Claiming His Virgin In the Pool

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Claiming His Virgin In the Pool Page 7

by Cassandra Dee

  I flushed, my mind whirling with all this new information.

  “You mean a lot of guys ejaculate in the pool?” I asked breathily. “It’s a common thing to happen?”

  He nipped my shoulder again.

  “Absolutely,” Trent growled. “I’ve come in there at least fifty times myself. That’s why we make sure all our girls are protected. Because there’s a lot of sperm floating around, and you know, it just takes a drop. One leaking penis is enough to impregnate fifty women if you’re not careful.”

  I almost passed out from the news.

  “Oh my god,” was my whispered gasp. “Oh god, oh god.”

  But Trent wasn’t fazed at all.

  “Don’t worry sweetheart,” he whispered against my mouth. “I’ve been careful. We’ve only been using the pool when no one else is there, plus when you forget to take your pills, I always put you in the hot tub. Fewer people use it, so it’s probably my semen in you. Does that make you feel better?”

  I wasn’t even sure what to say. At this point, words escaped me, my vocal cards silent. I just looked at my handsome lover, eyes wide, making him chuckle deep in his chest once again.

  “Like I said sweetheart, you’re probably pregnant already, so don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of you and the baby, no worries,” he growled before seizing my mouth in a deep kiss. And I gave into him then because the thought of having a child with Trent thrilled me to the depths of my soul. What would it be like to grow round and heavy, filled with his seed? What would it be like to have a little boy who looked just like his father, with the same sparkling blue eyes and black hair? I gasped happily, looking at my man with pools of caramel.

  “Yes Trent,” was my mewl. “Whatever you say. I’ll just take two pills tomorrow.”

  But in my heart, I knew I’d forget. Sure, I’d do my best to remember but my record is spotty to say the least. And since my man seemed to be on board, why not go for it? There would be a lot to figure out, but nothing was impossible with the billionaire by my side.

  So when Amber asked me about my status, I just blushed while my palms crept forwards, softly cradling where a baby would go.

  “No news,” I said. “But you never know, right? Maybe soon.”

  Amber smiled knowingly.

  “Good for you,” she purred. “We’re fertile women, Kelsey, and wouldn’t it be so cool if our kids could play together? Just another thing we’d have in common.”

  I nodded, beaming with light and happiness because the thought of having Trent’s child filled me with a glowing satisfaction. Sure, he’d made no promises. Sure, the Billionaires Club was totally upfront about what could and couldn’t happen between its members and the women who served them. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but think that maybe the rules would be changed for me. Because love triumphs over all else, right? And if Trent Jones loved me … then anything could happen.



  Oh shit, Kelsey was on my mind. Again. At first, I figured it was just an infatuation. I’d wine and dine her a bit before filling her full with my cock. And after a few hot sessions, it’d be over. After all, I’ve never stuck with a woman long-term, so why would things be different this time around?

  But the thing is it’s been months since I first encountered Kelsey at the manor, and I haven’t been able to get enough. Not just of that beautiful body, but also her sweet and unassuming ways. I love how she’s intelligent yet humble, sassy and fiery with a soft side. In short, the female’s everything that I’ve ever wanted, and I had every intention of telling her.

  I looked down at the flowers lying on the passenger seat of my car. Holy shit, was this really me? Was I really driving across town to Kelsey’s apartment to declare my love for the girl? It seemed impossible, and yet, it was happening. When I walked by the florist earlier today, the roses had jumped out at me, and my feet strode into the store with purpose.

  “The red ones?” the woman at the counter asked with an eyebrow raised, peering at me from over her bifocals. “You sure about that?”

  I practically bit off her head because what kind of customer service was this? Since when do you question what I want and what I don’t want? But I nodded curtly, and upped the ante.

  “Make that two dozen red roses,” I growled. “And wrap them nice, with a card too.”

  She nodded, turning away to do my bidding. That was more like it because what the billionaire wants is what he gets. And after the shopkeeper was done, I took the roses, even more certain than before. These were meant for my girl, and I couldn’t wait to give them to her.

  Because life’s been amazing ever since I met the curvy brunette. My days go by in a blur thinking about her, and my nights go even faster with Kelsey in my bed. I crave her form, but even more, I crave that big, beautiful brain. She’s sweet as honey, with wit and intelligence, and I’ve seen it as my job to build her confidence in all areas.

  Fortunately, it’s been a successful mission. Kelsey’s now so much surer of herself, and not just when it comes to crosswords. She’s also taken to reading the paper every day, and sometimes I find myself startled when she asks me questions about this and that.

  “What do you think of the economy?” she murmured, pursing her lips while skimming the business section of the New York Times. “Do you think we’re headed for a major recession like all the experts are predicting?”

  This happens to be one of my areas of expertise because as a corporate mogul, even the slightest swing in interest rates affects my company’s business. But I gave a light answer because there was no sense in diving into the deep end when it was just light breakfast conversation.

  “Well, yes and no,” I said carefully before popping a piece of crisp, crackling bacon into my mouth. “It depends on what the Fed does setting monetary policy for the quarter. If they think the economy’s growing too fast, they’ll raise interest rates to cool it down. But the Federal Reserve Board has to be careful too, because too much cooling will plunge us into a recession. So it’s really a balancing act.”

  I didn’t expect Kelsey to understand. After all, she’s new to this kind of stuff, and although the teen’s learned a lot in the past couple months, this was college-level material.

  But my girl surprised me because she turned inquisitive eyes my way.

  “Do you think the Fed will stop its quantitative easing?” she asked curiously, tilting her head at me. “They’ve been doing it for the past two quarters, and I know that that’s one strategy to slow our economy as well. Maybe by decreasing money supply further, the economy will slow on its own, and they won’t have to raise interest rates as much.”

  I sat back, impressed, because obviously, the United States is a trillion-dollar economic engine that’s influenced by a multitude of factors. Kelsey was smart enough to realize it, and she’d obviously been able to piece together a comprehensive picture, and not just bits and bobs as we went along.

  So I nodded thoughtfully.

  “That’s right, sweet girl. You make a good point. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I’ll let you know because the board’s meeting soon,” I rumbled. “We have a quarterly meeting in New York next month, so I’ll let you know how it turns out.”

  Her mouth dropped open, eyes going wide.

  “Trent, you’re a member of the Federal Reserve Board?” she asked in a shocked whisper. “How is that possible?”

  I grinned, but the answer was easy.

  “Sweetheart, a long time ago I started as a bank teller. Then I moved up to the guy who helps people apply for mortgages. Then I moved up to junior manager, and then vice president of our local community bank. After that, we were acquired by a national bank, and I stayed on as division head, only to be named CEO after two years. So I’ve been in the banking industry for decades now, and it was pretty natural to be named to the board. Believe it or not, there aren’t that many qualified candidates.”

  Her mouth open and closed a few more tim
es before a murmur came out.

  “So you’re in the newspaper sometimes?” she asked, eyes wide. “They want your opinion when it comes to predicting monetary policy?”

  I shook my head.

  “Yes and no,” was my reply. “On the one hand, we need to feed the press something because they’re hungry dogs and won’t back down unless you throw them a couple scraps. But on the other hand, in general, members of the board avoid publicity. It’s real work, sweetheart, but we don’t like to call undue attention to ourselves.”

  Kelsey looked at me again, cheeks flushing.

  “Wow,” she murmured. “I had no idea you were so influential.”

  I chucked her under the chin.

  “Why not?” I growled. “I’ve been in this business for years. Besides, there’s no reason to focus on this stuff unless you have some free time. I hope I’ve been keeping you busy in other ways that are a lot more satisfying, if you get my drift.”

  She colored then and leaned forwards for a sweet kiss. But I knew that Kelsey would continue to read and learn, which turns me one even more. Because what could be better than a woman who’s got smarts, beauty and wit? Sure enough, the kiss deepened, and pretty soon the two of us were on another dazzling trip to Never-Neverland. But this conversation pretty much encapsulated what I find so amazing about the brunette because the girl was essentially raw material, precious but unmolded. And under my guidance, she’s been able to explore her potential to the fullest, becoming a supernova that’s brilliant to behold.

  So yeah, I want to tell her. I’m going to get down on one knee and present her with the red roses. I’m going to declare myself and make sure that the curvy brunette knows that I have every intention of making her mine. Because this woman is my one and only … and consummating the relationship in every way possible is the only answer.



  I slipped into a sundress, admiring myself in the mirror. The light yellow fabric was tight around the middle, but it was okay because there was a reason for it. I no longer have to beat myself up about eating too much or eating the wrong things. Instead, now I eat everything in sight, including strawberry shortcake, ice cream, and my favorite, fudge brownies, without a shred of guilt.

  Because the pregnancy test I took this morning came back positive, and I couldn’t wait to tell Trent. My billionaire was going to be over the moon, and the proud papa of a little boy or little girl in about six months. Turning this way and that before my reflection, I admired the little bump I had going, even if it was still more poochy stomach than an actual baby.

  Because I’m so excited to be expecting Trent’s child. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but at the same time, we could have taken precautions but we didn’t. Trent came in me on multiple occasions knowing that I often forget my birth control, his virile sperm blasting into my fertile pussy.

  So here we are now. My man’s promised to stop by to take me to a fancy dinner, and I’m going to tell him the news then. We’ll laugh, cry and hold hands, before putting our heads together to make plans. Everything’s going to work out perfectly, and I can hardly wait to tell him the big surprise.

  On cue, my buzzer rang and I scampered over to let him in.

  “Come on up,” I sang into the intercom. “I’m ready.”

  Within a minute or so, there was the heavy tread of male footsteps outside, and I flung open the door, expecting to see my handsome billionaire. But instead, it was my ex-boyfriend Rick, looking worse for the wear. The dude was slouched over with greasy black hair. And for some ungodly reason, his pasty flesh was sweaty and puffy-looking.

  “Um hey,” I stammered, not knowing what else to say. “What are you doing here?”

  To be honest, I hadn’t seen Rick since he bailed on me months ago to go to the firing range his friends. After that debacle, I made some excuse about being really busy at my job before breaking up. And to be frank, he didn’t seem to mind. Rick was all understanding nods, saying that “it was probably for the better.”

  But he was here now, that greasy form literally on my doorstep.

  “Hey Kels,” he squeaked, leaning against the door frame. “What’s up with you?”

  “Not much,” I said, trying to seem cool and casual. “This is a surprise. What brings you around?”

  His eyebrows lifted.

  “Not a lot,” he smirked. “Mind if I come in?”

  In fact, I did mind. Trent was going to be here soon, and I wanted Rick gone. So I put my hands up across the doorway, making like I was stretching. But in fact, it was a barrier so that he couldn’t enter my tiny living room.

  “Um sorry,” I said in a light voice. “I’m expecting a visitor, so this isn’t a good time. I’ll call you later?”

  But Rick’s expression turned nasty then.

  “What kind of visitor?”

  My face shuttered itself closed.

  “Just a friend,” came my neutral tone. “No one you know.”

  But Rick couldn’t be dissuaded and I remembered now why I didn’t like him. It wasn’t just that he’d lied to me and bailed on our six month anniversary plans. It was because there was something oily and sleazy about him, from the lank black hair to the visible sweat stains below each armpit.

  “This isn’t a great time,” I said firmly, standing my ground, arms still braced across the door frame. “I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

  Fortunately, Rick didn’t try to force himself in. He just stood there, cocking his head while shooting me a sly smile.

  “Oh really?” he asked. “May I ask what’s so important?”

  “No,” was my immediate reply. “It’s private. Besides, what’s so urgent? I haven’t seen you for months. So why are you even here now?”

  Immediately, the man changed tactics and a look of sorrow came over his face.

  “I know things ended kind of quickly between us,” he mumbled apologetically. “That was my fault. But after I got the flu, it seemed like you didn’t want to see me anymore. Why? Everyone gets sick once in a while, Kels,” he whined. “I know I was out of commission for a few weeks, but I expected you to wait while I got better,” he said defensively.

  This was thick. I straightened, shooting him a sharp look.

  “Rick, I know you weren’t sick during our anniversary lunch. I know that’s not why you bailed. It’s because you had plans to go to the shooting range and then ATV driving with your buddies. In fact, you put a deposit down weeks before, so don’t give me this ‘flu’ stuff.”

  He brightened immediately.

  “Yeah, that’s it!” was his excited reply. “I went to the shooting range and had fun with my friends, but I was too embarrassed to tell you,” he added in a sorrowful manner. “Like you said, I put a huge deposit down ahead of time, and was going to be out two hundred bucks if I didn’t show up.”

  My head shook with impatience.

  “But why did you lie?” I pressed. “Why didn’t you just say that? I know two hundred bucks is a lot, but still. We could have gone somewhere else afterwards,” was my exasperated answer. “What was the point of lying like that?”

  He bit his lip, that thin form keeling to the left as if caught in a gust of wind.

  “Well, you know, I just didn’t know what to say,” he hemmed and hawed. “Plus, you’re always so busy and Amber told me you’d gone out that night, anyways. So I figured you didn’t want to see me, and when after a few weeks, we broke up, it was just easier to leave things as they were.”

  I rolled my eyes again.

  “You know I can’t put up with lying, and that’s what you did,” was my tired sentence. “I’m sorry Rick, but it’s over between us. It was over months ago, and there’s no possibility of reconciliation. We’re done.”

  This guy was unstable because he went from zero to sixty in two seconds flat, becoming a hissing, boiling engine of anger.

  “Oh yeah? Well, I wasn’t trying to get back with you anyways,” he spat. “That’s all your

  I rolled my eyes again.

  “Could’ve fooled me,” was my dry reply. “After all, why else are you here?”

  And the true reason came out then. Once again, Rick did a one eighty, making my head spin.

  “It wasn’t for real,” he pleaded. “It was just a mistake, and I was never happy with her, Kelsey. It’s always been you, I swear.”

  My eyes squinted at him, hardly daring to believe my ears.

  “I’m sorry?” was my stilted reply. “What’s going on?”

  The full story burst forth then, along the lines of “the dog ate my homework” combined with a heavy dose of self-pity.

  “Well, I met this girl at the shooting range that day, and she was soooo amazing,” he wailed, cheeks flushing red as his Adam’s apple bobbed. “She was sooo pretty and cute, and thin too. You’ve always had trouble being thin, and Britney is naturally that way,” he said, levelling me with an accusing glare while letting out a sniffle.

  Honestly, his insults couldn’t even touch me now. I rolled my eyes again impatiently.

  “So what’s with this girl? I get it. You went to the shooting range and met a girl who likes guns.”


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