Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance

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Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance Page 13

by Cristina Grenier

  Tina poked her head in, her expression sympathetic. Everyone in the office was having a hard time wrapping their heads around the events of the past week. Not one doctor in the department believed that Stella would have hurt a fly…and they’d all been proved wrong. “Jonas is in the waiting room, Genevieve.”

  Taking a deep breath, Genny composed herself. How could she have forgotten that she and Jonas’ last appointment was today? The bus for his retreat left the next morning, and honestly, Genny wondered if she’d still be at Riperton when he returned. “Tell him to come on back, Tina.”

  The receptionist nodded briefly before leaving the office.

  When she did so, Genny stared down at the papers on her desk. There was only one final signature needed before Stella’s termination would be complete. With a heavy heart, she scribbled her name in the blank, closing the chapter on anything that had been, or would ever be between them.

  “Doctor Thomas?”

  Genny’s head jerked up as she turned the papers face down on her desk. “Jonas.” She forced a smile. “It’s good to see you. How are you?”

  “I’m…good.” The young man hesitated for a beat before answering her. Slowly, he made his way to his usual chair to take a seat. He seemed, Genevieve noticed, somewhat sad, even if his nervousness had much improved.

  “Really? Good?” She inquired gently. “You seem a little upset.”

  Jonas shrugged, his eyes falling into his lap. He fidgeted for a moment – something Genny knew he did when he was having difficulty speaking about his feelings. “Jonas, it’s alright. You know there’s no judgement here.”

  He swallowed thickly before finally speaking. “I’m sorry about Stella.”

  Genevieve’s stomach twisted painfully and it took everything she had not to show it on her face. “I heard about what happened with her…” Jonas went on, his voice trembling slightly. “And I’m sorry. I know she was your friend.” His breath hitched as he went on. “I don’t have any friends.”

  “Nonsense.” Instinctually, Genny reached out to cover Jonas’ hand with her own where it lay at the edge of her desk. She knew that he liked Stella – it must be hard for him to hear what she had done. In that, they were very much alike. “I’m your friend, Jonas. And you’ll soon have many more.”

  “…at the camp?” He inquired tentatively.

  He was scared. Even though they had come to the decision that the rehabilitation would be the best thing for him, he was nervous. It was only natural. This would be the first time that Jonas had interacted with people outside of Riperton. He was bound to be a little apprehensive.

  “Yes, at the camp.” Genny nodded firmly. “And after the camp. I’m sure you’ll make lots of friends.”

  Slowly, Jonas nodded, before his gaze rose to meet hers once more. “Doctor Thomas…I know it hurts. To lose someone you love…but you still have lots of people who love you, even if Stella is gone.”

  For a moment, Genny was rendered speechless. In all the time she and Jonas had worked together, she had been the one comforting him. Now, the tables had been turned.

  It was appropriate, perhaps, as this might be their last meeting.

  “Jonas?” He arched a brow in inquiry at her question. Genny’s next words left her impulsively. She’d been feeling utterly terrible for the past week and nothing anyone said or did had been able to help her until Jonas. If someone in a place as dark as the one he was could find hope, then she couldn’t stop trying. “How would you like to come to dinner at my house tonight?” The young man’s eyes widened in shock, but Genny forged on. “To celebrate your going off to camp tomorrow. It would be just you, me, my boyfriend, and his dog. Eddie’s really very sweet. Like a puppy.”

  Jonas immediately went back to fidgeting. “I…I don’t know.”

  Now Genny was determined. “It will be good for you. Consider it the beginning of the next step on your journey.”

  For a long moment, Jonas was silent, twisting his fingers over and over one another. Finally, he gave her a low, timid answer. “Ok.”

  Genny’s lips curved into her first genuine smile in what seemed like forever. “Wonderful. I’ll make sure we get all the right people to agree and tell Owen to expect a guest.” It would, no doubt, be ten times easier now that she didn’t have a police entourage following her everywhere she went.

  Since Stella had been arrested, Detective Miller had finally disbanded the security detail that hounded her for the past six months and Genny was beginning to re-acclimate to having time to herself. In an attempt to cheer her up, Gina commented that at least she wouldn’t have to worry about Peeping Toms anymore, but at the time, Genny had been too upset to find the humor in the statement.

  Tonight, she decided, she was going to have a good time. She’d give one of her best patients a nice send off and start trying to come to terms with the lot she’d been dealt.

  The house seemed almost lonely without a cop car in front of it.

  After having all the necessary paperwork signed off on, Genny headed home an hour early to start preparing dinner. Jonas was set to arrive at the house at around seven PM. The driver for the family home at which he was staying would drop him off and pick him up at ten – plenty of time for them to say their goodbyes.

  Of course, Owen wasn’t too enthusiastic about having a visitor so soon after the stalker debacle. Though he wasn’t as vocal in his disbelief as Genny had been, the young woman knew that he, too, had been shaken by Stella’s seamless betrayal. In fact, until the red-headed doctor had actually submitted her confession, Owen had been convinced there had been some kind of mistake.

  He insisted that Stella couldn’t have been the one at Martha’s house – cited that the bloody footprint he saw in the kitchen had most definitely been male, as had the attacker he fought in the basement. His protests, however, stopped when Stella’s story came to light. She knew what he had been wearing the night they’d fought, and detailed blow by blow the conflict that had taken place between them. Ultimately, Owen had to admit that maybe his senses had been dulled by the adrenaline of the moment.

  Genny supposed it helped that Sean had come back from his deployment as everything began to quiet down. With his commanding officer and friend to occupy his time, as well as his re-commission to contemplate, Owen didn’t have as much time to beat himself up over his perceived mistakes.

  Now, as he watched her preparing Fettucine Alfredo, he sulked. Genny made him wear a button down and slacks for the occasion, and he hadn’t let her forget it all evening. “Why do I have to dress up?” He groused. “It’s my damn house.”

  “It’s only for a few hours, Owen.” Genevieve returned chidingly. “You’ve never met Jonas before. Don’t you want to make a good impression?”

  Owen just grunted in answer, drawing a small smile to his lover’s lips.


  A comfortable silence fell between them and then, the young woman started slightly as Owen’s arms slid around her waist. She hadn’t even heard him move, but here he was, breathing softly against her neck as he held her against him. “I’m glad you feel better.” He murmured against her throat, making her shudder at his nearness. “I was worried about you.”

  “I’ll be alright.” She murmured, telling herself that the pain of Stella’s betrayal would eventually fade. “Someday.”

  Just then, the doorbell rang. Genny lifted her head to gaze at the clock. It was seven on the dot. Jonas was just as punctual for dinner as he was for their appointments. She smiled. “Owen, can you get the door?”

  Without a word, the SEAL released her to do as she bid. Genevieve turned the burner down on their dinner to let it simmer before taking off the apron she’d donned to protect her dress. She hadn’t dressed up per say, but she was wearing a blue number that made her feel pretty. It was nice, after a week of merely wearing what was clean.

  She rounded the counter to see Owen returning, with a nervous looking Jonas next to him. Her lover had at least half a foot
on their visitor, making Jonas seem minute in comparison to him. Genny’s patient held a wrapped package in his hands and they trembled slightly as he extended it. “Hi Doctor Thomas….thank you for inviting me.”

  “Jonas!” Genny took the gift from him, surprised. “I should be the one buying you a gift.” Her cheeks flushing in pleasure, she turned to Owen, who was wearing his best ‘civil’ expression. “You’ve already met Owen, my boyfriend. Owen, this is Jonas Kant.”

  From the hallway, there was a scrabbling sound as Eddie yowled, upset that he had been confined. Genny thought it might be a good idea. The dog was huge and Jonas was skittish enough as it was. She didn’t think Eddie would hurt him, but it was better safe than sorry.

  Indeed, at the sound of the dog, Jonas jumped.

  “Don’t worry about him.” Owen reassured him. “He’s a big softie.” In demonstration, he tugged Jonas into the dog’s line of sight. “Calm down, mutt. It’s just a visitor.”

  To Genny’s surprise, Eddie’s ears pressed down flat against his head and he showed his teeth as an ugly growl ripped from his throat. The young woman inhaled sharply in surprise and embarrassment. “Eddie!” Handing the package to Owen, she immediately rushed to the dog’s side to place a hand on his head in warning. “Eddie, no! Jonas is just visiting!”

  But Eddie wasn’t having it. He was fixated on the trembling young man, every muscle in his body standing out in sharp relief against his dark fur as he continued to snarl. Genny sighed, shaking her head in confusion. What on earth could be the matter? Eddie never growled at anyone.

  Owen’s eyes were narrow in displeasure. “Behave, pup.” He ordered, before glancing down at the quivering Jonas. “Sorry.” He grunted apologetically. “He’s still young.”

  “It’s…it’s ok. He…can’t get out of there, can he?” Jonas looked terrified enough to bolt at any moment.

  “Oh, no!” Genny hurried to assure him. “The gate’s too high for him to jump. You’re perfectly safe.”

  The young man seemed to relax somewhat, though he still appeared wary. Genny thought it might be best to get him away from Eddie before he had an episode. “Why don’t we sit in the living room? It will be about ten minutes before dinner’s ready.”

  Owen nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” With a hand on Jonas’ shoulder, he steered the smaller man into the den and they all found seats.

  With an anticipatory smile, Genny reclaimed the package Jonas had brought from Owen and began to open it. She delicately removed the plain brown paper to reveal a bottle of very fine champagne. “Jonas! You shouldn’t have.” Her delight was palpable. “Thank you.”

  Owen, however, only groaned. Genevieve looked to him in surprise. “What is it?”

  “We left our only fancy glasses at the cabin.” He grumbled, running a hand through his hair. “And I didn’t do the dishes.”

  Genny frowned, shooting her lover an accusing glare. “Owen, can’t you just do them now?”

  The SEAL scowled. “I thought we were supposed to be having a fancy dinner. Am I wearing this shirt just to mess it up?” The young woman bit back a groan of her own. Of course, he would throw that in her face now.

  “Well…can’t we pick up some of those little plastic ones? There’s a store right down the street. I can go.” She rose to make for her car.

  “No.” Owen immediately stood, gently pushing her back into her seat. “I’ll go. If you go and the food burns, you’ll chew my fucking head off.”

  Genny flushed slightly at his crudeness. Maybe it would be a good idea to get him out of the way for a while. She could work on calming Jonas down until he got back. Owen grabbed his keys and jacket from a hook near the door. “Hurry up, Owen.” Genevieve called. “Dinner is almost done.”

  Owen merely nodded, shrugging into his jacket. “Twenty minutes.” With that proclamation, he was gone. Genny and Jonas listened to his footfall fade down the driveway before the truck started and he disappeared down the street.

  It was, Genny realized, the first time she’d been truly alone with Jonas. The moment Owen was gone he relaxed visibly and she smiled. She would talk her lover up while he was getting what they needed and by the time he came back, hopefully Jonas would be more at ease. “So, Jonas.” She addressed him, leaning back against the sofa. “Are you excited to be going to the beach?”

  He nodded, his lips quirking slightly upwards. “I’ve never been. I flew over it a few times while I was deployed, but I’ve never actually…you know.” He shrugged, looking embarrassed.

  “Oh, you’ll love it.” Genevieve assured him. Who didn’t love the beach? She herself grew warm as she remembered when she and Owen had visited Pensacola together. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  At a sharp, shrill ring, both of them jumped. As soon as she realized it was the timer, however, Genny laughed. “Christ. I’m sorry. I need to go check on the fettucine. One minute, Jonas.” She rose from the couch to head for the kitchen, wincing as the shrill metallic sound went on and on. She was going to have to buy a new timer for the kitchen. This one was threatening the sanctity of her eardrums.

  As the young woman leaned over the stove to switch it off, she froze. The moment the sound ceased, Eddie’s low, warning growl reached her ears once more. The psychiatrist frowned. What had gotten into that dog? After she finished with the pasta she would have to go and comfort him. Just as she reached for the wooden spoon to stir her sauce, there was a sharp thud and pain exploded through Genevieve’s head a split second before everything went dark.

  When she awoke, it was with a moan.

  Genny’s head felt like it was splitting in two and her vision was fuzzy. As it cleared, she discovered she was lying on the kitchen floor and attempted to get up, only to find her hands bound tightly behind her with tape.

  What happened?

  As consciousness slowly returned to her, the young woman realized that every light in the house had been extinguished and the kitchen smelled like burning béchamel. She groaned as her eyes adjusted in increments to the moonlight streaming through the window.

  She was suddenly aware of a harsh scratching sound before Eddie’s deep, booming bark echoed through the kitchen. The sound was enough to make her ears ring and she moaned again.

  He was trying to escape the hallway. The dog barked frantically, the sound interspersed with snarls and growls as he pawed erratically at the solid barrier of the plastic gate in an attempt to break through it.

  Genny wished he would quiet down. She felt nauseous and disoriented. “Owen?” She called into the darkness, confused. “Jonas?”

  “I’m here. No need to shout.”

  Inhaling sharply, Genny gazed straight up to see a dark figure standing over her. Slowly, her vision cleared and she was able to make out Jonas’ sharp features and messy hair. “Jonas?” She croaked. “What’s going on? Untie me.”

  “I don’t think I will, Doctor.” The words sent a chill down Genny’s spine. They were perfectly enunciated, without the slightest hint of nervousness or uncertainty. His tone was smooth, assured, and ice cold.

  He sounded just like his father. “…Jonas?” Genny inquired carefully, her mind trying to make sense of the situation. “Why not? I’m hurt…I think I’m bleeding.” There was a liquid warmth trickling down her jaw and her forehead felt raw and open. “I need to get to the hospital.”

  “You’re definitely bleeding.” Jonas confirmed for her in that odd, eerie tone. “And you’ll bleed a lot more before the night is through.”

  Genny’s heart stopped. Jesus Christ…Jonas was the one who had knocked her out. He had tied her up. Which meant…he undoubtedly meant to do her harm.

  She had to think this through. Despite the panic beginning to leech through her, she struggled to remain calm. Jonas was a psychiatric patient. This could very possibly be an episode manifesting in a way she hadn’t seen before. If she could just talk him down… “Jonas, I need to sit up, please. I feel dizzy. Can you help me?”

  “Certainly, Do
ctor.” Bending over, the young man curled his fingers into her hair, close to her scalp, and lifted her by the dark strands, sending pain shooting through her neck and shoulders. His grip vicelike, he drew her into a standing position so they were eye to eye, and when Genevieve met his gaze, the pure hatred she saw there took her breath away.

  Jonas smirked in obvious pleasure. “Is that better?” He tightened his grip and Genevieve cried out softly.

  “Jonas, please! You’re hurting me!”

  “Shut up, Genevieve.” His sharp tone had the effect of silencing her as his words rang through the house over Eddie’s desperate attempts to escape. “You don’t know what pain is. But you will.”

  Turning, he began to drag her by her hair through the house towards the bedroom. Genny gritted her teeth as her heart pounded and they neared the gate. The closer they drew, the more violent Eddie became. When they stopped a foot from the thrashing dog, Jonas reached with his free hand beneath the hem of his sweater to pull a twenty two millimeter pistol from his waistband. Without any hesitation, he lifted the gun and shot the dog in the head.

  Genevieve screamed.

  Eddie collapsed mid-bark, and blood splattered the wall.

  As Jonas tore down the gate, Genevieve struggled to breathe. Oh dear God. He had killed Eddie. He most likely meant to kill her.

  When he kicked the dog’s body aside to continue dragging her down the hall, Genevieve sobbed. Why? Why was this happening?

  In a swift motion, Jonas flung her into the bedroom and she stumbled before landing on the bed. Her attacker shut the door behind them and the young woman’s skin began to crawl. He couldn’t possibly mean to touch her like that…he couldn’t… “Don’t look at me like that.” Jonas reprimanded her, his expression disgusted. “I’d castrate myself before I fucked you. Don’t flatter yourself. You and I are just waiting for your boyfriend to return. Then the real fun will begin.”


  How long had he been gone? There was no way of knowing how long she’d been unconscious. It could have been five minutes or fifteen. Either way, Owen was still safe. That meant she could warn him. When Genny opened her mouth to scream, Jonas pointed his pistol right between her eyes. “If you utter a single sound, I’ll cut your tongue out. And I’ll enjoy it.”


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