Horsemen United: Horsemen Origins Books 1-5

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Horsemen United: Horsemen Origins Books 1-5 Page 12

by Benjamin Hartman

  “Forrest! I’m more worried about getting out of this city alive! Something is very off here. This city feels...haunted.”

  “We’ll be fine. After all, I was born lucky,” Forrest said.

  Since Riley hired Forrest and Sujay as aerial battle consultants, they outlined several maneuvers and plans of attack against Ivanov. The Admiral hovered in the sky, an indomitable leviathan that circled the skyline and patiently waited to devour its prey.

  That night, Sujay was restless. As he gazed at the ceiling he jumped when his comm beeped from an incoming call. He looked over and Forrest was still snoring in his bed. The call was on an encrypted line, so it’s message was meant to remain secret.

  “Hello?” Sujay asked as he answered.

  “Hello Lieutenant Malak,” a man said in a thick russian accent.

  “Admiral Ivanov! I...I will...I…”

  “Relax Lieutenant,” Ivanov replied. “I wished to speak with you in private. It is my understanding that you have studied interstellar navigation have you not? It seems that your studies ended rather abruptly.”

  Sujay glared over at Forrest who was snoring with his mouth wide open. “Yes my studies did end abruptly,” He replied.

  “I also see here that you were in good standing here in the Navy and that you aspire to become Admiral. What if I were to tell you that I was willing to sponsor you Lieutenant?”

  “Wha…? What?” Sujay stuttered.

  “Think about it. Your peers at the naval academy didn’t respect you for your study skills or diligence. Your flight partner belittles you in public and I suspect that your position granted to you by Riley is a ruse.”

  Sujay stayed silent, only because he was worried that he’d break down into tears.

  “I on the other hand have reviewed your doctoral work as well as your history within the military Lieutenant and I like what I see. I see diligence, a keen strategic mind and incredible talent for interstellar navigation. I believe you’re one of the most qualified men in the military Malak and I would like to sponsor you for the Admiralty.”

  Sujay gasped.

  “There is a condition however. You must defect and abandon those rebels on the ground. Defense Minister Reynolds is asking me too many questions about this embargo, and I find myself in need to put an end to the resistance on Alcyone sooner rather than later.”

  “I’m still not sure about this, I mean-”

  “Lieutenant Malak. Consider how proud your parents will be for all of the prestige and the influence you’ll acquire. I’ll even cut you in on the spoils once I conquer this world. You’ll be richer and more powerful than ever. I’m feeling generous, so I’ll give you time to consider my offer. Your actions tomorrow will tell me everything I need to know,” Ivanov said as he cut the feed.

  The comm went blank and the room was dark again. Forrest was still snoring, but now Sujay had to wrestle with Ivanov’s offer. Sponsorship for the Admiralty and all he had to do was help put down the rebellion. Sujay lied down and mulled over his options.

  On their sixth day at Alcian, a ball of energy slammed into the hall of justice. Everyone dived for cover as they felt the electrified air stir their stomachs in a cauldron of nauseating bile. Ivanov and his dark fleet descended on Alcian. A hornet's nest of fighters spilled from the battleships. The militia pilots watched in amazement and horror as these ships plunged their way towards the city.

  “We can take them! All squadrons assemble!” Forrest shouted. The fighter pilots rushed to their ships. The first three pilots to climb aboard their ships were incinerated as a chain of bombs was unleashed on the runway. The searing heat melted metal on contact, and threw their tools and slag in all directions. Forrest and Sujay made it to their ships just in time, and they were able to get out of the airbase just as bombers began unleashing their payload in their attempt to wipe out Alcian’s air defenses. The anti-air turrets were activated, but there was significant damage to the runway. Still, enough fighters made it into the air to mount a defense.

  “The bombers! They’re going after the civilians!” A voice crackled over the comm.

  Forrest realized that the few fighters that made it into the air had to compete against thousands. They’d be swarmed and annihilated before they even had a chance to fight back.

  “All squadrons to me!” Forrest said. He flew through the streets and weaved his ship between the buildings. Dozens of fighters trailed behind until Forrest was able to get ahead of the Core’s bombers.

  “NOW!” Forrest screamed as he came to a stop, pointed the nose of his ship towards the sky and opened fire. His faithful starship hovered only a few metres above the ground, but his guns breathed a torrent of blaster fire at the bombers.

  The other fighters followed suit, and blaster fire rose from the planet’s surface. The slow bombers were like floating balloons in the air for the picking of the Starfleet’s guns. Sujay noticed the destruction from the falling bombers as they crashed into the surrounding buildings.

  “Forrest, we’re going to kill a lot of civilians if we keep fighting like this!”

  “The buildings provide cover for us!”

  “If we stay here, then we’ll destroy the city!”

  “Fine! What’s your idea then Mr. Starfleet Commander?”

  “Send a squadron to dogfight between the frigates and the battleships,” Sujay ordered.

  Forrest gasped. “Wait! You’re suggesting that our fighters swarm around those ginormous ships where we’ll be totally helpless against their cannons and are very likely to be blown to smithereens?”

  “Yes,” Sujay replied.

  “That’s my boy!” Forrest screamed. “Silver squadron, you’re with me. Delta, defend our Starfleet Commander.”

  “Roger that. Silver squadron en route,” the leader said. Silver squadron charged into the sky, and sought to bring the dogfighting to the crème of Ivanov’s fleet.

  Forrest pushed his thrusters hard as he charged the oncoming fighters at near breakneck speed. Such reckless disregard for the g-forces left most pilots feeling sick in flight, but Forrest lived for it. The maneuver allowed him to take out two fighters before they even realized he was upon them.

  Forrest rushed at the oncoming starships, and the buildings became blurry on the edges of his vision. He could feel his organs shift in his chest cavity and the gravity push against his chest. It was the thrill that any one moment would be your last, the idea that the slightest wrong push of the handles would send your ship flying into the enemy was all Forrest ever wanted. The rush of knowing that one small slip meant death allowed Forrest to feel more alive now than he ever could growing up.

  Silver squadron kept on Forrest’s tail, and covered him from oncoming fighters. It was only a matter of time before Riley’s secret weapon was unleashed.

  “Riley, we need an ETA for that care package of yours,” Forrest said over the comm.

  “We just need a little more time. Hold off the frigates if you can!” Riley ordered.

  “Sujay want to give them the ol’ whirlpool maneuver?” Forrest asked.

  “You can’t be serious…” Sujay replied.

  “Oh come on! Where’s your sense of fun?!” Forrest asked as slammed down his accelerator and charged at the frigates.

  “Blue squadron, arc and go for the frigate’s shields,” Forrest said. “The weak point is near the engines. Seriously Sujay, I have no idea why you wanted to command those guys!”

  Sujay growled, but followed Forrest as he flew like a lone crazed fighter against the frigate. Scores of enemy fighters tried to swoop in and take him out. Forrest weaved and dodged, and happily served as a distraction, while Sujay finished them off. Delta and Blue squadrons struggled to keep pace with Forrest as their worn engines roared and screamed through the effort of dogfighting.

  Forrest made a hard turn to port, then arced his ship into a tight crescent. The g-forces pressed hard on the pilot’s chests as the two squadrons followed suit. The pilots held tight, but Forrest’
s heavily modified ship eked further and further ahead. Even the hardiest fighter pilots felt a knot in their stomachs as they watched him arc directly into the line of fire in front of the frigate’s cannons. He was oblivious to the cannon blasts that whirled past him, the silent ghosts which have sent thousands of pilots to their doom. Forrest dived down for the belly of the frigate. As he coasted underneath the ship, his daring plan came to fruition.

  “Follow my mark boys!” Forrest screamed, as he launched a stream of blasts near the engines of the frigate ship.

  Sujay continued firing at the weak spot, while Forrest covered the other fighter pilots.

  “Is this really going to work?” Sujay asked. “Firing on the rear engines of the ship to break its shield?”

  “Of course it’s going to work! I thought of it!” Forrest said beaming with pride.

  “Your plans rarely work! You’re lucky we manage to pull any of them off!” Sujay argued.

  “Your mother’s lucky I managed to get her off!” Forrest replied.

  “Why do you always bring my mother into this? She has nothing to do with our missions!” Sujay shrieked.

  “I like a little curry on my white rice, and your mom is my favorite flavor!” Forrest said.

  “I hope you get shot and go down in a pile of flames! I hope you get reincarnated as an eel to be baked into some British pastry you lousy rotten-” Sujay paused.

  “Say it! Say it boy! Finish that insult! Prove it to us that you’re a man!” Forrest shouted.

  “AUGH!” Sujay screamed. “When this is over, I’m going to kick your skinny, dimwitted ass all over this planet!” Sujay overcharged his cannons and fired at the ship. Delta and Blue squadron did the same, and the last of the fighters finally broke the frigate’s shield. The electric tendrils faded and Forrest screamed for joy, but he wasn’t done yet.

  “Let’s whirlpool ‘em, boys!” Forrest said.

  “Uhh...Dawn Leader?” One of the fighter pilots asked.

  “Just stay on me!” Forrest screamed.

  The ships started flying in a circle around the frigate. Fighters in all directions swarmed in, but the Alcyone defenders were able to keep the Core ships at bay.

  “This is borderline suicide!” One of the pilots screamed.

  “It’s going to work!” Forrest replied. “It has too,” he whispered to himself.

  The “whirlpool maneuver” cost the squadrons a few fighters, but it allowed them to keep firing on the frigate’s turrets. One by one, the turrets were disabled, until the frigate was nothing more than a lumbering starship, dead in the sky.

  “Dawn Leader, we managed to hack into their comm network -” One of the technicians said through the comm.

  “Hey Core scumbags in frigate two! Shoot me the down! I dare you! I’m the guy in the golden ship!” Forrest screamed at the Core pilots.

  “Greetings Dawn Leader, this is Admiral Ivanov. You are in direct violation of Core authority and have no prior affiliation with this insurgency. Disengage my fleet,” Ivanov said. Forrest felt a wave of shock wash over him as he realized that the commline the techs hacked went two-way.

  “I’m not a political man Admiral, but this planet is not a rebel stronghold. You’re just hoping to score an easy win since you think your paycheck is too small,” Forrest replied.

  “You have nothing to gain by fighting for these people Commander Forrest. Join my fleet, and I’ll cut you in on the spoils. I know of your debts,” Ivanov said.

  “You need to learn a few things about motives Admiral. I love being a fighter pilot and I wouldn’t dream of taking your dirty, contaminated, syphilitic spoils!” Forrest said.

  “That’s quite a shame because I believe your friend Lieutenant Malak has already accepted my offer,” Ivanov hissed through a gleeful smile.

  “You stay away from him!” Forrest yelled.

  “You’ve mistreated the poor boy quite enough Mr. Forrest,” Ivanov replied. “All he wants is recognition for his skill which I’m more than willing to provide. He gave his answer when he ordered your pilots to attack my battleships and frigates.”

  Forrest watched as the battleship shot a fighter out of the air, which plummeted to the city below. He felt his heart sink. The attack on the heavier ships was a suicide mission.

  What’s worse is that Ivanov would turn around and kill Sujay the moment he had the chance, and Forrest knew it. He patched Sujay through.

  “How could you?!” Forrest screamed, as he pushed down on the accelerator.

  “How could I what?” Sujay asked.

  “You took Ivanov’s bait? You’re willing to trade all of us in for a cushy desk job?”

  “It’s better than dealing with deadbeat cooks and constant threats from mobsters!”

  “What? I thought you loved Nero’s Cove!”

  “I hate that greasy bee-oh factory!”

  “Since when?!”

  “Since always!” Sujay shrieked.

  “I...I had no idea…”

  “That’s the problem Forrest! You’re so self-involved that you don’t know anything about me!”

  “That’s not true! I know-”

  A rumble from the ground cut Forrest off. He looked and saw a massive cannon barrel rise through the roof of an old warehouse. Riley and his cannoneers adjusted the sights as their platform rose into view. They were protected by a blue shield from the fighters in the air. The barrel arced into the sky, took aim at Ivanov’s battleship, and fired.

  The monolithic barrel recoiled as a massive orb of ion energy slammed into the battleship. The energy short caused a sonic pulse which decimated all of the fighters in the immediate vicinity and knocked hundreds of others away. Forrest and Sujay’s fighter ships were washed away from the battleship as a result of the sonic wave.

  “Maybe that’ll knock some sense into you Sujay!” Forrest screamed. He looked over at the smoldering battleship. One more shot, and it would be destroyed. No other cannon during the Unification Wars had this kind of punch.

  The cannoneers prepared to fire again, and Forrest noticed that Sujay’s ship was floating idle in the air.

  “Sujay?” Forrest asked. The cannon was charging for another volley.

  “Sujay! Get out there!” Forrest screamed. The battleship’s cannons rotated and Sujay was in their direct line of fire. His comm was offline.

  “Well, what a shame you lost your Starfleet Commander,” Ivanov chuckled. Forrest gripped the steering controls, and felt his blood boil. He pushed forward as hard as he could, and felt his stomach slam into his spine.

  Ivanov’s cannons fired back. Right before Sujay was hit, Forrest intercepted the blast. His shields were crushed, but he was still able to fly. As he was knocked away, he saw that he’d knocked out Sujay’s wing.

  Forrest grabbed ahold of the cable gun in the rear and fired it through the good wing of Sujay’s ship. As Forrest fell, he steered his ship towards the water, dragging Sujay behind him.

  “Thank...y-...Forr-” Sujay said over the comm.

  “What? You’re conscious?!”


  “Knock on what? Knock on wood? Knocked up?”

  “OUT!” Sujay screamed.

  Forrest watched as Ivanov’s battleship decimated Riley’s shield, while the second bombardment brought down the brick warehouse.

  His heart sank as he watched the rubble crumble on top of the men. Riley and his men’s screams went silent over his comm. He felt sick to his stomach. This wasn’t supposed to happen. These men were defending their home. They didn’t want to fight. They were given no choice.

  Forrest glared at the battleship overhead. He pulled Sujay into the water, who was able to eject safely. He retrieved his cable and hovered above the ground for a moment.

  Thousands of fighters buzzed around the massive battleship, while hundreds of bombers released their payloads on the peaceful city. Riley’s cannon lied at the bottom of a smoldering pile of rubble and people were running for cover throughout t
he city.

  Forrest typed in some calculations into his computer and tightened his grip around his steering handles. He pulled on a golden chain wrapped around his neck and opened the clasped disc on the end. Inside was a picture of a curly haired woman who had a smile that would never fade.

  “You always said I was your lucky charm momma. Let’s see how lucky I am,” Forrest whispered to himself. He closed the clasp and tucked it back into his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Sujay asked over the comm.

  “Taking out your boss,” Forrest said as he pushed as hard as he could on the accelerator column. He knew he only had one shot to take down Ivanov’s battleship. It had to be done with a level of precision that left no room for error, otherwise he’d end up in a pile of slag. This would require nerves of steel.

  “You know I wasn’t going to join him right?”

  “Only because I saved your sorry butt!”

  “No, but it was touching to see how much you care.”

  “Plus you can’t lead even this tiny outfit. How do you expect to run a section of the Earth’s Navy?”

  “You really know how to kill the moment don’t you?”

  Forrest’s navicomputer ran a series of calculations. The computer told him this was far too dangerous and kept trying to override his commands. He circled around, and pointed his ship right at Ivanov’s battleship.

  “Shut up you stupid computer! I’m smarter than you!” Forrest screamed as he pounded on the dashboard.

  “You sure about that?” Sujay asked.

  “You shush!” Forrest hissed as he jammed down on his accelerator to the edge of warp speed. He flew over an incoming bomber and released his drag cable at the unsuspecting heavy ship. His ship’s engines howled in rage as he pushed his ship to her limits, and forced her to drag the bomber by cable.

  The pilot inside the bomber didn’t have a chance to react. He witnessed a golden ship fly overhead, and then was jerked violently off course. His controls locked up. Every command he issued into his ship didn’t work. He was helpless behind the golden Nebular fighter.

  Ivanov looked out through the ship’s front window. He noticed that a golden starship was flying directly for the bridge.


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