The Midnight Club

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The Midnight Club Page 19

by Love, Michelle

  Kate nodded. “I do love it.The openness of it, the kitchen and living room are a nice space.”

  She could feel Mindy watching her and grinned. “Min, just ask the question you’ve been holding in all day.”

  Mindy laughed. “All right. A few weeks ago, you told me there was no way you could live anywhere but with Nikos. What changed?”

  Kate didn’t answer for a beat, then sighed. “A lot of stuff has happened. A lot. I don’t really want to go into it, but let’s just say I needed some distance, some independence.”

  Mindy nodded sympathetically. “I get it. And your friend? The tall guy, Lisander, was it?”

  Kate, rather indiscreetly, had told Mindy about Lisander.

  Kate didn’t meet her gaze. “He’s just a friend.”

  “Whatever you say.” She gave Kate a cheeky grin. It faded when she saw the unease in her friend’s eyes. “Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

  Kate shook her head. “It’s complicated. Just some stuff I have to sort out.” She smiled at Mindy. “I’d like to make an offer.”

  Mindy indicated the table. “Sit down with me, and we’ll go through the figures.”

  Kate pulled out a chair and sat down. As Mindy chatted and calculated, Kate realized she was glad she was here, in her own place—well, hopefully her own place.

  She went back to her office. Despite it being a Saturday, she wanted to catch up on work. Also, her friend whose couch she was sleeping on, could probably do with some alone time with her partner. She’d been there for a couple of hours when her phone rang.

  “Hey, Kate. It’s me.”

  Her heart began to thump wildly. “Lisander? Where are you?”

  “Outside your office. I saw the light on … may I join you?”

  Kate looked out of the window and saw it was dark already. “I’ll come down and unlock the door.”

  When she saw him, her mouth went dry. Had he gotten more gorgeous since she saw him last? How was that possible? She unlocked the door, and he stepped inside. It had been raining, and he was dripping wet. Kate suddenly grinned.

  “Are we in a cheesy movie right now?”

  Lisander threw back his head and laughed. “Well, in that case …” He took her in his arms and kissed her so tenderly that her head swam. When she finally broke away, breathless, she grinned up at him.

  “And hello to you too.”

  “Sorry, I’ve been waiting weeks to do that.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Was it okay to do that?”

  She smiled. “It was. Let me get my stuff, and we can get out of here.”

  Alex Milland was drunk. Ori was kind of shocked when he lurched into the living room and slumped down into a chair opposite them. Maceo and Ori exchanged a glance.

  “Are you okay?”

  Alex looked up at her. “Viola?”

  Oh god, he was really out of it. “No, sweetie, it’s Ori … remember?”

  She got up to go to him, sat on the arm of his chair. “Did you have a drink?”

  Alex sighed and rubbed his hand over his eyes. “Viola … why must you make me this crazy, all of the time?”

  “Alex, it’s Ori, not … ”

  What Alex did next shocked them all. He grabbed Ori and wrestled her to the floor, cursing and shouting in her face. Maceo dragged him off of her, roaring his fury at his friend, dragging him out of the room. Ori was shocked to the core, unhurt, but badly shaken. She remembered what Jason had said about the bruises on Viola. Ori felt sick. She got to her feet and followed the two men out; she could hear the upstairs shower running and Maceo talking angrily to his friend.

  She hovered in the doorway of her bedroom as she saw Maceo carrying a dripping wet Alex into his bedroom.

  A few moments later, Maceo reappeared. “He’s asleep.” He pulled Ori into the bedroom and hugged her tightly. She felt him trembling. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, and she tightened her arms around him. “I know Alex is hurting but … Jesus, I’ve never seen him so …”

  “It’s okay. God, everything is so fucked up right now.”

  She couldn’t finish and held her hand to her mouth. Maceo held her tightly

  “It’s okay, mio caro.”

  She nodded, feeling safer with his arms around her. “I have just one question. Right here, right now, Maceo, just tell me. Do you think Alex is capable of hurting someone?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you.” His eyes were hurt, deeply, and Ori could feel her chest quiver. Sadness. Fear. “He’s my brother, Ori.”

  “I know, and I wouldn’t ask but …” She let out a shaky breath before meeting his gaze. “I know about you and Viola.”

  Maceo’s expression changed. Devastation. Guilt. He nodded. “Yes. It did happen. Just once, and we both regretted it afterward. I think Viola told him.”

  “I think so too.”

  He pulled in a couple of painful breaths. “I’m so sorry I never told you, Ori. It was something I was, and am, deeply ashamed of. I broke the code and …”

  “Alex kissed me.”

  Silence. “When?”

  “A few nights ago. The day I found out about you and Viola. We were talking about it, and it just happened.”

  When finally she looked back at him, his eyes were kind. He pulled her into his arms.

  “It’s okay, Ori, really. You got caught up in this bullshit, and I’m sorry.”

  “I know. I know. I don’t suppose you can vouch for him on the day she died?”

  Maceo shook his head. “I don’t want to think that he would wish you any harm because of something I did, my darling.”

  She leaned into his touch, as he cupped her face in his hand, she grabbed it and kissed his palm. “If Alex does have anything to do with it—and I don’t want to believe he does—then he needs help. Will you please tell me anything, and I mean anything, before you do it? I know that’s lot to ask.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “No, it isn’t, Ori. Of course, I will, of course.”

  Her eyes were stinging, and as she closed them, tears dropped down her face. He kissed them away. She was still for a moment, then pulled away, stood, and offered him her hand. Maceo, with a confused smile, took it, and she led him to the bed. She turned to him, her face etched with grief and hopelessness.

  “Make the world go away, Maceo.” And she pulled him down onto the bed.

  They went to his hotel suite, and Lisander offered her a drink, but Kate slowly shook her head.

  “Let’s not pretend we’re here for idle chitchat,” she said with a slow smile. She put her hands on his chest and stood on her toes to kiss him. Lisander swept his arm under her buttocks and lifted her into his arms, his mouth seeking hers hungrily.

  They didn’t make it to the bedroom. Clothes were torn off, and they tumbled to the carpet, licking, kissing, sucking, exploring the other’s body as if in a fever. Kate ran her hands over the hard planes of his chest, his ripped abs, his slim hips. His cock felt enormous in her hands, and when he entered her finally, the feeling was like nothing she’d ever experienced. They moved together in perfect unison. He teased her nipples with his mouth as she ran her fingers up and down his spine.

  They came together shuddering and laughing, collapsing together on the floor. Lisander pulled her into his arms, kissing her. “Beautiful Kate, it’s been a long time I’ve waited for you.”

  Kate snuggled into his chest. “I missed you. I’m sorry things ended with Nikos, but the moment I met you, Lisander Duarte, I knew you were different. God, that sounds so hokey.”

  “Hokey works. I like hokey.” She felt his laugh rumble through his chest. She slid her hand down to the groin and felt his cock already hardening.

  “Oh, my, my,” she said, and with a growl, Lisander rolled her onto her back.

  “Spread those long, lovely legs, my love,” he said, “and wrap them around my back. I’m going to fuck you all night long … ”

  Alex had apologized and apologized, but Ori wanted out of that hous
e. She and Maceo flew back to Italy the next day and never had she felt so relieved to be back home. Their apartment seemed like a stranger, but when they returned to a celebratory gallery, Ori knew she was home. Lucia gave her a hug that seemed to go on forever.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Me too, honey, me too. But we’re home now. We’re home.”

  “That’s not a good face.” Kate walked out of Lisander’s bathroom wearing nothing but his T-shirt. He looked up from his laptop and smiled wearily. She kissed him. “Good morning.”

  He slid his hands around her waist, pulling her to him. “Morning.” He sighed as she hugged him back fiercely.

  “You okay, dude?”

  She felt him nod. “There’s been another one.”

  “The website. Another photo?”

  He nodded again. She sighed and pulled him over to the couch.

  “Is it Ori or Shiloh?”’ She stroked his face and gave him a rallying smile.

  He hesitated, then shook his head. “Let’s not talk about it.”

  He let her hold him then, there on his couch, the morning sun casting warmth across the whole room. Like Kate does, he thought. Here, now, in her arms, he felt like he would be happy to never move again. To hell with work, to hell with his civic duty, he just wanted to lie in Kate Garcia’s arms and sleep, eat, make love and laugh. He couldn’t remember when he’d last felt joy before Kate inveigled herself into his life. She made him laugh, and for that moment he would forget everything.

  “Sometimes it follows you.”

  Kate frowned and made him look at her. “What? What do you mean by that?”

  He looked up at her, her dark eyes curious, confused, her caramel hair falling around her face. He wanted to tell her about the connection to Ori, the coinciding dates, his fears about Alex’s preoccupation with Ori.

  He sat up and gave her a smile. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it, Kate. What time do you have to be at work?”

  She pulled his face to hers. “Not until much, much later.”

  Lisander wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair, deciding that now, right now, was not the time to tell her that the new photograph on the killer’s website, was of Kate. Underneath it was one word: Midnight.

  In their absence, the staff at Maceo’s gallery had been working long hours and to thank them, he threw a party. Ori was glad to have something positive to focus on. The only downside was that Alex was coming for the party, along with Lisander and Kate Garcia. She and Alex hadn’t spoken since the day they left his home in Vermont, although she knew Maceo had talked to him. There had been an hour long telephone call where the two men had talked everything out, both of them apologizing for the way they had behaved. Maceo told her afterward that he hoped that his and Alex’s friendship could be mended. Ori replied that she hoped so too, but it didn’t detract from the fact that she couldn’t help be wary of the other man.

  She avoided him at the party, but when she thought she had gotten away with it, he came to find her. She was hiding out in the little tearoom at the corner of the office upstairs, exhausted and drained.

  “Hey, you.”

  She looked up and saw Alex smiling at her. Her heart sank. “Hey. I was just taking a break. I’ll be down in a sec.”

  But he didn’t leave. He pulled up a chair next to hers. Ori sat back, her arms crossing defensively without her even noticing. Alex saw the movement.

  “Ori, I don’t know how else to tell you I’m sorry about what happened. I think if you asked around, people, Maceo, would tell you it was out of character for me. Please, forgive me.”

  She tried to smile. “Already forgiven, Alex, truly.”

  There was an awkward silence. Alex sighed. “And I’m sorry for kissing you that night. That was unconscionable.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  Another silence then Alex got up. “I’ll leave you alone.”


  She watched him walk down the stairs and felt both guilty and relieved. Everything Jason Meeks said was now coloring her every interaction with one of Maceo’s best friends. God. After that day she had told Jason that she didn’t want to see him anymore and he had acquiesced more easily than she’d expected.

  God. She would be glad when this party, this week, was over. She and Maceo had plans to drive down to Florence on Friday—a long weekend in a private villa in the middle of Tuscany. Utter bliss. They hadn’t been truly alone for what seemed like months. Not even their security was coming with them; Maceo had promised no one would even know where they were.

  “Incognito,” he said wickedly. “And while we’re there, we should talk about when you’ll allow me to make you my wife.”

  She’d almost forgotten his proposal during the last few weeks, but now she smiled to herself. Yes. She couldn’t wait to be his wife; even with the revelations about Viola, she trusted this man of hers beyond … reason, she chuckled to herself. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that Maceo loved her without limits.

  She went to find him now and saw him out on the balcony talking to Cassie, one of his assistants. Drawing near, Ori realized they were arguing. Cassie was looking upset and Maceo was gesturing, his expression animated and fierce.

  Ori stayed back as she watched them, then suddenly Cassie stalked back into the room and past Ori without glancing at her. Maceo was on the balcony still, taking deep breaths in. Ori went silently to his side and put her hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  Maceo, still trying to calm himself, slid his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. Ori held him, but had the feeling he was trying to hide something. “Maceo,” she said softly, “whatever you need to tell me, it’s okay.” She steeled herself. “If you’ve been having an affair with Cassie or …”

  Maceo looked up sharply. “Is that what you think of me now? Is every woman I speak to going to be someone I’ve fucked or am fucking?”

  Ori recoiled, and Maceo held his hands up. “I’m sorry, mio caro. I didn’t mean that. Please, forgive me. I just fired Cassie. Alex told me she was the one who told him about Viola and myself. How she knew, I do not know, and she wouldn’t tell me. I offered her the chance to come clean, but she clammed up. So, she’s gone. Ori ...” He took her in his arms again. “I swear to you, on my life, Cassie is neither an ex- nor current lover. You are the only one for me. Do you believe me?”

  She nodded, her eyes still wary. Maceo pressed his lips gently to hers. “Then I think we should use this party to announce our engagement. Tell the world. Make a declaration.”

  Ori thought it was a terrible idea, but she could see Maceo needed to prove himself to her. He didn’t need to; she believed him entirely when it came to Cassie. She would seek out the woman herself and get the truth out of her. She owed Maceo that much.

  Their friends rallied around them as Maceo made the announcement and at least she got to see her Maceo again; cheerful, happy, the showman. “Ti amo,” she whispered in his ear, and his smile made her heart soar.

  “Ti amerò per sempre,” he said simply. I will love you forever.

  Friday came around, and Ori felt her heart lift as they caught a water taxi out to where Maceo’s Lotus was parked. When they drove out of the city, they held hands, and both of them felt a lightning of the spirit. Maceo told Ori as much as he knew about Florence and Tuscany and Ori listened to the passionate Italian as he described the beauty of his homeland. Oh, how I love you, she thought, her hand tangling in his dark curls.

  They stopped along the way at a small roadside tavern, and Ori was delighted at spending time with Maceo, truly alone with him. They were relaxed and happy and joking around. As they walked back to the car, Maceo whispered in her ear. “Think we should stop in some olive grove along the way?”

  Ori grinned at him. “And why’s that?” she retorted, feigning innocence.

  Maceo laughed.

  “I think you know.”

  It was twilight when
they stopped at a gas station. Waving hello at the gas station owner, Ori waited in the car as Maceo filled the car and went to pay.

  Her phone buzzed, and she was looking down at it as the driver’s door opened.

  “Hey, all set?”

  No answer and, expecting Maceo, she was shocked when she looked up into the face of a stranger. Not the face, but a black mask pulled down. Ori had no time to yell; her attacker clamped his hand over her face and with his other hand, tore her T-shirt open.

  Ori, beyond terror now, watched in disbelief as he placed the tip of the knife against her navel and for a second she thought he was just going to threaten her again. That he was here just to scare her. Terrorize her. He removed his hand from her mouth.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Don’t.”

  The moment he drove the blade into her, all the way to the hilt, she knew she was wrong. The steel sliced through her belly as if it were butter and as he stabbed her over and over, she wondered how she could ever have been so stupid to think she was ever safe.

  Maceo... my love, my life.

  As her attacker finally let her be, Ori felt her body betray her, her head slumping against the cold window, her hand clamped over her torn belly, trying to stem the blood gushing from her wounds and knowing that she would not survive this.

  “Why?” Barely a whisper.

  Her attacker pulled his mask up enough to reveal his lips and kissed her as she bled to death. “Because … this is how I show my love, Orianthi,” he whispered.

  Ori barely felt it when he stabbed her twice more and then left her to die.

  Maceo was chatting to the gas station owner and his wife as he paid for the gas. He was still smiling when he walked out to the car and got in.

  “Great people, great ….”

  He looked over at his love and for a second could not comprehend what he was seeing. Her lovely face was pale, her eyes closed, her breathing ragged and shallow. His eyes dropped, and he saw the torn flesh and the blood, so much blood, and knew in an instant what had happened.

  The gas station owner would never forget the young man’s howl of utter despair and grief …


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