Our Gravity [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove)

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Our Gravity [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove) Page 27

by Tymber Dalton

  Bryce looked…lost.

  Dustin stepped in. “She was his best friend, and she wanted to make sure her baby had a father when she was born and would be taken care of. This was the plan, the way she wanted it. Please don’t hassle us. We’re grieving enough as it is.”

  Her expression softened. “I’m sorry.”

  Twenty minutes later, they had the paperwork and were heading back to the car.

  They were going to hold the wedding at Lara and Brad’s house that Saturday night. Not a large crowd, and everyone there—except the baby—was kinky.

  Bryce wanted to hold the collaring and the wedding at the same time. Loren had already agreed to perform both services for them.

  Dustin wanted whatever Bryce wanted, but he wasn’t sure how he’d get through either of them without sobbing a swimming pool’s worth of tears.

  They’d also wanted to keep things quiet and low-key. If either set of parents tried to guilt-trip them about the way they’d held their wedding and leaving them out of it, they’d simply say after Kira died they didn’t feel like celebrating and wanted to elope so they could start Dustin’s adoption proceedings as quickly as possible for Jenny’s sake.

  Which was the truth.

  Maybe for their one-year anniversary they’d have a recommitment ceremony or something, but for now it was them and their friends from the Suncoast Society and elsewhere who they knew were kinky, and who knew everything about them.

  And Jenny.

  And she was too young to understand anything anyway.

  It was early evening, and Lara and Brad had put out citronella torches. Everyone gathered in their backyard and they quieted when Loren called for attention.

  “We’ve got a twofer tonight,” she said with a smile.

  Bryce currently held Jenny. They’d garbed her in a pretty pink dress and matching headband Kira had bought for her months ago and earmarked for tonight. Dustin was glad it was a little large on her, because she’d be able to wear it longer that way.

  And they’d get plenty of pictures of her in everything Kira had hand-picked for her.

  Right now, she was asleep on Bryce’s shoulder, her mouth open just a little, and fortunately Dustin had thought to give Bryce a burp pad to protect his shirt from drool.

  Everyone was keeping their voices down, not wanting to wake her.

  It was…

  It was perfect.

  Knowing Kira had picked their rings out for them made it a little more perfect. They’d forever have a reminder of her love.

  Dustin didn’t know whose idea it was to scatter plentiful boxes of tissues around the folding tables where they’d be eating, but he thanked them as he dabbed at his eyes.

  They stood in front of Loren, facing each other. Kimbra was standing up for Bryce as his best man, while he’d asked Lara to stand up as his.

  “These two men,” Loren started, “met through mutual friends and have been together ever since. A little magic in a world that struggles to strip it from us. Tonight they wish to share their vows to each other in front of the friends they know will understand what they’ve been through and what it took them to get to this point. Bryce?”

  Dustin’s vision blurred as he blinked away more tears. Bryce had left his glasses on the table, knowing he’d be crying anyway and not wanting them in his way.

  Bryce stared up at him. “I never thought having my heart broken would also mean I’d find the meaning of true love at the same time. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and then my world crumbled. When I found out about Kira, you could have easily said no way and walked away. I wouldn’t have blamed you. No one would have.

  “But you didn’t. Not only…” He choked up, making Dustin sniffle too. “Not only did you step up, you showed me you are the kind of man I wish I was. I don’t know if I said it enough to you the past few months, but I could not have made it through this without you. Because even though my heart is broken, you showed me how to put it back together again. You held the pieces in place with your love, and you gave me hope. We became fathers together. We’re finally starting our life together. We’ve been through sickness and health, we’ve been through the darkest valleys. We’re finally able to breathe and I love you even more now than I did when I first realized I wanted to spend my life with you so many months ago. Forever, that’s what I want, because I can’t have asked for a better man than you. And that’s what I promise you—forever.”

  Oh, gawd, he was going to cry even harder. Dustin wiped his eyes and struggled to remember what he’d written.

  “Kira warned me that loving you is like being pulled into orbit. I’d kind of thought that even before, but it’s true. I never wanted kids, never saw myself as a father. But I loved you and trusted you and knew there was no way I could let you walk out of my life. That if I did, I’d hate myself forever. So I loved you. I trusted you. And you showed me not only am I a pretty okay dad, but I love being a dad.” Bryce’s teary smile lifted Dustin’s heart.

  “I never would have known how much a part of my soul was incomplete until I met you. My only regret is I didn’t meet you and Kira sooner. That I didn’t get to share more of my life with her as my friend. And that Jenny will never get to know her the way you and I did. Because of her, I learned things about myself that I never knew, learned how strong I was, and learned how much I need you in my life. We’re a family, and we’re dads, and I promise as long as there’s breath in my body, I’ll always be there with you.”

  Loren looked pretty teary, too. “Bryce, the ring.”

  Kimbra handed it to him, and he slid it onto Dustin’s left hand.

  “Do you, Bryce, take Dustin to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  “Repeat after me,” Loren said. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Dustin had to blink back more tears.

  She had Dustin repeat everything after sliding the ring onto Bryce’s hand. Then they held hands, Bryce being careful not to jostle the baby.

  “By the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and husband.”

  Bryce kissed him, and for a sweet moment in time Dustin knew true perfection.

  “We’re not done yet, folks,” Loren joked. “Hang on.”

  They handed the baby off to Auntie Kimbra for the next part.

  * * * *

  Bryce pointed at the ground in front of him, and Dustin knelt without hesitation. He rested his left hand on Dustin’s head, stroking his hair, trying to settle his thoughts.

  He hadn’t written anything specifically for this part, knowing he’d be doing good to remember his wedding vows.

  “I know you said it didn’t matter to you, but it matters to me,” Bryce started. “You stood by me and loved me and humbled me with your service.” He choked back tears. “You didn’t need a collar to love and serve me. You asked only for my love and faith, and you have every bit of that. You called me Master without me asking that of you. You offered yourself to me without anything asked in return except that I didn’t break that trust. You’ve given me your heart and wear my ring. I stand before everyone here tonight and ask if you’ll please officially take my collar, not just my name. If you’ll do me the honor of letting me claim you as not just my husband, but my slave.”

  “Yes, Master.” Dustin smiled up at him. “I would be honored to wear your collar.”

  Bryce had purchased the stainless steel chainmail bracelet from Rebecca not long before Jenny was born, knowing he wouldn’t have the time or the heart to try to find one later, not in time for tonight.

  Kira had loved it when he showed her.

  He fastened it around Dustin’s right wrist, kissing the inside of his wrist before helping him stand and pulling him in for a long, sweet kiss that drew soft applause from the attendees.

  Kimbra had insisted they have at
least one dance, followed by music for them to eat barbecue by, not to mention the Publix sheet cake they’d ordered as their wedding cake.

  Dustin took Jenny from Kimbra, because he wanted her to join them.

  Bryce had let Dustin pick the music, and when Brad started the playlist for them, tears filled Bryce’s eyes as Banana Pancakes played.

  Dustin shrugged, an adorable smile on his face. “It’s kinda our song now, you know?”


  They danced, slowly, Jenny in Dustin’s arms, asleep on his shoulder, his other arm around Bryce.


  He wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Love you, Mr. Butler,” Bryce whispered, smiling. Dustin had volunteered that he wanted to change his last name.

  He wanted to have Bryce and Jenny’s last name.

  Dustin’s sweet smile soothed Bryce’s aching heart. “Love you, too, Papi.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Bryce had driven them to Lara’s. After dinner and cake, they headed home. It was a little after nine when they returned, and Jenny slept through the car ride, changing her upon their return home, and putting her to bed.

  The men stood next to her crib, Dustin standing behind Bryce and with his arms around him, his head resting on Bryce’s shoulder.

  Bryce laced fingers with him and felt their wedding bands rubbing against each other.

  “Love you, Papi,” Dustin whispered.

  Bryce squeezed Dustin’s hands. “Love you, too, Daddy.”

  Dustin snorted, and Bryce tipped his head back. “I meant that in the non-kink way.”

  “I know. Still taking me a little time to get used to it.”

  “But you’re getting used to it?”

  He sighed. “Yeah.” He nuzzled the side of Bryce’s face. “I am.” He pressed his lips against Bryce’s ear and breathed, “Master.”

  Bryce hadn’t been sure how in the mood either of them would be, but at that his cock stirred, and he could feel Dustin’s pressing against his ass through their shorts. “Mmm. Let’s take this to our room.”

  They made sure the baby monitor was on and closed the door behind them, as well as their bedroom door. Bryce removed his glasses and set them on the dresser when Dustin stepped behind him and started grinding against his ass.

  Bryce smiled as he ground back, bracing himself against the dresser so he didn’t get driven into it face-first. “Someone’s eager.”

  “Damn right. I want to fuck my husband.”

  Bryce turned and shoved Dustin back, onto the bed, landing on him and pinning his hands over his head. Lacing fingers with him, he squeezed, smiling. “You do, hmm?”

  “Yes, Master.” He wore a playful smile.

  Bryce’s cock throbbed. “You know what that fucking does to me.”

  Dustin’s smile widened. “Maaaaaster.”

  Bryce released his hands. He sat up and stripped off his shirt, then started helping Dustin remove his. Dustin flipped them over, on top, kissing his way down Bryce’s neck to his chest, teasing him, sucking on his nipples as he ground his hips against Bryce’s.

  “Need to get you a good set of cuffs and collar,” Bryce gasped through his need. “Find something nice for you, boy.” He fisted Dustin’s hair and started pushing him lower. “Come home at lunchtime on your days off and fuck you senseless.”

  Dustin’s head popped up, questions in his eyes. “Huh? What’s that have to do with cuffs and a collar.”

  “You can wear them.”

  “Uh, what about the baby?”

  “Grandma. Or Auntie Kimbra. That cock ain’t gonna suck itself, boy.”

  Dustin grinned and went down on him, his gaze never leaving Bryce’s. Bryce drew in a sharp breath as Dustin’s tongue circled the ridge around the head, played with his slit, teasing him. “That’s it, boy. Get me even more worked up so I can grind that nut out in your ass.”

  He licked his way down to Bryce’s balls, taking his time and playing with them, sucking one, then the other into his mouth. Meanwhile, he slowly jacked Bryce’s cock with his hand, that perfect way he loved, his fingers circled around the head.

  Bryce wasn’t sure he could hold out long enough to fuck him at this rate. Dustin was so damned good with his mouth, and it’d been a while for both of them.

  He finally pulled Dustin off his cock and flipped him over, onto his side, facing away from Bryce. Something a little different tonight. Bryce grabbed the lube and once Dustin realized what he wanted, he held his leg up, giving Bryce room to get him prepped and easily slide his cock deep inside him.

  Raw tonight, because he wanted to mark his boy.

  He reached around Dustin and grabbed his cock, slowly stroking him as he thrust his own cock into Dustin’s ass. “Kiss me.”

  Dustin tipped his head back, softly moaning as Bryce explored and teased, losing himself in his husband.

  This. Man.

  So sweet and fine and all his.

  He wanted to make love to him tonight, remind him of the basics, of them, of their hearts. The kink was fun, sure, and something they both needed, but they needed this, too.

  Without this honest passion, the undiluted trust, the unfiltered desire between them, nothing else could have happened.

  This was them at their best.

  This was them forever.

  They found their slow, sweet rhythm, Dustin rocking back into every thrust as Bryce took his time. He didn’t want to rush tonight.

  Tonight was for them, for their life together, the true start they’d been denied by grief and circumstances.

  “Forever,” Bryce whispered, kissing up to his ear, down to his chin. He deeply inhaled, Dustin’s deodorant and shampoo and the fainter scent of the shaving cream he’d used earlier that afternoon while he was getting ready. Their sweat and their sex and every bit of them mixed together, impossible to tell where one started and the other ended.

  “Forever.” Dustin sucked on his lip, playful, Bryce responding by squeezing his cock and making him groan. “Fucking sadist.” He smiled.

  Bryce thrust hard, earning another groan. “That’s right. I am.”

  * * * *

  Dustin would do anything for this man. He didn’t know how or why they’d found each other, but gave thanks for it.

  Even with the tears and loss, he wouldn’t trade a minute of it. It was all of who they were. It made them, broke them, and reshaped them into something still perfect.

  Something them.

  Bryce stroked Dustin’s cock harder, firmer. “I’m close,” Bryce said. “Come with me. Want to feel your ass squeezing me.”

  Dustin rocked himself back and forth, between Bryce’s hand and cock, working it. He was close, too, and while he’d love a marathon fuck tonight, he knew neither of them had the energy. Jenny had awakened them at four a.m., and neither of them had gotten back to sleep or had a nap.

  The warmth of Bryce’s body along his back, his breath in Dustin’s ear, the feel of his chin against the back of Dustin’s head—every bit of it rolled into one sweet ball of pleasure that expanded at the base of his spine and flowed through him.

  “Yeah, baby,” Bryce gasped. “Love how your cock gets hard like that.”

  That was all it took. Dustin’s cock erupted, Bryce catching up and finishing with him, both of them falling still wrapped around each other.

  On the baby monitor, they heard Jenny fuss a little, and they both froze, waiting to see if she would settle again, or if this was her waking up for a bottle.

  Bryce snickered after a moment. “Dude, we’re holding our breath.”

  Dustin realized he was right and laughed with him.

  False alarm. She didn’t make another noise, so they finally got up and cleaned up before returning to bed.

  Naked, they snuggled, Dustin splayed across Bryce. They kept robes next to the bedroom door so they could at least be naked in their bedroom. In a very short time, they knew they wouldn’t even have that luxury, so they enjoyed it
while they could.

  Bryce played with Dustin’s hair. “I think it’s ironic you said you used to have bears and leather Daddies all over you. Now you are a Daddy.”

  Dustin yanked one of Bryce’s chest hairs, making Bryce snicker. “Not funny. I’m your boy, Master.”

  Bryce’s hand cupped his, and he brought it to his lips and kissed it. “I wonder if Lara will let us bury the bodies of the boys we kill who try to date her on their property?”

  “She’s not allowed to date until she’s thirty,” Dustin groused. “Even then, maybe not.”

  Bryce snorted. “I have a feeling she’s going to friendly up to Auntie Kimbra for help convincing us not to be annoyingly protective dads.”

  “I don’t care. You’re my Master, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go to war over our baby. She’s always going to be our little girl.” He almost choked up at the end, thinking about Kira.

  Bryce kissed his temple. “Yeah, she is.”

  * * * *

  This was going to be their last week before getting back to work. Jenny had a pediatrician’s appointment that morning. To Dustin’s relief, he pronounced she looked perfect, was gaining weight on schedule, and he had no concerns.

  After, they took her out to the beach. It was a Wednesday, so not many people there, except some retirees and tourists. It was a beautiful, sunny day, not too hot, with a sweet breeze blowing in off the Gulf.

  Dustin carried her as Bryce walked along and searched for shark’s teeth. She was awake, and as he showed her his finds, she watched him, then was distracted by the water.

  He knew this would be another future catharsis for Bryce, to bring her to the beach and show her how to look for them with him, filling a new memory jar with their finds.

  Building sandcastles with her.

  Already, she’d outgrown one of the outfits Kira had bought for her. Dustin had cried when he realized that, the memory of Kira opening the Amazon package and smiling over it still fresh in his mind.


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