Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure) Page 70

by Larson, Brian K.

  “She wouldn’t do that!” Jhahnahkan exclaimed.

  She is and has done so. I know all who cross the time-helix. Most do not understand or comprehend the vortex as the gateway to this place. Using the power crystals of Ackturra, the entity within the crystals controls the vortex and the traveler has no knowledge of this passage; they never experience this side of the vortex. They always exit on the other side and it seems like it’s near an instant to them. It is the power crystals that hide this helix from them.

  “I know Helen, she would not do this!”

  She wanted to ensure her existence, such as your son wanted as well.

  “I can’t believe that she…”

  …You must accept that this has happened and it will happen again Jhahnahkan, The entity interrupted, or you will fail to find the right markers, you have the power within you to repair the damage.

  “Markers?” Jhahnahkan questioned, “There is more than one?”

  Yes Jhahnahkan, you must understand there are events that cannot be undone. However, the entity explained, there are ways to cause the outcome to improve and work to your advantage.

  “I understand.”

  You must also know that Uttarak understands this as well, and he has already added an event to affect his favor.

  “How is this possible?”

  He exited a marker and began to alter events. He knows you’re coming for him and he awaits you. You must use caution and trust your instincts. Once he sees you, he will try to add more events in order to trip up the Jhahnahkan that has traveled to that same time… in turn you have added your own events.

  “You lost me,” Jhahnahkan said.

  As I have said Jhahnahkan, time moves differently here. You have already performed what it is you need to do, they will begin to unfold to you when you exit; you will understand.

  “Then tell me what has transpired, give me something to go on!” Jhahnahkan pleaded.

  I will tell you these things, the entity began, your son grew up with another family and found the love of his life, married and had a child. This child is Helen; your grandmother and his daughter.

  “How did Uttarak become corrupted?”

  There is more you must know first, the entity said, He traveled to Earth seeking you, and when that time took place, you helped him build the weapon inhibitors. You sent him to the time fracture to stop the civil war.

  “So this has happened, but I haven’t done it yet...”

  Yes, Jhahnahkan. You are beginning to understand. He traveled to the fractured time where you were to travel to Zelinite. He was to follow you to Zelinite and destroy the Rune with a nearly identical ship that was built for him, but events changed in the time fracture and he was sent to the palace to wait for the others that were retrieving the Rune. Uttarak became impatient and set out for the crystal caverns where he encountered a corrupted crystal that called to him.

  “So that’s when he became corrupted...”

  Yes, he quickly became infected by the Runic, The entity continued, the infected crystal entity showed him what it is you were doing to stop the time fracture. He knew this meant that he would cease to exist, and in a panic for his existence, he learned from them how to access this fifth dimension, traveled back to ensure the Anunnaki leave for Ackturra to seek the power crystal.

  “That’s when I ran into him on Earth.”

  Yes, and now you travel the time-helix after him.

  “I must know what he is doing? Is there anything more you can tell me?”

  Yes, now he is attempting to stop you… in that time… from traveling back to Ackturra with the Earthling crew, the entity said.

  “Why would he want to prevent the corrupted timeline? Wouldn’t that negate his desire to exist?”

  “Yes, but he is under the full direction of the Runic now, the entity said. He has to do their bidding now.

  “Then I must not tarry any longer…”

  Concentrate on the one you seek, Jhahnahkan, the entity said offering one last bit of help. You must not fail, if you do… this time-helix will be destroyed.

  “You will die?” Jhahnahkan asked to make sure what he was hearing was correct.

  Yes, the time-helix will be destroyed; but I do not know what will become of your kind.

  My guess is we would be destroyed along with you.

  Just remember this feat you have accomplished without the use of an Ackturrian power crystal… the entity said as he withdrew from Jhahnahkan’s mind.

  Jhahnahkan narrowly missed another passing marker strand so he moved into a better position within the time-helix axis in order to miss them all until he found the right strand.

  He concentrated on his son and where he could have gone. This is the time-helix, he could go anywhere. But how could he possibly know when the right strand goes by?

  His mind began to wander as he thought about what the Entity had said; Helen taking Uttarak; that was not likely, he reasoned in his mind. But then again, he thought, what did the Time-Helix Entity gain by lying to me? It did say he knew all who cross into this fifth dimension.

  He brought his mind back into focus and realized that there was much at stake. He knew that he must not fail his mission. He must restore the timeline, there were many sacrifices that would be made, but he knew what he must do.

  Another strand began to advance right in front of him. It was of a slightly different color and all the hair like feelers reached out and wrapped around Jhahnahkan’s arm and carried him out to the end of the strand launching him through the vortex opening that formed the exit. He fell to the ground with a thud and rolled over several times before stopping. He looked up and saw the black vortex shut leaving him in an unknown world.

  * * *

  Earth – Rex’s Garage

  Year: 1983

  Jhahnahkan stood up and looked about him and noticed clouds and only one moon in the sky which was blue and not the familiar red of Ackturra. He knew he was on Earth, this is the timeline Uttarak had dropped into, or at least in a close proximity, that much he was certain.

  He began to experience an unusual feeling in his body. He wasn’t sure at first if it was a side effect of the time-helix, but he knew, deep down, that he was experiencing a duality. He felt as if he was here somewhere already.

  He concentrated again and began to see parts of this timeline unfold in his mind. He saw an old man stopping to pick someone up from the side of the road. He concentrated harder and was able to look closer and discovered the old man was picking him up. He was bleeding from his temple and was suffering from heatstroke. The man helped him in the passenger seat of a blue rusted pickup truck.

  Then the flash disappeared only to be a reminder of what was to come. He began to walk down the lonely road headed in no particular direction and decided to leave his path to destiny. This is what he trusted, more than his own intuition. But it did seem like he was here already.

  He continued down the old road and came upon a gas station. He stood before the tall sign and looked up. Seeing the letters that were flashing in red neon, “Rex’s Garage”, he looked over to his left and saw the blue rusted pickup truck parked at the side of the building. The driver’s door was not closed all the way and pressed up against the wall of the building and the window was rolled half way down.

  He then turned and faced the garage entrance and saw an old man lying on a wooden board with wheels under it. He was situated under another vehicle that was up on blocks. His legs were the only thing sticking out and you could hear him cussing under his breath as his wrench slipped off the nut he was tightening. The tool slipped from the man’s hand and made clanking sounds as it hit the floor and bounced before coming to rest just out of his reach.

  “Dang nab it!” the old man shouted in pain.

  He saw the man struggling to feel where his wrench had dropped and he couldn’t find it. Jhahnahkan walked over and picked up the fallen tool and slapped it into the palm of the man’s hand.

  “Why thank ya mi
sta,” The old man said as he rolled out from under the car to make eye contact.

  “You are most welcome,” Jhahnahkan said. “You must be Rex.”

  “Well that depends,” the man said as he rolled back under the car, “on who’s askin?”

  “Who I am is of no importance to you.”

  “Well,” the man said, “If you go over to that bench thar and fetch me a 9/16’s I might tell you.”

  Jhahnahkan obliged the old man’s request and found the wrench and brought it to the man.

  “Here,” Jhahnahkan said handing the tool under the car in the man’s reach. “One 9/16’s wrench as requested… now tell me…”

  “Umm,” the man interrupted, “Do ya mind gettn me the box end instead?”

  “That depends…”

  “On what?” the old man said flatly.

  “On if you will tell me if you are Rex,” Jhahnahkan countered.

  “Get me my box wrench first.”

  “Tell me first, then you get the wrench.”

  “Oh fer cryin’ out loud!” the man said rolling back out from under the car. “I can get it myself quicker and I don’t have to ta tell ya a thing!”

  The man grabbed a rag and wiped the grease off his hands. He stood to his feet and headed to the work bench when Jhahnahkan grabbed him by his shoulder, swung him back around, and placed his first two fingers on his left hand to the man’s temple, “I really do not have time for these games.”

  Jhahnahkan probed his mind and discovered rather quickly that this was indeed the Rex he needed to find. He concentrated on his mind and gave him the feeling of wellbeing so he would calm down.

  “Rex,” Jhahnahkan whispered.

  “How did ya do that?” Rex asked.

  “You are about to find all that out. But first you must listen to what I have to say.” Jhahnahkan said in a hypnotizing manner, “You must close up shop early today.”

  “Are you nuts mista?” the toothless Rex said as he placed his hands on his hips, “I’ve got a lot of work to be finished before my weekend starts.”

  “You will not need to worry about this anymore.”

  “I don’ know what yur’ talkn’ about…”

  Jhahnahkan stared into Rex’s eyes and captured his full attention, “You will close your shop early. You will take your truck and head to the town of Rosemount. Along the way you will pick up an injured stranger on the side of the road. You will give this man your utter most and complete trust.”

  “Side of the road,” Rex uttered, “Pick you up on side of road.”

  “Yes Rex,” Jhahnahkan continued, “You will introduce him to Kate.”

  “Yes, Kate’s place,” Rex again uttered under his breath, “Take him to Katie.”

  “You will not remember this encounter, my old friend,” Jhahnahkan said as tears began to well up under his eyes. He was feeling the emotions of what his other self had experienced. These emotions flowed into him all at once and it became hard for him to continue. The only thing that gave him his inner strength to endure was that he knew he mustn’t fail, “You will give the stranger your complete cooperation. You will choose to follow and go with him on his quest.”

  “Quest, yes… must go,” Rex muttered as Jhahnahkan removed his hand from his temple.

  “So what in tarnation is it that you need mista?” Rex said.

  “Oh nothing, Re…” Jhahnahkan stopped himself just in time, “…old man, I’m just passing through.”

  “Well get a move on now son,” Rex said pushing the man out of the garage, “I have to close up early today. Got a hot date ya know.”

  Rex closed and locked the sliding doors of the garage. He reached down on the ground for a chain and wrapped it around the handles of the door. The chain rattled across the handles as he pulled it through. Then he took the paddle lock and clicked it tightly securing the doors.

  Rex turned to the stranger, “Do ya need a lift son?”

  “No thank you,” Jhahnahkan said his hand up, “I’ve got my own transportation.”

  “Well ok then,” Rex said walking to his truck, “Just be careful out there, a person could burn up like a crispy critter out here today.”

  “I will be sure to take shelter.”

  “Well ya better get on outta ma’ way then, cause ya never know how ol’ Betsy here will do when first she fires up.”

  Jhahnahkan bid the old man farewell and disappeared behind the shop out of sight with a flash of light.

  Rex looked around noticing the flash, scratched his head and shrugged his shoulders as he headed to the front seat of his pickup.

  “Boy, it’s a good thing I left the winda down,” Rex commented to himself, “It’s very hot out here today.”

  He sat in the truck and slammed the door and rolled the window down the rest of the way. Sweat began to form on his brow in the heat of the truck as the temperature was at least twenty degrees hotter inside than it was out.

  He pumped his foot on the gas pedal three times and pressed the clutch to the floor. He grabbed the shifter and rested it in neutral and turned the key in the ignition.

  The truck groaned and then he heard several clicks as the engine strained the battery. Rex slammed the palms of his hands against the steering wheel and cursed. He tried again by turning the key. This time, the battery only clicked.

  “Dang nab six volt piece of junk!” he yelled as he got out of the cab.

  Rex lifted the rusted hood on the old truck and it creaked open revealing the engine. He took hold of each battery connector and twisted it slightly to try and make a better connection, got back into the front seat and tried again. This time the engine roared to life. He pressed down on the gas twice making the truck surge with power and then it backfired making the sound of a gunshot.

  “Whoo doggies!” Rex shouted. “I knew ya had it in ya!”

  After he returned from closing the hood, he reached down beneath the seat and grabbed an old flask, took two big swigs and then stuffed it back in place. The truck gears ground as he found the first gear and slowly released the clutch moving the truck slowly onto the road and headed into town.

  He had reached a little better than half way across the flats to Rosemont when he saw something in the distance. He leaned up closer to the windshield as if to get a better look.

  “What in tarnation do we have here?” he exclaimed.

  Off in the distance he saw a man, wrapped with what appeared to be a blanket around his waist. The man fell to his knees and was panting from heat exhaustion. Rex slowed the truck to a stop, reached over and slowly rolled down the passenger window and studied the man before he spoke, thinking he knew him.

  He shook off the feeling and asked the man, “Are ya all right, son?”

  The stranger looked up at the man and stared back before answering, “Does it look like I am all right?”

  “Wear ya headin’, boy?” Rex asked.

  “I do not know. Guess I am lost,” the strange man replied.

  “Well,” Rex said, “don’t just sit there in the hot sun, burning up like a crispy critter…Get in.”

  The stranger began to pull himself to his feet as he held on to the truck door. His efforts were in vain, and he fell to the ground on his knees.

  The hunchbacked Rex got out of the truck and limped over to the other side of his truck and helped him to his feet.

  “Ya don’t look so good, mister. What happened to ya? That’s an awful nasty bump on ya noggin,” he said with genuine concern. “Come on now, let’s get ya in ta town and have someone look at that.”

  Rex supported the man with one arm around his waist and with his free arm, opened the truck’s passenger door. It creaked and made a popping sound as it was pulled open.

  “Don’t worry about a thing, mister. She’s a good-running old beast,” Rex said with a chuckle. “She complains about it, but only a little.”

  * * *


  Sheriff Matson’s Office

  Year: 1983
r />   Uttarak passed through a vortex and opened the door to the sheriff’s office, closed the door behind and made the vortex close at the same time.

  He proceeded to the receptionist at the desk and stood for a moment, waiting to be addressed.

  The secretary sat with her back to Uttarak as she filed her nails and listened to the soft county music that was playing on the radio.

  He began to grow impatient and knocked on the desk to get her attention, “Excuse me madam.”

  The receptionist turned with a start and looked up at the man standing in the entry. “May, may I help you?” she gulped not knowing why she had the feeling of dread.

  “I am here to see the Sheriff,” Uttarak said looking at her with his yellowish eyes.

  “He is busy now; you’ll have to have an appointment,” She managed to answer.

  “No, you do not understand my dear,” Uttarak insisted as he reached out and touched her forehead, “You will get the Sheriff so I can give him some information on the two fugitives he is looking for.”

  “Fugitives, yes,” the receptionist muttered, “I’ll be right back with the Sheriff.”

  “Good! I was sure you would see it my way,” Uttarak said giving her a wide smile.

  A few moments later, the sheriff came to the front desk. He was wearing his gun belt slightly loose which rested below his pot belly. One hand rested on his gun and the other on the belt, “I’m Sheriff Matson. Can I help ya mista?”

  “I have valuable information regarding two fugitives you are looking for,” Uttarak answered.

  “What do you know about these ‘fugitives’?” the sheriff asked with added interest.

  “I cannot tell you how I know this information, but you must go to the Rosemont hospital,” Uttarak urged.

  “Tell me more son,” Sheriff Matson said folding his arms.

  “Your two fugitives… one has been treated for a gunshot wound and is recovering after surgery.”

  Sheriff Matson nearly jumped across the counter fussing with the lifting countertop as he hurriedly made his way to his patrol car and sped, with lights only, to the Hospital.

  He ran into the hospital and down the corridor stopping at every nurse’s station asking where his two fugitives were.


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