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The Spymaster's Lady

Page 14

by Joanna Bourne

  “No, Adelina. It is not good for you to indulge yourself. Exercise is what is needed. A gentle walk beside the carriage for the next mile or so will make you feel much better.”

  The lieutenant cleared his throat. “There’s an inn at the next village. I know it myself. A most pleasant, respectable place. Madame could repose herself there until the heat of the day passes.”

  Having talked herself into it, she was now feeling decidedly unwell. “Karl, I feel so very—”

  “Nonsense. I have made myself knowledgeable in this matter.” Grey sounded insufferably complacent. All the while, his grip steadied her, unwavering, iron-hard, and full of comfort. “This is a perfectly natural process and should not cause the least discomfort. Mares do not become sick. Cats do not become sick. There is no reason for women to do so. I have explained this, Adelina. There is a monograph by my friend Herr Professor Liebermann on this subject which I will read to…Adelina, what are you doing?”

  She broke free and groped her way along the carriage wheel, to double over, fists pressed across her stomach, and be sick with nothing in her. She had not eaten or drunk anything for a while, it seemed. This did not stop her from being abominably ill.

  “I…we will not detain you further.” The lieutenant sounded about fifteen years old and appalled. He retreated in haste. The whole lot of them, in fact—men, horses, and musketry—seemed glad to quit the area immediately.

  Hooves clattered on the roadway. Grey, still being Bavarian, scolded, “Adelina, if you would simply concentrate your mind, you would not be sick. You must think of other things.” He hid her from their view. Gently, he lifted her hair away from her face and held her upright, which was more than she could manage for herself.

  “Fox Cub, that was one hell of a convincing performance.” Adrian sounded exhausted. He spoke German still. So wise, they were. The cadence of a language carries farther than the words. One of the gendarmes might linger to listen and hear their voices change if they started speaking French.

  “It’s that poison we’re feeding her. Adrian, get me…Good.” Grey patted a wet cloth on her face. “Finished?”

  She simply nodded. It was not that it was too hard to speak German. It was that she wanted to die.

  “Drink this.” Grey set something to her lips.

  Not again. She knocked the glass aside and heard it shatter on the ground. She was too weak and dizzy to run. She could only put her back against the coach and cover her mouth with her arm. It would do her no good. There was no fight within her.

  “Goddammit, Annique, there was nothing in that but water.”

  Adrian was lazily amused, as always. “He’s telling the truth. This whole area’s swarming with armed Frenchmen. We can’t clutter up the coach with unconscious females.”

  “He’s not trying to drug you,” said Doyle, up on top of the coach.

  “He leaves that to you, Herr Doyle. You are a sheep-swiving, swine-dog traitor, that is what you are.” German is a lovely language for cursing.

  “Now, miss, a nice young lady like you shouldn’t even know them words. You folks going to mill around here for the next hour, chatting? Let me know so I can turn the horses loose.”

  “We’re leaving.” Grey switched back to French. “Adrian, get in the coach before you keel over.”

  “Ever obedient to your command, oh Exalted One.” The coach dipped as Adrian climbed inside.

  Grey came close. “Annique…” He molded her fingers around a cup. He poured, and the cup got heavy and cold. “It’s water. Just water. God knows you don’t have any reason to trust me, but I wish you’d drink it.”

  The reality of her helplessness closed in around her. They were such clever men, these three—hard and experienced and quite ruthless. Grey was the most dangerous of all. He made her believe he wanted to be kind. Every moment it was a fight to remember he was her enemy.

  Perhaps he forgot also, sometimes. It was doubtless easier for the victor to ignore the realities.

  She said, “I must drink, sooner or later. I have no choice.” The cup held clean water with no taste but that of a metal flask. She drank what he had given her.

  His hand on her cheek was like a flower falling onto her. “The first time, when I drugged you, it was wrong. I should have told you. I should have let you fight me. I made a mistake.”

  That soft touch. He had done that before. Memories were beginning to rise like bubbles to the surface of her mind. “I remember. I was lying beside you on a blanket. I wanted to touch you. I wanted—”

  “It’s time we left.”

  But she remembered. She had pressed herself against him and opened her legs and throbbed with mindless pleasure. “What did I do when I was asleep? What did I do with you?”

  “You dreamed. The drug takes some women that way. It means nothing.”

  Were they dreams, the heat and the hunger and the shamelessness? The drug takes some women that way. In the midst of many turmoils, she must add one more. She became wanton when she slept with the drug. Even her body betrayed her to these English. Truly, it did not seem fair.

  “I remember. Almost.”

  The hand slipped into her hair and held her. “Nothing happened. I’d tell you if we did anything.”

  She had done nothing? She remembered the smell of him under her nostrils and crying out without any restraint and twisting, twisting herself upon him. “I do not think it was a dream. I was wearing one of your shirts. I wanted it off. I wanted…”

  The wanting escaped out of her memory and swept across her. In the turn of a moment, her skin was avid for him. She had never known that skin could be hungry for the touch of another skin. She turned to nuzzle his wrist. To taste him. She did not notice she was doing it till he jerked his hand away.

  He breathed harshly. “Let’s get you into the coach. You don’t want this. You just think you do. You’re drugged to the eyeballs.” Now he sounded exasperated. “And you’re falling asleep standing up.”

  “Grey, we have to go.” That was Doyle.

  Certainly he heard all of this, and Adrian, too, inside the coach. She might as well have been stripped naked, considering the privacy she had among these men. “I do not want you. And I am not asleep.”

  “Then I won’t need to lift you into the coach. You can climb up yourself. That’s right. I’ve got you. Adrian, don’t try to help. You’re going to rip your shoulder apart.”

  But Adrian carried her onto the seat anyway. It could not be good for him. She would scold him when she was awake. Grey put his arm around her. “Where are we?”

  “Less than an hour from Dorterre.”

  “Ah. I was here two years ago.” She tried to bring to her mind a map of this coastal region, but the image shimmered and melted away. She was not used to memories that did that. “I was in the smuggler villages. Hiding.”

  Grey settled her close. “Good place for it. What were you hiding from, two years ago?”

  “The Vendée uprising. The last one. It was…very bad. I could not believe French soldiers would do such things to French women and children. And I had been given such orders…” Confusion swirled in her mind. Fragments of pain. Memories. “I disobeyed my orders. I would not spy on those poor people, so I ran away and hid. Everyone was very angry with me.” She rubbed her face against her arm. “I talk with this drug. I will have to remember that.”

  “Those aren’t state secrets, Fox Cub. The whole world knows what Napoleon did in the Vendée.”

  “I should not say so much, anyway, when my head is not clear. Did you know you do not sound at all like yourself when you speak German? It startled me altogether for a moment. It is as if there is suddenly another person in the carriage. Do not do it again.”

  “I’ll try not to. Why don’t you go to sleep.”

  And she was falling into sleep once more. Had he given her more of the drug, or was she being dragged down by what she already carried within her?

  “I remember what we have done together. I am
almost sure it was not decent.” But she let him comb her hair back with his fingers and tuck a blanket around her and arrange her at ease along the seat. “I will decide what to do about it when I am awake. Perhaps I will try to strangle you once more. Though you have the most beautiful body imaginable. Like a large animal.”

  Adrian murmured, “What complex and interesting nights you two must have.”

  “Shut up,” Grey said.

  When she was almost asleep, Grey pulled her against his chest, cradling her possessively. Her body was used to it. She fitted against him as if there were a place there formed especially for her.



  She clawed through feathery blackness and came alert. She was afraid, instantly. Something bad had happened. Very bad. She heard it in his voice. The coach had begun lurching in the ruts and gullies, going fast.

  “There’s a troop of men behind us,” Grey said. “Seven or eight at least. They’re keeping their distance, but it’s just a matter of time. We can’t outrun them.”

  On the opposite seat, Adrian moved back and forth, quietly and swiftly. “I’m done.” He clicked something. The catch of a bag, she thought.

  “They’re in mufti. They don’t ride like army. They don’t act like customs. They’re Leblanc’s,” Grey told her.

  “He has tracked us?” She rubbed her face.

  “Just bad luck, I think. Leblanc’s flung a net along the coast and caught us in it. We knew this might happen.” Grey was busy with small metallic sounds. She could smell gunpowder.

  They would fight. They were three men, against so many.

  A muffling of trees on either side caught and held the echo of the horses’ hooves. They were in deep woods then. Horsemen could not make a concerted rush upon them on a narrow path in the woods. One or two would approach from the back. Doyle, outside, would die almost immediately, with the first shots. Grey and Adrian would fight for a time, and then die. The thin panels of a coach are no defense against bullets.

  She would huddle like a dog on the floor of the coach. In the end, if she was not killed by a stray bullet, they would find her and take her to Leblanc.

  To cower on her knees, with so little dignity. Anger and fear congealed in her throat. Never, never had she hated her blindness more than at this minute when she was so helpless and so useless.

  Grey put his hands upon her shoulders, squeezing, as if he tested her strength. He must feel her shaking. He would know how little it meant. “You’ll do.”

  A brief, impersonal touch to her arm. That was Adrian. “Listen, Cub. We’re liabilities, you and I. There’s an old monastery a quarter mile ahead. We get off there.”

  “We’ll deal with the men and come back for you.” Grey’s voice went stern. “Annique, don’t make a mistake. You don’t want to meet whoever’s following us.”

  “You are right.” She had no friends in France who rode in packs on horseback. Only her enemies were so strong.

  “There’s nothing in any direction but miles of woods and barrens and the sand. No houses and no help for you. Stay with Adrian. Don’t try to go off on your own.”

  He was protecting her, even though she was an enemy agent. That was the core of Grey of the British Service. To protect. She said simply, “I will go with Adrian and take care of him as best I can. You have my promise.”

  Adrian and Grey were both silent at that. They smiled to themselves, she thought. Men could be such idiots.

  “You can take care of each other,” Grey said. “Here’s your monk house coming. We won’t stop. Adrian?”


  Adrian crouched, holding the door open. The valise he held bumped at her legs.

  Grey had such strength. Without effort, he braced his legs between the two seats, to lean above her. “I want you alive. Don’t do anything stupid.

  “I am not a stupid woman.”

  “If you run, I’ll track you down. I’ll be damn annoyed when I find you.” He tightened his hold. “There’s been no time. Whatever you’ve done…Oh hell.” His mouth was brutal as it closed over hers. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  But she did not try to talk. She went mad for him. She found his hair, laced into it, and dragged him to her. She consumed him, mouth to mouth. She fought the awkward angles of their bodies, the lurching of the carriage, and went to him. She could not get close enough.

  She had one minute. Then he took her head between his hands, hard, and set the last kiss on her forehead. “That’s settled, then. I’ll be back. We’ll finish this. I’m not letting you go.”

  She had wondered what it would be like if Grey once let himself reach out to take her. Now she knew. He would be vehement and direct and very certain of himself.

  The carriage slowed. “Now!” Adrian called and jumped. She heard him hit the ground.

  “Grey…” she said.

  “Be careful.” He swung her through the open door. She tumbled into the sickening drop before she had time to feel afraid.

  The road slapped her. She kept the cry of pain inside and spun, over and over. She stopped, dizzy and hurt, on slimy, cold ground. Rocks and slick mud were under her. Before she could move, Adrian’s fist tangled in her clothing. He pulled her, fast, into scratchy bushes and pushed her underneath him and collapsed on top of her.

  The coach rolled away, speeding up. The sound of wheels was eaten by the trees.

  “Your shoulder?” She made the smallest whisper. Had he torn his wound open?

  “Good.” The words fell into her ear almost without sound.

  She pressed close to the ground and lay her face into the dirt so the white of her flesh would not give them away. Adrian had also lived through battles. She heard him breathing beside her, face down, hidden.

  Silence. Then the jingling of harness and the beat of hooves rose in the distance. Came closer. She could disentangle the sound of six horses, trotting one by one, in a line. After a space, three more followed. She held her breath, pretending to be soil, pretending to be rocks and bushes, until they passed.

  When they were gone, she pressed her ear to the ground and waited till even the faintest thud of hooves had faded. Then she waited longer. The hum of insects returned, and the birds singing among the scrubby branches of the pine woods, and she still waited. She wished Adrian had chosen a place less inhabited by sharp sticks. And little bugs.

  Nine men. Even Grey could not overcome so very many. He was going to meet his death in these cold woods.

  She set her forehead against the cold earth and squeezed her eyes shut tight, for she was crying. It was over, this incident in her journey, and this man, who had torn the heart from her body. She would not meet him again or struggle with the feelings he aroused in her. She knew what Grey had said with that kiss. What he said was farewell.

  The mist condensed into a cold drizzle. There was nothing to be gained by staying where she was. She had Adrian to care for, sick and weak, and as much a fool as most men, for all he was very deadly. If she did not stay with him, he would probably die. She said, “It is time to move. I am cold.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Can you walk? No, give me that. Are you bleeding?”

  “Not much.”

  She touched his shirt. He told the truth. “Which way? Can you walk?”

  “I can walk as far as I have to.”

  She took the bag from him. It was heavy enough to contain half a dozen weapons and no doubt did. These English went about armed to the teeth. Adrian put his arm across her shoulder to guide her around the many ruts and to steady himself. It was smoother going when they left the road and entered the old courtyard of the monastery. Their coming disturbed birds and sent them upward in a flurry of wings. That would be uncomfortable for these small birds in this rain.

  “The chapel still has a roof on it. We’ll go there,” Adrian said. “Straight ahead.”

  The odor of fire clung to this place. Perh
aps the Revolutionaries had burned the monks out a decade ago. Or the monastery might have been destroyed in the War of the Vendée, by one side or the other. Once the soldiers were gone, it was not easy to tell which side had burned what.

  But no one had bothered to torch the chapel. She pushed the door open and heard the echoes of an enclosure within, with no rain falling. The windows must be broken, though, from the draft of cold air that blew in her face. When she walked forward, her feet kicked aside rubble, dry pieces of wood that had probably been chairs and carved statues. That would make tinder to start the fire.

  “There’s shelter at the back,” Adrian said.

  There was a space between the altar and the wall of the church where the wind did not reach. She left him there, sitting on the stones, wrapped in his coat. He had no strength to waste, so she did not argue when he told her he would do this thing or that. She just ignored him and did them herself.

  It was not easy in her darkness to do those things needed to make a camp, but it was not impossible, either. In her youth, she had pitched camps in many uncomfortable places. The rubble on the chapel floor yielded stones for a cosh and the long stick she needed. Outside was a huge, wet tangle, thorny as a jungle, where the monks once had a garden. On the paths still paved she made her way between the burned timbers and fallen walls. There was bracken in the corners, dry enough to bring in to sleep upon, and enough charred wood to make a dozen bonfires. She even located an apple tree. No blackberries though. The birds must have eaten them all.

  There was not the faintest suspicion of fighting in the distance. Whatever had become of Grey, it had been done silently or very far away. She indulged herself, crying as she worked in the rain in this empty garden.

  In the end, she dried her face upon her sleeve and finished the tasks she must do, carrying firewood and bracken. She was muddy and very wet by the time she finished, but at least it did not rain inside the chapel. She knelt against the altar, which was marble from the soapy feel of it, and set the small cosh she had prepared next to her knee. She would make a fire. Even before she was blind, she had learned to make fire in the dark.


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