Marked by Darkness: Dark Fae Hollow 8 (Dark Fae Hollows)

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Marked by Darkness: Dark Fae Hollow 8 (Dark Fae Hollows) Page 11

by Lia Davis

  Nothing mattered anymore. It was just the two of us, connected.

  When he picked up the rhythm, I matched his thrusts. Then my world exploded around me. I cried out in pleasure and clung to him as he growled out his own release.

  Without pulling out, he rolled to his back, taking me with him so I straddled him. Nate shifted to his back beside Cyron and I reached for him, taking his length in my hand and pumped as I rode Cyron. The whole act sent another jolt of desire through me. I rocked my hips, loving the feel of Cyron inside me while I pleasured Nate.

  Cyron’s eyes did that color change thing and he gripped my hips, urging me on. I moved faster, milking him until the three us climaxed again.

  I fell on his chest and didn’t want to move. Cyron kissed the top of my head and rolled to his side as he pulled out of me and snuggled close. Nate cuddled up behind me, kissing my shoulder and drawing the blanket over us.

  We could’ve stayed like that forever.


  My body hummed. Every muscle felt relaxed like elastic or jelly. I was sure if I tried to get up at that moment, I’d fall. No, I was content staying right where I was. Wrapped in the arms of two of my guys.

  The ache in my heart returned. Landon was out there, somewhere.

  Cyron cuddled me closer, kissing my neck, then my cheek. He let out a half sigh, half growl that made me shiver and snuggle farther into him. “Landon will be okay.”

  Nate massaged my scalp. “I agree. He’ll work with Soora to get the families settled then come here.”

  Although he spoke the words with confidence, I still heard the hint of worry hidden in them. I let it go. I had to believe they were right. Landon would be okay and return to us.

  After a long, comfortable silence, Cyron said, "I'm falling for you."

  Glee and desire burned in my gut and I couldn’t stop the smile lifting my lips. "Me, too." I hugged him and breathed in his scent. Gods, he smelled good. Then I reached behind me and cupped Nate’s head. “I’m falling for all of you.”

  Nate chuckled and then teased, “I hope so. It was you who called out to us.”

  We laughed and Cyron lifted up on one arm to meet Nate’s and my gazes. Fire flashed in Cyron’s two-tone gaze. “I thought after Beth I’d never let anyone else in. But my heart seems to have other plans. And I’m willing to share you with the other two. Although it’s not too late to say you’d rather run off with just me.”

  Nate snorted. “Not happening.” He tugged me closer to him.

  Anticipation rattled inside me. I couldn’t contain my feelings for either of them any longer. It was crazy to feel something for more than one person in such a short time, but they were different. Cyron saved my life twice. Nate made me laugh when I wanted to cry. Landon pushed me to my limits. Each made me stronger even with the changeling serum in my blood.

  Nate kissed my cheek and got up. “Nature calls.” He flashed a brilliant smile before slipping from the room.

  A soft sigh slipped from my lips. Emotions swirled inside me, love was in the lead. I met Cyron’s stare and smiled again. When I thought I’d hurt him…I knew we belonged together. Framing his face in my hands, I blinked back the tears. “I love you.”

  His eyes flashed with multiple colors and his lips lifted. "I love you, too. We should say fuck it and leave. There's nothing left here. The three of us could leave the Hollow and start a life of our own."

  That sounded amazing. And it was so tempting. Why was I so hesitant? “I want to say yes, let’s do it.”

  “But you also want to save the dying Hollow.”

  Averting my gaze, I nodded while letting my hands fall from his face to settle on his chest. “Am I chasing a lost cause?”

  He sighed, lay beside me, and hugged me close. “No. There’s been something bugging me this whole time. Since I met you. You said the malum who fed from you seemed to be tamer than others.”

  I nodded, thinking. Tae also seemed to be not as lost to the bloodlust. “Tae was the same. I could tell he fought it. One minute he was himself, the next he was attacking me. That’s why I got so close. I thought I could help him.” A tear rolled down my cheek.

  Cyron kissed my temple. “Either she controls the change with her magic or she has an antidote.”

  “What if she does both? I mean, Tae said he didn’t want to kill for her.” I thought for a moment. “He said I was like her but warmer. I assumed he meant because I have compassion and she doesn’t.”

  Cyron sat up on his knees, staring down at me. “That’s it. Your compassion and love for life, they fuel your magic.”

  “Yes. I never separate my emotions from my magic. I learned to control both at the same time.” I really didn’t understand where he was going with this.

  “That is why you are different. You can use your passion and love to defeat her.”

  Unbelieving, I shook my head. “I’m nowhere near strong enough to face her.”

  “You are wrong. When you are faced with a challenge and protecting yourself or others, you are powerful. You have to believe in yourself.” He crawled off the bed and held out his hand. “We’ll storm the palace.”

  Nate returned and apparently heard what Cyron said. “Sounds like a plan. When do we leave?”

  I laughed at his tone. “Hold on to your shorts…err…well, lack of. Anyway, we need a plan. Familiars crawl all over the place…”

  Just then the hairs on the back of neck rose as a chill blew across my skin. Cyron stiffened, his eyes widening. Fear gripped my chest. I reached out and took both their hands. “Do you feel that?”

  “Yeah. Very quietly, get dressed and meet me in the living room.”

  I eased off the bed, but not letting go of his hand, I asked, “What are you going to do?”

  Nate gave a gentle squeeze before letting go of mine and pulled his pants on. “It’s all in the plan. Trust us.”

  That was easy for him to say. I glanced at Cyron.

  He pulled his pants on, then grabbed his shirt. “I’m going to cause a diversion.”

  A shadow passed by the window and my heart fell to my feet. “We should run. The three of us are no match for familiars.”

  “No. We could get caught on purpose. Get an escort to the palace.” He grinned at me and waggled his brows. Was this the same man who was plotting to escape the Hollow moments ago?

  “Oh, that’s a better plan. An escort to storm the castle!” Nate laughed. He was starting to worry me.

  Then again, what did we have to lose? With shaky hands, I dressed and crept to the bedroom door. Cyron met me there. He framed my face in his hands and kissed me. “I’ll go anywhere you want.”

  Behind him, Nate nodded his agreement.

  I sagged into Cyron. “You’re right. We need to try. But we don’t want them to know we want to get caught.”

  He nodded and kissed me one last time before leaving the room. Nate and I followed. By the time we reached the living room, the front door burst open and about a dozen familiars flooded the room. There was no fending them off.

  They rushed us, hitting us with the sleep spell they used on my family and me before. My heart lurched. They’d separate us. I tried to reach for Cyron or Nate, but I was pulled away, out the door, and thrown into a carriage right before lights went out.

  Again, I woke in a dirty cell. I groaned and sat up on the rock-hard cot and regretted the sudden movement. The world spun and nausea churned my stomach. Breathing in and out slowly, I rested my head against the wall behind me.

  When the dizziness passed, I tested my magic. Relief flooded me that they hadn’t muted it. Why? I let the power flow out, covering my cot and the wall behind me in ice. I sighed as the cold seeped through my clothing.

  I didn’t understand why they kept the dungeon so warm. I was betting the rest of the palace was cold. Because like me, Crystal’s power thrived in the cold.

  I was about to stand to inspect the lock on the cell when I heard footsteps echoing down the hallway. So I waited. I w
asn’t the grieving, scared girl they captured before.

  I had knowledge and a growing power inside me.

  Besides, they were holding Cyron and Nate somewhere. I was going to find them, then visit the princess.

  Two familiars stopped outside my cell. Great. After opening the door, the one on my left said, “Come with us.”

  I rolled my eyes and stood. They followed with mistrusting eyes as I advanced toward them. A snarl came from the one to my right. That was when I recognized him. He was one of those who held me down while my father injected me with the serum. I smiled sweetly and waved at him. “Hi. I’m back.”

  “How are you not changed?”

  I shrugged for effect. “You have your secrets. I have mine.”

  I really didn’t know, but I hoped if I pretended to, they’d fear me. Or at least, feel intimidated. A little.

  They both snarled at me and gripped an arm, pinching the skin. Maybe not. Bastards.

  I tried to pay attention to the twists and turns, but with the halls and cells looking alike, it was hard to tell where we were. When we pushed through a set of large wooden double doors, I tried to control the rising panic.

  We were in the throne room. Across from us was the princess. Long white hair reached the floor, blending in with her white gown. She lifted her crimson gaze to me and her lips curved into a wicked smile.

  A familiar stepped up next to her. At first, I didn’t pay any attention to him, but when he wrapped an arm around her waist, I noticed. Anger, heartache, and confusion built inside me like a storm. My father stared back at me.

  I averted my gaze, unable to watch the affection between him and the evil bitch. She’d placed a spell on him. It would be the only way he’d willingly be there with her.

  Just then another set of doors blew open to my left. Two familiars dragged an unconscious Cyron into the middle of the room. I broke free from my handlers and raced to him, sinking to my knees where they dropped him on the floor. “Cyron.”

  No answer. I glared at Crystal. “What did you do to him?”

  She shrugged and waved her hand as if dismissing my concern. “Nothing. Yet.” There was amusement in her tone as she stepped closer. “I am quite impressed you managed to evade my guards as long as you did. I knew you were special, but I didn’t realize just how much until I saw you in person, unchanged from the serum. Even the ice fae changed, some. But you are different. Why is that?”

  The hell if I knew. I focused on Cyron, trying to think. Crystal’s power flowed freely through the room. Even though it was dark and heavy, it called to me. I touched the ice-covered floor, testing her magic against my own. Hers seemed to repel from me. Interesting.

  Just then Cyron groaned and opened his eyes. His lips were blue. Fear sliced through me. He was too cold. “Can you call your fire? Warm yourself.”

  He slowly nodded and pushed to a stand. I followed him up.

  Crystal tsked. “As touching as it is to watch you two love birds, I have a request.”

  I doubted that. “I will not do anything for you.”

  She laughed. “Foolish child. You will do everything I command of you. After all, I have kept you under my influence for the past two days. And if you refuse, your lover will suffer from a frozen heart. Or better yet, I’ll make him a malum and keep him on the edge of insanity. You see, it is my magic that controls them.”

  What? It was hard to keep up with her ramblings. We’d been here for two days? How do I not remember?

  Shaking my head, I glared at her. She had to be lying.

  Then again, she did confess to being able to control the malum with her magic. The ice magic. Mine was the same, or close to it. Was that why the malum that fed on me the first time I was captured reacted the way he did with me? I guessed Crystal knew he’d find it hard to disobey me. She tested me with that feeding. “Well, it was your magic that created the serum so I’m not surprised.”

  She lifted her brows and drifted to me. When Cyron moved closer, she held up a hand and wall of ice blocked him. My insides grew colder out of fear for Cyron’s life. I met his eyes and pleaded with him not to use his power. Not yet.

  Crystal took my chin in her cold hands and jerked my face to hers. “I’ve searched for another ice witch as powerful as you. The others were all too weak. When Taegan first came to me, I knew your bloodline was strong.”

  My chest tightened, making is hard to breathe. Tae…betrayed us all? She had to be lying. He wouldn’t do that. Especially to Ameria.

  I closed my eyes to keep the tears from falling. She’d taken everything from me.

  She called me an ice witch. Maybe she was the one confused. Or maybe she was using the term witch as an insult. The princess was out of her mind. “I don’t believe you.”

  Releasing my face, she shrugged again and snapped her fingers. Her guards circled us instantly, reminding me of the control she had over the familiars. “It doesn’t matter. You will bind your magic with mine. Together we will reign over the world.”

  Yes, she was mad. There was nothing left of our world to rule. She destroyed the resources. The Hollow was dead. I not only had to kill her but reverse her magic. But how?

  I doubted hugging her and telling her she could love again would work. “I’m not ruling the world with you, nor am I binding my magic to yours.”

  Crystal jerked her gaze to me. Her crimson eyes glowed with rage. Oh, yeah. That’s right, I told you no. She stalked to me again, then her lips curved in an eerie smirk. Lifting a hand, she held it palm up. My father stepped forward and placed a syringe in her palm.

  Dread at what she planned to do with the needle slammed into my gut while my heart hammered against my ribs and in my ears.

  “You don’t have an option.” She curled her fingers around the needle. “I have a new serum I’ve been anxious to try on someone. But I wanted to test it on someone like Cyron, who resisted the first transformation to malum.”

  In fluid motion, she drifted to Cyron. When he stepped away from her, two familiars moved in and took a hold of his arms, keeping him from fleeing the princess. She closed the distance and held up the needle. With her free hand, she caressed his cheek. “So strong and loyal to his precious humans.”

  “Leave him alone.” Rage surged within me and I moved before the thought entered my mind. From behind, large, strong arms wrapped around me, holding me in place. Magic surrounded me, stopping my own from surfacing. Panic filled me. I was helpless as Crystal plunged the needle into Cyron’s arm.

  He jerked against the familiars and roared. Tears spilled over my lids and rolled down my cheeks. Another person I loved gone to me.

  Crystal turned on her heel, advancing to the throne. When she swirled around in royal flare, she waved a hand dramatically and said, “Lock them in the same cell. Maybe then, Roshia, you will appreciate what I can do for you.”

  She was insane!

  What would she accomplish by putting me in the same cell as Cyron? Within minutes, he’d change and the craving for blood would take over. My heart froze for a moment as the reality of the princess’s plan hit me.

  She was using my fear against me. Only I didn’t fear death. And I wouldn’t kill Cyron.

  I couldn’t.

  I’d die before I allowed Crystal to use my power for her evilness.


  I curled up on the cot and watched Cyron press himself in the far corner of our cell. My stomach was a knot of emotions. Grief and sorrow were the leaders of their crippling group.

  I’m not sure how much time had passed. A night? Or was it a day out? It must be if the serum takes twenty-four hours to change someone. Although Cyron was already a custos, he would be able to fight off the effects. Knowing the princess, she’d made that batch especially for this type of occasion.

  That means we’d been in this cell for about a day.

  Cyron growled out in pain and what sounded like frustration or anger, confirming my theory of the timeline.

  I squeezed me eyes
shut and fought back the tears. There was nothing I could do but watch the man I loved turn into a monster.

  “Fight it. For us. Please,” I whispered. “I love you, Cyron. I can’t lose you. We all need you. Landon, Nate, and me.”

  My words turned into sobs as I sat helpless. He snapped his gaze to me, now completely black. Fear stuck in my throat, choking a scream. Then he uncurled from the corner and crawled toward me.

  My muscles seized as fear kept me in place. I wouldn’t fight him. Although I’d have to kill him because he couldn’t live with the guilt of harming me or anyone.

  “Cy, it’s Ro. Remember? I’m the mystery you have to solve. The cure to the darkness…” I trailed off at my own words. The cure.

  Cyron and Tae seemed to think so. The theory was that my compassion and love could melt the ice. But could it fix Cyron and the others?

  Easing off the cot, I sank to my knees on the dirt-covered floor. He moved closer and his nostrils flared as if scenting me.

  I released a small amount of magic into the air, cooling the cell’s temperature. Cyron slowed his forward momentum briefly. He seemed to lose focus for a moment but regained it quickly.

  When he was within a foot from me, he lunged, knocking me to my back. I pressed my hands to his chest to try to keep him from chewing on my face. He was stronger than me and I knew I’d lose if I didn’t break through to him.

  “Cyron, I know you’re still in there. Come back to me. Please.”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks. He snarled, revealing his sharp, pointed teeth before he latched onto my neck. I cried out in pain as his teeth sank into my flesh. I was going to die.

  And I would take him with me. To put both of us out of our misery.

  “I love you.” Sobs shook me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and poured everything I had into him. My magic, my love, my strength.

  I wasn’t sure if it’d been seconds or minutes before I noticed Cyron had stopped sucking at my neck. On the heels of that acknowledgement, he lifted his head and stared down at me. Mismatched-eyes met mine and I cried again.


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