Caveman Alien’s Sword

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Caveman Alien’s Sword Page 9

by Calista Skye

  “I made a large sword because I had more iron than I thought,” he explains and lays back in the water.

  The surge in my lower stomach is reaching ridiculous proportions, with just a tinge of fear making it ever better. Can that thing fit inside me? Or inside any Earth woman? Should I find out? “Well, it is appropriate for your size.”

  I swim a few strokes along the edge of the pool until I’m under the waterfall. The water hits round boulders right under the surface so that the force is dispersed and the sound deadened. It’s not at all natural, but I’m starting to feel some sympathy for the Ex that built this thing. They liked the same things I do.

  I climb up onto the boulders and stand there like in a hard shower, just enjoying the pressure of the water from above and the fake sunshine and the autumnal atmosphere all around. It’s hard to imagine I’m inside a freaking spaceship.

  Juri’ex swims a little, too. His style of moving in the water is more utilitarian than elegant, but he moves with deceptive speed.

  He climbs up on the rocks next to me, his shyness apparently forgotten. “It is a marvelous place. And all artificial.”

  “There are some marvelous things here,” I agree. His manhood stands between us like a third wheel. A strangely welcome third wheel. “I wonder, could you please scrub my back? Just use your hand.”

  I turn around and then feel his large hands on my shoulder blades, gently stroking downwards.

  “Mmm. That’s it. Lower.”

  Juri’ex dutifully moves his hands lower, using them almost like washcloths. He gets down to my hips, and he’s obviously reluctant to go any lower. It speaks of such respect and decency that my admiration of him doubles in a split second. He can’t have learned those things on a planet with no women. No, that comes from inside him. It’s the kind of man he is. A protector, not a predator.

  And the thing about a protector is that you want to reward him. “Lower, please.”

  He doesn’t say anything silly like ‘are you sure?’, the way a timid Earth man would. He just slowly works his hands halfway down my butt cheeks, gently and almost reverently. His callused hands glide over my soft flesh, and I can’t hold back a little moan. I’m soaked, and it’s not because of the waterfall.


  He cups my butt in his hands, accomplishing the considerable miracle of making it feel small.

  “Holy Ancestors,” he mutters as his fingers massage the softness.

  For a minute I allow myself the luxury of having my butt caressed by an alien caveman, standing under a waterfall in an alien spaceship. It should freak me out, but for some reason I’ve never felt more in the right place. I concentrate on staying in the moment and just enjoying it.

  Then I turn around and arch my back so he knows where to begin. “The front, please.”

  He looks down at me, and I swear his eyes have gone glassy.

  He places his warrior’s hands on my breasts. His touch is so gentle, and at the same time so firm, that my knees threaten to buckle once more. Delighted little lightning bolts zoom from the nipples and down to my crotch when he starts to slowly squeeze me.

  His hands move down my front and he has to awkwardly bend at the waist to keep his hardness from interfering.

  “It’s easier if I…” Again, I turn my back to him, holding his hands in place at my front.

  I close my eyes as his hands slide down to my stomach and gently caress it. With an Earth guy, that might make me self-conscious. But this guy has never touched a woman before. He has no checkerboard abs gym bunny to compare me to. And I get the feeling that he’s luxuriating in me, just like I am in him.

  Okay, another point in his favor – being with him like this isn’t embarrassing at all. It’s just freeing.

  I lean back into him, feeling his manhood between my back and his stomach. It’s like an iron rod, heated and red hot.

  The water pummels us from above, and Juri’ex’s hands rotate gently on my tummy. I realize he can’t reach further down – he doesn’t have arms like a chimpanzee.

  And yet… “Lower,” I urge.

  Without a word he goes down on one knee behind me. Now his hands can slide all the way down.

  I discreetly change my stance so my feet are a little further apart. It’s not a blatant invitation, but it does open more possibilities if he would want to…

  I fight to stay in the moment and not think ahead to what might happen. This is the kind of thing that could be so easily ruined by over-analyzing it.

  Juri’ex’s hands slide down the swell of my hips, slowly, with just the right pressure. His fingers explore and squeeze as they reach down to my knees.

  Then they slowly turn inward. The breath catches in my throat as his alien fingers slowly slide an inch up on the inside of my thighs.

  I lean my head back and release another moan, wanting him to hear my approval of this new turn of events.

  Slowly and deliberately, his fingers slide up my thighs, caressing and soothing the smooth and sensitive skin. It’s the first time they touch a woman, and I can sense the wonder and the novelty in his slow, circling strokes. He’s taking great pleasure in this, using this chance to take in as much of me as possible.

  His fingers go ever higher, touching ever more sensitive skin, finding the sweet spots and rubbing them as lightly as a breeze. It’s the gentlest exploration I can imagine. And soon, very soon, those fingers will have reached the top and they will come together right there.

  My breath comes in short gulps as he comes so very close… and then his fingers slide to either side right at the decisive moment.

  I swear he chuckles softly, as if he knows exactly what’s going on with me.

  But that doesn’t release any tension. His hands continue a little ways up my lower stomach. Then they halt and begin descending again, the same way they came.

  “Oh my God…”

  This time he has to get there. He has to touch that part of me now… I slide my feet another inch further apart on the smooth boulder.

  His hands pass downwards, on either side of the hard tingles. Then they stop, and I hold my breath.

  He pinches the soft flesh an inch down the inside of my thigh, not enough to cause pain, just to show intent: ‘This is what I’ll do when I get there’.

  Damn, this can’t be his first time.

  But it is. It so plainly is. No experienced man would take this much pleasure in using his hands on a female body. This is new to him, and he loves it.

  The fingers move upwards, slowly. All the way up.

  He pauses for two seconds.

  Then his fingertip slides up to my slit, goes just inside, and continues all the way up to the center of my pleasure, with a slickness that betrays my arousal.

  I jerk involuntarily, and a needy whimper escapes my lips.

  Another finger follows the first one, just barely inside my wetness, sliding up to the clit and barely touching it.

  And another. And another.

  I never knew my knees were this weak. I have to hold onto something.

  I reach behind me and support myself on Juri’ex’s incredibly wide shoulders with both hands.

  He keeps going with his fingers in my pussy, one after the other sliding up the slit and just nudging the clit. Faster and faster until I’m sure he must have run out of fingers, but then it hits me that of course he’s only using two of them, alternating. This is not the way I do it, myself. But it works wonderfully well when the touch is this light.

  I can come from this.

  As if he knows, Juri’ex takes one hand off my pussy and puts his arm around my chest, holding me firmly, while the other one keeps caressing the clit insistently.

  It’s an expert move. Liquid heat builds up in my pussy while the water thunders over us. Juri’ex holds me firmly, both supporting and confining me. I have no choice. He’s forcing the orgasm from me, whether I want to or not. It’s total sensation overload, and I come on his hand, helplessly climaxing. “Ooooh ye

  He increases the force, and I have no idea what he’s doing. I just know my pelvis is melting like chocolate in a blowtorch.

  I collapse backwards and ride it out, securely held by his strong arm, whimpering and moaning while he gradually slows his efforts in my sex.

  Finally, he cups my mound and we just stay there while I catch my breath.

  “You are trying to kill me,” I wheeze.

  “I told you.”

  “Seriously,” I pant. “How many women have you had?”

  “There are no women on Xren,” he says into my ear.

  “Then you must have left Xren at some time to practice.”

  “Was I that good?” There is boyish pride in his voice.


  “But this wasn’t Mating. Was it?”

  “Not really, I guess. But it was close. Ooooh my. Where did you learn this stuff?”

  He takes his hand off my pussy and gets me upright. “Before I left the tribe, the shaman told us boys all there is about Worshipping and Mating with a woman. That was not like this. But I have given it a lot of thought since then. Just in case the myth was true and I would one day meet the Woman in the woods. When I was younger, of course. I was alone a lot.”

  “A self-taught sex master. That’s really something. You’re really something.” I give him a peck on the mouth.

  He gets to his feet. “Shall we go ashore?”

  “I’m not sure if my feet will carry me, to be honest,” I lie.

  Without a word, the huge caveman bends down and scoops me up in his arms, then wades to the edge of the pool, holding me above the water the whole way. He deposits me on dry land and lets his gaze explore me.

  It should be an intrusive look, I think. And I am naked. But somehow it makes me display my charms to him even more.

  I innocently get up, then bend down with my back to him to pull a small straw of grass off my foot. He deserves to get a good look at me. And more.

  I glance over at the robot, still staying far enough away to not be disturbing us. I don’t think anyone is watching.

  Juri’ex heaves himself out of the water and stands there while the water cascades off him. His cock is just as stiff and weird as ever. And now that I see him without any distortion, it is obvious that he has two of them. Which makes my plan maybe a little harder to carry out. But I’ll try.

  I kneel down and pat the ground. “Hey, warrior. I want to show you something.”

  He sits down and looks at me with curious interest while his exotic rod twitches in what I think is expectation.

  “And I want to see it.”

  “Okay. You mentioned Worship. Did you know a woman can also Worship a man?”

  - Juri’ex -

  For a moment her sentence has no meaning, and I wonder if she’s mixing up some of the words.

  “Because,” Ashlynn says when my stunned mind can’t think of a response, “I know how to do it. Want me to try?”

  I still have no idea what she means. But it’s starting to dawn on me that it just might be something good. “Yes,” I croak with a dry mouth.

  She smiles. “Okay. Lie back.”

  I do as she says, and she places herself on the ground right by my hips.

  She points a slender finger to my rock-hard manhood. “Do you mind?”

  I’m not sure what she means, but I can’t imagine that anything she might do would give me reason to complain. “I don’t.”

  She grabs the shaft with both hands, and the sudden touch makes it twitch. But she holds onto it. “How can it be this hard?”

  “It’s you,” I try to explain with a mind that’s losing its grip. “It’s hard because you’re here. Do men on Earth not have the same… things?”

  “They do. More or less. But they’re not this big or this… um… well appointed. Don’t worry. Tell me if you like this.”

  She bends down and kisses the tip.

  The world spins around me. This has to be a dream.

  No. That is Ashlynn’s mouth, with those full lips, right on my manhood.

  “I like it,” I wheeze and let my head fall back to the ground.

  “Cool.” She kisses her way down the shaft, then up again.

  Her hands slide slowly up both sides, then down. “Is this okay?”

  My muddled brain has some idea what that word means. “It’s okay.”

  No, I have to see this. I put my arms behind my head so I can watch what she’s doing down there. All I know is that I don’t want it to stop. The sensations from my pelvis are different than anything I’ve ever experienced, while at the same time strangely familiar. As if Ashlynn is now unlocking a part of me that was always there.

  Such a wonderful day this is. My mind is still processing the exploration of her body, the luxurious softness and unheard-of smoothness of her body, the scent of her, the pliancy, the movement of her muscles, her little sounds, the incredible slickness of her slit…

  The thought makes my cock jerk in Ashlynn’s hands.

  “You like that, huh?”

  I struggle to remember how to form words. “I… yes.”

  “Let’s see if you like this, too.”

  My eyes bulge as I watch Ashlynn take the entire head of my manhood into her mouth.

  The heat, the softness, the wetness… the movements of her tongue on that most sensitive part of me…

  “It will spray,” I warn her as hard heat shoots from the base of my spine to the root of my cock.

  She moves her mouth off it, but still her hands keep working there. And with a groan of sheer wonder and incredulity I shoot my juices into the air in hard spurts that hit the grass paces away.

  Ashlynn stops the moves, but still holds her hands on me. There’s a most adorable smirk on her face. “You know, I think maybe you like it.”

  I lay back, exhausted. “You know, I think maybe you’re right. You’re plainly trying to kill me. But I don’t mind dying like this.”

  “And I thought I was being so sneaky about it.” To my great joy, Ashlynn lays down beside me, then curls up with her head on my chest. “I like this place.”

  “I’m starting to warm up to it, too.”

  “Now you know a man can be Worshipped.”

  “I never heard of it before. But I will tell everyone I know.”

  “You do that. But don’t mention me.”

  I lay still, eager to make this moment last. “Do you think that at some point in the future… I mean, not today, of course. Just at some point. That maybe we...”

  “Maybe we?”

  I draw breath to speak, then close my mouth again. I probably shouldn’t say this. It might offend her greatly. And I shouldn’t get greedy. Is being Worshipped not enough?

  No, she won’t be offended by that. I know her.

  “That maybe we might Mate?”

  She laughs, a happy, bright sound that makes me smile.

  “I think we just might. At some point. In the future. But that’s something that’s usually not agreed on beforehand. It just happens. Yes, it might happen with us. Or it might not.”

  That’s good enough for me. Indeed, even with the uncertainty, it’s the best news I’ve ever had. “Very well.”

  “Meanwhile, I’m getting curious about the level under this one. Shall we?”

  I slowly get up, fighting off some degree of dizziness after that onslaught on the senses. I retrieve my pants and sword, then grin happily to the alien sky while Ashlynn is pulling on her dress.

  “We should be perfectly clean now,” she states and walks back in the direction of the white column.

  I follow her, still half in a daze. “Indeed.”

  We pass the robot, which just turns and then follows us at its usual distance. I grin at it, too.

  Watch out for her alien magic. She is your enemy.

  I spin around on my heel and draw my sword half out of its scabbard before I realize that nobody has spoken. That voice is only inside my mind. Just like last

  Ashlynn has stopped. “What’s wrong, Juri’ex?”

  I look around, making damn sure we’re alone. But there’s only the robot, and it didn’t speak.

  “Nothing,” I grunt, my good mood almost all gone. “Let’s go on.”

  We make our way to the column.

  “I’ll go first,” I state. “I don’t like sending you alone to some unknown area.”

  “Okay,” Ashlynn says easily. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  I walk backwards into the beam, and instantly I emerge in a landscape with heaps of sand of many colors.

  I step out to make way for Ashlynn, and she’s beside me a heartbeat later.

  “Oh. A desert. But it’s beautiful!”

  Certainly, the colors are pretty, and now that I look closer, I can also see plants of various kinds here and there in the desert. In the distance there’s even a cluster of trees. “It looks dry.”

  The sun seems to shine with a warmer light here.

  Ashlynn shades her eyes with one hand and squints into the desert. “Deserts are supposed to be dry. If my feet weren’t still wet, I’d want to climb those dunes. Shall we go another level down?”

  The robot appears at the same moment, and I walk past it backwards, into the beam.

  The next level is so different that at first, I have no idea what I’m looking at. There are angles and lines and squares and blocks, all in a chaos that has no rhyme or reason. And everything down here his extremely large, mountains with straight edges, but which somehow seem hollow and reflect the light from the alien sun from so many places it hurts my eyes.

  “A city,” Ashlynn says brightly when she appears. “This could be really good!”

  I crane my neck to take in the whole height of the closest structure. “What is a sitti?”

  “A city is a large village. Many, many people live there, in tall houses like these. Remember the house you saw in our village? Imagine hundreds of those stacked on top of each other and beside each other. That’s pretty much what this is.”

  This landscape threatens to overwhelm me. “Let’s go one more level down.”

  “Could we explore this one a little first? I almost feel at home. I mean, this city looks nothing like the ones I know from Earth. The architecture is all wrong, and these guys really liked their hexagonal shapes. Shit, are those battlements? I’d love to look closer at this. Do you mind? Just for a little while?”


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