Slavery and the Culture of Taste
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identity, modern. See modern identity
“If Me Want for Go in Ebo” (song)
Ignatius Sancho (Gainsborough painting)
India, slavery in
Indians, American
Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (Hutcheson)
instruments, musical
Interesting Narrative, The (Equiano)
Interior View of a Jamaica House of Corrections, An (engraving)
Jacobean style
Jacobs, Harriet
Jallonka Wilderness
Jamaica: English houses in; festivals in; provision grounds in; slaves and slavery in; Tacky's revolt (1760); torture in; Worthy Park plantation
James Drummond (Medina painting)
Jan Pranger, Director General of the Gold Coast (Mijn painting)
Jane Eyre (Brontë)
“Jaw-Bone, or House John-Canoe, 1837-38” (Belisario sketch)
Jefferson, Jupiter
Jefferson, Thomas: on blacks; Jupiter Jefferson and; on manners; on Native Americans; on slavery, See also Notes on the State of Virginia (T. Jefferson)
Jobson, Richard
John Canoe festival
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Ann Rosalind
Jones, Inigo
Jones, Robert W.
Jordan, Winthrop
Journal of a West Indian Proprietor (Lewis)
Journal of Tom Cringle (Scott)
Juba (dance)
Kames, Henry Home, Lord
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Emma Nogrady
Kaplan, Sidney
Kaye, Anthony E.
Kemble, E. W.
Kéroualle, Louise de
Kneller, Godfrey
Knight, Joseph
Knight v. Wederburn
knowable community
Kristeller, Paul Oskar
Kristeva, Julia
Kriz, Kay Dian
Kromanti Rebellion (1760)
Kühn, Justus Engelhardt
Labat, Jean Pierre
labor. See also work
Lacan, Jacques
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lamont, Michèle
landscapes, of slavery
Lane, William Henry
Laplanche, Jean
Larpent, Anna Margaretta
Larpent, John
Latrobe, Benjamin
laws: slavery laws; sumptuary laws
Le Roy, Emmanuel
Lee, Arthur
Lee, William
Lees-Milne, James
Leslie, Charles
Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Liberator (newspaper)
lieux de mémoire
Ligon, Richard
Linen Market at St. Domingo, The (Brunias painting)
Linnaeus, Carl
Literary Party at Sir Joshua Reynolds's, A (G. Thompson engraving)
Locke, John
Long, Edward: on black uncleanliness; on dancing; John Canoe festival and; on Mansfield Decision; Oranootan comment by; on Charles Price's house; racism of; on slaves as cultivators; on slaves' masters; on white Creoles; on F. Williams's poetry. See also History of Jamaica, The (Long)
Louise de Kéroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth (Mignard portrait)
luck, moral
Lufman, John
luxury goods
Lyotard, Jean-François
Madden, Richard Robert
Madia, Princess
Madison, John
Making of the Modern Self, The (Wahrman)
Mallet, Alain Manesson
“Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe” (Spillers)
Mande (West African society)
Mansfield 1st Earl of
Mansfield Decision (1772)
Marsden, Peter
Marx, Karl
masks, African
Maurits, Johan
Mauss, Marcel
McElroy, Guy C.
McKendrick, Neil
McLeod, Bet
medallion with slave (Wedgewood)
Medina, John Baptiste de
Meheux, John
melancholy. See also sadness; sorrow
Melrose Plantation
Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ahadeee, King of Dahomy (Norris)
Mercier, Philippe
Metoyer, Marie Thèrése
Meynell, Francis
Middle East, slavery in
middle passage
Mignard, Pierre
Mignot, Louis Remy
Mijn, Frans van der
Miller, Christopher
Miller, John Chester
Milton, John
Miseroni, Ferdinand Eusebio
Mrs. Elizabeth Freake and Baby Mary (portrait)
modern identity: emergence of; Europeans and; freedom and; modernity and; moral space and; slave trade and; slavery and. See also identity
modern self
modernity: art and; concept of; culture of; epistemological framework of; in Europe; foundational narratives of; modern identity and; project of; racial ideology and; slave trade and; slaves and slavery and
Monboddo, Lord
Monk, The (Lewis)
Montagu, Duke of
Montpelier Estate, St. James (Hakewill print)
moral luck
moral space
Moreton, J. B.
Morgan, Henry
Morgan, Philip
Morris, Gouverneur
Morrison, Toni
Mortenson, Preben
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mulberry Plantation
Murray, William
music “Music Party, The” (Mercier painting)
musical instruments
Myal and Myalism
nakedness. See also stripping
Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam (Stedman)
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Douglass)
Native Americans
natural rights
Nealee (African woman)
Negative Dialectics (Adorno)
“Nègre” (Romain)
Negro airs
Negro Dance on a Cuban Plantation (illustration)
Negro Festival Drawn from Nature on the Island of St. Vincent, A (Brunias painting)
Negro hung alive by the Ribs to a Gallows (Blake engraving)
Negroes (term)
Nelson, Lord
Nettleford, Rex
New and Accurate Description of Guinea, A (Bosman)
New Eighteenth Century, The (Nussbaum & Brown)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Newton, John
Nora, Pierre
Norris, Robert
Notes on the State of Virginia (T. Jefferson)
novels, English nsunsu (dance)
Nugent, Lady
Nussbaum, Felicity
Obama, Barack Hussein
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime (Kant)
occult practices
“Of the Standard of Taste” (Hume)
Old Bramshill
Old Plantation, South Carolina, The (painting)
olfactory ontology
Olmstead, Frederick Law
On Beauty and Being Just (Scarry)
On the Aesthetic Education of Man (Schiller)
br /> Orbigny, Alcides, d'
ordinary life
orientation, spatial
Origin of German Tragic Drama, The (Benjamin)
Orrery, Earl of
Padua after 1782 (Cozens)
Paine, Thomas
paintings. See also images; portraits; specific paintings
Palladian style
Paris, France
Park, Mungo
Parkstead House
Pascal, Michael Henry
Patterson, Orlando; Slavery and Social Death; The Sociology of Slavery
performances: Douglass on; Equiano on; purpose and function of; rituals and; white observations of. See also dances and dancing; festivals; music
Perinbam, B. Marie
Petty, William
Phenomenology of the Mind (Hegel)
Phillips, Thomas
Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, A (E. Burke)
physical space
Pinckard, George
Pinkster festival
Pinney, John
Pitt, William (the Elder)
Pitt, William (the Younger)
plantation life
plantation system
Planter, Attended by Negro Driver (illustration)
planters, of West Indies
Plumb, John
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (Wheatley)
ponds, at Assin Manso
Pontalis, J.-B.
poor, the
Popkin, Richard
Portrait of Frederick Douglass as a Younger Man (Buttre engraving)
portraits. See also images; paintings; specific portraits
post of the self
Pranger, Jan
Price, Charles
Prince, Mary
Princess Madia, Enslaved African from the Congo (illustration)
Principal's Lodge
private space
private spheres
Propping Sorrow (dance)
provision grounds
public space
public spheres
punishment. See also violence
Rabelais, François
Rabelais and His World (Bakhtin)
race and racism
Rafael, Vicente
Ragatz, Lowell Joseph
reading, staging of
“Red Set-Girls, and Jack-in-the-Green, 1837-38” (Belisario sketch)
Reflections of Poetry (Baumgarten)
Rembrandt, Harmenszoon van Rijn
revolts, slave. See also Tacky's revolt (1760)
Reynolds, Joshua
Richardson, Samuel
Ricoeur, Paul
Rights of Man, The (Paine)
Roach, Joseph
Romain, M. le
Romney, George
Rose Hall
Rossiter, Thomas Pritchard
Rowlandson, Thomas
Royal African Company
Rubens, Peter Paul
Ruffing, Thomas
Rulhier, Claude Carloman de
Rumbold, Thomas
“Sable Venus, The” (Teale)
sadness. See also melancholy; sorrow
Said, Edward
Saine, Thomas
Saine, Ute
Sancho, Ignatius
Sartre, Jean Paul
Savage, Edward
Scarry, Elaine
Scenes of Subjection (Hartman)
Schama, Simon
Schaw, Janet
Schiller, J. C. Friedrich von
Schultz, Christian
Scott, Michael
Sea Captains Carousing in Surinam (Greenwood painting)
Second Treatise on Government (Locke)
secular excommunication
Set-Girls festival
shackling, of slaves
Shadwell (plantation)
Shaffer, E. S.
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper
Sharpe, Jenny
ships, slave. See also specific ships
slave castles
“Slave deck of the Albaroz ” (Meynell)
“Slave Deck of the Albaroz, Prize to the Albatross, 1845” (Meynell)
Slave Play in Suriname (Van Valkenburg painting)
Slave River
slave ships. See also specific ships
slave trade: as a business interest; cultural value and semantics transformation and; Dutch wealth and power and; enabling of; growth of; iconography of; modern identity and; modernity and; Newton on; ordinariness of; in Sahel; slavery and
slave traders
Slave-Coffle Passing the Capitol, A (illustration)
slavery: in Africa; in American colonies; as anachronistic; arguments against; art and; banality of; William Beckford and; in Britain; in China; civilization and; Codrington and; at Constitutional Convention (1787); cultural capital and; Douglass on; economy of; in England; in Europe; excluding; Finley on; in France; freedom and; Garnsey on; happiness and; hybridization and; iconography of; in India; in Jamaica; Jefferson on; Johnson on; landscapes of; laws; in Middle East; modern identity and; modernity and; moral luck and; pain and; in paintings and portraits; Patterson on; power doctrine in; Prince on; punishment and; racism and; slave trade and; sorrow and; spaces of sociability of; sugar and; taste and; torture and violence; violence of and culture of taste; Washington and; wealth and; in West Indies
Slavery and Social Death (Patterson)
slaves: aesthetics of; affective nature of; in antebellum South; art and; auctions of; aura of blackness in; from Bambarran army; in Britain; as chattels; codes of; collars of; confinement of; as cultivators; dances and; debasement of; delusions and; in English portraiture; exclusion from modern sensorium; Foucault on; gardens of; genealogy and; holidays of; houses built by; iconography and images of; identity of; in Jamaica; labor and; masters and; memory of; modernity and; music and; naming of; narratives of; negative sensorium of; notion of the future; objectification of; performances of (see performances); presence/absence of; punishment and; remains of in New York; revolts by; ritualistic function of; rituals and; sale of; shackling of; spaces and; speech forms of; stripping of; symbolism and; traces of; transition from Africa to Americas; visibility and invisibility of; in West Indies. See also blacks; slave trade
“Slaves Packed Below and On Deck” (illustration)
Slaves Waiting for Sale-Richmond, Virginia (Crowe painting)
Sloane, Hans
Smallwood, Stephanie
Smith, Adam
Smith, Mark
Snelgrave, William
Soane, John
Sobel, Mechal
social death
social life
social order
social rank
social relationships
Society for the Abolition of Slavery
Sociology for the South (Fitzhugh)
Sociology of Slavery, The (Patterson)
Soest, Gerard
Somersett, James
songs of sorrow
sorrow. See also melancholy; sadness
sorrow songs
Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois)
Sources of Self (C. Taylor)
South, antebellum
South Carolina, task system in
spaces: autonomous spaces; cultural spaces; Foucault on ; functional symbolism of; mora
l space; ontology of; physical space; of play; private space; public space; slaves and; of sociability; spatial orientation; symbolic spaces
Spillers, Hortense
spirituals, Negro
Stallybrass, Peter
Stedman, John Gabriel
Steele, Richard
Sterne, Lawrence
Steuart, Charles
Stewart, John
Stono Rebellion (1739)
Stowell, Lord
stripping. See also nakedness
Stuckey, Sterling
Sullivan, Ben
Summerson, John
sumptuary laws
symbolic inversion
symbolic spaces
symbols and symbolism
Tacky's revolt (1760)
Tallmadge, James, Jr.
Taney, Robert B.
task system
taste: commerce and; discourses about; establishment of the realm of; Hume and; judgment of; politics in; principles of; as regulatory mechanism; slavery and; social gatherings and; standards of; theories of. See also culture of taste
Taura, Karfa
Taylor, Charles. See also Sources of Self (C. Taylor)
Taylor, John
Teale, Isaac
Thackeray, William
Theodore, Johan
Theophila Palmer Reading “Clarissa Harlowe” (Reynolds painting)
Theory of Moral Sentiments (A. Smith)
Thompson, E. P.
Thompson, George
Thompson, Robert Farris
Thornhill, James
Thornton, John
Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of the Slave Trade (Cugoano)
Tiepolo, Giovani Batista
torture. See also violence
Toure, Samouri
Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa (Park)
Troxxilla, Pedro Diez
Trumbull, John
Two Negroes (Rembrandt painting),
“Under the Portuguese Flag. Slavery in the Portuguese districts of South-east Africa. from a sketch by Sir John Willoughby.” (Durand engraving)
Van Dantzig, Albert
Van Dyck, Anthony
Van Valkenburg, Dirk
Vanbrugh, John
Vassa, Gustavus
Vathek (W. Beckford)
Vauxhall Gardens
Velasquez, Diego
Ventós, Rupert de
Victoria and Albert Museum
View of Mulberry House and Street (Coram painting)
violence: dialectic of; poetry as counterpart to; sexualized violence; slavery and; work and. See also pain; punishment; torture
Virginian Luxuries (painting)
Virgnia, blacks in
virtue, commerce and
Vlach, John