’s cheek before folding Jane into her embrace. “Hi, dear.”

  “Hi, Clara,” Jane said. She took off her jacket and Luke hung it in the closet for her as she slipped out of her boots.

  “When Amy showed up without you, I was afraid you weren’t coming to family dinner. But Amy said Luke was bringing you because he made you work today,” Clara said. She gave Luke a gentle disapproving look. “You work too much, sweetheart, and now you’re making Jane work too much.”

  “I didn’t mind,” Jane said. “It doesn’t happen very often.”

  “You’re looking gorgeous tonight, mom,” Luke said cheerfully before kissing her cheek with a loud smacking noise.

  Clara pinched Luke’s cheek. “Aren’t you in a good mood today. Your dad is in the garage tinkering with his car. He said for you to join him.”

  “Sure,” Luke said. He disappeared as Clara put her arm around Jane and squeezed affectionately.

  “Dearest, can you do me a favour?”

  “Of course,” Jane said.

  “Can you go and talk to Amy? She’s in the living room and she’s been in a real mood since she got here. Something’s upsetting her but she won’t tell me what it is. You two have grown close so I thought maybe you could try talking to her.”

  “Sure,” Jane said as guilt coursed through her. She had meant to text Amy this morning but Luke had kept her occupied.

  Damn straight he did, her inner voice whispered. How many times have you had sex today, Janie? Six? Seven? What do you think Luke’s mother would say if she knew Luke was in such a good mood because you gave him a blowjob right before you left for family dinner?

  She gave Clara a distracted smile. Luke had woken her at seven this morning and they’d been in bed for pretty much the entire day. Her thighs ached as did her pelvis but she didn’t regret their marathon of sex. After dinner, Luke would drive her back to her place and she would never again feel his warm body wrapped around hers or hear his deep voice whispering in her ear. The thought sent depression coursing through her and she shook it off immediately. Amy was upset and she needed to stop being such a bad friend and help her.

  “I’ll talk to her right now,” Jane said.

  “Thanks, dearest,” Clara said.

  Jane pressed a kiss against Clara’s cheek. She was very fond of Luke’s parents and she would miss them terribly. But she couldn’t keep going to family dinners after tonight. It would be bad enough to see Luke every day at work, she wouldn’t torture herself on the weekends as well.

  She walked into the living room. Amy was sitting on the couch staring at the flickering flames of the fire burning in the fireplace. Jane sat down beside her and when Amy didn’t look at her, said, “Hi, Amy.”

  “Hi, Jane.”

  “How was your day with Pierre and Julien yesterday?”

  “Fine,” Amy said.

  “Friday night was a bit intense.”

  Amy sighed and said irritably, “I’m not talking to you about Mark. Don’t bother asking.”

  “Okay,” Jane said.

  “Fuck. I’m being such a bitch,” Amy said. “I’m sorry, Janie.”

  “It’s fine,” Jane said. “I’m just worried about you.”

  “So is my mom. I heard her telling you to come in and talk to me.”

  “I would have talked to you anyway. I mean to text you yesterday but Luke…”

  She trailed off and flushed when Amy said dryly, “Yeah, I don’t need the details.”


  “Don’t be. You know I like that you and my brother are together.”

  Jane thought about correcting her and decided now wasn’t the moment. Amy was upset and she had a feeling she was trying to change the subject.

  “Did you have fun with Pierre and Julien?” She asked.

  “I didn’t fuck them if that’s what you’re asking,” Amy said as she stared into the fire.

  Jane blinked at her. “I – that isn’t what I meant.”

  “I was going to,” Amy continued on as if she hadn’t spoken. “I fully intended on ending yesterday in their hotel room and in their bed, with both of them. Why not, right? They were obviously interested in me, I’m single, they’re single. What’s wrong with having a good time with two handsome guys who want you?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that,” Jane said.

  “Then why couldn’t I do it?” Amy said angrily. “Why couldn’t I just forget about – about him?”

  “Because I think you love him,” Jane said. “You should tell him, Ames. I think he loves you too.”

  “He doesn’t!” She spat.

  “You don’t know that,” Jane said.

  “Do you love my brother?” Amy asked.

  Jane hesitated and Amy stared at her. “Do you?”

  “Yes,” Jane whispered.

  “Are you going to tell him?”

  “No, but this is different. He’s my boss and he’s not in love with me.”

  Amy scoffed loudly. “Bullshit.”

  “He isn’t,” Jane said. “But Mark, he - ”

  “You really need to help me convince your mother that I need
that car,” Luke’s father said as he and Luke wandered into the living room. “Hi, Jane.”

  “Hi, Gary,” Jane said as Amy stared at her hands. “How are you?”

  “Can’t complain,” he said as he sunk into his chair with a soft sigh. “How’s work going? Luke keeping you busy?”

  “Yes,” Jane said.

  “That’s nice,” Gary replied. He turned to Luke. “Amy says you might be going international with the line.”

  “We’re trying,” Luke said.

  “Good, good,” Gary said as Clara stuck her head into the living room.

  “Dinner’s ready.”

  “Thank you, lovie,” Gary said. “C’mon, kids. Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  They followed him into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Clara gave Amy a worried look before smiling at Luke. “Luke, why don’t you - ”

  She stopped as the doorbell rang. “Now who could that be?” She shook her head when Gary started to stand. “I’ll get it, honey. Start dishing out the food.”

  She left the kitchen and Gary handed the rice to Jane. “Take lots, Jane.”

  She murmured her thanks and dished out some rice onto her plate before handing the bowl to Luke. As he took some, Clara swept back into the kitchen.

  “Look who’s finally joining us for family dinner!”

  Mark appeared in the doorway. He was unshaven, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked tired and miserable.

  “Mark!” Gary boomed. “Good to see you, son. Sit next to Luke.”

  Mark sat beside Luke as Clara grabbed a plate and silverware. She set it in front of Mark before leaning down and kissing his forehead. She ruffled his hair affectionately. “You look tired, dearest. What have you been up to this weekend?”

  “Nothing,” he said. “I’m sorry I showed up without calling.”

  “Nonsense,” Clara said. “You know you’re always welcome.”

  Jane glanced at Amy. The curvy blonde was staring at her plate and she didn’t look up when Gary held out the platter of chicken to her.

  “Ames?” He said before poking her in the arm. “Take some chicken.”

  She took the platter from her father and stabbed a small piece of chicken before passing the platter to Jane. Jane took it from her and gave Luke a quick glance. She couldn’t be the only one feeling the tension between Mark and Amy, could she?

  Apparently, she was, because the rest of Amy’s family were acting oblivious to the way Amy was hunched over her plate and the tenseness in Mark’s shoulders.

  “So, Mark, honey, how are things?” Clara asked.

  Jane stole another glance at Amy before reaching under the table and patting her knee. Amy gave her a strained smile before her gaze flickered to Mark. Jane took the bowl of cooked vegetables from Luke. God, it was going to be a long dinner.

  * * *

  “Where did Luke get off to?” Clara asked as she loaded the last of the dishes into the dishwasher. “I wanted him to put the recycling out on the back porch.”

  “I think he and Mark are back in the garage with Gary. I’ll do it,” Jane said as she finished wiping the table. Amy had disappeared after helping her mother load the dishwasher. Jane had a feeling she had escaped to her old room and would be leaving any moment now. Dinner was beyond awkward and she couldn’t believe that no one else felt the tension between Amy and Mark.

  “Oh, that’s fine, dearest,” Clara said. “I’ll have Gary do it tomorrow.”

  “I don’t mind,” Jane said. She took the blue bag and headed for the door that led to the back porch.

  “Thank you, honey,” Clara called. “Throw it in the big bin next to the freezer.”

  Jane stepped out onto the porch, letting the door shut behind her. It was a nice porch, screened in so during the summer months, they could sit and enjoy the weather without being eaten by mosquitoes. She hurried to the bin and lifted the lid before throwing the bag of recycling into it. The wooden floor was cold on her sock feet and she ran back to the door, groaning when she tried to turn the handle.

  “Dammit.” The door had locked behind her and she knocked loudly on it as she shivered in the cold air. She waited a few minutes before knocking again.

  “C’mon,” she muttered. She glanced at the other end of the porch. There was no porch light and it was hard to see in the dim light coming from the one window but she thought there was a door at the other end. She could go through that one and run around to the front of the house. Clara would hear the doorbell. Of course, she wasn’t wearing any shoes and the snow was deep. She weighed her options before starting toward the other door. She’d run around to the front. She could always borrow a pair of socks from Clara if she had to.

  Before she had taken two steps, the far door swung open and Amy stomped in. Her cheeks were bright red with the cold and her jacket was undone and her boots unlaced. Mark was right behind her. He was wearing his boots but no jacket and Jane sunk back into the shadows as he said, “Just stop and listen to me for a minute.”

  “Why should I?” Amy whirled around and glared at him. “I’m nothing but a big mistake to you, remember?”

  “That isn’t what I meant and you know that,” Mark snapped at her. “Tell me what I want to know.”

  “No, it’s none of your goddamn business!”

  Jane opened her mouth to announce her presence as Amy tried to storm past Mark. She shut her mouth with a snap, watching with wide eyes when Mark grabbed Amy and pushed her up against the side of the house. He pinned her arms above her head and threaded his other hand in her long blonde hair, yanking her head back before kissing her hard on the mouth. Amy froze against him for a moment before returning his kiss eagerly.

  Jane pressed her body against the door and stared at the ceiling of the covered porch. Shit, what did she do now?”

  “Tell me, Amy.”

  Jane’s eyes widened. Mark sounded...different. Hell, the demand and raw power in his voice had her suddenly ready to confess everything to him. She had no idea how Amy resisted him as the blonde said in a low voice, “It’s none of your business, Mark. You don’t get to tell me what to do or ...oh God.”

  Her voice trailed off into a low moan of pleasure as Mark said, “Did they take what’s mine, Amy?”

  Feeling like a voyeur but unable to resist looking, Jane lowered her gaze. She clapped her hand over her mouth. Her old boss, the by all accounts sweet and easy-going Mark, was still pinning Amy to the wall with one hard hand around her wrists. His other hand was shoved down the front of her pants. Amy made a low groan of need and spread her legs wide before arching into his hand.

  “Did they touch my little slave’s pussy?” Mark said. “Did she give them what belongs to me?”

  “No,” Amy whispered as Mark nuzzled her neck before licking his way to her jaw. “No, I didn’t let them touch me.”

  “Good,” Mark said. He kissed her again before sucking on her bottom lip. “You’ll be a good girl and come for me right now. Do you understand?”

  His arm moved and Amy moaned again as Mark said, “When we’re done here, you’re going to come back to my place and accept your punishment like a good little slave, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” Amy whispered.

  He bit her throat and she gasped.

  “What did you say to me?” Mark said.

  He bit her throat again and she arched against him before whispering, “I mean, yes, Sir.”

  “Better. Your punishment will be dropping to your knees and sucking on my cock until I come in your mouth, little slave.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she repeated.

  Oh Jesus. Jane clenched her hands into tight fists. Listening to Mark call Amy his little slave was way fucking hotter than it should have been. She really needed to say something before things went too far.

  Too far, Janie? It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think? Her inner voice said with a gleeful little grin.

  The door suddenly opened behind her and she just managed to catch her balan
ce to keep from falling on her ass. She whirled around and stared at Luke who was standing in the doorway.

  He gave her a puzzled look as he started to step out onto the porch. “Jane? What’s wrong?”

  She launched her small body at him, propelling him backward into the house in a desperate attempt to keep him from seeing his sister and Mark.

  “Whoa! What the hell?” He said. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said. “Nothing’s wrong. I got locked out on the porch and was freezing my butt off.”

  He studied her for a moment. “Are you sure that’s it? You look weird.”

  “I’m cold,” she said before taking his hand and tugging him toward the kitchen. “Come on, let’s see if I can get a cup of tea from your mom.”

  “Sure,” he said before following her down the hallway.

  She breathed a sigh of relief and forced herself not to look back at the porch door.

  * * *

  Jane stared at Amy’s house and tried not to cry. Luke had driven her home after dinner and knowing this was it for them made her feel nauseous. Luke shut off the car and opened his door.

  “Luke, what are you doing?” Jane asked.

  “Coming inside.” He arched his eyebrow at her. “I’m spending the night.”

  “I – what?” She gave him a confused look. “But it’s Sunday.”

  “Exactly. You said we had until Sunday, it’s still Sunday,” he said. “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” she said as she climbed out of the car. She tried to hide her excitement as they entered the house and took off their jackets and boots. Light was shining out from the kitchen and she glanced in as they walked down the hallway. Amy was sitting at the table staring into a cup of tea and Luke stuck his head into the room.

  “Hey, Ames. I’m spending the night.”

  “Yeah, sure, okay,” Amy said. Her cheeks reddening, she said, “Janie, could I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Can it wait until tomorrow?” Luke asked. His big hand was rubbing her lower back and Jane smiled up at him.

  “I’ll only be a minute. I’ll meet you upstairs, okay?”

  “Sure,” Luke said. “Night, Amy.”


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