Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance

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Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance Page 1

by Cristina Grenier

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Bonus Book

  Chapter One: The End of the Struggle

  Chapter Two: A New Beginning

  Chapter Three: Unease

  Chapter Four: Someone Watching

  Chapter Five: The Broken Son

  Chapter Six: New Arrival

  Chapter Seven: Jonas

  Chapter Eight: Unexpected Betrayal

  Chapter Nine: The Bitter Truth

  Chapter Ten: The Final Mission


  About the Author

  Publisher's Notes

  Saving the Seal 2

  Cristina Grenier

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  full length BWWM Romance by bestselling author Cristina Grenier?

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  Chapter One: The End of the Struggle

  Genevieve could hardly believe it.

  It seemed like they had been working for an eternity towards a goal that seemed impossible to achieve. Since the day Owen and she had met a year ago, Genny had wondered if the path they’d chosen was the right one.

  Of course, she believed that her boss and an Admiral in the US Navy conspiring to foist drugs off on veterans was still wrong. And, of course, both she and Owen agreed that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It was a mantle they had taken up together. But Genny was forced to admit that even with her knowledge of the psychiatric and military systems, there was no way she could have known how hard the road would be.

  Every single day was a fight, and now, after a year of struggle, they were finally about to face both Kant and Admiral Trace in Federal court.

  Even as she lay on the warm sand of the beach to which they’d taken a brief escape, Genny couldn’t quite believe it.

  She could still remember the first day Owen had walked into Riperton Veteran’s Hospital – being so unbelievably drawn to him even as she devoted herself to helping him fight his demons. Even then, somehow, she had sensed that he was different.

  Of course, at the time, Genevieve hadn’t necessarily been looking for what she’d found in Owen. To some, he could appear as a bit of a loose cannon.

  They’d met via special referral from a colleague of hers, and at the time, Doctor Bradley had believed that she would go a long way in helping Lieutenant Owen Sinclair deal with the trauma he had suffered through.

  And there had been a mountain of it.

  The SEAL was scarred by a series of events that had happened in Iraq – both physically and mentally. As a psychiatrist, she had been charged with looking after his mental health. For her, the task was usually straightforward.

  But Genny had since learned that there was little that could be straightforward with Owen Sinclair.

  Shielding her eyes from the blaring sun, Genevieve squinted to see the long form of her boyfriend standing knee-deep in the surf. Every time she looked at him, he took her breath away. Though she knew from files and history that he had been a Navy SEAL – and possibly would be again one day – anyone with eyes could see that Owen’s body was honed for combat. He was tanned, his skin pulled taut over lean, powerful muscles, and the way that the sunlight gleamed off his body heated her blood.

  This was the first time they’d ever vacationed together. Not that that was surprising. With all they’d been through, it was a surprise that they’d even found the time to get away at all. But, if Genny could, she’d make it last forever. She’d never seen Owen so carefree and relaxed. The harsh lines around his mouth and forehead had relaxed and the tension that almost always hung about him had dissipated.

  For at least a few days, they were human beings, instead of rabble rousers.

  Not that the latter title wasn’t well deserved, she had to admit. From the moment Owen had walked off the tarmac at the Air Force base and they’d started working to out the plot that might have killed him – let alone God knew how many others – they’d been called everything under the sun. Owen was a deserter, a terrorist, and a liar. She herself was his accomplice, his whore, a crackpot shrink, among other things.

  First, they had to face Owen’s so called “desertion”. Though his commanding officer and fellows had been with them, knowing the depth of the situation they found themselves in, Admiral Trace had made it hell for Owen to pull out once he’d re-commissioned – even if that re-commission had been under false pretenses. He’d been held in a cell on the Air Force Base for ten days after refusing to go wheels up to Fallujah. During that time, Owen had indirectly been threatened with everything short of murder not to go public with their findings.

  By then, of course, it had been far too late. Owen had instructed Genny to get the information out in any way she could, and secretly, Captain Morales – his commanding officer – had helped her. They’d leaked the information to every site they could upload on and a few news sites that bit in curiosity. Within a week’s time, the story had gone international.

  Genevieve had expected Doctor Kant to confront her, to fire back and deny the charges, anything but what he’d actually done, which was disappear without a trace. The man had taken everything in his office and been gone overnight. He’d also destroyed reams of documents that confirmed the agreement he had made with Admiral Trace, making it harder to make the actual case against them.

  Eventually, Sean had come up with the idea of getting Owen discharged due to injury. As Owen’s reputation had been pristine up until that point, it hadn’t been hard to get the Air Force Base commanders to believe that this was all a mishap over an injury. The Base doctor even corroborated with them, stating that Owen had a torn tendon when he was healthy as a horse. And so, he’d escaped duty – even if he hadn’t escaped Admiral Trace.

  The man had kept on trying to slander Owen’s name to anyone who would listen. As he and Genevieve had pushed for further investigation into his pharmaceuticals deals with Kant, he insisted that they were trying to destroy the structure of the military from the ground up – that they were unpatriotic spies.

  While there were certainly those willing to agree with him, anyone worth their salt who looked at the paperwork surfacing online could see the depth of the man’s lies. Quite honestly, it made Genevieve sick. To know that a man with so much power had abused it so flagrantly.

  The list of soldiers who’d been sent back into active duty with care that was quite probably inadequate – along with twice as many drugs as they were prescribed – spoke plainly enough for anyone who cared to read.

  It took about four and a half months, but the courts had finally issued federal charges against the Admiral and Doctor Kant, who, at the time, had still been on the run. The Admiral had been placed on unpaid leave until the trial date approached and within a few weeks, the authorities caught Kant trying to get on a plane to Europe with a fake passport.

  Of course, after weeks of being both ridiculed and praised, of sleepless nights and wondering if what they were doing was all worth it, they were finally getting the chance to relax. The trial was in two weeks, and they simply needed to get away.

  So they had.

  Sean and Gina had agreed to cover for them, and now, here they were in Pensacola, pretending, if only for a little while, that they weren’t the subject of nationwide controversy. Stella had been kind enough to let them use her timeshare, and they got the privacy it seemed like they’d lost.

  There had, Genny realized, been very little time to explore the feelings they’d professed for one another. Coming to terms with being in love with Owen – admitting it – had once seemed like one of the hardest things in her life.
Now, it was second nature. Where Owen had pushed away everyone who had tried to help him in the past, now, he knew not to be wary. To let those who cared in.

  Hopefully, when all of this over, they’d be able to spend a lot more time alone. God knew she was tired of being buried in legal jargon. While she still spent a lot of her nights at Owen’s house with him and Eddie, often, they were too tired to do much more than fall into bed together. She missed the way his hands felt across her skin, the hungry way he devoured her and lost himself in the rhythm of their bodies together.

  Genny had never had much of a personal life. Sure, she was close with her mother and a select few others, but due to her devotion to her profession, she had never really ‘dated’. She had never felt the same way about anyone as she did about Owen…and the scope of those emotions was sometimes overwhelming.

  “You look like you’re thinking way too much.” Genny was jolted from her thoughts when Owen’s massive shadow fell over her and she realized he’d gotten out of the water and made his way down the beach to her while she’d been lost in her head.

  She looked up at him, his damp, dark hair haloed by sunlight, lake-hued eyes concerned, and freshly shaven jaw gleaming.

  God, he was absolutely gorgeous.

  “Maybe.” She finally managed with a small smile. A thrill ran through her at the way the man’s eyes ate up all her exposed skin. It was only at Owen’s insistence that she’d purchased the teeny tiny black bikini. Though she was no schlepp, Genny certainly didn’t think she was well built enough for such microscopic swimwear. But if it made her lover look at her like that…well, maybe she’d be willing to do it a bit more often.

  “I can help with that.” The man’s voice was low with dark promise. Despite the fact that it was the middle of the day and they were far from alone on the beach, Genny felt her stomach tighten at his proposition. Here, there was nothing stopping them from returning to their little cabana and falling into bed with one another for a few days if they wished.

  And, honestly, that sounded pretty good to her.

  With a knowing smile, Owen took a seat on the blanket beside her, leaning over to press his mouth to hers. The man tasted like salt, sweat and pure need. Genny saw no reason to deny that need, and a soft moan escaped her as Owen nipped at her lower lip gently. She was on the cusp of suggesting to him that they leave the beach behind when a low buzzing came from beneath her left thigh.

  Genevieve jumped, startled, before she realize it was just her cell phone ringing. As Owen looked on, smirking in amusement, she extracted the device from where it was trapped between her thigh and the blanket to answer the call. “Hello?”

  “Hi, honey! Just calling to check on you.” Genny swallowed a sigh of both exasperation and affection. Ever since this whole episode with challenging the authority had begun, her mother called her every other day to make sure that she was keeping her strength up. Of course, Martha Thomas was elated when she found that her daughter had, in fact, discovered the man of her dreams. She had accepted that she had to push any ideas of grandchildren to the back of her mind to support Genny and Owen through this difficult time.

  And support she did. Over support, perhaps. “Hi Mom.” At her statement, Owen rolled his eyes – though there was less exasperation and more fondness in his gaze. “I’m perfectly fine. What could happen to me on vacation?”

  “Well, you know how these things can be.” The middle-aged woman huffed back, worriedly. “Someone could be targeting you. Do you have any idea how much national drama you’ve caused? Half the nation is out for your blood darling!”

  She spoke as though Genny wasn’t already acutely aware of this. She’d gotten enough hate and threats in the past half year to last her a lifetime. Luckily enough, it was all bluster. No one had legitimately come after her – yet.

  “I understand what you’re saying, Mom. Really I do. But no one knows we’re here except you, Sean and Gina. I think that makes us pretty safe.” A shiver crept up her spine as Owen crept up behind her, cradling her body with his. He began to press soft, intimate kisses from the line of her shoulder up the side of her neck.

  “Just be careful, Genny. You know Jared and I worry about you constantly.”

  The admission made the young woman smile. Though she wasn’t particularly close with her stepfather, she knew he was a good man. That he worried about her showed his affection.

  “I’m fine, Mom. Really. I’m being super careful.” Well, not at the moment. Just now, she was allowing Owen to do things to her that bordered on exhibitionism.

  “As long as you’re safe. You’ll check back in with me tomorrow?” As if Genevieve had a choice. She knew that her mother was just being a parent, however, and so she swallowed her groan and answered the affirmative.

  “Sure, Mom. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Say hello to Owen for me, sweetheart.” Martha added jauntily. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, Mom.” The moment she hung up, Genny dropped the phone onto the blanket, glaring over her shoulder at her boyfriend. “Are you trying to get me in trouble?”

  In reply, the former SEAL only bit hungrily at her neck, making her yelp softly in surprise. She smacked his arm gently in retaliation. “What I’m trying to do,” Owen growled lowly, “is get you back to the cabana.”

  Genny laughed softly. “You could have just asked.”

  “Mmm.” Owen captured her earlobe between his teeth to tug sensuously. “But I like to watch you squirm.” As if in demonstration of his prowess, Genny did just that. When Owen touched her like she was the only thing in the world – as if it were all he wanted to do – all of her worries effectively vanished.

  It took relatively little coaxing to get her off the beach. The moment Genevieve scooped up their blanket, Owen lifted her into his arms, tossing her over his shoulder. The supremely Alpha male movement made her shout in indignation, even as she tried not to laugh.

  The cabana was cool and dim inside, the shutters closed. Genny barely had time to drop their things onto the floor before Owen’s mouth descended upon hers, devouring her lips hungrily. Genny’s hands immediately tunneled through his hair. Through sheer laziness, the man refused to cut it. In a year, it had grown a bit past his shoulders, and the dark strands were luxurious and silky.

  His body was still damp from the surf, but she hardly cared. As they made their way haphazardly towards the bedroom, Owen worked at the strings of her bikini top. Within seconds, it had been flung off somewhere, leaving her bare from the waist up.

  Genny gasped as her lover lifted her against the bedroom wall in a smooth motion, taking the tip of a breast between his lips to suckle copiously. Sensation burst through her, making her shudder as her womb clenched in unadulterated need.

  Owen groaned at the taste of her, licking and sucking at her nipple in a way that drew whimpers of pleasure from her. He held her aloft effortlessly, her legs wrapped around his waist as he had his wicked way with her.

  It had been too long.

  Far too long.

  Owen took his time, savoring her breasts one by one until he finally carried her over to the edge of the bed to set her down on the mussed coverlet. Genevieve rose onto her knees, steadying her hands against his chest, and kissed over the lines of each of his collarbones. He was tangy – salty – and he moaned low in his throat as she continued southward. The dark-skinned woman’s tongue flicked at the dark coins of his nipples, making his pectoral muscles tighten beneath her palms.

  As one hand reached for the laces to his swimming trunks, Genny continued her path ever southward. Owen’s body was a work of art – sculpted like a marble statue – and each scar that marred it was a badge of courage. There was a healed bullet wound just above his ribs, and the remains of an encounter with a machete sliced across his abdomen. Genevieve followed each mark lovingly with her lips, slowly working Owen’s one and only garment down and over his hips.

  When his erection sprang free, she marveled at it. Thick, deep red, an
d pulsing, it bobbed up against his abdomen fairly weeping for her attention. Genny wrapped slender fingers around the base, enjoying the way Owen’s thighs tensed in response. His fingers tunneled through her curls and the young woman took the head of his erection between her lips, savoring his flavor. A low grunt escaped the man and his grip tightened against her scalp, making her pulse race.

  She loved this – loved the control she could have over him and the way she could reduce him to putty beneath her touch. As she began to take him down her throat, Owen groaned her name, thrusting slightly deeper into the warmth she offered and Genny took him even deeper. At his urging, she started to bob her head up and down, covering the length of his cock in a glistening sheen of her saliva.

  Owen wasn’t often patient enough to let her do this to him. When he wanted her, he needed immediate gratification. Never mind that he had no problem using his mouth on her for hours before he finally fulfilled her. When it came to his own pleasure, there was nothing he liked so much as being buried inside her. Even though Genny knew that this had to be a close second.

  She continued to torture him, running her tongue over the underside of his cock so a soft curse escaped him. Not five seconds after that little trick, Owen was gently drawing her away from his erection by her hair. His mouth found hers, exploring with brusque, insistent force. “You know better, Genny.” He warned against her mouth, making her femininity tighten in anticipation.

  The next thing she knew, her lover had flipped her onto her stomach, tugging her hips to the edge of the bed so that she was bent over the side. Owen kissed the back of her neck tenderly a moment before his fingers wrapped around her waist and he thrust into her in one swift motion. Genny cried out, shuddering at the sudden fullness as her inner muscles contracted hungrily around the invasion.

  Owen hissed her name from between clenched teeth before beginning a pounding rhythm. He would be gentle later, Genevieve knew. Tenderness would come after they got all the frustration from their systems – after they’d recovered their sanity. Now, she needed him hard and fast, and Owen gave her exactly that.


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