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Love on the Line

Page 4

by Laura M. Baird

That sounds so juvenile! And am I ready for that?

  She shoved those thoughts aside as her body began to warm nicely from her exertion. The sun had risen over the hills and she decided to peel off the top layer of her clothing. Continuing with her stride up the open path, she began to whip the lightweight fleece over her head, only to have the material put up a fight as it snagged her hair. Thinking she was sure of her steps and would untangle herself with the next pull, AJ struggled for a moment before finally working it free. And practically tumbled over another person on the trail.

  “Son of a bi—”

  “I am so sorry,” a masculine voice rang out, cutting off AJ’s words. With her lower arms still encased in the sleeves of her fleece, warm hands held her upper arms to steady her. “Are you okay? Damn, I’m sorry. I bent over to remove a rock from my shoe and … and didn’t notice anyone else...”

  His words faltered and grew softer as AJ looked up. And then up some more are she stared into the most gorgeous set of deep blue eyes she’d ever seen on a man. His brow crinkled as his full lips remained parted a few millimeters. Flawless sun-kissed skin covered a handsome face with prominent cheekbones and the cutest cleft chin. Short, light brown hair fell across his forehead and teased his ears. AJ felt the heat from his touch all the way to her toes. Her mouth suddenly became dry, making her regret she hadn’t thought to bring a water bottle.

  She stood nearly spellbound, unable to conjure a word of reply as the stranger’s eyes held hers. Finally finding her voice, she said, “I was losing a fight with my fleece.” She grinned before looking down at his hands still securing her arms. When he quickly released her and took a step back, she began to pull her arms out of the garment and resumed talking. “Got caught on my hair, but I got it.”

  “Again, I’m sorry. I’ll, uh, I’ll let you get back to your walk,” the man rushed to say.

  Just as AJ freed her arms, she didn’t have a chance to reply as he darted past her and took off sprinting down the trail leading back to the park area. She spun around and watched his very shapely backside shift as his powerfully muscular legs carried him further and further away.

  “Well, okay then,” she mumbled before deciding she’d had enough as well. Tying the fleece around her waist, she started off in the same direction as the cute jogger. She slipped her hair out of its band to finger-comb it and twist it back up into a knot. Glancing at her watch, she noticed she’d already been out an hour and figured by the time she got back home at this pace, another hour would pass. Even with time on her hands, she decided to kick it in gear by jogging down the trails, through the park, and along the sidewalks that would take her back to her place.

  AJ replayed the encounter with the handsome stranger over in her mind. His beauty had mesmerized her, leaving her speechless. She thought there had been something vaguely familiar about him, but couldn’t recall ever having seen him on the trails before. And someone as good-looking as that, she’d definitely remember. His voice replayed in her mind and she immediately thought of Mathias. Although they were similar, both with a deep, sexy tone, there was no way they were one and the same.

  Right? What were the odds that I’d talk with a stranger, only to run into him the very next day? Literally!

  AJ reached home, shaking her head at herself as she unlocked her door and stepped inside. She must be going batty if she was ready to project Mathias into the first man to catch her eye since … well, in a while. So she’d enjoyed her conversation with him, and felt as if she’d known him for much longer than a few hours, and felt comfortable to tell him things she never even told Brad, a man she’d lived with, thought she loved, and was ready to make a future with…


  “Stop it, AJ,” she chastised herself. “You said you were moving on, so move on.”

  After depositing her keys and phone on the counter, she chugged two glasses of water before making her way upstairs. She wouldn’t mind a soak in her claw-foot tub, but opted for a shower instead. She wanted to get a start on her plans for a productive day. After removing her clothes and throwing them in the basket, she entered her bathroom and started the shower. Stepping into the warm spray, she let the soothing water cascade over her, easing the soreness she had already begun to feel from her run.

  Once again, Mathias’s voice echoed in her mind. What was it about him that resonated with her? His seemingly laid-back nature? The ease with which they exchanged stories and laughed with one another? She could just imagine his rich voice with its low tone whispering in her ear, sending shivers across her skin like a caress. Was he really as he jokingly described, at six three, washboard abs, and looking like Chris Hemsworth?

  AJ shivered as goose bumps dotted her skin in spite of the warm water. She imagined his muscular form pressing into her backside, warmth surrounding her as his arms circled her torso. Large hands easily palmed her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples while his growing erection pressed into her lower back.

  A whimper involuntarily escaped her mouth as her breasts were suddenly tender, her sex clenching at the mere thought of the man she envisioned performing deliciously dirty deeds. AJ caressed one breast then the other as her hand roamed her own body. She moved down her toned abdomen to the neatly trimmed curls between her thighs, pressing into her folds to finger her clit. Moisture easily coated her digits and tentative flicks soon gave way to furious rubbing as her movements became faster and harder. She moaned at the euphoric feeling starting to sweep through her—something she had rarely ever felt with Brad.

  AJ quickly shut down those thoughts and instead concentrated on bringing herself to orgasm. It’d been too long since her body felt this way. She trembled as her fingers swirled across her flesh, her pussy becoming engorged. What she wouldn’t give for a hot, thick cock filling her, pounding into her. She couldn’t even mimic that action due to the fact she didn’t own a vibrator.

  “What woman in this day and age doesn’t own a vibrator?” Jen had asked.

  AJ began to rethink that decision immediately.

  As her legs weakened, she braced a hand against the shower wall while she continued to stroke herself. So close. She could feel her insides tightening, and her hips began to thrust back and forth as she raced to the finish line.

  She couldn’t help the cry that shattered the silence as her climax barreled through her. Her rubbing didn’t stop as she pressed even harder against her clit, enjoying every pulse exploding from that tiny, sensitive bundle of nerves.

  As the waves of pleasure began to recede, AJ leaned against the shower wall, panting. She couldn’t believe the fierceness of her orgasm, brought on by her own hand and the explicit thoughts involving a faceless stranger.

  “Oh my,” she said and sighed. Wanting nothing more than to remain right where she was and let the high run through her, she forced herself to move. Her movements were sluggish as she shampooed her hair and washed, tingles still present as she moved over parts of her body.

  “Sheesh, one orgasm and I’m ready to melt into a puddle of goo.”

  After a final rinse, AJ shut off the water and stepped out to wrap herself in a towel. She stared at her reflection, noticing even in her post-climax haze, her light blue eyes appearing brighter, clearer. She was more focused as her short-term objectives lined up in her mind. Realizing she had literally turned a corner toward happier days, she smiled at herself, pleased to see the old AJ reemerging.

  She giggled at herself, also realizing she’d just had the best orgasm in years.

  AJ dropped the towel and applied her favorite lotion to her body, loving the tangerine scent. As she stood in her bathroom naked, she took the time to dry her waist-length hair, the blonde tresses shining. Since she had plans to work from home and not leave the house, makeup wasn’t necessary, so she padded to the bedroom and dressed. She pulled out simple cotton underwear and bra, then chose a well-worn vintage t-shirt and Capri leggings.

  AJ made her way back downstairs to the kitchen to get some nourishment. She p
ulled up her Pandora station on her phone before setting out to make a monster bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich with avocado. Humming along to the latest country tune, she made quick work of her task, adding a glass of chocolate milk to her meal. Once finished and the kitchen cleaned, she realized the miniscule amount of food and drink she had on hand. So before she dove into her project, she figured a quick trip to the store was in order. Deciding her attire was presentable—not pajamas like too many wore these days to the supermarket—she donned some socks and shoes. Still not bothering with any makeup, she placed her phone in her bag, grabbed her keys, and set out.

  Nearly two hours later, AJ was back at home with plenty of groceries which included her favorite cocoa-roasted almonds she began snacking on immediately. As she settled at her computer, she pulled up the latest project she was asked to consult on, given the client had requested her. Said client was meticulously selective, as AJ had learned early on when they demanded re-dos because the initial proposals weren’t good enough. So, she was sure to always mock up at least four to five alternatives, knowing one would inevitably be selected.

  AJ loved the challenge of bringing something to life that would be viewed by many, something that could ultimately influence whether a person purchased a particular item or called a particular company for their services. It never got old to see her work unleashed in the wild, so to speak.

  She had been engrossed in her work and not paying attention to the time, so when her stomach growled, she saw it was midafternoon and she had missed lunch. AJ glanced at her phone she had placed on “silent” and also saw she had missed several texts. Three were from Jen, asking about getting together again tonight for drinks. Two were from an unknown number. Her curiosity had her looking at the unknown number first, and quickly realized they were from Mathias. AJ hadn’t thought to set him up as a contact after their talk last night.

  She read his texts that were thirty minutes apart:

  Just on my lunch break and couldn’t wait until tonight to contact you. How’s your Monday so far?

  Guess you’re busy. Or else already tired of me. ;) still hoping we’ll talk this evening. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  AJ snickered. “Aww, what a sweetie, and so polite even in texts.”

  She rapidly fired off texts, unsure if he’d check his phone during work hours, or if he’d get them later.

  Sorry I missed your texts. Engrossed in project. Still looking forward to talking this evening.

  Before AJ could even begin to answer Jen’s texts, her phone showed a message from Mathias.

  Had me worried that I scared you off. Glad you’re still willing to give me a chance. Hope project is going well.

  AJ responded back: I don’t scare easily ;) Project coming along nicely.

  Another message from him quickly came through, but AJ answered Jen first. She let her know that she couldn’t meet up for drinks due to another commitment. She omitted the fact that it involved more conversation with the stranger from the previous night. She couldn’t say why, but she wasn’t quite ready to divulge that bit of information. Of course, Jen could be excited about the prospect, given she’s the one who practically forced last night’s call on her in the first place, with the idea of AJ meeting someone new.

  Jen wanted to know why AJ couldn’t meet, and began a long tirade AJ now ignored in favor of texting with Mathias.

  So then, you’d be up for an excursion to a haunted house come Halloween? Mathias had asked.

  “Mmm,” AJ murmured before answering back. Halloween was two months away, so he obviously thought they’d be together or still in contact.

  AJ: Wishful thinking or self-assured? ;)

  Mathias: A bit of both…?

  AJ chuckled aloud.

  AJ: I like a man with confidence. And shouldn’t you be working?

  Mathias: I am indeed working, from home today. And don’t change the subject so quickly. Let’s get back to the fact that you like a confident man … a quality I happen to possess in spades.

  AJ: There’s a fine line between confidence and cockiness.

  Mathias: A line I never cross.

  AJ: Good to know. So, do you lounge in your PJs or actually dress for work?

  Mathias: Since it’s casual Monday, I’m in lounge pants and a polo. Does this meet your approval?

  AJ: I suppose, although I was envisioning you in black tights, gold breastplate, and a flowing red cape, Thor. ;)

  Mathias: And I’m envisioning you in a nude onesie with silver sparkly boots, Miley … or is that too dressy for your day off?

  AJ snorted with laughter, having so much fun bantering with the man like this. And while she would’ve liked for the fun to continue, she really wanted to answer Jen and get back to her project.

  AJ: I, too, am taking advantage of casual Monday in t-shirt and leggings. I don’t mean to snub you, but must get back to work. Call me later?

  Mathias: Of course, work beckons. Will definitely call later. Until then, be productive, Amelia Jane.

  AJ smiled at the text, feeling ridiculously and inexplicably giddy. She then started texting Jen, only to find the task cumbersome, so opted to call instead. The two spent thirty minutes on the phone, during which Jen had gotten AJ to spill the beans on her conversation with Mathias. Jen had been thrilled, insisted on updates, and strongly encouraged her to make plans to meet the man this coming weekend. She even suggested she and other friends, along with their men, arrange to be in the vicinity of their meet, should AJ feel even the slightest bit of unease about the situation.

  AJ acknowledged the smarts in that plan and agreed. It hadn’t taken much to convince her, given she was ninety-nine percent sure she already planned to meet him.

  After disconnecting with her friend, AJ made use of her groceries and whipped up a delicious meal that would fuel her through a few more hours of work. Then, she would look forward to more entertaining conversation with the stranger who captivated her.


  “So, what are you wearing?”

  AJ snickered at Mathias’s segue into their conversation. It was seven in the evening, and after completing the project and resubmitting to her boss, AJ was relaxing with a glass of wine, along with a plate of smoked salmon and cheese. She still wore her t-shirt and leggings while curled up on her couch, answering the phone immediately when she recognized it was Mathias calling.

  “We really must get past this whole wardrobe fascination, don’t ya think?”

  “Not at all. I’m a visual kinda guy, and while I’ve see … um, would love for you describe yourself to me, I realize we’re trying to build our relationship on conversation only.”

  AJ thought nothing of his words as she finished her wine. “Relationship, eh?”

  “Well, sure. Isn’t that what we’re doing? Developing a relationship? Even if it only results in friendship, I’d be honored.”

  “As would I.” AJ hesitated to say more, not wanting to sound eager and desperate. She continued with, “So, you weren’t tempted to look me up on the various social media sites? I mean, you could search for me on Facebook and Twitter, and look at my profile picture. Then you wouldn’t have to fantasize about my appearance.”

  “No, Amelia Jane, I didn’t stalk you on social media. Not knowing your last name, it would be nearly impossible to weed through all the AJs. And besides…”

  “You don’t know my last name? Isn’t it part of the profile on Flirt Chat?”

  “You really haven’t even looked at the website, or your own profile page, have you?”

  “Well, no. I mean, I wasn’t the one who started it, and I certainly have no intention of chatting with anyone else. Why? What’s on there?”

  “For starters, no last names. It’s a first-name-basis only, along with the number to be contacted.”

  “Oh, well, yeah, I guess that makes sense. I mean, why put your true full name if a person could easily seek you out on social media. Guess that would defeat the purpose of promoting relationships bas
ed on commonalities, rather than superficial trappings like appearances.” She used the same words Mathias had used just last night.

  His boisterous laugh lit her up and caused her to laugh along with him.

  “You’re something else, AJ.”

  “So I’m told. Now, back to building our relationship. What are you wearing?”

  His laughter continued as he stated he was still in his casual Monday attire.

  “Me, too. My t-shirt and leggings make for a real fashion statement.”

  “I’m sure you could make a fashion statement in anything you wore.”

  “Mm, hmm. Suck up,” she teased as she popped a cheese cube in her mouth.

  “Just being a gentleman like my momma taught me,” he drawled.

  “I take it your parents are no longer with you, from what you mentioned last night about no family?” she asked gently, really wanting to know something more personal about him.

  Without hesitation or deflection, as she thought he’d do, Mathias answered, “No, unfortunately, my parents passed a few years ago. I have no siblings, and surprisingly enough, neither did my parents. So I’m the last of my line.”

  “Until you have children,” AJ quickly interjected. “I mean, do you want children?”

  “Are you offering?”

  AJ practically choked on the tiny bite of salmon in her mouth and tried to clear her throat by washing it down with the wine. Although it sounded as if he tried for lighthearted, something in his tone sent shivers through her. With her delay in answering, Mathias quickly spoke again.

  “That was inappropriate, I apologize, AJ.”

  “Oh, so now it’s AJ? Tired of saying Amelia Jane already?” She tried for levity.

  “Never,” he answered, his voice like gravel. He cleared his throat and resumed. “Are you okay?”

  “Oh sure, just choking on my dinner.” She gave a quick cough before starting again. “No, really, I’m fine.”

  “Well, to answer your question about children, I honestly don’t know. I’m set in my career, I enjoy the luxury of travelling whenever I want, and I’m no spring chicken anymore.” He chuckled.


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